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Author Topic: Raelyn Blair  (Read 1517 times)


Raelyn Blair
« on: June 24, 2011, 08:46:58 pm »
Greetings Raelyn Blair,

After reviewing your application, it's been decided that you show qualities that would be well suited for the Toran Leadership Program. This will hopefully be the first step on your path towards who you are meant to be.

Each of us come to Toran with a different background, and with different reasons for this decision. But ultimately, we have the same goal: we want to help to make the world a better place. It is our hope that we can help you achieve that goal.

In the past, there have been many different ways of training. Some have learned from their parents, others from mentors within the church, and some are called from what may seem the unlikeliest of places with nothing but a desire to do good.

In the next five years, we hope that we will all learn from each other, and that as a whole we will all find a strong foundation not only in Toran, but in each other.

You will need to arrive in Fort Llast by Sunra, Decilar 1, 1483 to report to the temple. There will be an acolyte or priest assigned to show you where you need to be.

We look forward to meeting you.

In Toran's Light,


Daniella Stormhaven
Champion of Toran's Divine Will


Lance Stargazer
Knight of Balance in Toran's Service


Raelyn read the letter over and over again before it finally sunk into her that she had been chosen, accepted into the Toran Leadership program, as she jumped down from the fence. At first when she received the letter she believed it would be a letter of rejection, but that had not been the case at all and so it took awhile to sink in as her lips could be seen reading the letter to any observer who would catch her sitting on the fence looking on with disbelief at first and and then a giddiness settled over her.

Finally as the reality hit her, she ran through the streets of Fort Llast searching for the one person she knew would be happiest for her and had always been behind her.

"Dad!!! Dad!!!" Her voice full of excitement as Raelyn ran through the streets trying to find him, and stopping suddenly as she caught him with his supervisor in a rather serious discussion. She backed away and waited until they were done still clutching in her hand the letter, signed by both Champion Stormhaven and Knight Stargazer. She had heard stories of them but to have a letter signed by both was special to her.

"What is it sweetheart?" Her fathers voice turned to her, and his supervisor ruffled her hair a bit giving her a wink, before he turned and walked off leaving her with her father.

"Dad it came! They said yes! I was accepted! I can go right? I won't be far away. The training will be here. I can still visit! Please say I can?" Her eyes shown with a happiness and excitement that was contagious and her father smiled at her proud. Though she could see the hint of sadness in his eyes as he would miss her, He could never say no to her and especially when he knew how much this meant to her. "Of course you can. Toran be praised! I know how much this means to you. Of course you can sweetheart."

Later that night after a celebratory dinner with her family, Raelyn had settled at the side of her bed, praying softly, thanking Toran for his guiding hands before she fell asleep with the letter tucked away beneath her pillow.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2011, 08:10:27 pm »
Taking up the quill and ink she was provided by Miss Daniella and Sir Stargazer, she begins to write in her journal about the first few days, taking a moment to look over at Mari who is sound a sleep.

It has been so wonderful to meet Miss Daniella and Sir Stargazer, I admit I did not know at first what to expect but they are nice, very easy to get along with and always willing to answer any questions I have. Which is a good thing because I have a feeling I will have a lot. For the first time we stepped into the Temple, she was gracious in showing us around, and answering the questions Mari and I have had. Even telling us of the bind stone. I had been warned by mom and dad growing up that it can be very dangerous to touch it when you are not ready. And even if you think you are and Miss Daniella could not seem to stress enough that we were not to touch it yet. We are simply not ready to.

After  the formal tour of the temple though we finally set out for a trip to Blackford Castle, rather a huge home such as I have never been in before. I would love some day to have a home like this for Mom and Dad but I think it would be to much for them. I am not sure they would enjoy it with all the work it takes to maintain it.

But once we arrived we were introduced to Sir Lance Stargazer, a genuine Knight in service to our Great Leader. He carries himself with clear confidence and strength. The way he carries his shield.

looking down for a moment at her own muscles.

I don't think I am at all prepared for the training. I have helped mom with the laundry before and the cooking,  and swinging a wooden sword around is nothing that could truly prepare me for the real world training it takes to be a soldier. I pray to Toran to give me the strength to make it through the training and become one of his chosen.

We were also given our lessons, a book full of histories, prayers,  the conducts of virtue,  even myths,  though in truth I think I will learn far more from speaking with our Great Protectors living legends.

Sir Stargazer and Miss Daniella offer a lot of valuable insight and experiences that I know are important. I know the studies will be just as valuable too but I like talking with Miss Daniella. She is a very kind lady and there is something about her that I find comforting.

After Mari and I finished reading, and she was sound asleep, I found that our discussion with Hector and Marin left me with questions that I thought would maybe be answered in the tome we had been given but the nagging thought at me, I could simply not let the question go. Thankfully Miss Daniella was willing to take some time to speak with me.

About the conducts, about how anyone could believe that Toran was dead. I know Toran is not, no Immortal God such as him could be. Not only because he is immortal but because my heart could never believe the feelings within could come if he was. He is alive inside.

She gently clutches at the ankh at her neck.

I believe in you My Great Leader as I have since a little girl and even if someone should try to convince me you are not alive, I could never believe them.


Oh that reminds me! I have already gained a new nickname from one of the young men here. He has taken to calling me Lyn. I have never been called Lyn before but I think I like it!

She slips the journal into the chest at the foot of her bed beside her training armor and finally allows herself to fall asleep.

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2011, 09:23:58 am »
Waking from her dreams in a cold sweat, she winces at the pain in her own body from the last few weeks of training. She should be used to it by now but each week the training is more intense and she is struggling to keep up with the others, trying her best not to hold anyone back. She knows though that they all are hurting.

She moves quietly from the bed and takes up her journal moving quietly to the foot of her bed to retrieve her book, ink and quill. She looks around to make she she isn't waking up Mari before she slowly and quietly moves to the common room again unable to sleep more than a few hours and the lack of sleep is not helping her much.

Raelyn lays down on the floor in front of the fire using it for its light as she begins to write something she tried recently to do and finds that staring at her is the unfinished pages of the training regime a reminder that that she is weaker than the rest, a reminder to her that she has to fight twice as hard to make sure she doesn't fall behind.

Slowly she turns the page to a clean page and begins to write though her strokes are not as clear as before and the ink on the page seems heavier as is word is written as if thought out carefully before moving onto the next..

I have been here at the manor now for awhile, training, praying learning, training, praying, learning. Some days run into the next, my muscles are sore, and I am tired. Today is our day off to rest and relax. I tried to sleep, but I keep thinking of sword swings, of push ups, of scrubbing floors from the dirt that never seems to end. Of Shades and Spectres and evil lurking in the Shadows, of my own Shadow coming alive and using me against those I love. Of cleaning soiled clothing. Buckets of water being carried and my entire body aches.

My brothers and sisters are bright spots though. I know they are all feeling it too. I know that within me though the grace of the Great Leader is watching over all of us, and trying to guide me to be there for them, to trying to comfort them with the healing prayers I have learned and maybe to do more than just heal their body but to be his heart too and reach out to the hurting that I can feel. Each of my brothers and sisters, in some way seem distant, pained in ways I can't imagine but I have to help them.

Hector I know hides his anger, but why I do not completely understand and afraid to let go of what troubles him, insistent on the use of the morning star, but Miss Daniella just as insistent that she will not allow it until he can tell her why. I can understand her reasoning, but I can't understand Hectors, not yet anyway.

We recently took a trip to Fort Vehl and something different strange and wonderful happened! I have felt our Great Protector within, I have felt his will using me to turn away the undead. I have felt him telling me that even where there is evil nearby I am the Great Leaders instrument to not only turn them away, but also to reach out and share his message to others.

I know that this path is where I belong. I have no doubt of that. I know that even as much as the training hurts every single part of me, that I am the Great Leader's
and he is my strength, and though I can not see much beyond each day right now, and what his plan is for me. I am his. I have to find comfort in that.

the last page of her journal exposed to the air as she falls asleep by the fire, quill still in hand, her arms as a pillow.

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2011, 08:58:18 pm »
It has almost been a year and a half since I have left home to join the  TLP, and I found my connection has grown with our Great Leader..

Days of what used to be mostly physical training to build our bodies are  more filled by prayer to strengthen my mind, in what seems an even  balance.

After speaking with my friends, I still find myself wondering exactly  what path I will ultimately walk, I find that within the temple I am  coming to peace with who I am and letting the pieces fall where they  may.

Sister Constance has been patient with me, helping to put into words  blessings that can strengthen not only my own body, but those of our  brothers and sisters.

I have come to learn the prayers to bring light to the darkness, to  improve resistance, to stregthen just a hair the will of a friends  faith..

There are so many prayers and blessings that can grant protection  against elements, can remove fear from a friends mind, that can scare  away an enemy, that can grant a friend protection of the Great Leader  from anything and everything for a time.  

Along with the good though I have learned there are abilities that can  cause harm too, and that you must be careful when you use them, that  some blessings meant to harm the living, can strengthen the dead, and  the opposite is true.

I am learning so much and though I know I have barely scratched the  surface of what Toran's will some day may grant me. I feel at the same  time my devotion growing ever deeper, that I am following in his path as  I was meant to.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2011, 01:13:09 pm »
Beacon Jillian Stuart,

I write to say how truly sorry I am that my report of events in the Gloom woods comes so late. I am so very sorry and I shall try my best in the future not to be so late.

With Deepest Respect,
~Raelyn Blair

The Gloomwoods Report

The day began sadly with my late arrival to the docks of Fort Vehl, upon arriving, I found that Miss Jillian and our newest brother William Leox, had already been down below in the crypts of the city to lay to rest the undead that dwell there. So I can provide a report of the events within, only that Miss Jillian and Brother William arrived safely to the surface again.

Fort Vehl

The city itself Fort Vehl full of poverty, villainy, a haven for seedy type, and perhaps that is the reason that the temple of Roferein dwells here, to try to keep the corruption for bleeding out and the city becoming more like Katherian. Still there is a darkness that lingers within the walls of the city, as if nothing will ever be quite right. That at any moment a shadowy figure could step out into the light, and bleed you dry not only of their thieving methods but also your life, and not even loose any sleep about it.

As we continued through the streets, before heading out of the city though we stopped to buy ourselves some healing potions to carry with us. It was request of me to enter the temple of Roferein where I met Miss Delida, a very nice woman, who I bought several bandages and potions from. Still it was not the temple of the Great Leader, and neither Jillian or Will were able to enter. It is I learned a Paladins faith such that they will never enter another god's temple, even if our Great Leader is friends, this caused me a bit of hesitation until I understood that as a cleric I would be allowed to enter into friendly temples setting me at ease, should the need arise.
So I bought what I could before we ventured further into the city and we headed into the outskirts of Fort Vehl. We wondered for awhile along the path, until we you could feel and smell the decay that lingered thickly in the air. At first there not much to see, as we made our way to the outpost.

The Gloomwoods
Beacon Jillian asked me for awhile to be in charge our trip, once we entered the Gloomwoods, and while I had the opportunity it felt more important now as I had never been with Brother William and was not certain of his abilities, or that my own strength or faith with our Great Leader would be enough to keep us alive.

There was a dramatic change in weather that occurred when we first stepped within even the outer woods chilling at first, humid, the ground crimson like it is covered with the blood of the lost. As we entered we began to call upon the blessings we could to protect us from the evil that lingered there. Again reminding me that I still have much to learn and that I am growing in my faith and understanding of our Great Leaders message.

At first we faced Zombie like creatures, some I had encountered before in the crypts beneath Vehl itself. but as we progressed into the Gloomwoods, great skeletal like creatures that resembled the shell of an Ogre.

William and I seemed to be thinking the same thoughts as we went deeper into the forests, understanding just how important it was to keep each other healed, and our wounds tended to keep the taint of the lands from spreading into us. Deeper still though we came in contact with Skeletal magi who had the ability to make themselves unseen through illusions, and a skeletal priest that seemed to have the favor of some dark god, and I dread to think who it may have been a servant to, but the thoughts were fleeting as the urgency to press on and do Toran's will filled us. The undead must be put to rest and we must not let ourselves, at that moment dwell upon our own random thoughts, but keep our focus on fighting, keeping each other safe. Still we came across creatures I had only read about in my studies at the temple. A Gloomwood Xenfrik that I do intend to learn more about.

I also learned that I need to make sure that when calling upon the blessings of our Great Leader to turn the undead that I must make sure they are closer so as to have the most impact. It is difficult sometimes to wait when they are coming so closer, and I am beginning to understand more how important patience is.

As we continued deeper still we encountered the Zamin, itself, much more powerful than the creatures we had encountered yet, accompanied by one Skeletal Ogre we had already encountered, so we had to be much more careful in our approach. Taking on one would be difficult and challenging as we were already growing tired, and that it could too make itself invisible to our sight, made the encounter even more perilous. Still faith in our Great Leader we fought the foe we could see for the moment and then turned our attention to the Zamin itself,

I had seen him vanish, the impression of his darkness, even with a place already so tainted and drew my blade try to attack it where I had seen it disappear, but he was resistant to our plain blades, as our blessings had faded. Thankfully with the blessings of Beacon Jillian, upon us we were able to finally defeat the Zamin, and carried its head as proof that we had kept our word and destroyed it for the time being.

Twice we made the trip through the woods, careful each time, but it has lead me to wonder, how it is they keep returning back to life, and more importantly what is the source that keeps driving them forward? Surely there has to be a way to cleanse the forest of the taint.

We learned many valuable lessons on our trip, probably the most valuable is never to turn your back on a foe, that is okay to step back, but not to ignore him. We also learned how valuable it is to fight the foes that are attacking you head on, and leave those who are frightened away from you for later. So the bigger threats are taken care of first.

Deeper still we encountered stranger creatures called Mongrelman, they are what I have come to understand as hideous humanoid but not, rather they are what appeared to be a combination of many different races compiled together in some tainted aberration. I feel sorry for them because what I was able to learn about them, though they are not right, enslaves them to evil groups. It is most likely these evil doers who have created them, only to use them for task they themselves would not bother with. It seems right to put their suffering to an end.

Riam Shadowfang was most kind in giving us a reward for a task we knew had to be done, a cloak and true. Though I can feel it in me, that is not about the true, or the reward, but about doing what has to be. To remove the taint from the land and to try to restore it to how it should be.

Other creatures that we I have since learned the names of through my studies, were gray oozes and though they appeared to be to defeat were most definitely not to be discounted as a worthy adversary. They hit with acids that can eat through your clothing and burn your flesh horribly. They have even stronger counterparts called crystal oozes further in the Gloomwoods capable of causing paralysis. But before we would get them we would have to fight poisoned Ogres. The only kind thing to do was to end their suffering as quickly as possible to prevent them from hurting us, or anyone else should they wonder from the woods.

Still there were worse oozes, the color of olives, and capable of hitting with a bolt of electricity. And something else called a Large Ochre Jelly that was capable of launching electrical bolt like attacks. The feeling of being unable to move, it is frightening to say the least, but it is a lesson learned that you simply can not think yourself stronger simply because you are bigger. You can not allow arrogance to guide you but use caution as you work your way through new lands, and that when you think you understand those around you, you can always learn something new.

The Zombies, cast a deadly fog around them,  that poisons the mind making it very difficult to think, and is very harmful to not only just your mind but your body as well. I am glad that Beacon Jillian was with us, as we were most unprepared for these creatures on our own. William and I worked well together, complimenting each other, with the ways of healing and fighting skill, and the way we protected each other.

William is a good brother and I would be honored to serve again with him anytime.  I hope that we are able to continue our lessons together again soon. As I have learned the power of Toran blessing not only us, but our weapons enables to fight more swiftly.

Also among our lessons we learned not to leave our friends to fight alone, but rather focus our efforts on the same foe, to bring a swifter quicker rest to them, rather than splitting our attentions among two who may, by ourselves overpower us, unless we are sure that our partner can handle it alone, or we simply have no other choice.

I have also learned that some foes scare easily than others, some also come packs and fight as groups, and you have to be careful. You simply can not assume you know your foe or that they will be easy to turn. You have to always watch your back, and be aware of those you are fighting against and with. To make sure you know everyone around you and when they have moved away from you, so you can know which way to go to find them. It is also very important to work as a team, and communicate with each other. And if there is no leader present in a group to take charge as necessary to make sure everyone is lead safely.

I am also learning that there are a lot of things yet that I still do not know what they are, and I have much studying to go. I try to study as much as I can in the temple, and when we go out, and I am able to return, taking notes and jotting down descriptions, even attempting to draw resemblances of some of the creatures from memory. The more I try the easier it seems to find what I may have missed along the way the first time, and to figure out what I could have done better so future trips are ran more smoothly.

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2011, 10:41:48 am »
Febra 25, 1488 years since The Great Cataclysm

Raelyn Blair
Coastal Caves Report

Witness' to the Journey were: Jillian Stuart, Riley Alexander, William Leox, and Myself (Raelyn Blair)

Research of Beings encountered:
  •     Blue Crabs - Native animal life that live in the region. Unable to  communicate but will attack in defense of itself and its habitat.
  •     Sahuagin Serpent Pet - vicious snakes that seem to serve the  Sahuagin much as a summons or familiar would serve a mage or ranger.
  •     Sahuagin - a monstrous fish like people the live mainly in the  oceans, seas, underground lakes and underwater caves. (Evil intent)
  •     Trolodytes - spindly, muscular arms, squat legs, lizardman like  trait with a reptilian head and forearms, a spinal crest and long  slender tails. (Evil intent?)
As requested and as should be after every journey. I present to you my  recollections of our journey to the coastal caves near Center. This was  no ordinary journey to rest the undead in a crypt through the divine  will of our Great Leader, but it was a journey to understand evil, a  chance for growth, of discovering who we are, who we want to be and to  find out if we can make the decision to take another life. How we could  reconcile that decision within.

I was at first very excited about this new opportunity to see a new  place I had not been before. To learn more about the creatures that live  around the sea. At first it did not sink in to me that we would have to  use our swords nor that we may have to take their lives. It did not at  first sink in the type of trouble that the people traveling the road had  to contend with simply coming or going along their way. The Sahuagin  are a monstrous race though, who care nothing for discussion with us,  and prefer to take what they want.

The Sahuagin have started to venture onto the land and to harm  innocents, attacking those beyond their caves, and the locals have  called for our help. We simply could not ignore their calls for aid. The  Sahaugin simply will not allow themselves to be taken to be judged by  law of our kind, so we must step in and do what we are called to. To  keep others safe from harm.

The definition of evil to me can be taken a great many ways, and usually  it is the decision of one person who is disagreement with the actions  of another. Ultimately through the intent to harm others simply minding  their own business. This is what brought us to the coastal caves to  begin with. The evil was in their acts, their intent clear. I would have  liked to try to communicate with these beings as they seem very  interesting and clearly have intelligence as demonstrated by their  ability to fight, to take up arms, and to cast their own offensive  spells against us. They drew magic and might, instead of allowing us a  chance to be more enlightened upon their reasons for their attacks  against the people and possibly find a peaceful resolution that  benefited both sides. There was simply no communication, only battle  cries filling the caves, only screams of death, of falling, thankfully  none of our own.  

I do not speak their language, but I can imagine they are a race that is  protective of their own kind, and that taking their own, will cause  repercussions to the people of Center. It will either further drive the  Sahuagin away, or it will rally them to attack in greater force in the  future. I pray Toran impresses upon them this is a warning, their evil  acts will not be tolerated against people trying to simply live  peacefully.

Along our journey through the caves we also encountered another usual  race that I have never seen before but have learned are called  Troglodytes. They are known to be hostile towards humans and other  races, which makes me also wonder how it is that the Sahuagin and  Troglodytes came to live together within the same caves. They did not  appear to camp together, but in the same caves.

Maybe they only tolerate each other because of their common dislike of  our kind and simply prefer to cooperate until they fulfilled their  obligations to each other. If there is any obligations, perhaps they  just choose to ignore each other as well. They did not wish to speak  either and only took up arms to try to slay us. Both races are very  cunning, using ambushes to try to overwhelm us with their numbers. Thank  Toran for sharing his wisdom with Miss Jillian, Master Riley, and  William whose training and strength managed to keep us all alive.

It wasn't until deeper still that we managed to find the Leader who was  clearly the source who had rallied these two people together for a  common goal. I would have been interested in talking to him, but he did  not share the same interest as his men attacked us in defensive of their  leader, ultimately there was not any left, not one survivor, only the  uneasy silence that lingers after screams of death fade.

They don't seem to fade though, they still linger in my ears. They don't  stop there, the feeling inside of taking their lives makes me feel  sick. Their blood on my hands, the thoughts that what if I have through  my own actions, made things worse, trying to do something to help  others. How do I live with myself if another does get hurt because I  chose to fight? How many more could have been hurt, if I had not made  that choice? If we had not made the choice to take up arms in their  defense.

I pray Toran will guide me to understanding and wisdom to know what I am  doing is what is right, because right now nothing feels quite right. It  bothers me how a being can simply choose to harm another, to take what  isn't theirs. But the lands are full of such people, dark, evil and  tainted hearts, who thrive off of taking what others have earned through  hard work, sweat and tears. There was not one thing I liked about this  trip. I discovered I do not like taking life, I do not like to hurt  others. I do not think I could ever grow used to it. I pray I never do.  

But I learned that I also must stand up and do what is right, and make  the hard decisions that may make the difference between watching an  innocent life taken or allowing evil to thrive and deliberately harm  those who are not doing them any harm.

I can not accept that this is the way it has to be, as their surely has  to be alternatives. Someone has to take the time to learn more, so that  we can speak to each other, and begin to finally understand and prevent  needless bloodshed. Maybe it is idealistic and a bit much to hope for,  but I have to have hope that our reactions do not have to come in the  form of blood being spilt. I know now though that sometimes there will  not be a choice, but I have to have hope.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2011, 02:57:50 pm »
Toran, I pray to you. I don't know if I can be strong and silent as they ask me to be. William feels as if he is pushing everyone away and it hurts. I know he just needs time but I think he needs to talk too. Sir Lance and Miss Daniella ask me to be there for him and watch over him and you know I would watch over him anyway, he is my brother as much as my best friend but I don't know if I can keep the pain inside I feel from showing.

His loss is is all of ours, because I see the pain he is trying to hide and it feels sometimes as if he is shutting down. He is trying so hard to be strong, to keep from breaking but I know he hurts. I know because I feel it too. He has been there to help me see in the dark. Please Toran I pray that you bring peace to his heart and to Jhon's. I know this is difficult for them. I know I can feel it, I can see it.

Miss Daniella thinks it may be best for Jhon to reside in the temple, though she has agreed to let him stay at the house for awhile, I just think that Jhon and Wiliam need each other more than anything and separating them now would be the worst thing. I don't mind watching over him. I want to even if I know Jhon won't talk to me, it's alright. I think of them both as my family and I love them so much.

Sir Lance thinks its okay for me to be there for him, but to let William grieve on his own, not to really talk about it but to listen. So I am praying to you for your wisdom to help. I want to cry, and I just want to let him know its going to be alright.

Please Toran help us to be strong for him, and to give us the wisdom to bring him peace when he needs us most. He has so much love surrounding him right now, Marinus, Mari, Lance, Jillian, Lady Daniella. I know its not the same but let us be his strength when he needs us most.


Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2011, 03:09:27 pm »
I could not believe the moment had finally come, Commencement, to stand in front of the most respected and devoted to our Great Leader and have their recognition of our devotion to serve Him, Toran, the Great Leader, and more importantly his cause to the people.

Mari, Marin, Hector, William, and myself at a most important event. I was thrilled in the pit of my stomach when Brother Ortheus asked for those who felt the call to the priesthood to come forward. How I had known for all my life this was my calling. Toran had been with me all my life in one way or another and now it time to take the vows, I had known already I had taken a long time ago. Now the church, now our friends knew it, now even Lemont knew and was there to celebrate with us.

Brother Ortheus smiled, he was thrilled as happy as I was. I was on the edge of tears then but that smile, I could not help myself at the joy and warmth I felt within at being embraced by the Brotherhood as one of their own. The family and friendships I have felt since entering the program seemed to weigh even more heavily on my heart at that moment.

'Toran has called you.  Will you answer his call?'

I could only answer 'Yes Sir, With all my heart, I vow to serve him as best I can.'

'Will you always strive to do the most good in healing or defense?'

Again my answer came as I was called 'I do for those who need me, who call on me, and those who may not realize it. I will.'

'Do you devote your life to the service of the Hand of Virtue, to lead His people as He will lead you?'

I was wordy I knew it, but this was my moment to express to them all, 'My life has been devoted and will always remain devoted to the Hand of Virture. I promise. I do.'

'Do you vow to be the Word of Toran, to help others understand, through words and actions, the values of the Great Leader and what they mean to us here on Layonara?'

Without a doubt in my heart, I replied. 'Yes sir I do.'

And then as if I had never been truly warm before, he wrapped the cloak of Toran around my shoulders, 'Raelyn Blair, as you have said your vows here before friends and Toran, welcome to the priesthood.' I wanted to hold it back. I tried my best not to become emotional but I couldn't help it. This moment meant so much to me.

Brother Ortheus was so understanding, as if between the two of us, we understood and shared an inseparable bond for what it meant to make such a vow of our hearts to do The Hand of Virtues will. In two little whispered words I had been welcomed into the family as much as I had before though it felt at a distance until the moment he whispered 'Welcome Sister."

I couldn't help it. I don't know how silly I must have looked, but I was grateful, truly and completely overwhelmed, I hugged him. Like a daughter would her father, before I caught myself and let go. He didn't get upset though, he actually smiled. I think he was as caught off guard as I was, but he was understanding and kind.

It was then that I realized that I should probably take my seat before I made even more a fool of myself then I must have appeared to the rest.

I knew Mari shared my excitement and understood how I felt as she squeezed my hand when I rejoined her so the ceremony could continue, holding to her hand until she was called and to the ankh that had been given me by Miss Daniella.

Next it was Lieutenant Elect Ava Merinday of the Longsword who came forth next to call those who had felt the calling to become a Paladin too, and then she stood. Mari! She stood! She was going to be one of the finest Paladins I knew, and make the Great Leader so proud doing his good work.

She has come so far of most, learning to read, learning herself and growing in her strength and her faith to Toran, and I thought through it all we would get to spend more time learning together, but I should have known that it would not go as we planned from the beginning. We had different callings, within the church. I hope she knows just how proud we all are of her.

The chanting that followed filled the church and echoed into my soul, so proud was I to watch my brothers in faith make the oath that bound them even more firmly to the will of Toran. It was an incredible experience. William and Marin, I had known their calling but Mari's had never been so sure until that moment. I was incredibly proud of them all for the hardships they had overcome to find themselves here and to fill the sense of family within, I was amazed.

I wish I could say it ended as a simply ceremony but at towards the end, our teachers made such an impact in our lives, sending a very heart warming message to each of us, through their gifts.

Lady Jillian had pulled aside Mari and I to offer her own gift quietly, she has such a generous spirit and kindness and devotion to serving Toran. She has been so generous to help me with my studies and she has always been there to listen to me when I have questions or simply needed to talk.

I had not expected her gift, I did not expect anything truly. Serving Toran, to me has never been about expecting things, its been to me about giving myself completely to help others.

Hers was not the only gift though as Sir Lance and Miss Daniella had gifts of their own to share with us.

Given to me was 'Humility' as well as a certificate to explain the gift, that lay carefully set into the box it was presented to me in.

"The Great Leader never overestimated his importance in life. Do not see yourself as above anyone."

As Empathy can bring understanding, conviction and valor can bring pride, And pride can bring ego, and ego can bring intolerance and a sense of importance. This blade is called upon the conduct of humility, the edge stands with an elegant design and yet simple, showing that there is worthyness in humility, and yet it holds no intricate designs to stay true to the blade nature.

The guard of the blade has extra protection showing that the worse enemy of a knight can be himself if he or she forgot to be humble, this comes alongside with empathy. Since a Toranite who is blinded by ego, usually doesn't see the needs of those he is trying to help, becoming self-righteous in the process.

The hilt is silvered but without shine and holds engraved the words Irysecana and Humility on the sides.


Humility was not the only blade that was given by our teachers, but along side him are his brothers, as Mari was gifted with Conviction, William was given Sacrifice, Marinus was given Empathy. Later in another celebration for Cormac, he was given Valor. That leaves Hector whose blade I was not able to see, but I think Restraint would have fit him the most.

The ceremony was lovely and after we parted for home, it was nice to see my Brother again, and to spend some time with him. He gave me a beautiful gift, one that he had been working on for awhile for me. A bronze shield painted with a great ankh of Toran on its side. I think even Lemont has grown since we have been apart from each other.

I would like to say that since leaving the ceremony, that I have been a perfect priestess of Toran but I have learned things that have opened my eyes to the way I see things, how I deal with others, and most of all how I serve Toran, and what that means.

I have felt the loneliness that comes from disappointing Toran in my actions, but I have also felt the warmth of his return within, and the generous spirit of my Brothers to help those who are even enemies of Toran.

I have learned that there is great evil to stand against, and that I must be always vigilant, always mindful, always patient, always understanding, and always honorable, with a measure of restraint to not always say what is on my mind, but to listen and think things through before rushing into a hasty decision because acting without restraint can only make things worse.

It is not only my life I risk but others around me if I fail to conduct myself by the will of The Great Leader.

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2011, 10:25:02 am »
The Ancient King once chained is free
By Raelyn Blair

DM: Brewmaster

Participants: Marinus, Cormac, Jillian Stuart, Sehky, Taran, Center Town  Crier, Bram, Brother Marl and lots of shades and ghouls and other foul  creatures.

Sir Riley, Lady Daniella, Sir Lance, Brother Marl

I pray that Toran protects you and gives you a moment to listen to what  needs to be said. Since the night of the commencement, many things have  happened, some not so easy to understand, some that I am still trying to  understand myself, but I am finding my faith, Toran's direction slowly.  In doing so some events have taken place, that I feel need to be  reported, so that you can help prepare our Brothers for what may be  coming.

While recently visiting center, a prophet for lack of a better word  starting preach in the streets. I am trying to recall all of what he  said and what sticks out the most, "the ancient king once chained is  free." He went on to say more. "When Orn's Silver sets and Pale Orn  rises!  When the chill touches the grave and the dead go restless!  When  there's no more room in the pits!  The dead walk here! Lay low all  hopes and desires! Oblivion looms as a vulture in the sky!  The clouds  strangle the light from the heavens, the earth grows dark and the dead  doth weep! The wings!  Mighty wings! Winter and Pestilence has flown!   Lay low in peril!  Look on as an ant in the refuse and rightly show awe!  Hide your faces those who have ill worth! The eyes of judgement gaze  upon us all!  The signs are true! The age of redemption has passed and  now we are doomed! The eyes, horrid eyes.  They never lie, they bear  putressance true!

The light of the gods, their signs, they do not shine!  the harbringers  of death, the signs have been shown as death descends from the sky! In  these dying days, the land belongs to the dead!"

It may be easy to discount this as simply madness but it felt to me as  if he spoke of a prophecy about to happen. Shadows began to come to life  and attack us where we stood. Ghouls walked the streets attacking us,  Marinus and I, were there to help fight the more the evening went on the  longer the attacks of the shadows and undead continued.

I could swear this man was possessed but from what I could not  determine, though it was a horrible beast that when I tried to cleans  the man he caught fire and we were forced to let go, leaving him to flee  in the chaos that followed. We tried our best to help him, to keep us  with him, I could feel this man was just an instrument of this prophecy,  an innocent, being used in a most horrible way unfortunately we were  not able to.

In the middle of the mans head was a tattooed third eye that seemed as  if it was watching us, something arcane, something evil was happening.  The man continued to rant as long as he could before fleeing from the  town. Leaving us distracted by the attacking shadows and undead. He said  "The dead will dance tonight!  The seekers, on the paths.  The night  watches!  Beware the night!  Stay out of shadows, they hide from the  dawn. Arthenon! where is he?!"

It sounded as if he was very frightened and so I offered to take him  back to the temple in Fort Llast to keep him safe from harm, but before  we could he tried to cut his own throat. Marinus and I tried our best to  restrain him to protect him from himself, from whatever foul creature  possessed him. Not long after he started to address, Mister Sehky, he  said that he had something that belonged to him. They spoke of Arthenon,  and please forgive my ignorance as I was not familiar with him, not  until I was able to learn more later.

The events were curious and evil, dark and prophetic, and maybe with our  determination, staved for now. Sehky said though that Arthenon was a  powerful litch that no longer existed. I am not so sure, though if he is  right there is another ancient king that may be trying to rise. Sir  Riley you were mentioned as the one that we should bring this  information to.

A friend of Sehky's, his name is Bram seemed to be targeted as well as  the graverobber who had taken a book as well as some canopic jars from a  crypt. Bram for now is staying at the temple, under the watch of  Brother Marl, recovering from his injuries sustained that night. But  with your help, with our Brothers aid and the requested presense of  Sehky, and his wife Keela, we are going to try to destroy this book once  and for all.

It should be mentioned also that our trip from Center, to Fort Llast was  frought with the creatures of the night trying their best to stop us  all along the way. Even Fort Llast has come under attack from Lt.  Jursen's protective watch of the Fort. Thankfully it seems that quiet  has been for awhile restored to the lands, and patrols have not revealed  anything more. I am concerned though that the location of Bram in Fort  Llast may mean that whatever is trying to get at the book, at Bram, may  not stop at the locked gates, and that we must remain vigilent.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2011, 07:49:15 am »
To: Command
From: Priestess Raelyn Blair
It is my duty and by request that I make this formal report, of a recent  excursion that began in Fort Vehl, for the Five Sails Merchant Company.  
While passing through Fort Vehl, I had discovered a request for aid  being asked, and inquired with the One Eyed Harpy, to see what I may be  able to do to aid.
What was shared with us by one Gabriel Gallows, a representative of the  Five Sails. His answers were mostly vague but the company itself as my  brother was able to confirm is a very reputable company, and so I did  not think aiding them would be a problem.
What I could gather is that a ship of the company had been out of touch  longer than was normal. The cargo that had gone missing an unspecified  ore and the crew of the ship status also in question. His client's name  kept private.
I will not go into to many details of the trip itself except for our  actually landing on the island we believe to be the hideout of the  pirates who had captured the ships cargo and crew.
Those with us conducted negotiations with the pirates for the return of  the cargo as well as the crew of about 30 people. Those peoples  condition is still in question as I was not allowed near them to judge  for myself, but they were ushered onto a ship along the way called the  "The Cursed Maiden" bound for Katharien.
I believe that these passengers who are my main concern were slaves  bound to be sold. It is also my judgement that more investigation should  be pursued.
With Deepest Respect,
Priestess Raelyn
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2011, 10:18:23 am »
Neatly tucked into the growing pages of her journal are pages of thoughts and copies of reports mingled inbetween are letters, and copies of letter written sometimes with words crossed out finally a final letter is copied carefully into the pages reflecting the letter that has long since been sent to its intended recipient, but the memories seem important and treasured so a copy is kept.

Dear Lyn

Now, here, in this place, I wonder if I should have put an arm around you when we all talked at the fire. I wished, back there, to do it. But I felt too foolish to do such thing, even now, I regret it. I cannot go through the day not thinking of you, your eyes, your tears, your happiness and your lips, and I cannot close my eyes at night not dreaming of you even more than before. Nightmares, sometimes. I don't feel so foolish at all now, only if I would not tell you that I fell in love with you so terribly, that I want to know what's going on inside your head, what you are thinking, which doubts and fears you have that we can overcome. It's strange. Very strange. I admit that I am both afraid of it as much as I am happy about it: it feels like waking after a long winter, after finally understanding something about myself and the world. You were right, Lyn.

Toran guides us,
Half laughing about this letter while shivering in the cold,


Dear William,

My thoughts are all a blur right now at how quickly things have changed between us. I cherish you more than I can say, and to see your face light up with a smile means more than anything to me.

I hoped you would put your arms around me when we were together but neither did I wish to push you incase your head is in a whirlwind as much as my own.

It was not but a few days before your confession to me, that I had spoke with Kian and told him how I felt I wasn't ready for anyone else in my life so closely other than Toran.

In a way I still feel as though I have so much to learn, so much about him, so much about myself, so much about you yet.

Kian told me of how Jillian explained to him that as much as we believe we are strong enough to go alone that to find our center, our soul mate makes us stronger.

I think he wished to find his center with me, but I told him I could not. I wasn't ready. So how in just a few days can I truly change my mind? I don't think I can. And I owe you that honesty. I want to put my doubts out front so you know them. So we can work on them, because you are my beacon. You are my center and have been since the first day we met.

I love you William and I want us to be together, will all my heart. Toran knows and you know. With all we have been through over the last few years, even as sure as we are about each other. We would be foolish to rush.

We have so much to still learn of each other, and I want to walk in the night with you, hand in hand. I want to feel your gentle breath against my neck, teasing my ear. I want to hear your voice as you tell me everything on your mind. I want to hear your gasp of breath as we have our first date.

I know we are not normal at all, and maybe it sounds silly, but it would be nice to have that together. A bit of normal in our lives where we can go on picnics and have dates and feel your fingers entwined with my own.

Toran has guided us together and I am not letting you go now that I found you, but as a woman, I have expectations.

I love you William

I pray Toran to keep you warm and your heart light, and for him to lead you back to me soon.

Think of my arms around you keeping you warm and fear not the cold.



Dear Lyn

Is there anything I can do to clam the whirlwind, to wipe away the blur? Nothing I wish more right now. I know the storm in my heart and head, and it feels odd, strange, dangerous even. All these wishes, expectations and dreams; all these things I know nothing off. It is like balancing on a wooden beam, slippery from yesterday's rain. The questions in my head, all these doubts about if it is appropriate and honorful to hold you in front of everybody (even your brother) - I know no answer to them. There is a whirlwind inside of me since a long time, and I calm it with meditation, with discipline - but I wonder if that really will work.

Can we walk this road together, learn about ourselves, about each other, about The Great Leader? I feel confused and insecure, because what was simple when I was younger has now become so much more complicated and yet hasn't.

It fills me with joy to know that you have so many people around that love you, that care about you. I cannot hide from you that I also feel jealousy that I will lose you to one of them, be that Kian, be that somebody else. I know it is silly and that I should not think of this as a paladin of Toran, but I cannot hide it from you. When I feel like I know you with all my heart yet still have to learn and understand so much about you - why am I not content with you being happy with whoever it is? My last mediation about this only walked me in circles, but I felt that Toran smiled upon my search. Who are you, you that I want to be with, together for as long as we possibly could against all odds? And why are you make me losing my balance sometimes and make me want to dance at other times. Can I allow myself such thing, such weakness or Ilsarian folly as some might say? But I want to be with you, always, and my heart always will be I think. I opened a door, and I want to know what's behind it, want to find out with you, your hand in mine.

But this is not about me, not about me alone - it is about us. I begun this letter in an attempt to answer to yours that was so sweet and as if you know what I want but also confusing. What is it that you expect of me? I want to know what bothers you, want to know wabout your mistakes, your feelings, everything. This blur and whirlwind, these doubts and hardships - we can overcome them together, I am sure of it. I want to put an arm around you, somewhere somewhen, time just for us. Rest your head against my shoulders, tell me what you feel, what confuses you, what you want, what you wish and what you dream of. I will listen. I will hold your hand, go on a picnic if I know what you like best, have dates both lovely, catastrophic and silly. Hold you hand, ruffle your hair, such things. We need that, that little bit of normal. A serene evening, sitting in front of the fire, calming each others hearts and minds. Weave ourselves a small cocoon where we can be and find love, security, true happiness so we can face the cold and the hardship again, knowing that we will be there again for each other.

I will keep your letter and the memory of you close to me heart, thank you Lyn. I love you. Dream sweet and sleep well until I come back to you my center.

I love you,
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2011, 10:47:04 am »
My Dearest Champion,

I miss you, and I pray that my letter finds you warm and safe. I wish you to think of me fondly when we are apart and to know that my heart is with you, and thinking of you when we can not be with each other.

Seeing you with little Richard and the way you care for him, the way you care for Jhon, and me, brings a smile to me, and warms me from within. I pray every day for Toran to guide us together, and I know he will soon, though I know that one does not walk a path for him, in a straight line and that sometimes detours must be made to help those who need us. The temple has been especially busy recently, and kept full and for now means that I am needed here more to tend to the sick and wounded.

I think very much though of our promise to each other, and I look forward to our picnic together. I see in my mind my hair ribbon and I still envy that it is not me around your arm but my heart is with you.

Always walk with his virtues warming your heart and let him guide you. Alway know that though we are apart we are together always.

Always Your Lady,

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2012, 02:03:20 pm »
To: Payton and Gwen Blair
Fort Llast, Mistone
Trelania Kingdom

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am writing you, from my newest posting to let you know I was called away for while to Hilm to work with the Company of the Star, for further training as a battle priestess and to be closer to those who could benefit the greatest from The Great Leaders gifts.

I pray that you understand that this is an important opportunity and I will miss you so very much but I will write all as often as I can. Right now I am awaiting word from the Commander to my official duties while I am here, and who I will be assigned to report to.

I am also writing to you, to ask if you will be able to care for Jhon, in my absence. He needs your patience and loving support Mom, and I know you already think of him as a son, but he needs someone to understand how to communicate with him, and with your background Mom, I trust you with him.

He loves plants and drawing, and learning all he can. I have also promised to send him new plants as I come across them, so if you receive any packages, it is most likely sent for him.

I know this would mean a lot to William and I will send what I can home to you to help with what expenses I know you will have, and also what I can to make sure you and dad are taken care of.

I love you both so very much and I will return home when I can.

Your Loving Daughter and Priestess of Toran
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2012, 08:45:41 pm »
To: Priestess Raelyn Blair
From: Paladin William Leox, Fiorez City

Dear Priestess Blair, Mylady

I am missing you, and so many days went by without me writing to you. I wish I could have, but while the travel to Fort of Last Hope was mostly uneventful I somehow could not find the time to write you. I regret not writing you now, I could have told you about what I saw and felt and witnessed during the days of travel. Maybe about the deep scars in land and people, the lingering tension of unresolved conflict and the splendor of the lands that will remember this war for a long time. May His Light inspire, warm and show them the way -- that too is what I pray for. If my actions and behavior makes them a little bit safer, a little bit more kind and self-secure about the ability to shape a bit of the future with their own hands, that is more than I can hope for I think. Hard times harden the hearts of the people; and while I write you in candlelight the politics continue to entangle and obstruct our ability to express what we think must be done and what we feel. For a brief moment I think I even saw pain in the face of Lord Siphe as he told a horrid tale that I am not sure we were supposed to hear. Yet, we all, even us recruits, dined at a table with him. And while Lord Siphe and Commander Stormhaven appeared to stand the tension in the room, everybody was on her or his toes for one reason or another. The young -- us! - were mostly busy with not making the wrong move and minding etiquette. There was a tight moment, as Marin might be able to tell you. Lord Siphe likes to play mind games with us, and he was testing Marin who came too late due to some confusion with the carriages if I remember correctly. The Lord yelled at him and put his blade against Marin's throat. I saw Daniella smiling when I looked at her briefly.

He's testing us, and while it is a great honor and opportunity, it is also dangerous. Not all wounds might be healed. As far as for Lord Siphe, he has my respect already. I want to learn as much from him and his military as I can, and I am quite certain that if I prove to be a student that endures, has quick reactions and good instincts as well as discipline, he would like to hand us back over to Commander Stormhaven with some sort of subtle smile that only she can see or understand. I trust Toran that he will lead us all through this. There is an odd feeling inside me, an impression that I appear unable to shake.

There is much to tell you, and I do not know how to write to you how much I miss you and pray that you are safe and at good health and not writing letters with a shaking hand from all the training during the day. Do not worry. Sometimes I think I can feel your heart beating far away, and I know that HE protects you in his light and always will. But sometimes I remember the sound of your voice, your eyes and your smile and know that wherever you are, we will see each other again in person. My heart is with you, always, as it rests with Toran and with you. We share a light, the three of us. I need to meditate about that matter, it feels complicated.

Before I close this letter: How is Jhon taking my absence? Is he alright? Should he need anything, I will pay for it with the trues I somehow managed to save up.

I miss you, Lyn, and are very grateful for the blessing Toran gave me with you. I still remember the day I left, and it stings but in a good and sad way at the same time: I know that while it hurts, we both will grow and learn The Great Leader's Teachings now for a while on our own; but there will be a day when we will be together again, and I hope we can lean against each other than, hold each other, and I will be your protection and you will be the Hope and Warmth for me. For now, thoughts and prayers and the knowledge that Toran provides are what we have. My grandfather said that distance connects. I think he is right. It makes one reconsider and more deeply think about things. I love you. I spread my arms over the distance to you now and hold you, wherever you are, whatever you are doing. We share the same sky, the same sun and the same stars.

Forever grateful for your love,

May His Light guide you and keep you safe,
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2012, 08:46:57 pm »
To: Paladin William Leox, Fiorez City
  From: Priestess Raelyn Blair, Hilm
  My Dearest Champion, Guardian of my Heart
  I miss you every day so much and I know what we have done, it is the right thing. We both know that while away, our hearts are still strongly tied to each other. Do not feel so bad about writing me, as the letter has taken quite some time to reach me from Fort Llast and then being forwarded to Hilm.
  Yes I said Hilm, Commander StormHaven requested my presence here to give me the chance to choose my posting. At first I was unsure of why I was being summoned so far away, but orders are orders, and I will follow always the calling of Toran.
  I can't tell you what it has been like here, though I am certain you know in your own training, just what it is like as well, and the wounds the war has left behind.
  She gave me a choice of assignments after hearing of my interest in serving out in the field. I was surprised but also grateful, because I have felt there is more for me to do in the world. A place where I can make a difference. I have to admit that sometimes I feel more in the way, with all the focus in Fort Llast than helpful, though I have realized since coming to Hilm, that there is simply no role small, as all are vital to each other, but it allows room for rising Brothers and Sisters a place to learn and grow as well.
  She gave me the choice to go to Sederra, to the shrine of Sloven, from there I would have been able to be as the contact between the Citadel and the Shrine.
  While it was an amazing opportunity in itself, it felt more diplomatic, more restrictive to a point, and not a position I feel ready for yet.
  She also gave me the choice to would have been to go to Tilmar, to the Telish throne, and added to the regular patrols out of the Citadel, amazing opportunities each one she gave me, still they did not feel as though Toran's calling, they did not feel like where I belonged. I could not convey that to her easily, as I think part of her still believes I chose Hilm to be closer to you.
  I don't know how to convince her such is not the case, I was not driven to Hilm, because of you. I could not tell her I had actually encouraged the decision for our separate ways, but we know the truth and Toran, our callings our impressed in our hearts and there is no way to understand what is in someone's heart, not truly.
  But she offered me a chance to study along side the battle priests of the Company of the Star. I won't be one of them but I will have the chance to learn from them, to truly see the world for what it is, to grow a deeper understanding of why it is we are needed so much.

  In that moment, I understood this is where I was needed.
  I am waiting to be seen by the Commander, for my assignment, as he has been very busy. It seems Commander Stormhaven will not be my commanding officer, well not directly anyway. While I wait I have been helping where I can. It is hard William, I see the dedication and love, but also the pain in the priests faces though they are so focused they try their best not to show their emotions. I stand in amazement at their conviction, their dedication and courage. They are the chosen, protecting us, protecting you and I want to be more like them. Right now until I am officially assigned, I have been wrapping bandages up, blessing the water, and helping feed the injured.
  I miss you William and I pray every moment that Toran protects all of us standing against  the evil of this land that threatens to chase away the good. I feel the warmth of your arms holding me, I feel the warmth of Toran's light guiding us, and I know his strength is within us both and his light shines in our heavens.
  The sudden calling to Hilm, left me little choice but to temporarily leave Jhon in the care of the Temple, but I have also sent a letter to my parents to ask them if they would take care of Jhon until we are able to return home, and any true I am able to offer, I will send home. I have not heard yet due to the great distance letters must travel, but I pray that by the time you are reading this letter, Mom and Dad will have written back and agreed.
  I love you My Champion!
  May The Great Leader Light your path Always
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2012, 11:23:41 pm »
To: Gwen Blair, Fort Llast, Mistone
From: Priestess Raelyn Blair, Hilm,


It has been so busy here in Hlim, I thought that understood how bad it could possible be until I stepped into this city, and realized just how bad the conditions are and how limited the resources are. Not only that but the shipments are not as frequent as those we get back home. A lot of times there are simply not enough supplies and we are reduced to using what is available. Instead of the normal supply of clean bandages, we are sometimes forced to use boiling clothing to sterilize and reuse what we are able.

It is not ideal but without such steps these men and women may not have a chance to survive. The battlefield does not allow for luxuries and to simply have a healer before the wounded bleed out is, in itself a blessing. I know this is not a scene you wished your daughter to ever have to witness, and I know that dad would have protected me from this as long as he could. He would have been content that I marry some local boy and take up teaching.

But I am learning that being sheltered in such a way, so protected would have only hurt me, and kept me from learning the reality of what truly happens in our world. Toran has called me here though and for good reason. There is much good that Toran can provide through my hands.

I have not seen or heard much from any of my friends since coming here, and I can understand why now. If their training is anything like what Lt Allan has put me through, they simply do not have time for pleasantries or keeping in touch.

Most days, I am simply to tired to do more than pass out on my little piece of earth, only to be woken with the urgency of more wounded being brought in. I have learned to sleep light and wake quickly with an alert mind, so that I am always prepared for what emergencies rise. Thankfully I have an advocate and new friend, her name is Anna, and she has shown me around the tents, so that I know where everything is now and been as much a friend as our limited time allows. I am learning to anticipate the needs of the healers, and more about what needs to be done to treat different wounds.  

I am also learning to appreciate more the training Commander Stormhaven and Commander Stargazer put us through, as we are always lifting our patients and moving them around from the surgical tents into the recovery tents and sometimes we are even asked to help take care of those who do not make it.

I have learned also that while we have our own rituals we have to take care to respect the rituals of the various cultures, so as not to offend them or their families. Even in healing there are traditions that must be respected.

I miss you both so much and please do not worry about me Mom. I know you are but Toran would not give me anything I can not handle.

Give Dad a hug for me, and tell him I love him too and not to worry.


Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2012, 07:06:15 am »
To: Priestess Raelyn Blair, Priestess of Toran, Hilm Castle
From: Paladin William Leox, Paladin of Toran, Fiorez City

Dear Raelyn,

It has been some time since I last wrote you. Things have been hectic and confusing as of late, and there is much work and training to be done. I wish I could tell you more, but this letter seems not a good place for it. I miss you greatly and pray for your safety. I doubt that I can come to Hilm any time soon, love, no matter how much I wish for it. I hold you in my thoughts and dreams, and I pray to soon be close to you. In these times that grow darker and darker I wish nothing more to be close to you to keep you safe, please, be careful and don't worry too much about me. I might be able to visit you soon.

Forever your knight and your love


To: Paladin Willam Leox, Paladin of Toran, Fiorez City
From: Priestess Raelyn Blair, Priestess of Toran, Hilm Castle

Dearest William,

I miss you so very much. I can't begin to tell you how much and convey my thoughts clearly because they are so confused and the more I try to convince myself I am sure of them, the more muddled my thoughts become. You are my center, and I miss you.

You understand me. Its a simply as I can put it. I have managed to offend Sir Stargazer's daughter, through my honesty, through my intention to impress upon her that her actions could have caused more harm than good.

I did not mean to hurt her, as I think we could be good friends. I think in my actions I have even managed to anger her mother. I am not sure what to do, though I pray that our Great Leader will shine his wisdom in my heart to help me guide my heart to make things right again.

I pray that you are kept safe in Fiorez City, and that you can come visit soon. The focus of most of the women around me is marriage and yet my thoughts are furthest from it.

I pray, I pray that Toran keeps you strong of heart, and faith and mind and spirit, to do his will, and that he will send you swiftly to me. I miss the way your gentle hand touches my cheek, and the way your soft lips feel against my own.

All my love, all my sincerest hopes and prayers that our Great Leader keeps you safe for me.


Kneeling down in her tent holding gently to her ankh, she prays softly.

Dear Toran,

It's Raelyn, but you know me already, I come to you, tonight, asking for your divine protection and safety for the kingdoms, for my brothers and sisters in service that you protect us all and deliver us from harm. I pray that your wisdom and leadership touches all our hearts, not just those who believe in you but all of us. I pray for your wisdom and compassion to reach the hearts of those I may have acted in haste against and help me mend what hurt I have caused. Please forgive me for hurting Miss Myla as I have, I never intended to hurt her, and realize for as much as I think I know, there is always more to learn and understand. Thank you for blessing me with the friendship of Anna and Lt Allen, and for bringing Myla into my life to teach me. Thank you for watching over my family and friends. I will always be your humble servant.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2012, 09:18:41 pm »
a b c... easy as... 1 2 3
The common language seemed harder on her ears, much more abrasive and not nearly as lovely as the elven she was learning from SehKy, but she was picking up on it much more quickly than she had been the elven. Images of things were pinned to bookshelves, water kegs, the pantry, cupboards, her bed, the desk, the armoire, which still looked funny, the carpet, and paintings, her basin. Naming them each in common, as well as elven. She supposed that Jilsephonie and Sehky had been sometimes working together to help her learn.

Knowing already what things were made learning easier and when she would stop in front of a piece of parchment she would sound out the word phonetically, and commit it to memory making up a little song about it to make it easier for her to remember, and for her lessons from Jil, she would practice writing new words after sounding them out, and drawing an image of them as well as writing the word again.

Sometimes the lessons started to begin to blend into each other, she had been sitting at her desk what seemed like months, hoping for a knock on the door that would be Deverain coming to see her, but he had been gone for awhile and she was growing to miss him terribly.

She wanted to tell him how she had picked apples for him, and saved them but she didn't want to tell him how they had gone bad and she had to throw them away. She wanted to tell him how she could sound out his name now, and write it, but he was not there to listen. She wanted to sing him silly songs and to inspire him but she had not heard from him. So she started to bury herself into her study of language and music and art. She loved to draw and had a real talent for it, that surprised her. Sometimes she would draw for no reason, and sometimes as part of her lessons with Andrew, and sometimes with Sehky encouraging her to open up her mind to learn the artistry of the elven forms, so she could interpret them in her own way.

Her harp, her piccolo lay on her bed as she fumbled over her lessons, and she frowned at the parchment that lay scattered on the floor of her room, finally sitting her quill down and moving away from her desk. She was tired and she needed something else to do, and that is when she remembered that Miss Jil had been saving some hickory for her to practice with...
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Raelyn Blair
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2012, 09:47:43 pm »
Raelyn stood in the ranks of the soldiers feeling a little out of place among them. She was used to being under the guidance of Commander Stormhaven or Commander Stargazer, but with Master Vrebel things felt different. She didn't know him as well, at all really, but Commander Stargazer trusted him enough to put him in charge of her brother in arms.

They were all allies, they were called to stand side by side yet in the pit of her stomach she felt uneasy. The mist did not feel right, and soon she began to understand why, when they lashed out at it, or grew to close and cold, it attacked them, positive energy was met with equal opposite reaction.  When they pushed to much they found out what was hiding within it.

Horrible creatures she had never seen before. Full of evil intent and not hesitating to strike at them, and kill them without a second thought. Raelyn would have hesitated, she did, she wanted to understand, to try to be kind to see if such an approach would be met with the same. She soon found out that evil is just that. Evil.

Twice she fell.. and once the soul mother greeted her greedily, pulling at the fabric of her life, leaving her humbled and wiser for her experiences, and teaching her, that she still had much to learn.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

