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Author Topic: The Truth of Being (Cuinn Brendimeere)  (Read 64 times)


The Truth of Being (Cuinn Brendimeere)
« on: February 27, 2008, 01:29:22 pm »
*sketches upon sketches litter every sizeable margin or bit of free space in this book, depicting everything from symbols to signs to buildings, people and plants.*  

I thought that I'd surprise Uncle Caighd by arriving unannounced at the temple in Vehl but it seems that I have only managed to strand myself.  Vehl is a dreary and dark place to say the least and I found myself somewhat uncomfortable ambling about the port in my immaculate robes.. It was the first time in very long time that I've felt out of place and I was grateful to reach the insulating reliquary of the Rofireinite temple.  Speaking to the clergy I was informed that he was in seclusion.. meditating and praying.  Understanding this well, myself, I left a message to be given to him upon his emergence.

Making quick notes and sketches of many of the styles and architecture of the local area as well as an interesting game being played by some of the local children I decided to use the remainder of my true and visit Port Hempstead.   I read much of this grand city and its institutions but my studies had not done it justice.  

The Crimson Eagle memorial, itself, was breathtaking to see for the first time.  It was congested with commerce and any number of people set about their daily activities.  I've included a number of sketches of the area and the fountains though I'm not certain the method by which these fountains bring forth their clear water whether that be elevated supply or by some minor form of magic... Regardless.. I spent much of the day basking in the activity and the conversation of its residents.

It was later in the day that I met Emmalee.  She too, like Uncle Caighd, is in the service of the Lord Protector.  Though I'm a bit embarrassed by it I thought at first that she might be a courtesan or noble's daughter and exchanged only pleasantries before she revealed her calling.  

Again I have let my curiosity get the better of me.  Before i realized it I was staring at her hands and elucidating on the finer points of Palm reading.  Its become somewhat of an obsession of mine as late, determining exactly how much of this age old tradition is factual and how much one could reliable glean from it.  It is said that masters in the art can tell you, almost to the day, things that have happened or events that will happen in you life.. things about who you will marry...

I regress.. she was quite interested in the telling of her life and love lines though she withdrew at one point, so maybe the telling bore truth.   I confessed early on it was an interest and I could easily be off on any of the details... Her hands were very soft but strong.  We spoke for a time on the significance of a person's hands and it ended up first I rubbed hers and then she returned the favor and before we parted she kissed me on the cheek.  

I confess.. I find myself enamored with her.. even from this first meeting I know that I wish to see her again and to know more about her.


Re: The Truth of Being (Cuinn Brendimeere)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 04:33:34 pm »
*Several following pages are filled from top to bottom with sketches of people, plants, animals, parts of buildings and any number of things.  In the area around them are any number of  notes, descriptions and possibly names.*  

So now I have wandered the continent of Mistone for a time.. my thoughts distracted by one of flaxen hair.  Still, when my ambling brought me to the city of Krandor I was approached by a local Elven woman, Freya.  Her duties keep her occupied and so she asked of me a favor; to deliver a package.  I asked her what was in it but the look she returned told me I should curtail my natural curiosity.  I agreed to delivering her packages, traveling to each location.. familiarizing myself with the people and places.

While in Fort Llast I stopped and talked to the guard captain there.  He seemed peasant enough at first, though a bit brisk.  His primary concern was with stocking the armory and though I had no interest in the weapons myself I did go in search of a local craftsman who could fulfill his requirements.  While occupied with this little diversion I ran into an enchanting Elven lady named Jaelle.  I was enthralled from the utterance of the first word.

I'd heard some people speak Elven but no one possessing it as a native tongue.  I could liken it to a cold stream flowing over smooth stones.  It sounded grand and yet delicate and sensual.  She was quick to notice the lure it held.  My own perception told me that she was a free spirit and as we spoke she teased me with a few minor greetings and welcome as well as one translation of my choice.  Between all of this, she spoke.. sometimes in common and sometimes in Elven.  I have no inkling as to what she spokes but every word sounded as sweet as the next.  Soon after she needed to go but said, should we meet again, she might teach me more..  My desire to learn Elven is great but in the back of my mind there is some reservation regarding her style of tutelage.  

*written in common with an attempt at representing elven phonetics*

Iracce - “Hello”

Sa tycaillayma – “My pleasure”

Cena anira semlelv milala eo layl nelalaaw ceviran, E aailml ane nyilmalala aeym oilnya. - Like the morning rays of sun kissed light, I yearn to caress your face..  *several notes on the pronunciations of things litter the space just below the long phrase*

Jaelle enunciated every word of that phrase slowly and clearly..  I hope that my scrawlings do it justice.. and my tongue when I've the courage to speak it..

It is my sincerest hope that my journal does not find itself in the possession of another.. A moment of indulgence on my part.  Still, I hope she appreciates it.  Even in pursuing my Lord's work her presence seems ever so strong..