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Author Topic: O father, where art thou?  (Read 251 times)

Yosemite Sam

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    O father, where art thou?
    « on: January 24, 2006, 07:52:14 pm »
    In the shadows of the forest, something large moves. Glimpsed through the leaves, a man shaped form sits down, takes out a book and begins to write in large neat letters.

    I dont even know if you are still alive. I so wish I could talk to you. This is as close as I can get right now, writing and organizing my thougths, in hopes that oneday I can give them to you. I have journyed far in the last year, with little success.  I cannot find momma's tribe on my own.  I miss how we used to talk after a hard day's labor on the farm.  Father, why didnt you tell me the truth yourself? It was not a pretty tale, but there where elements of nobility in it anyways. I deserved to now my entire legacy, you should have been the one to tell me. Still, you were always there when I was growing up, ever the good father. I shudder to think of the night I saw you last. I thought I was gonna die when that army remanent came to our farm. Giants, ogres, and orcs where everywhere. Then you were there with that great fiery sword and drove the monsters back.  
    After learning the your story, or is it mine, I believe I understand why you made me promise never to become a soldier.  Father, I think I understand your mistake better than you do.  I will keep my promise to you.  Even better, I will learn from your mistakes.  I try to treat everyone I meet with civility, until they prove they dont deserve it.  Here, it can be a test that many fail.  I never expected to meet such a diverse group of people.  Elves, both topside and under. Halflings, they are merry companions, like my friend Snippi.  Gnomes, like my friend Nobwocket.  He tells me he has spent many hours around the dead.  Maybe that is why my accursed smell seems to bother him less than most. Dwarves, ah dwarves.  Before my journy, most were the bane of my existence.  They made my life miserable, because of my heritage.  It seems they knew what I did not.  Half-giants, like me.  They dont seem to hated anymore, and there are more of them around.  I am like them, but not like them.  Most are larger and stronger than I, and I seem to be the only one that makes skunks smell good. Yet most dont seem to be all that sharp.  I know they did not have the benefit of being raised by a loving father. I may be the only one that can read.  My very speech seems to take most people by surprise.  I know they mean nothing by it, but they are still judging me based on appearance.  The owls come home to roost, eh dad?
    I am happy to report how much some of my friends have prospered while I was away.  The mostly silent Asher Hardrock has become an extremly powerful fighter.  I have watched him in combat, I cant even come close to matching him, and I think he knows how to make just about anything.  I will have to see how much he charges for bags.  I need some to give me more space to carry things, I sometimes hire myself out as a self protecting ox!
    I am most pleased with the growth I have seen in my first, best friend Katrien.  She has learned much while I am gone.  She has magic father, something that will ever be beyond me.  I know I hurt her when I left, but the sheer shock of all that you withheld from me was too great. I am glad for her that she found love while I was gone, she even has a cute little daughter now. She will probably have as sweet a voice as her mom has. In her kindness, she is still willing to be my friend.  This makes me glad, father.  But I really wish you where here.  There is so much I dont understand.
    Many follow the gods.  I usually try to avoid their notice.  I wonder why they cursed me so?  I have never met anyone who has the problem with smell that I do, yet I have never to my knowledge done anything to offend them.  It cant be my heritage, because the other half giants dont have this problem. Katrien makes me soap for me to bathe with whenever I come into town, so that others can bear my presence.  There are many heros here.  Some of these people are going to be legends.  I will try to give them what help a simple farmer can.  But then you showed me just how much depth and surprises can be inside a farmer.
    Your loving son
    Micheal Mordicai

    Yosemite Sam

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      RE: O father, where art thou?
      « Reply #1 on: February 05, 2006, 08:32:53 am »
        The world has changed much while I wandered. I have found some old friends, and made new ones.  Hlint seems a much more welcoming place, many seem to like me. Some people still seem surprised that I can talk normally, and read and write. I dont think they mean to offend though.  I understand why they seem to think that, I am the only one of a heritage like mine that I have met that can read.
        Even better, dear sweet Katrien has found a way to help with my curse.  While not lifting it, she has found a way to mitigate the worst of it. She has long made me soap, and has made a new stronger version.  Even better, she gave me a present produced from her labors.  A ring father, a magic ring!. Can you imagine someone like her giving me such a gift?  It lessons the impact of the spell for a time. It needs to sleep even as I sleep though, to renew its affect.
        Even though I am not a soldier, I am in the middle of a war it seems.  I have to fight, dad.  I may not be the great warrior that many here are, but I can help many with my strenght and size.  Recently I took part in a battle in Hlint with demons, dad.  I was talking after with several of the others, and one of the great warriors told me that I was quite good with my reaper.  I told him that all I did was swing it and pretend that they are wheat.  He laughed.  Yet I have gotten better at using it in combat.  I seem to do so much more of it than I ever planned on. Soon I am going to search for more information abuot your family, dad.  Mom's will have to wait.

      // Mikey now has some chr jewelry to wear after he bathes, so he will not smell as bad. Once he makes 10th, he will be using an exception ring as well.  this will put his chr in the 8-12 range.

      Yosemite Sam

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        Re: O father, where art thou?
        « Reply #2 on: March 14, 2006, 03:43:12 pm »
        I have still not recieved permission for access to the libraries, I hope to do so soon.  My promise to you about not becoming a soldier has made for hard decisions.  There is a giant unit in the Mistone Army, but I cant join it because of oath to you.  As for the other part, to never use a soldiers weapons, I dont understand why you made me make it, when you were a soldier yourself.  But I will not break it.  I am commited to continueing to use my reaper. I may have more experience with using one to fight with than any other I have ever met.  I got a laugh when I explained that in combat I swing it and pretend the enemy is grain, but it works for me.  I can hit incredibly hard with it, harder than Mr Asher can hit with his sword, but not as often as he swings. I have been thinking about how I could do some of the things with my reaper that he does with his sword. Most interesting to think about at times.  I may have to try them out on one of my frequent trips to the Haven mines.
        I have a 'niece', dad.  Katrien has a daughter, Lisse'.  One of the few children who doesnt scream at the sight of me, I play with her as often as I can, which is more often sensse they moved to Hlint. I am allowed to take her for walks around Hlint.
        Did you follow a god, Father?  I have been wondering about the gods lately, why they have cursed me. I have been trying to question the followers of various gods that I know, but it is so hard.  I wish you were here to guide me. I guess its just one of the many things you never had time to teach me.
        Your faithful son
        Micheal Mordicai

        Yosemite Sam

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          Re: O father, where art thou?
          « Reply #3 on: April 22, 2006, 06:17:39 am »
          Someday you may even get these!  It was thrilling to find out you are still alive.  Now if I can only find you.  The source may not be reliable in a lot of ways, but I believe him in this.  Grashnat is a giant that was in the force that raided our home.  He said they tracked two trails from the wreckage, but could catch neither.  Do you know that I am still alive? Are you still looking for me.  Are you still on Dregar?  I am spending more time there, so I hope I can find you.  I often go to visit Grashnat, he is imprisoned on an island off the coast. He is a very confused individual, and has suffered much at the hands of men, and giants. Doesnt excuse what he did, but it does explain it somewhat. He is teaching me the language of the giants.  I wonder if you know it, it seems likey that you do. I am also learning other things about the giants, just by listening to him talk. I know you hated giants, father. You probably even had good reason to.  But listening to him talk, I realize they have good reasons to hate the humans too.  What would it take to bring peace between them.  It seems impossible, but then so did peace between the elves and the humans and the dwarves at one time.
          A most curios thing happened recently.  I was in Storan's tomb with my friends Mr Jharl and Mr Snippi and Miss Tia'Sar'ru.  I fell at the feet of Storan.  Miss Tia raised me.  After that, she said I had been touched by a god.  She saw visions of forests and fields, and said a god love me. I would guess maybe I have not be cursed and shunned by the gods afterall.  But if they didnt curse me, then from once came the stench I term my curse?
          Hope to see you
          Micheal Mordicai

          Yosemite Sam

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            Re: O father, where art thou?
            « Reply #4 on: May 10, 2006, 02:49:16 pm »
            Once again I pick up my quill to write a letter I wonder if you will ever get to read. My discussion with Sh'andra Discore earlier today put me in the mood to write.  She is in a smililar spot as I am, but she doesn't know how she arrived there, I do. I will watch for her name whenever I am search for information about you.  I have given up on Blackford, and now use the libraries in Spellguard and Pranzis.  I get really funny looks from the librarians in Pranzis when I ask about you, your family, or the Bloodletters.  Maybe Grashnat can give me some clues as we come to understand each other better.  I think my Giantish is getting better faster than his common.  Funny, how everyone thinks giants are stupid, but most giants speak Giantish and a little bit of common, yet few humans speak anything other than common.
            I bought a house in Pranzis, down near the lake.  Not one of the grand mansions, or the tiny halfling homes, its sorta like a farm house.  Two very large rooms, another for a kitchen, and 2 small living areas.  I alreay rented one of them out.  A nice female monk, a Miss Honora has taken the room.  She is a strong woman, half orc I think.  Sometimes she looks at me funny.  I wish Katrien was around to give me adivice, but she has been on very important missions lateley.  Maybe she and Lisse' can come visit me here.  I better get furniture first!
            Still searching for you
            Micheal Mordicai

            Yosemite Sam

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              Re: O father, where art thou?
              « Reply #5 on: May 29, 2006, 03:18:10 pm »
              To my missing father
              So much has happened recently, I don't know where to begin. Mr Asher has been showing me his trick of how to hit harder when you get the really good swing, and I finally learned it.  I also finally learned how to keep the swing going if your enemies fall. I still havent seen Katrien much.  Maybe next week at the Arms.  Honora has agreed to go, I want her to meet Katrien.  I will have to take her to meet Lisse' too. Honora, now there is a suprise.  She actually likes me, confessed as much!  I still have problmes getting my mind around the concept.  A woman likes me?  She never complains about my smell either.  She is very interesting, and has a sense of humor.  As a monk her suppleness is astounding, to watch her is to see poetry in motion.  She got a new outfit while I was closeted with Grasnat recently, all I can say is wow. I guess when I told her she was good looking a while back, she noticed me. She is so fluid and graceful when she moves, and soo quick.  She makes me feel like a lumbering ox. There may be something wrong with her eyes though, she claims I am cute.  We have compared our various scares.  The one she couldn't match is from being called monster when first sighted.  That she has never experienced. Though I rented her a room, I usually just tell her to spend it on furniture.  She has turned the house into a home, maybe it will be our home. It is a future a barely dare to think about, coming so unexpectedly. I worry that she loves the expression of feelings, and I have kept my so guarded for so long that its hard for me to do so.  I hope she understands. We discussed our families today.  I told her most of what little I know.  Where can you be?  I have been trying to talk to the giants with the words that I have learned from Grasnat, but so far without success.  Some appear to take me as a challange, others, like they dont believe me, and the rest just ignore my speech and attack.  They are really spooked about anyone coming from the direction of Pranzis.  Maybe I will try to hide and see if I can overhear anything from  their patrols.I am studying the treaty between the Broken Glade clan and Pranzis right now.  Maybe it will provide me a clue to the present situation. I now see the giants could become so potent a force with a a couple of minor changes that I fear they could be wiped out because of the mere possiblity.  I dont know why you hunted them so hard. I am gonna have to go  a journy to find you soon, as there is just too many questions that only you can answer.

              Your Son
              Micheal Mordicai

              Yosemite Sam

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                Re: O father, where art thou?
                « Reply #6 on: June 13, 2006, 06:49:25 pm »
                I wish you were here, there is soo much I would like to share with you. Honora and I have professed our love for each other.  I never expected to find that in my life.  Heck, most women run screaming at the first sight of me, much less smell. we travel often togather, and everything is just better when she is around.
                I wish you were around to help me understand what is going on with the Broken Glade Clan and Pranzis. So many little things, odd things.   Where are all the experinced fighters amoung the giants. I spend a lot of time in the forest of Mists, listening to the patrols talk to each other, practising what Grashnat has taught me. I think they are using the area around the cave as a trainging ground, to blood their young warriors.  Where are the vetrans, and where are their shaman?  Will I ever get the chance to talk to any of them?  What moves amoung them? I think they are right not to trust Pranzis to keep the treaty.  The mistone alliance has shown how easily human governments discard inconvient treaties. But is Pranzis just after minerals and territory or something more?
                I have also come to realize I am out of balance.  The bird lord himself said for me to maintain the balance, but I havent been. I have been honoring my human side, but not my giant.  I have taken up the study of Grannoch when I am doing research.  Interesting that she is an ally of Katia's and is big on balance.  She tries to keep the four elements in balance in her children.  I wonder if I could find a priest of hers?  I hear there are some in the berhagan mountains.
                I just won an auction, I will soon take possesion of a mithril scythe!  A very nice instrument indeed. It will be awhile before I can use it fully though.  I do quite well with my adamentium one. I so hope and pray we can meet soon.
                Your Son
                Micheal Mordicai

                Yosemite Sam

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                  Re: O father, where art thou?
                  « Reply #7 on: June 18, 2006, 04:59:15 pm »
                  I found a s... of something on a note today.  I wonder if mom ever mentioned it?  What did she tell you about her clan?  Did you ever try to reach them?  Did she even know where they were?  How much about her former life did you know?  I must find you, too many questions without answers!  You are the key, father, the linch pin on which the answer to so many rest.  Oh, the thing I found, I have to remember to tell about it.  Its in giantish, and it was very faded and torn, so I dont know how accurate my translation is.

                  It said something like:
                   . . neither child of man nor son of giant, I will send him . . . (I couldnt make out all of it) . . . I gifted him to one of your bitterest enemies.  Forged by him,  hardened in battle, yet tempered by love and the help of one of my allies . . .
                  So strange, I wonder if it is a giant prophecy?  I really need to find a priest of Grannoch.

                  I feel you father, you grow nearer. I pray to Katia that these letters will soon be delivered to you.

                  Your Son
                  Micheal Mordicai

                  Yosemite Sam

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                    Re: O father, where art thou?
                    « Reply #8 on: June 27, 2006, 06:25:15 am »
                    I do not know even where to begin, so much has happened. I guess I will start with the most important part to Mistone.  I was priveledged to be allowed to accompany the group of heroes called to defend the Great Oak itself.  We where led by the Heirophant Rhizome and his daughter Brizbane.  Mr Elidan was our point man.  Mr Mith was our most powerful mage.  There were so many others, too many for my feeble mind to remember all of their names, but they all proved to be stalwart companions.  Good thing too, as Mr Rhizome took a small group to race ahead.  As stealth was important, I was not considered for this contingent.  The rest of us where to pursue, overtake, and damage an army as best as we could.  The first scirmishers we came across where huge fire giants, undead, and dark dwarves.  Our little band seemed quite capable of easily beating these troops.   We soon came across much tougher.  I fell fighting, to what I think is called an Eryane.  I was raised, but I didnt have time to fully recover before we where off, it was necessary for us to keep moving.  We moved, fought, and kept winning.  It was not without cost, many of us fell.  The priest amoung us did the best they could, but could not heal all of us fast enough. The spells protecting us ran out, and we fought on.  Honora fell, driving me to a great rage.  Finally, after battling a huge Balor, tougher than any I have ever fought before, we had a respite.  We rested, fed ourselves. Water, food, a short nap.  Then the mages recast and we went forth once again.  Giant casters, demons, balor, in seemingly unending numbers.  We neared our goal, but where stymied with what seemed an unending stream of elite balor and eryanies like the one that felled me.  Finally, one of the eagle eyed archers, I think it was Miss Jillsephonie, spotted a mage back in the woods who was doing the summoning.  I left my companions and raced ahead, fought briefly with some undead, and headed for the mage. He disappeared from my sight, portals where opening all around me, I could see the huge forms stepping through.  I thank my ladies, Katia and Grannoch, that Mr Asher convinced me long ago to procure some of the gnomish lenses.  I quickly pulled one from my belt, and looked for the mage.  There, I spotted him, and ran up to him, pursued by 3 of the elite balor.  Two swings of my reaper, and he was no more, the fell creatures fading with his life.  But the main fight was still ahead of us.
                    We finally reached the gates of the camp guarding the Great Oak.  The bulk of the army was there, but so was Mr Rhizome!  And he had gathered allies.  Large Treants, good beings from other planes ( Aboreal, I think),  and the great gold dragon Ozlo himself.  The battle raged around me.  I used few dusts that remained that Honora and I had collected in our travels.  One helped me to find the weak spots more often, the other  was to guide my next attempt to hit the enemy.  Dear Ladies, I went up to one of the elite balor, and I found one of its weak spots!  It was quickly dispatched after that, having lost most of its life force in my first blow.  But then something else happened.  I heard two voices, guiding me.  One showed me how to move to avoid the enemies blows just a little bit more often.  The other showed me a key to finding the enemies weak spots, indeed, I found them twice as often, and these things have stayed with me.
                    Still, I was just a minor irratant to the enemy.  The rest of the band showed their true mettle and how the heat of battle had forged us all into a weapon that could not be denied.  Slowly, inexorably, we beat them down.  Oh tragedy, the last demon, as it was dieing, managed to deliver a last fatal blow to Ozlo.  Will there be no more dragon summoned, will the next time we meet the soul mother be our last? Still, we had won, and saved the Great Oak.  From the north came a great explosion.  For a party of legends had gone after Blood himself.  They had fought an even greater battle, and won, and Blood's death shook the world.
                    Rhizome did have a reward for us, he took us to see the Great Oak. Victory was ours, but not without cost.  The sky has been rent, filled with ash, the sun darkened.  News came to us that Pranzis had fallen to enemy action. My heart leaped, as Katrien was leading the defense.  I must find her, my little kitten, my sister, my friend.
                    Honora was so sad to think our home was gone, our life togather barely begun. She has grown so much faster than I.  She is now a member of the path of the wind!  But now she has reached for her goal, she is thinking of reaching even farther.  She is thinking of become one with all the orders!  Oh how I love her so.  My dearest is reaching for balance, just as I do!  I never, ever even hoped to be blessed with such a soulmate.  To regain our home, when the hammer falls on this upstart general, I will be there.  I will be where the fire of battle rages hottest.
                    I have a dream father,  of you and I leading the giants to the aid in the liberation of Pranzis. Such an act would have to earn them the respect they deserve.  The best way is to find mother's family, but even knowing how to speak giantish has not enabled me to do that. But there IS one who may know, one whom can show them that reconciliation with even the most bitter foe is possible.  So, I am resolved.  Father, know this:  where ever you wonder, or where ever you are held, I come.

                    your devoted son
                    Micheal Mordicai