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Author Topic: Peanuts Big Book  (Read 420 times)


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2007, 06:36:42 pm »
*sits before the fireplace before bed*

I got's my Panther armor today!  Drexia sure did a fine job on it.  It's so soft and it makes no noise like my other armor.  Guess that's a good thing.  After getting all my new gear on I thought Pea should have some fun and start working on her sneaking and hiding.  I made a trip through Hempstead going down a few dark alleys, hiding in the shadows of the buildings.  Did perty good I thinks.  I tell you what, Shiff sure didn't see Pea *giggles*  I poked him once real light like while he was talking at the fountain.  He mouth was a flapping a way like an old woman.  Next time I poke him I'll make sure he can feel it REAL good like.  Then I took my sneakin out of town.  I stayed off the main roads, walked right into the middle of some knolls, badgers, and flock of birds.  Now I tell you what...Pea was struting like a peacock.  

Made my ways to Hlint was heading out the East gate all sneaky like.  When I heard "psst". I looked around and there was mr. Rodlin sitting a quitely as he pleased.  He said he had been watching Pea for awhile and she was doing perty good.  After giving Pea a few more tips he all of a sudden said "let's go see these griffons."  Oh Boy!  was I excited!  We gots there late inthe evening like and I stayed back  a safe distance.  Cause to be honest I really didn'n know what was going to happen.  Oh my gosh, Mr. Rodlin held up his hand and starts speaking this unknown language.  The griffon hovers over us and looks us over and then lands right there in front of my very own eyes.  Now I'm sure there was more to what was going on that Pea didn't quite understand but I was just shaking like a leaf and about to bust a seam in my drawers for sure.  After alot of talking to it and getting it calmed it took right away to Rodlin. Finally Rodlin ask Peanut to come foreward to touch it. Oh my gosh! It's large dark eyes followed Peanuts every move so you can imagine how nervous I was.  But slowly with my eyes shut, standing on my tippy toes, I reached up and touched it. I could tell it was sniffing me cause my hand almost went inside it nose.  Mr. Rodlin said they can smell fear so I needed to calm down and relax.  *gulps*  So I relax and reach a little further to scratch it's head.  It seemed to like that!  It opened it's big mouth and there inthe bottom was a huge big blue toungue!  His tougue was as big as Pea for sure.  I thought for sure I was a gonner.  Mr. Rodlin just laughed and encouraged me on.  It just sat there with it's mouth open and I thought's to myself that maybe this be one of them I's been feeding.  So I took out some smoked trout and threw it real quick like into it's mouth. Then it did the cutest darn thing.  It closed it's eyes and  mouth and ate the fish! Mr. Rodlin he took this time while I feed it to walk around the griffon feeling all its sides and joints and body, checking it health is the only thing I could gather.  He was rubbing it all over while making soft cooing sounds and clicks.  Oh boy, was today a good day! I sure learned alot...listened real good to that special language Mr. Rodlin used to speak.  I'm bound and determined to learn it for sure.  *yawns* What a day!

*Pea rereads her entry real quick noticing the sloppiness and misspelled words. Nodding off she realizes she is too sleepy to care*  



Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2007, 01:01:16 am »
*hands still shaking with excitement she pens a few lines to remember forever*

We found them!  And we didn't break any.  Delivered them safely to the caretakers.  Mr. Rodlin helped. Pea sure needed his help and oh was he helpful. Couldn't have done it with out him.  He the best darn scout Pea ever did know.  She learnt a few things how to use leaves to cover ya when ya want to blend into the surroundings...I wonder if he will let me keep that net. It sure might come in hand when Pea goes and visit the eggs.  I wonder how long before they hatch.  The bestest thing is Peanut gets to help feed and take care of one of them until it grows up and gets released back into the wild or chooses a rider.  I'll love it and care for it bests I can when I visit.
Pea got's her first ride! A griffon ride!  Mr. Rodlin calmed him and it was so sweet.  They talked to each other for a long time making clicking noises.  Pea tried to make some too but I don't think they understood any of it.  With pratice maybe one day I can learn to talk to animals too especially to my beloved griffons.  I hugged it, kissed it and told it Pea loved it too.  Mr. Rodlin put me right in front of him so Pea wouldn't falls off.  One day!  One day!  I will be a scout!  I can feel it in my heart!  Just takes patience Mr. Rodlin says, and Peanut gots lots of that for sure.  Oh Pea could give Miss Acacea thousands of hugs for volunteering Pea for the job!  

*thinks and writes some more*

Haven't seen no slavers for awhile since I got my new sneaking skills. hehehehe  But maybe one day Pea can get rid of them so they don't take no more slaves.  Also I needs to still find a way to do numbers three and four on my To Do List!  That be very important.  I wonder who the best person to turn to with that would be.

*looks at the door expecting Beasty to come home soon*


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2007, 03:19:22 pm »
*writes excitedly*

Pea said yes!  *giggles and draws flowers, hearts and griffons*


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2007, 03:41:10 pm »
Did some hunting with Beasty and Zup!  Boy was it fun.  Now why in the world did Pea not know that Zup could talk to animals!  Pea fell asleep and woke up with cows forming a circle around her.  What in the World!  They wouldn't let's me go nowhere for sure.  Zup said he told them to protect me seeing that I's been followed lately.  Well I thoughts while they were there I'd get them to give old Pea some milk.  NoWay! I tried and tried but just couldn't do it.  Zup gave them a talkin too and then told them thanks. I sure tried to to pick up some of the sounds he used and actually said a few.  But I think they were a bit bothered and a might sore at trying to milk them.  Anyway one of these day's I learn it.  I practice every chance I get.  Sneaking is getting a whole lot better it seems.  Got some good outer wear to help out with it.  Seein as my armor can be a bit loud.  Hehehe

Beasty....I can't say his name enough.  He took Pea to a special place with lots of tall trees , some elven place.  Stayed until way past dark and watched the night sky with stars shining brightly.  Off in the distance we could see lightening bugs flash.  Our very own light show.  He treat Peanut with so much care and love.  Not too many get to see that side of him...but me's do.  And I love his wild side and his tender side, ain't no doubt about that.  That's what makes him so special.

*Writes down some reminders*

Talk to Kobal about those deep drawfs and the you know what.
Check and see if the egg has hatched yet *draws a smiley face*
Find Mr. Rodlin and see if he gots anymore lessons for Pea
See how Miss Lilly been doing lately
and keep working on cooking...*draws a unhappy face*


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2007, 02:29:09 am »
My cooking getting better every day.  Making all kinds of flours, some juices too.  Gonna surprise Beasty with all kinds of goodies soon.

Gots to see my good friend Drexia too.  Asked her to stand beside Peanut at the weddin.  She said she would and seemed very excite for Beasty and Pea.  *times passes and she picks up her quill once again*

Just got back from the nesting grounds.  Found Markis the Lightfoot halfling that Pea and Rodlin took the eggs too. He let me Hold Peanut's special egg awhile.  I know it's not really mine....But I sure do love it.  It be so nice and warm and big too.  I wonders when it will hatch.  *she holds it and lays her head on its round mottled shell and sings softly*  *she sings two songs*


The two tracks should play automaticly at the bottom of the page...These are from *Plumb*  "Always" and "In my Arms"

//ooc this would be in halfling and not very good since she is not a singer but she sings with all her heart to the one growing inside*


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2007, 09:01:29 pm »
*scrawls quickly*

He came alone and showed hisself to Peanut.  Said he was tired of huntin me. Said his client has taken a liken for a strong halflin and he didn't want damaged merchandise.  One way or another Pea is going he said. *Scribbles quicker* He said Beasty was a dead one...all my loved ones, Drexia ,he gonna hurt them one by one until Peanut meet him at the appointed place. Peanut left notes to be found.  

"Beasty if I am not home soon...  and you find this book,contact Mr. Red.  Stay safe my love, watch your back...tell Drexia too. Beasty? Also, Remember the promise the scouts gave Peanut. She has one left.  Acacea and Rodlin will know what to do."

Your Peanut


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2007, 08:26:27 pm »

*sitting in her new home she take out a mirror to examine her body*

"These couldn't have been a dream. And if it were then where did I these come from?"

*Her hand holds the mirror just right so to get a glimpse of the scars and welps that cover her shoulders and back* *Putting the mirror down she takes out her book and writes*

  Peanut has a new home tonight.  I finished the unpacking right after supper. There wasn't much to put away so I was done pretty quick like and now I find myself writing............

Beasty  has been keeping to himself lately.  At first it was his feet that bothered him and now that they are better he has taken off to where Peanut does not know.  I try not to think of where he may have gone.  It's been several months now that he has been gone with out a word from him.  The last I saw him was right before I went to meet the Deep drawfs.  I thought he would come for me ..Peanut left him notes and clues everywhere.  But since I have been back from the deep he has been gone.  

Drexia and I have visited several times and it was nice to catch up on the things that had happened while I was away. We have even gone adventuring a time or two.  She is such a dear friend.
I met a new friend and saw an older one.  Quantum would be his name.  He has been quite nice to Peanut and we find ourselves enjoying each others company. I think Peanut has helped him to feel young again and he in return has been kind in letting Peanut adventure with him.  He is interesting for sure and he seems to know alot about the undead.  We gets to talk alot and hopfully I will learn more about him.  Now Lexor is the other fella that Peanut knows from a long time ago.  He seems to be Mr. Q's apprentice ya might say.  The three of us together are quite a trio.  We get in some serious mishaps but oh how fun it is!

Peanut needs to make a trip to the Griffon nesting area and check on the egg.  It's just gotta hatch soon.  Which reminds me, I need to check with Mr. Rodlin about leaving sand tracks in the desert.  He was supposed to tell me about that.

Oh I almost forgot about this other fella.  Blake be his name.  We becoming fast friends. We gets each other in trouble alots but we just laugh it off.  I wonder what he be doing lately.

Things to do:

Keep my chin up!

Work hard!

Don't worry!

Be a hero!


Check on the egg!


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2007, 10:44:23 pm »
*Peanut sits at the lake waiting for Quantum to meet her*

I don't know where he is....even his long time friends come to Peanut and ask if I know where he might be.  I have no answer for them.  *she folds her legs under herself and watches the sun begin to set* What am I to do?  I miss long should I wait?  And then there is Mr. Quantum...*she smiles*  We spend lots of time together...sometimes not doing anything but playing  games.  He has been a great comfort to Peanut lately and I wonder at times if there is more to our friendship if we dare to ask ourselves.  For a human man is quite pleasent to look at for sure and has been very honorable and such a gentleman.  I think during this time we have been good for each other.  He has joy in his face and he says that I make him feel young again.  But there is this look every once in awhile.  I catch him watching me, smiling....when he thinks Peanut is not looking.  It just makes me Peanut growing fond of him?  I really like him I do....*giggles* what would folks say if I did?  Would Peanut care....what if Beasty never comes back......?  so many questions.....Would we, could we, be accepted and not mocked?

*seeing Quantum stride up to the lake she closes her book and stands to greet him with a smile*


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2007, 01:18:21 am »
*Laying in her new bed with lots of Pillows stacked up behind her she jots a few things down before blowing out the candle*

Spent time with Quantum today.  Told him I was waiting on Beasty to come back and he said he was gonna be patient with Peanut until I decide whats I'm gonna do.  He calls me his Toran angel...*she smiles*  We stayed in Dalanthar and talked a long time sharing with each other.  I told him about Beasty and he told Peanut about his Serissa.  We seem to share a common bond.  Who knows what will happen.
Peanut talked to Starr today about where Beasty may have gone.  He said that Beasty has gone off adventuring like this before but he always comes back.  Well Beasty never had Peanut before either.  I would have thought he would have at least told me where he was going and why?  I wonder if he changed his mind about the weddin.  There is no way to know...I'll just have to wait.  For how long?  
Tomorrow I goes to check on the griffon egg.  Maybe I take Quantum with Peanut. It's taking a long time for it to hatch. I hope it is okay.  I been taken real good care of it when I visit. I'll ask when I gets there.

*closes her book and blows out her candle to snuggle and get lost in her big bed*


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2007, 11:24:40 pm »
He is kind to Peanut,I don't feel so lonely anymores.  His heart is good.  Peanut will begin making his house more homelike soon....*the words continue but are not readable and then....................................................
crying she writes*  


*tearing the bottom half of the page off, she throws the book on the table and hides her face in her pillow*


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #30 on: November 25, 2007, 08:26:52 pm »
Beasty is back!!!!!  He has much to tell Peanut about where he we sit and talk alot.  He says he still loves Peanut and wants to marry her.  I believe him.  We will move forward with our lives.

I told Quantum goodbye and that Peanut will miss him.  He holds a special place in my heart because of the things we shared while Beasty was gone.  Peanut told Beasty about him and he understood.  

Now.....there is so much to do.


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2007, 04:38:34 am »
Beasty and Peanut are married!  *she smiles as she looks at her wedding ring* I am so glad he has returned to claim me for himself.  Beasty even bought us a new house and so we have been filling it with all the things we hold dear. We have traveled almost constantly together since he has come back and have given him my wedding gifts.  

Some thought I wish not to forget I write here. Peanut has to be very careful when visiting the egg.

Though over time Peanut has made the trip to the mountains to visit more than a few times, no entrance seeming a surprise and the occasional one even met halfway, the mood of some things at the transient, busy gathering place gained a certain tension that was difficult to place, perhaps not even noticed by a low-wisdom halfling. After all, she has been pining away after the hatching of the rescued griffon eggs, particularly the one she was told she could have a hand in, and has probably spent more time simply watching the wild griffons at the nesting grounds and trying to get a glimpse of the smallest sign of hatchings, since 'her' egg seems to be a very late-hatcher and surely going to come out at any time!

At some point, however, at her last visit (say a RL week at least), likely hoping that she might catch it this time, or to practice calming griffons with her presence, she was stopped before making it to the tribal grounds, let alone further up the mountain, by a griffon scout on his way south in a hurry, seemingly one of the few not already out and gathered in desert-city Argas or fighting in near the swamps. Flirtatious Markis was defending his clan further south, if she asked, and Layna Wildclaw was on foot patrolling the Griffonclaw grounds, not yet having called any other griffons after the death of her own companion. (Wildclaw is one of the families in the Griffonclaw clan, all of its families being composed of two words from griffon, wild, thorn, and claw)

Even the gruff but still at least familiar Fredrik was absent along with others, the place seemingly in a flurry of activity. Now, she was told hastily by a departing scout remounting her griffon friend, is not a good time, and perhaps she should come back when all is settled...


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #32 on: December 12, 2007, 01:45:38 pm »
Beasty and I have spent more and more time together.  We were able to go to the Rift and gets diamonds.  We did pretty darn good by ourselfs.  
We did die once but we escaped the soul mother and went right back in there and tore the place apart!  We sure did!

Oh and the most important thing Peanut did was *she smiles as she writes* I petted a griffon today.  All by myself.  I was really scared at first because he bit me on the arm but I just kept at it and talked to him in a soothing voice and he just stopped biting.  He looked at me like maybe he reconized me from long ago.  Any way I petted him told him my name and how much I just respected him.  Mr. Rodlin taught Peanut some words to say to them so I think he sorta listened cause like he said he didn't bite me anymore.  So I kept the conversation short just so I wouldn't wear out my welcome.  Yep today was a good day for sure.


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #33 on: December 17, 2007, 10:56:12 pm »
*lays in bed next to Beasty smiling at him as he goes over the days events*

Peanut is so in love with Beasty.  We talked about starting a family today.  He gave Peanut this look like its about time you said something.  Now we just have to find a farmer and some corn seed.  Val said when ya love each other like Peanut and Beasty do that we will need to get a seed growing.  Well Peanut know where lots of corn seed are yes sir.  It be time for a family.

*she closes her book and turns to give Beasty her full attention*


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2010, 03:21:05 pm »
*tossing her big book into Half Lake those that are around can hear her saying something about starting over and the past is the past, after all I'm Peanut and she's can do whats she wants to do. She is seen skipping out of town and singing about worms*


Re: Peanuts Big Book
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2010, 10:37:52 am »
*sitting at the bottom of the hill, she watches the great ones while they sleep*

