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Author Topic: Rats and Bats and Goblins.. oh, why?  (Read 70 times)


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    Rats and Bats and Goblins.. oh, why?
    « on: July 26, 2005, 03:14:00 pm »
    My days in the town of Hlint have begun.  This young bard has little to say of the entertainment in this town, as there is so little.

    After meeting a few of the locals, it seems as if many are in the same boat as I am..  We arrived knowing very little of the "how's and why's", just that we are needed.  It seems a bit contrived.  Great evil, incredible adventures, etc..  Doesn't anyone ever get tired of collecting Goblin ears or digging through the sewers for this and that?

    I can't think of one great story that begins with the words:  "Bring me the pelt of a rat".   Here's hoping there are more threads to weave in this town. . .