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Author Topic: Signs of False Hope?  (Read 390 times)


Signs of False Hope?
« on: February 23, 2008, 11:41:02 am »
 Sorry it has been so long since I have written, but shades are getting stronger by the day.. I have saught out mages and most are unwilling to help and even express fear when coming close to this token. I Have been speaking with a half-elf bard by the name of AnnaLee and even though she is fearful of the coin she has greed to help and has even asked me to seek out one of her firends byt the name of Storold, a mage and paladin of Lucinda, who should be able to tell us how to destroy these token and free us from this curse.
 Something else happened last night though that I thought I tell you about. Last night after coming back from a wonderful date with a young lady by the name of Melissa (more detail to follow on her, I promise!) AnnaLee and another mage tracked me down curious about the coins power. His name is Connor and he seems to be well adept to handle the task of destroying the coins. But, As he was examining it, they said the air around them became cold and said the coin was "awake", which I must admit freaked me out some, but it was nothing that happened next. Some creature fromed from thin air and started dancing around. It said I was no where closer to ridding myself of the coin and that is all he said and then after a few more taunts and growling. Something else happened though and I think it is important. Out of frustration I threw the coin at it and it burned him? I don't know why it couldn't touch it or why it burned him but I thnk it is important.
 I was also curious to know in what ways have you tried to destroy the token or if you have made any attempts? Lee said that maybe a powerful cleric could purifiy the token or maybe even banish it back to the hells where it seems to have come from. Oh, minor note... Lee and I think Connor confirmed it, the medallions have parts of a pit dweller or fiend bound to the coin and the coins eat at us slowly.
 Still I I thnk we are closer to ridding ourselves of these coins, but only time can truly tell. .
 Now! For something more pleasent! I met this girl by the name of Melissa and I think , just think.. she could be the one. I mean I feel that for the first time I can be myself around her and not put on a show. But, I am that she will leave me and I know I should not worry about that and enjoy the time I have with her. She is dear to me and I want her to be with me for a long time. Heh, kinda funny readign these words that I thought I never said let alone writer down and they don't even make sense.. This is something new to me and I need to take it slow and see, but I think I am falling and I am hoping it doesn't hurt when I finally reach the ground..
 I took her on a tour of Alindor for the last couple of days showing her the lanscape and getting her familar with the path to Karthairen. We had a great time and I learned more about her and her me. Still it seems too good to be true? Should I be worried or just accept the gift that has come to me and let the gods decide the outcome? Who knows.. I am just glad we found each other for now..
 I think that is all for now, heh sorry if this letter is confusing our it jumps around alot. Wring to someone, well, its kinda new to me.
 Talk to you soon!


Re: Signs of False Hope?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2008, 05:29:24 pm »

     Its me again! Just checking up on you and seeing how your research is going with the coin? I am still waiting to hear back from Connor now to see what plan he has concocted.
     I am still seeing Melissa and I must say the more I spend with her the more my feelings for her grow . I can't say love because I don't know what that feels like and I will not put so easily a name to something I do not know. Do I care for her? Yes, more then anyone before. Does she make me a better person when I am around her? Yes, I want to be a better elf for her and protect her.. But, is that love? I truly don't know.  All I know it's more then just wanting her or a infatuation. For the first time I am not looking forward for the great next adventure, but I am looking forward to the next quiet days that I spend with her getting to know her more.    
     On a darker note, I think I have pushed my two friends father away from me then I ever intended. Was it the coin that amplified our normal and friendly aggression, I don't truly know.. All I know is that I have probably destroyed whatever we have had. I am saddened by this, but perhaps this is for the best? Well, atleast for them I am sure it will be. We had a big argument and I believe now that it was just idle bickering that went too far.. Especially by me.  I think I might of struck too low of a blow to each of their characters.. What I said I will not repeat, but it was enough for even me to question my reason behind it. All I can do is apologize to them, but that isn't enough.. And after seeing Kali, I don't think it was..or ever will be.  Only time will truly tell if my fears will come true...


Re: Signs of False Hope?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2008, 05:30:53 pm »
              I said it! and I truly believe that I mean it.. I am ready to take that step.. to take that chance now on others. It has been a long time, too long, but I am ready.. Heh, kinda sad that it has to be the most trying times of my life that I am ready to step out of this cocoon that I have wrapped myself in. Life is funny..  I will give it that.
            Still nothing to be heard from Connor or AnnaLee. Storold told me the same thing that there is a flaw in the coins but to destroy could have dangerous effects.. I don't know if he means us or just in the general area. He called it an obvious flaw, which worries me, like they made sure it would stick out how to destroy it just to have accomplish what they want. Or I could be just reading too much into it?
             I think that is all for now, but I will keep you posted on anything new! Talk to you soon!


Re: Signs of False Hope?
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2008, 09:54:32 pm »
*a quickly written note is left on the dresser in the room of the Scamps Mug*
 I have gone out for a bit, I will be back within two days. It is time that I helped Connor and Lee.. If not magically then perhaps by information that I can find out about Mariners Hold.
 The inkeeper will be keeping a close eye on you to make sure you are safe.
 I will see you soon,


Re: Signs of False Hope?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2008, 09:27:43 pm »
 I have completed the gathering of supplies for whatever Connor has planned in an attempt to resealing our tokens. I dropped them off his house earlier this day and him and AnnaLee invited me to dinner with another fellow. We talk a bit about the tokens and Connor said that he thought that it wasn't one demon that was sealed, but ten, each emodiement of the coin. The image we saw with Connors help the night at the crossroads was just the deomn that is imprisoned in your stone. We talked little about why the other tokens have found a home in Mariners Hold. I still have no guesses why they are there. Doesn't make sense.. Why Mariners Hold? Is it because it was easy to take or what? More questions then answers at this point and I am left wondering..
 Everytime I think about it I see our father there parading around the city, proud at what he has become.. and it feels me with anger and fury.. Why would he do this to us!? Why now after her has been gone all these years decide to make his existence known to us through these cursed coins? Nothing adds up anymore.. 1 and 1 does not equal two.
 Guess at this point all we can do is wait though? I mean there is nothing else for us to go on. So here we wait.. helpless... Its nice of Connor and AnnaLee to help with this and I don't know where you and I would be now if it wasn't for them. Still.... I feel useless. Like I am just an item laying in wait to be used or exaimined. And me going out to the ports talking to sailors offering them trues in exhange for tells of Mariners Hold, has been fruitless. Nothing I can contribute, but to lay low and don't get angry.....
 I will be home in a couple of days and I will bring one of those blueberry pies you like so much.. Just this time, try and save me a slice?