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Author Topic: Raska's Musings  (Read 53 times)


Raska's Musings
« on: December 12, 2008, 04:21:15 am »
Darkness descended upon the forest and shadows lengthened from the trees, offering a refuge to hide in. As the night descended a calm quiet descended like a blanket thrown over the woods. It should have been comforting, to be in a forest again but I could still smell the oddness of it all though and the strange unfamiliar smells unnerved me. Scents of animals and creatures I did not know tickled my sensitive nose. My ears picked up the sounds of night animals awakening and beginning to move about. But still it was such a relief to be in the open air, away from the stink and darkness of the small cage I had lived in for a time. Away from the demands and ‘training’ of the one who called himself master. But now I was here, in this strange forest. Out in the open air where the breeze could tickle my mane and ruffle my fur. Where I could feel the ground under my feet and see the sight of the open starry sky. I so wanted to run again, cry or roar my success to the wind.

Now though as I looked around in the dark, my own feline eyes shining with half caught light I realize I am alone in this strange world. And I have no idea where I am… only hungry, lost and alone…

What if those men came after me again? I won’t stand to be captured. That thought filled me again with determination over the fear. I would not allow myself to go easily. I am not something meant to be caught and caged.


Re: Raska's Musings
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2008, 04:22:35 am »
Much has happened since I last rested and reflected. Silver flashes darted through the water and I could see the fish darting back and forth. They had provided a good meal before. Oh how I missed the hunt and chase as I tracked down my food. Now as I stared into the river at my feet it seemed rather appropriate. It all happened suddenly as well like water rushing through the grove in the earth.

It was not long that I had been near this river for the first time, trying to keep a low profile in the grass that one of those that walked on two legs came nearby. Behind her a creature unfamiliar to me, with the head of a dog, walked behind her. It was him that sniffed me out. I did feel fear, what if she attacked? Or went for others of her kind. It was strange though; she brought no weapons and tried to talk to me in their language. A language I did not understand but for a few words. I could smell fear on her too, she looked worried as well. I tried to understand, but did not manage well. I did find her name was Mirran. And then more of her kind arrived, a man stepped out of nowhere it seemed. And once he did I was ready for a fight, he had snuck up upon me stealthy like a hunter. He did not attack though, which was a relief though strange as well. He spoke he name when I gestured though it was hard to pronounce. So he settled for Ely. He drew in the ground, making pictures of my own kind running amongst the grass. It brought back memories of my life before. Of running free in the grasses, of when I was young and teasing my eldars. Then the hunts we had been on, the pride of my parents and then... their deaths. A great sadness made my heart ache.

It was not long when another came as well, a female who he seemed to know. Much to my relief she spoke the tongue of animals and I was able to communicate to some extend with her. She spoke her name as. It seemed they wanted to know why I was here, and with her help and the pictures I was able to explain to some extent why. A fourth man arrived as well, one whose named I picked up at Ni... the rest of his name was hard to speak as well.

To my surprise they had me come with them, until I realized we were going to that place of stone and stink. The place I had only so recently escaped from. I did not want to go there. Was I wrong? Where they leading me off again before I would be trapped and caged. I was angry but afraid too until Ely managed to coax me to come. It was there to my surprise he gave me weapons of the hunt. A spear and bow to defend and hunt with. Though unsure and what to think of this I took the weapons, grateful to have such things with me again. Strange how these beings had been kind to me when others had not.


Re: Raska's Musings
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2008, 04:33:06 am »
I could hear the leaves rustling through the trees around me and smell the scent of the forest. It was quiet again and a welcome relief to rest near a camp tucked away by the woods. It was so peaceful I could almost forget I was a stranger to this place. A being so different from those that called this place home. This was visible in the way people reacted to me, I am unsure if I will ever get used to it. I find myself met with startled stares, fear, or even curiosity. Still I have learned that even these beings that walk only on two legs are a varied as they are colorful. Beings know as ‘humans’ as I learned, seem to be the most common. And it was ‘humans’ I now know that brought me here. There is also other beings such as ‘halflings’ and ‘elves’, and though they are walk in the same manner they are shorter or skinnier than humans.

Recently I even met a ‘brownie’, as first glimpse I wondered if it was some kind of grass runner. A rodent that has run through the grasses of my home. Once it stood still long enough I found it looked similar to the other beings but... but so small! The male I met, Richard, he was called seemed nervous. Flitting about like bird that could not stand still. He reminded me of the energetic cubs of my species. Always on the move. The female one I met was ‘Annie’ and she seemed pleased to meet me. She gave me food and a flower. I think I like her, she reminds me of a sweet cheerful cub.

Later she began to tell me more of this language they all speak. Pointing out various things and speaking their name. I have managed to learn what more things are called, something good I bet. I will keep practicing and maybe they will understand me more.