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Author Topic: Nurlond Beardburner - Wrong Man on the Right Path  (Read 70 times)


Nurlond Beardburner - Wrong Man on the Right Path
« on: August 26, 2008, 12:54:39 am »
I Found the last several days interesting.... I met Miss Elohanna and her "nephew" in Fort Vehl. trying to learn of the strange abilities I possessed was difficult, and one could tell from my singed cloths and beard. I was recommended to a Mister "Storold"  for guidance. I never trusted wizards completely, even after befriending one, but I needed the help.... I couldn't be stubborn at the moment.

I learned there would be and "academy" or such opening in Hempstead, so I would check it out as soon as possible.

The strangest event so far is the Panther that has been stalking me. Storold said I might have formed a magical connection without realizing it, but a cat? The bloody thing has pounced on me countless times, and I soon learned much of the dealings about "familiars". I have a long ways to go.



Re: Nurlond Beardburner - Wrong Man on the Right Path
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 10:54:39 am »
I can't remember all of these bloody names! I've been meeting people left and right in the past few days after finally getting out of that library. Of course, I met this elf woman who summoned some sort of daemon spawn from another plane. I was never so awed by such displays of power... I can't help but to disdain this power I have, but I make do with what I got... My father told me that. Of course, not saying he approves any of my recent actions, but that's another story... I named that bloody cat as well. I called her Creep, as she always stalked me, but the bloody thing spoke to me! Told me it's name was Sasa... I'll never get used to this.

~ N.B.