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Author Topic: Reminiscences of the Dawnstars  (Read 177 times)


Reminiscences of the Dawnstars
« on: January 05, 2008, 02:27:51 pm »
[SIZE=16]Setting: Krys and Ely sit on the floor of a bedroom in Quantums Haft Lake home. Ely had fled there to escape a vampire that had been hunting her. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Diligently searching for his love, Krys had found her there, comforting her and assuring her their children were all right. In doing so he touched upon a topic he had never shared with anyone outside his family.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]N[/SIZE][SIZE=16]ot wishing to hide anything from his love, Krys shares the painful tale from ages long past.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=16]Krysthalien : **speaks quietly as he gently holds her close* After I received your note, I sent another to rose with instructions. she brought Coreth and Auhry to Lor where I took them on to Sadinia. They are safe with our family there[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: Oh Thank goodness! I couldnt risk going back and leading them straight to the children. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : Didnt tell em why you werent along and as I am not much of a liar at all *chuckles a bit* Theyre all worried now, but the boys are fine **gentle hug*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : **she can easily tell whatever happened between him and his family when he dropped off the boys - krys doesnt have pleasant memories of*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : **gently hugs her, dropping whatever memory he had, it fading to nothingness as he focuses past any feelings of his to place her and her well being once again in the center of his consciousness*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *she gently looks into his eyes and places her hand against his cheek* What is wrong my love?[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : **serene smile* My parents, especially Father, were harsh with me when they had me alone briefly.  But alas, it will pass.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: What happened? *she gently kisses his nose trying to reassure him she is there for him* [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : They love you so much Ely, I understand them **gently hug as he looks deeply into her eyes*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : I have upset them alot in this life of mine **smiles lovingly with reassurance* We all get through it, learn and grow together.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]K[/SIZE][SIZE=16]rysthalien : This being the most recent trial **gently hugs her* they are demanding I cease my service of my Lord Vorax across the lands and remain home to be with you and our family, placing the blame of all thats happened to you on my shoulders.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]E[/SIZE][SIZE=16]lohanna Dawnstar: *she hugs him tightly and reassuringly* Krys it is not your fault at all! You could no more be caged in one spot than I could and I know how much helping is part of you. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : **smiles gratefully, hugging her closely as well; a slight tremble revealling the pain he had felt from the confronation; seems to absorb the pain by opening himself to it and not resisting in any way*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: I know your father knows this. He is protective of you too. I know he wants you home where he believes its safe too. He just may not say it in so many words. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : **nods to himself, seeming to conclude something; speaks quietly with deep conviction, clearly sharing something that matters greatly to him*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Ages past, my family were loyal footsoldiers and weaponsmiths for various great houses of our realm. And this was millenia ago, before the fallen ones were driven beneath the surface to the dark realms of the Deep where now they languish. In the very war where our people purged the surface of that filfth - our enemies being led by the one named Caduz before his ascencion.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *she listens to him trying to convey her understanding as her hand gently holds to his own*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : My forefathers served in valor and complete selflessness **a good measure of pride is expressed as he speaks*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *she smiles pridefully as she listens understanding how deeply his pride in his family goes* [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : Their lords bestoyed upon them the name we now bear to this day, Dawnstar, and though it was but a name and no title or office, we have since borne our name with great pride, even though we are but common folk **looking deeply into her eyes as he speaks quietly*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]**breathes deeply as he seems to approach a part of the tale he does not relish*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Driven on by their own pride and the rush of emotion following Great Victory, my forefathers lords elected to persue the fallen ones lead by CaDuz into the Deep with the intention to eradicate them once and for all.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Picture the glory of the finest elven legions - weapons sparkling in the light of the high sun, banners proudly flying above them as they marched[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *looks sadly to him as she listens understandingly* [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : towards the dark caverns which they new would lead them into the Deep, there to face and vanquish their most hated foes. **voice trembling slightly as he quietly speaks*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *she moves to hold him gently and comfortingly* [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : And the lords of my forefathers - the lords pride, their hatred - dark forces of the heart they didnt know they shared with their fell enemies **sighs with deep resignation* these dark forces within their own hearts sealed their fate and that of my ancient kindred. With vigilance and loyalty, following their lords wills without hesitation, into the darkness many a Dawnstar marched.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]**long pause, looking away with deep pain and helplessness*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Alas none returned, nor did any other of our fair warriors who entered the dark void that day. **swallows hard, steeling himself to continue the difficult story*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *she gently moves his face to look at her knowing she is there for him and she understands completely, and she wants him to know he can tell her anything no matter how difficult.* [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : A few Dawnstars survived, who didnt accompany that doomed army **sad grateful smile with her expression of loving empathy*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *her eyes looking into his trying to convey the comfort he often times gives to her* [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : Wounded warriors who could not go along **just looking deeply into her eyes with love and gratitude* Weaponsmiths who for whatever reason did not find themselves deployed with the main army that day. Having lost so many brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles to the treachery of the fallen, my forebearers met and vowed to forsook the way of the warrior, adopting instead peaceful professions in a variety of crafts and scholarly arts[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *she leans her head against his as she listens to the gentleness of his voice as he speaks softly* And your dad is worried your fate will be the same as theirs.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : My father, mother, aunts and uncles, my sisters and cousins and their families have followed this solemn comitment even to this day.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]**gently hugs her nodding slowly; swallows hard* So more than that, I have broken the solemn vow my forebearers took to one another. Broken it by following my own heart and sense of what is right.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]**gently hugs her* As I am the first Dawnstar to follow the Way of Warrior once again, since so many of ours were lost to the Deep and the evil of the fallen ones.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]**smiles to ely lovingly with gratitude, although at the same time resigned* So my parents were not kind at all to me the other day[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]**swallows hard and just hugs her close, gently* My ancestors served in honor and valor, without question. Perhaps I should learn from that. It was their own lords who betrayed them.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: Krysthalien I know you well though and I know even though you do.. Your heart guides your judgement to be more. Forgive me for saying so. More reasonable than that of your ancestors.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : **gently hugs her* Our ancestors my love[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *gently rocks them back and forth and rubs her cheek against his own grateful to be in his arms and it shows as her own trembling as stopped and she seems to have forgotten all about what happened in Llast*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]K[/SIZE][SIZE=16]rysthalien : **seeming to sense this he smiles serenely, breathing deeply and savoring her scent and their togetherness, eyes closed*[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: Our - Its still so much to take in - to become part of[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : **opens his eyes looking deeply into hers with a loving smile, delicately caressing her face* love you so much Ely, my angel of light[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Elohanna Dawnstar: *her eyes are captivated by the love expressed in his own* My Dawnstar, my Fire Opal always. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=16]Krysthalien : **tenderly kisses her; a deep sense of absolute love and heartfelt joy in being together thus with his true love and soulmate*[/SIZE]


Re: Reminiscences of the Dawnstars
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2008, 10:30:58 pm »
Our family being reunited after being so long apart is a moment I will never forget. When I heard the news the children were home again I could not get home fast enough. Now if only I knew where Nemo was, with Laura lurking about. I am worried very much for her safety. I still don't trust her and with our little baby on the way I want to keep as far away from her as I can.Now is not the time to worry about her though.

After hearing the news of the return of our children, from my beloved Krysthalien, I immediately left to be with them, opening my small tome and returning to Fort Llast to the comfort of our home. Almost immediately as I entered the door I was being attacked by the bouncing enthusiasm of both Auhry and Coreth, and couldn't help but take them up tightly in my arms as well as I could and hug them letting myself drop to knees to do so from an even better position. I brought their little faces each to my lips kissing them as I had missed them so much it hurt.

After awhile they pulled me into the living room helping me to stand, and we cuddled together sharing some fresh baked pie and bread. Enjoying each others and being a family together. It wasn't long before Krys to joined us and we began to hear of the grand adventures there grandfather had taken them on. The reunion with our children so warming my heart with a happiness I had felt in moments such as those of Krys' proposal.

Such happiness I wish will never end and I wish to cherish for all my life. Coreth and Auhry have both grown so much in the time they have been away but they are still my little boys. I can hardly wait to see my beautiful daughter again. I hope she makes her way home soon. So I can hold her and be with her as well.

Thank you Aeridin for such a blessing as the family and friends you have given to me. I am most thankful each day for the gifts you give me in this life and the chance to share them with those I can.

Elohanna Dawnstar
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae