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Author Topic: Samarra Stonebreaker ~ Tales of a Really Tall Dwarf  (Read 89 times)


Samarra Stonebreaker ~ Tales of a Really Tall Dwarf
« on: June 09, 2009, 02:24:21 pm »
*her Biography*

Character: Samarra Stonebreaker
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Class: Cleric
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Vorax
Domains: War Good


Samarra was found as a baby outside the doorstep of the Stonebreakers in a small dwarvish hamlet in the Brecht Mountains near the Temple of Vorax. The Stonebreaker family took her in and nurtured her. They had one son named Urick who took to her and helped to raise her, treating her as the sister that he never had.

There was a tragic day when the family was taking a hike through the mountains. Giants set upon them and their parents, followers of Vorax, fought desperately to hold off the giants so their children could escape, though the battle went badly. She always will remember he mother and fathers valiant and brave attempts to protect their children, and the Voraxian warcrys that they called on to help them.

Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately for the giants, a group of Voraxian monks heard the battle sounds and came to their aid. Her and Urick watched from behind a bush as the monks laid waste to the giants.Unforunately though for Samarra and Urick their parents had received mortal wounds at the hands of the giants. Once again the valor of the Voraxians impressed on her the righteousness of their faith.

The monks soon realized after speaking with Urick that the two were now alone in the world. The two had visited the temple before with their mother and father and it was decided that they would return to the temple with the monks for their protection.

She began to help out around the temple cleaning and preparing food for the monks and clergy in exchange for their food and shelter. Her passion for revenge against the giants grew as she watched the proud Voraxian warriors come in and out of the temple, with their wounds from fighting the giants on a daily basis. She eventually asked to know more about the faith of Vorax and her brothers descision to put more into his faith cemented her desire to serve.

Her passion grew for The Father of Battle as she saw her older brother begin his training with the double bladed axe of the dwarves. She watched the healers tend to the wounds of the fighters and monks as they came into battle, and began to help out, one bandage at a time. She longed to be on the battle field, helping those in need at the moment of their need rather than when they limped into the temple. Slowly her healing powers grew as she learned to heal, not just from bandages, but when squinting her eyes and thinking as hard as she could, small, seeminly miracles would ocure, healing the wounded.

Little by little her faith in her powers and those that Vorax grantd her began to grow. She began to attend the triage units that the dwarves set up behind the battle lines and called on Vorax to aide her dwarvish brethren. Little by little her healing skills grew as did her rage against the giants.

She was initiated into the faith in a ceremony attended by her brother who stood proudly at her side. Her desire to show no weakness to her enemies was cemented in her soul. After the ceremony her and her brother set off on the difficult journey out of the mountains and to the plains below to spread the Father of Battles word to the masses.

Her blond hair flowing behind her and her beauty is in contrast to her brothers short dwarven stature. Many people are confused when they enter a town, not believing that she serves Vorax in her six foot tall human body. The priests had told her that her presence might make more believers of different races, so she attempts to sway any she meets to the Eternally Vigilants cause.

Dogma statements:

1. I have read and  acknowledge that I understand the dogma and expectations of Vorax and intend to follow them.

2. She intends to spread Vorax's teachings and principals to all that would listen and even some who did not want to listen. Her principals are true to Vorax, vigilance is always the key, and hunting down your ememies is paramount. She shall not bow to any that do not favor Vorax, despite the fact that... she's a six foot tall human female!

3. She will wear full plate, and if the armor is not appropriate she will simply pull a robe over her armor. She will be clad in Voraxian colors at all times and will wield Vorax's chosen weapon, the double bladed dwarvish waraxe.

//and even though she is an orphan there shall be no claims of privledged birth or anything like that, her parents simply could not feed her and thought it better to give her away.

//Teo is my son who just submitted Urick Stonebreaker and he has my permission to use her in his biography.

//oh and of course I forgot, but she'll need a dwarven ear, due to being raised by dwarves, and growing up in the temple


Re: Samarra Stonebreaker ~ Tales of a Really Tall Dwarf
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2009, 04:58:34 pm »
Well we finally made it back to the temple where we were raised. Not much is different there really, though it was a long cold journey filled with peril.

Urick seems to be doing well in our new surroundings. He has taken to leeding the way into battle and seems to grow in power with each passing month, his axe swings harder and harder, he even knocked me over with it once!