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Author Topic: Prothro's accounts...................  (Read 69 times)

kaiser ravenloft

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    Prothro's accounts...................
    « on: February 04, 2006, 10:03:32 am »
    *the following are thoughts and written words of Prothro the goblin*
    Me is very angry todays. Me is sick of Dwarf and some Tall folk treating me like criminal. Dwarf very pushy.....not show any respect,Tall folk not quite as bad....but still anger me.Thems not know or care of Goblin clan status....them just rush up and demand answers.Some says me steals waist coat me makes,other says me spie of some sort,*like them see Prothro if Prothro not want to be seen..he he*,and some march me to town at sword point,makes me point people i knows to prove.Make real angry....and me tries so hards to fit writes and speaks commons,*me thinks me only a few Goblin smarts enough to do this*,me hunt for foods and not steals, and me wear Tall Folk clothes in town so not scare...and still this!//relaxing somewaht//Me have to admits though that this has not happened too much lately, and somes that did have turned out to be friend to mes, *maybe knows more clan respect than thought*, and even allows me to follows on journeys.*this makes me feel proud, and me do everythings to helps these groups*.When not in group me hunts and travels all sees sights no farm Goblin ever see.....and me getting good at makes animal leathers too,*me feels this going to give much respect to show Dwarf*,me always practice hide in woods and places.....even sneak past many monsters and Tall folk!*Me feel like practice write enough, time to go hunts*//puts book in side pack, and wades through high grass out of sight//