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Author Topic: The journal of Hugh Rylan  (Read 59 times)


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    The journal of Hugh Rylan
    « on: January 30, 2006, 12:57:05 pm »
    Italics indicate OOC

    30th January 2006, incident with halfling burglar

    I arrived in Hlint this morning, and was looking around before running an errand for the Post Master. As I was returning, I noticed a building which I had previosuly just ignored, most likely as I hadn't seen a sign up, and the door was closed. However, as I walked past this time, I saw the door was open, so decided to check if it was indeed a shop I had missed.

    On entry I was welcomed by a halfling (Alwise). He told me that it wasn't a shop, but his house, and I was welcome to stay. It was a nice house, very spacious, so spacious that if I owned it I wouldn't know what to do with it. He told me he had only acquired the house today, and also told me he had got it for free. I asked how he had managed this, and he remarked that it had a weak lock for such a big house.

    I felt it my duty to the town, but alot more importantly to Rofirien, to report this to the town guard. I told the Guard Captain of the incident immediately, while very stupidly leaving the halfling in the house alone. The captain asked a guard, Tom I think he called him, to assist me.

    When we went in the halfling seemed to have gone, but as we were just about to give in the halfling appeared again, as if out of nowhere. He gave me a quick kick in the shin and ran towards the back of the house. Luckily for us, it seemed the halfling was cornered, however as we tried to seize him he pushed Tom out the way and made a run for it.

    He was very close to getting away, but stumbled on a stone, and Tom pounced on him and tied him up. Tom told me he could handle the situation so I left him to deal with the halfling.

    It seems Rofirien looked upon us this day, and helped us in keeping law in Hlint.

