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Author Topic: Renji ~ The Black Hound's Cry  (Read 86 times)


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Renji ~ The Black Hound's Cry
« on: February 14, 2006, 11:59:19 pm »
It was a warm dry afternoon, many people were shoulder to shoulder loitering the marketplace. The wind carried the sweet smell of fresh baked breads and ripe fruits. Ripe for the picking...

A grumble from Renji's stomach brought him to his feet.  His deep green eyes peered through his dark unwashed hair covering his face.  Draped in long tattered rags he made his way through the crowd.  Moving between legs and ducking under tables Renji was confident for his age.  Only a few short months after his tenth birthday had master Baervan sent him alone to the market.  Baervan was a fine teacher indeed despite his past, and Renji admired him.  He had known Baervan all his life and considered him his father.  Renji's thoughts were scattered.

Found abandoned at a very young age Baervan raised him as best a beggar could.  Baervan was destitute, but not a fool.  Once a devoted cleric of Branderback skilled in the ways of trickery and deception, until his exile.  Baervan was old and wise, and passed his skills, knowledge and faith onto Renji.  Renji was his best pupil and sent him on many trials.  Baervan was growing old and knew Renji would accomplish the things that he could not.

Focusing now, Renji remembered his task and examined the crowd. His arms at his side, he clenched his fists.  His eyes danced along the crowded dusty street, searching for his opportunity.  Peering across the crowd he gazed upon a fruit stand.  The vendor was frantically filling orders for customers.  Renji slipped through the mob of people like a snake in tall grass.  His hands relaxed now, Renji eyed the exotic fruits neatly arranged in wicker baskets, he could almost taste them.  

He reached around one of the many patrons being served and grabbed a shiny green apple.  His actions were slow as he tucked his prize into his rags.  Again, he reached out for another green apple, moving his hand slowly his fingers graced the smooth surface.  The vendor boomed as he firmly grabbed Renji's arm in anger.  His head never looking up, Renji gave a slight grin.  The other patrons stopped to from all the commotion.  Like the strike from a coiled snake, Renji twisted his hand and grasped the vendors forearm pulling with all his strength.  His other arm lifted his rags off his shoulders and threw them at the vendor.  Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he broke free, the vendor fighting with the dirty shroud now on his head.  Renji grabbed a stack of coins on the table and bolted through the crowd.  Some cried for the guards and a few tried to stop him, but he was too small and too swift.

Renji heard the commotion behind him as the gaurds made their way through the crowd.  Renji looked back only for a moment hoping to count the number swords that chase him.  He darted between two large buildings and stopped.  His thin dark leathers covered his body camoflaging him in the shadows of the towering buildings.  Renji placed a veil around his face and knelt down at the end of the alley, his back to the street.  His fist full of gold he grasped it with his other hand and began to pray.  The two guards stopped at the alley, both breathing heavily.  Renji paused and rose to his feet.  One uttered he was under arrest while the other sheathed his sword.  His hands at his side, Renji never moved.  

The two guards entered the dark alley advancing on their tiny felon.  One guard laughed as he could not believe such a tiny fellow could cause such a ruckus.  As they approached, Renji turned to face them, his green eyes glaring.  He closed his eyes as the guards gasped and choaked.  Below them was a well placed trap laced with poisonous gas.  Baervan watched from the darkest shadow.  He grinned as his hand reached out and graced the boy's shoulder.  Renji jumped, he had not detected his master's presence.  Quickly, Baervan threw his cloak around the boy and the two figures disappeared into the shadows.

The crackle from the fire sent glowing embers into the air breaking the silence of the night.  Renji pulled an arrow from his quiver and spun it in his fingers.  His greens eyes peered from his cowl examining the intricacies of the arrowhead.  As he sit by the fire, his thoughts drift back to his master.  Renji lifted his gaze to the clear night sky, the silver moons full and bright.  Slowly, he traced the place of thirteen stars with his arrow and smiled.  

Renji stood after a moment, much taller now, and threw his arrow into the fire as he walked away.  His long dark cloak flowing behind him as he turned to a well travelled road, the thirteen stars beckoning him to the north.  He could makeout the gates of a town in the distance.  Perhaps there he would gain the answers he seeks.


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RE: Renji - The Black Hound's Cry
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2006, 11:48:43 am »
How many days must I go frustrated and confused.  The town of Hlint has been my new home for six whole days and still I have yet to uncover the truth.  I'm starting to believe Branderback is testing my faith in him, for I cannot gather the full knowledge I seek.

One thing is certain though, I am not the only one who was brought here against their will.  I have met many adventurers since my arrival, but none are worthy of my full trust.  The townsfolk have been the source of my recent discoveries.  Many required favors and task.  Normally I could care less about mundane daily life, but they compensated me very handsomly for my efforts.

Another fragment of information I gathered while eavesdropping on a group of adventureres.  Again I heard the name of Blood.  The same name the dragon had instructed me to deal with not one week ago.  The very reason for my presence here.  For now, I feel it is best I not jump to such an extreme and go unnoticed for the time being.  After all, what reward could I possibly gain from my involvement.


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RE: Renji - The Black Hound's Cry
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2006, 12:22:29 pm »
The last few days have been spent honing my aim on the goblins which lurk just beyond the town gates.  My aim is becoming frightfully accurate, and my kills swift.  It comes as a suprise that the local militia does not stage an assault to drive the filthy creatures back for good.  But I suppose Branderback does smile upon me, I have gathered a small fortune from the coin they horde.

During my daily hunt I ventured into the nearby forest where I came across a large spider web.  It was still wet with the morning's dew.  I felt a sharp pain shoot up my leg.  The little bugger bit me.  Directly on my right ankle.  I spun around to end the creatures life when my vision began to blur and my pack grew in size.  I quickly disposed of the spider and staggered my way back to town.  The poison was strong, only after a full days rest did I recover.

Having regained my strength I crept back into the forest searching for the spiders.  Shortswords drawn, I spotted two small spiders tending to a large silken egg.  The spiders did not know what hit them.  Grabbing my crude skinning knife I disected the insects harvesting a poison gland from each.  

The town's craftsman was more than helpful in guiding me to the proper supplies for my brew.  My first attempt at extracting the poison ended in failure as I had punctured one of the sacks in my travel.  The second attempt was a success!  I coated my blade and marveled as it slowly dripped from the razor sharp tip.

If only Baervan could see the progress I have made, maybe now I would be worthy enough to seek the temple he forboed me to enter.  Perhaps the day will come when the Wary Shadow will accept my deeds, and lead me to the fortune that is rightfully mine.


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RE: Renji - The Black Hound's Cry
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2006, 08:11:37 pm »
I woke up today like no other, alone and in the dark.  I left the Wild Surge Inn the hostess bidding me farewell.  Oddly I don't remember giving her my name, word must travel quickly in such a small town.

Under the cover of night I left for the western outskirts of town.  I stopped briefly behind the large tree just before the town gates.  Many adventurers had gathered and were planning for a dangerous trip, atleast from what I could hear.  I did not recognize any faces and they looked well organized and equipped for a large battle.  Surely there was no point in me interfering.  I left the group to their preparations and set forth west.  

Fort Llast was not far away, and I have been meaning to return an item to the new Lieutenant stationed there for quite some time.  Along the way, I bumped into a huge fellow by the name of "Ax".  Ax was not the smartest person I had met since my arrival, his speech was slurred and very rudimentary.  Reminded me of a child, and I his play thing.  Ax had sold me the essence of a wisp during my first few days in Hlint.  He told of a mage in Fort Llast that needed such an item, and that he was paying well.  I saw the opportunity to take advantage of my new found friend, and I did.  He had offered it to me for only a thousand gold pieces, "Shinies" he called them.  That was well above what I could afford, so using my skills in the subtle art of persuasion, I convinced him 300 "Shinies" was more than enough.  Apparently, many days later he realised I tricked him and he was here to collect more "shinies".  Needless to say, he was well aware of my cunning linguistics by that time and would not tolerate a "No".

It was still dark and Ax mentioned we go to Hlint, he needed to deposit some "Shinies" at the bank.  If it had not been for two adventurers that overheard our quarrel near the bank, Ax and I would have been arguing all night.  Ax knew one of them and called them "Swimmyelf".  I did not catch the others name.  "Swimmyelf" was kind enough to point out that the 300 gold I had payed Ax, and the additional 100 gold I had offered, did not equal 1000 "Shinies".  I was quite furious at that point.  But then "Swimmyelf" reclaimed my trust.  He and the other adventurer had thought of a brilliant idea.  They would pay Ax 900 gold if he would complete a simple task.

The task was for Ax to perform song and dance.  I was quite shocked how quickly he started singing, and I guess you could call that flailing axe dancing.  The lyrics were hysterical and Swimmyelf hummed along.  Something about a goblin in the house jumping around.  After he had finished performing he expected his payment.  Oh, but the fun had just begun.

Swimmyelf and the other worked well together to come up with a second task for Ax.  All he had to do was retrieve two knuckles from the skeletons that lurked in the crypt.  Ax was somewhat suprised on a second task, but he stormed off anyways.  The two adventurers and I then collaberated on yet a third task for when Ax returned.  This was purely evil, and I loved it.

When Ax returned full of pride and his newly acquired bones he asked for his payment.  Swimmyelf ordered he complete one final task.  By this time Ax was fed up, he insisted payment.  He was promised his gold after this one final task and Ax agreed.  He was to catch three carp from the pond just behind us.  Ax insisted that he not harm the fish.  Without missing a beat the other adventurer asked that he harvest some wheat outside town.  Ax hesitated for a moment, I thought he was on to us at that point.  He merely raged away as fast as he could, the ground breaking beneath him.  We had a good laugh and then went our seperate ways.  I do not know if Ax got his "shinies", I hope he does not come looking to me for payment.

Outside the gates of Hlint the sun was just rising.  I had not taken my prime hunting time into consideration, and will not have the darkness to my advantage.  Perhaps we'll see what tomorrow holds.


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Re: Renji - The Black Hound's Cry
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2006, 01:53:11 am »
The sound of a cat's beastial roar and a bowstring snapping severed the silence of the forest as the last spider sunk into its foresty grave.  Three other large spiders and an ettercap lay dead not far away, their green entrails spilling on the ground.  The sun had just risen over the treetops and my pack was full from the night's hunt.  There was enough venom in my bag to bring a frost giant to its knees.  Slinging the crossbow across my back Rogaar and I left for Hlint leaving the Sielwood forest behind us.  

This black panther I had met on a special trip to Rilaria, I had stumbled upon Rogaar in a hunter's trap.  Well, not exactly.  It was more like the hunter had stumbled upon a panther's trap.  I was in the forests just outside Pranzis, I had been seperated from my group and was tracking them as fast as I could in hopes they had stopped not far away.  Leaving the deep forest I emerged into a clearing, I spotted my group in the distance making their way for the gates of the large city.  Something was not right.  The smell was faint, but clearly distinguishable.  Not far away was the body of a man, parts of him missing.  One of his arms were gone and the other completely mauled and mangled.  His chest and head had suffered many cuts and gashes.  All of his equipment lay on the ground scattered about aimlessly.  I had presumed he was a traveler of sorts just making his way to town, but the traps and arrows clearly marked him as a hunter.  Near him lay the carcass of a panther, its mouth hanging open and tongue laying lifelessly outside its mouth.  The panther had suffered an injury to its leg from the rusty trap and many arrows had landed precisely just behind the neck.  This panther had been game for the hunter, but what killed the hunter?  My question was soon answered.

Master Baervan had trained me in my fifteenth year to use a bow, and use it well.  It was part of the rigorous training that he used to forge the man I am today.  The art of hunting is more than just shooting a bow at an animal.  It requires patience, stealth like maneuvers, and keen senses.  All vital keys that most adventurers overlook, and never experience.

In the tall grass I stood, examining the gruesome scene.  The forest grew quiet, the birds had stopped singing and only the wind graced my ears.  Looking back over my shoulder towards the forest my eyes danced around looking for any sign of disturbance.  The tall grass at the edge of the forest had moved slightly, as if parted and then closed again.  Something was there, parting the grass where it krept  It was slow and paused at times, but was moving ever closer.  The wind blew gently across the field as if an epic battle was brewing.  The motion stopped, I could see the eyes gazing back at me over my shoulder, bright yellow and full of beastial rage.  Had the panther come back to feast a second time on the hunter, or mourn the loss of its mate? I was unsure.  All that mattered was that I was not welcome where I stood.  We studied eachother for a few moments as we readied for battle.  The panther had slowly shifted his weight to his hind legs while my hands found the hilt of my swords.  I was in no position to win this fight, my back to my foe and my swords still securely on my waist.  I slowly moved away from the hunter and knelt close to the dead panther.  Removing the skinning knife from my bootstrap I wedged open the rusty trap that clenched the panther's leg and removed the arrows.  The beast behind gave a sharp hiss as I worked, but did not move.  My black cloak covered my retreat as I left the angry panther to his beloved.  As I left I could see my stalker surveying his departed mate, attempting to coax her to life.

I could not feel anything but sympathy for the beast as I left.  I know far too well what it is like to lose someone dear.  My stride was slow as I paced towards the city gates, my thoughts drifted back to my late master and his wise teachings:

"Live life to its fullest extent."

"There should be no limit to what one may desire, and if you can obtain it, then there is no reason why you should not have it."

"You should always depend on yourself."

"Never be caught unaware, and have a backup plan to the backup plan."

He was my best friend and a father to me.  It pains me still to see him gone, I truely can connect with that ferocious beast.

It was not until several days later back on Mistone that our paths crossed again.  Perhaps it was my similar feeling of remorse or the panther's gratitude for mending his mate that lead him to pursue me.  It was under the cover of night I had been hunting the giant spiders of Sielwood Forest once again.  I had taken down two of the creatures and was fending off the last when the ettercap intervened.  A giant web engulfed me as the ettercap drew near.  The spider's fangs were dripping with venom as they sunk into my leg, my swords grew heavy and my body weakened.  The meal of a spider, I had not imagined it would end like this.  The panther was at home in the shadows, and was an adept hunter.  It struck with precision and speed as he lunged at the ettercap ripping its throat.  The gurggling cry from the ettercap attracted the spiders attention.  The spider now stared down the mouth of Rogaar, his white fangs catching the moonlight.  It was over so fast I had barely freed myself from the web.  The panther circled his fresh kill looking in my direction.  The poison pulsed deep within my veins and my legs gave way.  My last vision was of the moons filtering through the forest canopy and the panther cowering above me.

I awoke to the sound of the wind blowing through the forest, I was alert and very conscious.  Dawn approached as I gathered myself.  The spiders from before littered the ground, but the panther was no where to be seen.  That did not mean he was not there.  Days went by when he would make his presence known, others not.  I slowly began to coax him out of hiding with scraps of food until eventually we gained eachothers trust.  I named him Rogaar after a character in a story I heard as a child.  It seemed to fit him, dark, mysterious, and deadly. All the qualities of the character.  

Rogaar is never far from my side, skulking in the shadows awaiting the chance to attack when you least expect it.


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Re: Renji - The Black Hound's Cry
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2006, 02:31:48 am »
Weeks have gone by since my arrival on Mistone.  In that brief amount of time I have managed to make many new acquaintances.  Only rarely do I see unfamiliar faces wandering about, and I am greeted by name most places I go.  It is somewhat satisfying to say the least, to be acknowledged.  Some doubts and uncertainties I once had have seem to be brought into focus.  There were so many questions to be answered on my initial arrival that I lost sight of my goals, my path, my purpose.

Master Baervan warned me it would be no simple matter.  He knew it would require much energy and that I would stray without his guidance.  But it would also make me that much stronger.  There is one obstacle that I continually battle and arrive in stalemate, my trust and need for others outside myself.  I do not regard my brief companionship in the mines below Haven as a weakness, or similar instances.  I take what I cannot acquire alone and then move on.  However, it has come to the point where I find myself almost spilling my soul onto those I am with knowing full and well they do not possess the knowledge of what it is I seek.  One person in particular, a female half-elf I have grown quite accustomed to.  She has the most beautiful white hair and eyes as dark as night.  Listen to me, I have completely fallen away from my master's teachings and into, dare I say it... love.  My teachings have not prepared me for this feeling, hence my frustration.

That is one thing master Baervan could not teach me, not in the same sense anyways.  He never spoke of a loved one, a special someone in his life, or even his parents.  He did raise me and care for me, but I feel as if it was for me to live and carry on for him after his death, to achieve what he could not.  Master Baervan has been gone many years and I can remember his last words, instructing not comforting.  He was a master worthy of greatness and I must continue training in his absense if I am ever to achieve the power he so desired.

I am without guidance, seeking something I know nothing about, or how to obtain it.  I cry out like the hounds to the moons for an answer.  I will meditate on these recent events in the shadows as Baervan did so very often.  Perhaps there I will be of sound mind and a sign will reveal itself.


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Re: Renji - The Black Hound's Cry
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2006, 06:18:36 pm »
"Come, take your words out of the darkness and find out who you are.  Leave your feelings disregarded and take a step further into the shadow.  I will be your cure..."

Those words have echoed in my mind like footsteps in a dark cave.  Spoken to me in prayer as if Baervan himself had been the shadows.  I must be close to the path he was preparing me for.  I longed to hear his voice again, guiding me.  

Ever since then my determination to find the answers has driven me to new heights of awareness.  My senses have grown quite sharp and my spirit stronger.  No longer do I feel like an aimless wanderer, but as if placed here for a purpose.  The contacts I have made seemed to have payed off as well.  I have met and conversed with two people that I feel have knowledge of where my future lies.  My path crossed with a cleric of Branderback and with a woman with the dark powers of the shadow at her disposal.  It was good to hear the spoken word of Branderback from someone other than myself.  The cleric and I seem to have much in common and we find ourselves traveling together often.  The woman has powers that I have never seen before, she calls upon the shadow to aid her.  Surely this was what Baerven meant for me to possess.  She told me little of her master and how she acquired her powers.  What she did tell me was that her master would contact me if he felt I was worthy of his guidance.  She also told me that another plane existed where I must go, and survive.

The appearance of these two will surely prove most useful in my walk.  The darkness holds the secrets and I return to the shadow often.  Further prayer and teachings of Branderback from the cleric keep me focused.


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Re: Renji ~ The Black Hound's Cry
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2006, 07:22:14 pm »
Night approached on the continent of Dregar.  The few people I was with were just boarding the ship for our long voyage back to Mistone.  I had approached the dock keeper for my ticket to board the ship.  The dock keeper seemed a bit unsure about me at first before he spoke.  He asked if I had been here with another group of people just a few short days ago.  I indeed had been through this port with a few others and the dock keeper recognized me.  He asked if I was in a hurry to make my trip back to Mistone.  He told me he had a favor to ask of me and that he would pay well if I decided to help.  Of course I inquired and he began to tell me of the nature of his dilemma.  

The dock had been exporting goods from Dregar and some vital documents had just been stolen.  These documents would reveal the nature of the exports and might jeopardize the operations.  He instructed me that a female halfling was making her way to the Wolfswood rangers with these documents and I was to intercept, and take them by any means possible.

The halfling was right where the dock keeper had said she would be.  A few had joined me in my task as they had concerns about the intentions despite my demands for them to not get involved.  I was not going to let anyone stop me from this simple task, especially since the coin was good.  The halfling was alone and ill-equipped.  I confronted her about the documents and she played me the fool.  Despite my warnings to spare her life and hand them over she ran, it ended in bloodshed.

The few that came along were very confused in my actions and I knew they would be.  I did not want them involved, the task was simple enough and I should not have to split my coin with anyone.  Jin was among them, a cleric of Aeridin that met me and was bent on brining me into 'the light'.  His emotions boiled over as he stared at the body of the halfling.  He has a mean left hook for a man in robes.

The conflict had only just started from there.  Having received my just reward we made our voyage back to Mistone.  Completely criticized for my actions on Dregar, Jin and I have not been on good terms since.  Jin's dedication in 'converting' me has only been strengthened from the events that unfolded.  He also found necessary to inform the world so I would be forced to repent for my actions.  My nerves draw thinner at every mention of the halfling, one day Jin will find my blade at his throat.  For now, I tolerate him and his big mouth.  There is more for me to gain before I can 'sever' this relationship.

Looking back, it was quite thrilling to see the halfling fall so helplessly at my hand.  The coin was easy and I am eager for further 'tasks' of this nature.  Perhaps there is a place I can seek where these typs of tasks would be asked of me frequently.  I will keep that in mind in my next meeting with the cleric of Branderback.


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Re: Renji ~ The Black Hound's Cry
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2006, 11:03:56 pm »
The Black Hound smiles upon me this night.  My recent travels with two sisters, Allie and Silly, have left me much wiser and much richer.  It was by some coincidence that they even asked me to join them.  They made way towards Fort Velensk, the nearby cave there was home to many ogres and some precious topaz.  The sisters needed the dust from the precious rocks as a spell reagent.  Our journey did not stop there however, we ventured into the Dire Wood and made short order of some of the resident spiders there.  The venom sacks were just what I had been looking for and they proved very useful.

Back in Fort Velensk, Allie had stopped by the bank to deposit a load of uncut topaz.  I took the opportunity to make a fire and prepare some meat I harvested off the nearby boars.  They were both curious about my background and I should have known to prepare for such line questioning.  Allie played the 'guess-that-diety' game while Silly sat in contemplation, occasionaly speaking with much insight on her path and relationship with Lucinda. Lucinda provides this, Lucinda provides that.  It was all a bit discomforting.  Reminded me of the occasional drilling Jin would give me, trying to pry my head open to shine the light of Aeridin upon me.

After some time of questioning and my vague answering, the sisters had brought up their 'Mum'.  Apparently she too has control of the shadows, even having visited the plane of shadows itself where she acquired a shadow as a familiar.  Bink, I believe the name was.  Of course the mention of the shadow plane and this familiar piqued obvious interest.  I asked if there was a chance of being introduced to her, but Allie does not hold her 'Mum' in best regards for some reason.  She will find me, those were the same words that woman spoke to me a few days go when I inquired about her master and his knowledge of the shadows.

None the less, trip was very rewarding indeed.  Not only have I taken yet another step closer to gaining the power I now deserve, but the coin I grabbed in our wake of destruction will be enough to fund the magical enhancements I have had my eye on.  It appears as if the closer I get to becoming one with the darkness, the more I come out stronger and more educated.  The day will come when the shadows will know me as master and will bend to my every whim.  The Wary Shadow watches over me as I bask in the darkness of the night.  His cry guiding me to the power which is rightfully mine.


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Re: Renji ~ The Black Hound's Cry
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2006, 08:20:54 am »
Today has been very eventful.  I have learned more today about the path I travel than I had ever wished for.  The woman I had met days ago regarding my interest in her training and master turned out to be involved with the Raven Trading Company.  Abigail was her name and she helped me purchase the magical enchantments for my swords that I had my eye on.  We spent quite awhile after my purchase talking about what it meant to be one that dances in the shadow.  

There were many questions she had asked me, a few of them I was not sure I knew how to answer.  What is it I seek?  That question had been asked in one form or another throughout our conversation.  My answer was simple, but at the same time required no simple task.  Knowledge is what I seek, knowledge about the shadow and ways to improve my skills.  The answer itself was a simple one, however she told me the journey to acquire such knowledge is a perilous one from which I might never return.  She told me that there is a balance of light and darkness and between them lies the shadow.  Furthermore, she added that the shadows are not a power one can harness or control.  The shadows are there and one must learn to use them to their advantage.  For example, knowing there is a shadow on the ground and knowing how to use it are two entirely different concepts.  It goes beyond the simple notion that if you stand in a shadow you are hard to see.  Taking it a step further, one can use the shadow to conceal themselves even when the only shadow may be your own.  Hiding in plain sight, it is one of the many skills I wish to learn more of.  The skill is an art form when applied to combat as the subject can attack his foe then recede to the shadows only to appear again somewhere else where the enemy would least expect.  This was only a mere glimpse of what Abigail knew and she wished to tell me more, but had prior arrangements.  She promised that on our next visit she would tell me why she had sought after this knowledge and what she had endured.

It was after that conversation that I had met up with that cleric from whom I discovered also followed the teachings of the Black Hound.  My thoughts were still with the conversation I had with Abigail and he had noticed I was a bit distracted.  Aschenbach was his name, a dark haired halfling dressed all in black.  He has a nose for the obvious and he will let you know it.  He asked if I had anything on my mind and of course I told him we should speak somewhere privately on the matter.  We took to the sewers below Hlint and snuck into the cellar of the Wild Surge Inn through a passage in the wall.  The cellar was known to be under constant lock and key.  It looked as if the room was used more for extra storage than anything else, on the floor was a large chessboard pattern set into the stone tile.  He drilled me good, even played with my head a bit trying to see if I was really serious about the subject.  He vanished into thin air and conjured a few creatures made of shadows taunting me by throwing his voice off the walls.  It was not at all what I had expected, casting spells to disorient me trying to get me to sway or mess up, finding false in my answers.  

All in all, the confrontations left me more aware that I can only truely trust and rely on myself.  My training focused in stealth and hunting, my faith shrouded in the shadows.  It is only right that I persue the ways of the shadow dancer and learn what it means to be one with the darkness.