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Author Topic: Fellborns Travels and Deeds  (Read 79 times)

Critical Failure

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    Fellborns Travels and Deeds
    « on: February 14, 2006, 02:29:42 pm »
    Day I

    This was the day when I left my old mentors cottage, it was a simple place to spend my youth in but I do not regret   those days, months and years under the tutoring of the old hedgewizard. His cantrips and spells may have been simple ones, but he thought me other things beside the arcane. How to survive off the road, certain truths about my heritage that my mother never revealed - or had time to reveal, the dangers of gaining to much insight, and many more things which could fill all the pages of this journal. What saddens me most is that my mentor could not be with me on my journey ahead, I will miss him. I've had plenty of time for mourning though, I held his wake and spoke the prayers. I burnt his cottage and his body, I know that's what he wanted. I kept only a few scrolls and books to preserve a small piece of his wisdom. The rest I keep in my head and my heart. Sleep beckons.

    Critical Failure

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      RE: Fellborns Travels and Deeds
      « Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 02:43:28 am »
      Day II

      When I awoke it was still dark, my campfire was gone and so was the very world around me. I was terrified. Even more so when a gargantuan creature slapped the ground with its tail to call for my attention. She received more then that, terror had my body cramped, I stood paralyzed in fear. It was a dragon, nothing else could be so majestic and so fearsome at the same time. Shades of green sparkled over her scaleplates, which seemed tough as admantium yet flexible as quicksilver. Her wings was folded togheter over her back, almost silvery in their perfect color, I had no doubt that if she choose to unfold them she would send me hurling through the air by pure force of air. Vaperous fumes escaped her mouth and nostroils as she opened air jaws and... spoke, to my great awe and relief. Her voice was like nothing I've heard before, thounderous yet regal and monstrous at the same time. She said I was called, like so many before me, to stand against a great evil that had once again arised. The name of this evil was Blood. If someone else had told me this I would have laughed, such a foolish notion that one name could put terror in a whole world. But I did not, because if this legendary creature feared such a foe so did I. I could do nothing but to agree to the dragons terms, to fight. No idea on where to start I simple walked along the path before me. For as long as I could I walked until fatigue caught up with me and I could walk no more, sleep came to me.

      Critical Failure

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        RE: Fellborns Travels and Deeds
        « Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 02:44:16 am »
        Day III

        A new sun arised, at first I thought it all was just a dream, but truth caught up with me faster then I liked. My campfire was not to be seen and I did not recognise the landscape around me. I could see a small town not far away, so I walked. Luckily enough I still had some bread and my decanter of water, I ate what little I had and soon enough I arrived at the town. By the sign that greeted me on my arrival I knew this was Hlint. Where and on what map that was I had no idea, never before had I heard of a town called Hlint. Exploring the town was no problem, it was small enough and the townsfolk could only be described as friendly but reserved. What intrigued me was that many people of different race and origin seemed to pass through town, at one point I thought I would be robbed by a large giant of a man. My guess is that he was some form of Half-Giant, hard to tell though. He was muttering something about "you buy" and I assumed that he wanted my money in exchange for some useless trinkets. Since I had no coins I could do nothing else but to ask for mercy, he seemed confused by this and offered me some coins. This in turn confused me even more and at this point he withdrew his offer and stomped away. Very odd behaviour I have to say. Either way it left me seeming like a beggar, so I quickly decided to leave town before the guards kicked me out for begging. I decided to quickly explore the surrounding area around Hlint, to my great distress I was assaulted by a band of fierce goblins, they knocked me out and sent my loyal imp back to his plane of existance. Luckily enough they did not bother to finish me off and I could quickly make a tactical withdrawal to Hlint. Rest assured that these goblins will pay. And my friend shall be called back from the abyss as soon as I can figure out the proper rites in this odd world. Back in Hlint I was guided around by a tiny creature, I believe she called herself a Quickling, her trade was mapmaking. She could prove a useful asset in this strange new world. I hope her prices are reasonable. Sleep calls, if I do remember correctly she gave me some advice on a good inn.

        Critical Failure

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          RE: Fellborns Travels and Deeds
          « Reply #3 on: February 21, 2006, 02:56:16 am »
          Day IV

          I have explored the town of Hlint today, the locals here all have some kind of problem they need help with. I see this is a good opportunity to earn some coins - which I'm in much need of. The few goblins I managed to dispose of yesterday was far from wealthy which have left my pouch in a fairly meager state. I guess I shouldn't have spent most of my coins on a bath, a bottle of wine and food at the local tavern but then again it was worth it. Spured by the thought of finally making some money I want out to hunt for goblins once again, this time however I was not alone. I met a small undercreature with a big rather silly looking hat, who did not wish to share his name and a hunter by the name of Renji. Togheter we travelled on the hunt and managed to collect a rather impressive pile of goblin ears. For our services to the town of Hlint the local guardscaptain payed us in gold, the odd thing though was that he only wanted five ears. I suspect his task was set more to test our mettle than to rid the world of a few goblins. I sure hope he does not hope to recruit me to the Hlint townguard. They seem to be such a boring bunch. With this I thanked Renji and the small underdweller for the hunt and went of to track down the elusive ratman of Hlint. This was not something I looked forward to do, but the taxcollector had promised me a good reward for his head and the return of the Hlint taxrecords. So I went, I braced myself as I ascended deeper down and the foul smell of sewerwater and waste became stronger and stronger. I had thought this would be no challenge, but I was wrong. Rats the size of my arm scurried around in the sewer canals, I found out that they were more aggressive then I originally thought as one came flying towards me feriocious as a raged boar. My quick wit saved me as I sent the little bastard flying back in the direction he came from with a well aimed bolt from my crossbow. With this I decided to end all rats in my path before they could have a chance to leap at me. I spent the rest of the afternoon in the sewers, searching for the ratman. It ended up in vain however as I had found my way deeper down into the undercity of Hlint I was met by a stout steel reinforced door which I couldn't breach by force of strength or wit. I decided to travel up again, hopefully I could find someone with muscles or nimble fingers that could help me get that door open.