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Author Topic: Beli's Private notes  (Read 126 times)


Beli's Private notes
« on: July 29, 2007, 12:00:00 am »
*these notes are kept in the bank chests. My wife Vensa has access to those chests*

This is the last will and testament of Beli Tenker aka Beli Stonesoul, Beli Stonewill

The executor of this will will be Sallaron Tempest

I want my Defender's Banner to go to my cousin Buddy Tenker. I know he will carry it to the top of Prantz in victory or die trying.

My key to Oslo's Tower will go to Sallaron Tempest..He got lost (again) on the way to the tower and missed the world changing event. I know he would have been there if he could.

My ring Twilght will be kept in the family and will be used by a deserving member.

My emerald ring of the bull that Warlord Varka gave to me before he turned to stone. Will be given to King Rory or the current king of Bloody gate to be loaned to the current Warlord of Bloody Gate. My wish is for it to always stay with the whom ever holds the title "Warlord of Bloody Gate".

My emerald ring of the cat is to be passed on to my eldest child when he/she is ready for it.

All other items go to my wife Vensa she will know what to do with them.

Beli Stonewill

//Once Beli dies please place this post in the public journal area for all to read.


Re: Beli's Private notes
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2007, 08:49:20 am »
I do not know what to do... I want to do so many things but I just do not know where to start. I want to create a monastery for the brothers in Bloody gate. I want to free Prantz from that idiot of a dwarf.

I have so many other things pulling me from this. I have the whole free the lumbral thing going on, so we can save the world from the dragons. I also have  to find out what is going on with Arthor, Gimbol, Gilderade and Rhemus. Now the Explorers are having problems with Red and the leadership and the guild are in jeopardy.

I do not know what to do.... I just know I need to do it all....but how?

*Beli prays*

Vorax give me the strength to do what you need me to do. Guide me in your ways as you have always done. Bring me the people that will help me with the tasks that I feel you have placed upon me. I am but a reflexion of You in this world. Your humble servant.


Re: Beli's Private notes
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 02:54:28 pm »
//This plan is on hold indefinately

Beli's army proposal

Goal of the army is for common defence and attack. As it stands now after the fall of blood and Prantz. The towns and villages all over Layo have gone independant. We need to bring them together. This army will bring them together. How you ask is he going to do this?

1.) get friendly towns to contribute a small number of forces on loan for a year or so. After that year is up they can switch the soldiers around to round out the town guards experience.

2.) once we have the towns on side we can take volunteers to augment the town guard.

3.) the leader of the army will be voted on by the soldiers with the rulers of the towns nominating one candate each.

This is the basis of Beli's plan to take back Prantz. The next move depends on how this goes. He knows this is a long term plan but you have to start somewhere.


Re: Beli's Private notes
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2008, 12:46:47 pm »
Well I got married today. It was a quiet arranged marriage with just family attending. I put it off as long as I could but did not want to cause Vensa any more undue stress. I have asked that my marriage be kept silent for the safety of my family.

I do love Vensa. I just did not want her to get mixed up in the dangers of my life. She is ok with staying with my family in our mine in the Swordrust Mountains. I come home when I can.


Re: Beli's Private notes
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2008, 08:17:15 am »
Well it is done. I was finally able to show Grohin, Sall and Tegan the family secret mine. Good timing too. It seemed that an evil mage had somehow discovered the mine, sent in some dark elves and captured my family! When we arrived to what I thought was going to be a celebration, only to find every one missing and the forge fire almost burned out. They even breached the wards my mother put up.

Lucky for me Sall is a good tracker and tracked them down to their hidden cave. We entered to find them dominated mining away like zombies. It was the worst sight I have ever seen. Poor Vensa was exhausted working the pick and moving heavy rocks. Grohin prayed fer em and deh seemed teh be more energized. We moved further into the mine to find the source of the domination. At that point we got ambushed by all sorts of creatures. Creatures that would have killed my easily in my younger days but now it was like swatting mosquitoes in a swamp. Easy to kill but never seem to see the end of them.

We made it throught the ambushes to the mage causing the trouble. We tried to kill him but could not touch him. We stood back thinking and attacking his summons, trying to come up with a plan.

Let me give you a mental picture of what it looked like. We were in a square room with the mage in the centre, with a bright like beaming down on him. In the four corners in some sort of circle standing perfectly still where Dad, Semli, Ronus and Vensa. I thought to myself, How could that be since there where in the mine mining away like zombies? So out of desperation I went to the place in the corner that my Dad was and pulled him out of the circle. I pick him because I know he would sacrifice himself for the family. As I do so his body collapses and disappears. The mage gets angry and calls us fools. At that he some how steps out of the bright light and is vulnerable. We happily take advantage of that and quickly kill him. Once the Mages falls his body turns to dust and disappears. Tegan says the spell is broken but my family are still in those circles. I look around calling to Tegan for guidance on how to deal with this. She has no idea she thought the mage was the source of the domination.

I run down to where my family is mining to see how my father is. Once I get there he is fine, back to his normal self. I tell him eveything is ok and to wait for my return. I run back to the circles pulling my family out of them.

Everyone is ok! We all make it safely back to the family mine. We have a large celebration where my family hears overly exaggerated stories about me from Sall. Dad goes to an old part of the bookslf and hands Tegan a scroll from my mother. He says that it is the spell to ward the mine and could she restore the wards. She does so with great honor.

 After a few days Grohin, Sall and Tegan leave, I stay back home for about a month to calm Vensa down. Not that I didn't mind she knows how to treat a hero well. I would have to say it was the best time I had ever had at home. I  finally got some respect from my brothers who think mining is the most noble of pursuits. My father was beaming with joy knowing I was home. To top it all off just before I'm about to leave, Vensa tells me she is pregnant.


Re: Beli's Private notes
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2008, 08:30:28 am »
Beli gets home to find Vensa in labor and no one around. She's in the store area making tons of noise. Beli quickly runs over to her and helps. Doing his best he calms down Vensa and helps deliver the baby...a baby boy!

Once Vensa and the baby are ok, he goes to find the rest of the family. He finds them mining away in the mine not even thinking that Vensa might need someone to stay with her. He give them a rather large piece of his mind. How could they just leave her alone like that. Don't they know she needed their help! Dad pipes up and says that he only left her for a short while because the boys needed his help putting in some new supports to secure a new shaft.

Beli shakes his head and says he needs to find a better place for his family. Vensa can not keep going on like this. *pauses* Any way lets head up teh deh store! I'm a Dad and yer a grand dad wit a new grand son!

I'm gona name him after deh Warlord..Varka..Varka Tenker will be his name

After all the commotion has died down. Beli talks to Vensa about moving to a better place. She will have none of it. She does not want to leave the mine. She wants him to hire a nanny to keep her company.

Now he needs to find a nanny that will go to a secret place that she does not know about and never can. Once he gets her, he needs to get here to the mine in secret.


Re: Beli's Private notes
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2009, 05:41:30 pm »
Let me tell you the story of how Hili came to the mine. It all started when I found a very young human boy named Xian in a destroyed Caravan. There was no one around and it was getting colder by the minute. So he took the boy to a friends place near by. That place belonged to Bauk and Hili Hammerfist. My idea was to let him stay with them till he could find suitable parents of his own race to look after him.

Hili fell in love with the boy at first sight. When I finally found a good couple, Hili did not want Xian to leave and Xian seemed happy.

All was good till Bauk had news of a horde of Giants attacking an other human caravan in the mountains. Thinking they were the same, he decided to leave and try to tame them out, out of revenge for his now adopted son.

As days became a week, weeks became a month, a month became three months. Hili fears grew more and more. She my brothers and I, Semli and Ronus, search the area where her husband would have went to fight the giants. It took an other months of searching for my brothers and I to come back to town, carrying in the purest of Voraxian tradition, the body of her husband. Semli was walking in front of them, wearing a long robe in the darkest of blood red, his hand holding the pole of the banner of Vorax. Ronus and I were carrying Bauk on a stretcher set on our shoulders. A flag of Vorax was covering his body, leaving his head and beard to be seen as the walked slowly through the town. Head bowed down as we pass in front of the people until we reached Hili, who looked at her husband filled with sadness and pain. Slowly through the gathering crowed, a growl was starting to rumble that echoed through the town as a large roar. My brothers and I with Hili moved to the cemetary and finally buried her husband in silence.

It was that night, that we all got together, reminiscing of our friendship. It is also that night that I talked to Hili about my need for a second nanny. Having lost her husband and no real source of income, she took a moment to consider it. In the morning she accepted .

Here is a related link to the story.

