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Author Topic: Buddy's private notes  (Read 186 times)


Buddy's private notes
« on: July 01, 2008, 08:53:08 am »
My plan for Pranzis and the take down of Rael

First thing that must be done is the education of the people. In this I mean to start with trade. Trading with Rael helps him, those that do should be shown the error of their ways. If they continue, then they will be considered allies of Rael.

This first part of the plan will be none violent. We will spread rumors outside of Pranzis. The rumors will say all trade going into and out of Pranzis will be considered support for the current government. All support to the current government must stop. If they continue, the consequences of their actions are on their hands. We will slowly sabotage trade coming in and going out of Pranzis. We will be doing this while leaving a note as to why.

Using the crafting halls inside Pranzis will be considered support for the current government.

possible reactions by Rael

- he will try to bring a stop to this quickly and show that all dissent is futile
- he will send guards to patrol the roads
- he will send escorts with with large caravans
- he may even try to scrye information on who is involved

The main goal is to get the support of the people and show that Rael is weak and can be taken.


Re: Buddy's private notes
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2008, 03:54:15 pm »
Well I talked with Tod Fellow about My idea. He is behind it 100%.

I have also talked with Brian about it. He is behind it as long as the Orphanage is not disrupted or harmed.


Re: Buddy's private notes
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 04:45:05 pm »
Well I have been talking with Beli and he and the Bashers are working on helping the people Mariners Hold. He told me he is concerned with Rael and the influence he might have over the area. I never thought that Rael could have influence so far from Prantz. I have sent Tod and Brian to look into it.

I got word back that Brian has disappeared. I will look into his disappearance as soon as I can. Tod will have to do the work himself. If I go and botch the job it may make Beli and the Bashers look bad. Tod has no idea where I got the information so he should not be able to keep Beli and company safe.


Re: Buddy's private notes
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2009, 08:52:28 pm »
I've given Azk'a Thunderaxe a key to 109 Hempstead. He has agreed to a 15,000 true price to permanently have a room. I've given him one of the bigger rooms on the main floor.


Re: Buddy's private notes
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2009, 09:25:07 am »
Well my plans are much further along now and more detailed. I have quite a few things going on. I have started to infilrate Lor under the guise as a merchant. I have people who are helping me, Caerwyn, Larissa, Tod Fellow and Steel.

I am working with Angela on helping Lor. Lor seems to be a strategic place to gain influence. There fore I need to learn as much as I can about the Diet members and their goings on.  

I have hired the bard Andrew William Reid to sing and write songs about Rael. I also hired Jehorem to protect him and watch the crowds reactions.

Looks like Jehorem was not enough, Andrew almost got killed by some dwarves sent to kill him. They had a note on them that said kill "Willie the bard". I have increased his security to include Steel.


Re: Buddy's private notes
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2009, 09:33:26 am »
I have sold a room from 109 Port Hempstead to Morunas Khan Val for 10,000 true. He has not paid me yet but he has a key to the house. I told him to take his time and furnish his room first. Once he pays he will be a co-owner of the house along with Azk'a Thunderaxe.


Re: Buddy's private notes
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2012, 11:28:37 am »
Well now that the green dragon cult threat has diminished I can implement my plan against Rael. The Letters have been sent and posted.

The Rael Resistance officially declares war against Rael and all who support him. That means all who do business with, pay taxes to, support in a physical, verbal or financial way Rael the current leader of the Rael Kingdom.

Those that carry or have been issued citizenship papers of the Rael kingdom are considered to be in support of Rael.

Until Rael steps down from control of the Rael Kingdom and removes his Dark dwarf forces those that support the Rael kingdom will be considered in support of Rael.

All persons have one year to discontinue support for Rael or face the consequences.

Remember he was a general of Sinthar Bloodstone and used that power to take control. No matter what he has done he does not deserve the support he gets.

