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Author Topic: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands  (Read 1413 times)


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #40 on: November 30, 2009, 08:09:28 am »
*as a ray of light spills into the little room through a small window, Keppli yawns and then jumps out of bed. Seeing as the night before had been a particularly chilly one, she decided she wouldn't sleep in a tree or something this time.
At the end of the bed stood a smaller-than-usual wooden stool with what looks to be a bear toy sitting on top of it. With eyes made of buttons it sat there and you could almost feel like it was smilling at you, but you notice that it has the look as if she made this herself due to the somewhat clumsy needlework.
She walks over to the window and pushes it open to let some air in and giggles down at the cows and chickens outside as they moo and cluck.
She then bounds over to a wooden wardrobe on the side wall and flings open the door. A grin slowly spreads on her face in nostalgia at the familiar purple outfit fit and then grabs her green cloak on a peg next to it and clips it on. Whistling cheerfully she picks up a yummy looking blackberry pie which sat next to a small fireplace and a pile of logs which still had the fresh smell of pine.
Running through the door she laughs and runs into the room opposite hers grinning as ever:
"Hey Ben! I heard this great joke the other day ya gotta hear it, and oh! I got your pi-" At this moment her eyes open to an empty room and for a moment she could remember where all the furniture was and everything before seeing it empty again.
She looked a bit sad for a moment, her slighty pointed ears drooping a bit and then smiled again,
"Silly Kepp, he moved ya dope. Ya only read the letter the other day!
Oh well... he'll have to have his pie later!"

Springing down the stairs two steps at a time she made her way to the front door and just before leaving grasps her walking stick she left leaning in the corner that just looks like a branch she picked up.
"But before I do that, I gotta see how things are goin' up at the lake near home!" She says out loud to herself.
Before she even takes a couple of steps on the path a couple of barks causes her to turn round. There was her wolf, Lythar, looking at her with his amber eyes as if to say 'You're not going home without me' His eyes seemed to smile a bit.
She grinned and set out towards Whitehorn with the wolf running beside her.*


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #41 on: December 15, 2009, 07:51:34 am »
*It was nightime in the woods, a lone deer grazes and lifts its head to the stars above.
... SNAP goes the sound of a twig being crushed, and the deer jerks its head towards the trees, its black eyes wide with fear. Quivering silently it watches as a large spider creeps from the darkness moving towards it and snapping the pincirs below its intimidating beady eyes.
Suddenly another spider appears  in front of the deer but strangely with glowing green eyes. It skitters forward and wrassles the oncoming spider. It's a vicious battle, the green-eyed spider wrestles it to the ground but then takes a poison jab to the side with a screech that echos into the night. The green-eyed gets up and body slams the red-eyed until its sprawling on the ground and cowardly slinks back into the dark not wanting to risk any further injuries.
The deer eyes the green-eyes for a moment before bolting off towards the rest of the herd.
As soon as it goes.... a small green-clad halfling stands in its place. She grins slightly and then coughs holds a hand to her side, plopping down on the forest floor.
Fumbling about in her pouches she pulls out a vial and drinks it all down dropping it to the floor with a clink.
"Thank ya Annwyl... Bloomin' lucky I had that on me"
She mumbles to herself smiling and the colour returns to her cheeks. Ripping some cloth with her teeth she wraps up her wound and then forages around for some fallen branches to make a campfire with.
As much as Keppli enjoyed wandering and traveling to new places to no end, she often stayed in the woods and liked to see herself as a sort of protector of sorts.

Sometime later the fire was blazing. Her bow was always close at hand and she had some various nuts and berries she's gathered on a piece of cloth beside her for later. She pulled a leaf that was resting in her cloak clasp and looked at it in her palm. She remembered with a smile the day she'd helped that poor wolf with the broken leg.... errmm...Annwyl and Xanya helped a bit too of course! She laughed merrily as she pored over her adventures before curling up next to the warm fire to sleep.*


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #42 on: December 29, 2009, 10:40:07 am »
*sitting by a calm pond under the stars she pushes back some of her curly hair over her ear and writes in her forest green ink*

Written Satari Mai 21, 1459.... in the afternoon.

Dear Thistle,

I finally have a pony! A brown one! I always wanted one but I never had enough... y'know as much to ride around on him and talk to him as to just get one out of that fenced box, I hate seeing animals penned up like that.
Anyhoo, it's been around 26 years since I left our home and first visited a large town on my adventures, namely Hempstead. Since that time I've barely touched the small amount of lifesavings I had,  only on things I needed, such as boat tickets, bandages, tinder... ale... things you need out there.
It took awhile but I think it's worth it! Even if I am skint now, heh.


**OOC To any who see her on the pony, you will notice that while she has a plain looking saddle (by the looks of it it seems to be carved quite well out of oak with a few leaves carved into it ornately ; she often makes things herself, even her leather armor she handstitched, mainly because she just didn't have the coin to buy some.) What seems strange to most is that there is no bridle or ropes to be found on the pony. Rather it seems she whispers in its ear, as if shes asking it to go whichever way she needs to etc.**



Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2010, 09:41:53 am »
*sitting up a tree with webs seemingly clung to various parts of her clothes and leaves strewn through her curly hair as usual she gets out her book.*

Dear Thistle,

I've been on a another fun adventure, you know me! Never stay in one place too long.

This time I went with this group inta a big cave full of nasty spideys. There was Eleandathingymajig (duchess they call her), Dogboy, Leisa, Val, Some dwarf called Krom- ..something or other and T'orroc. Ermm... think that was it. They're a fun group to explore with though I werent too happy when that dwarf smooshed a piggy!

Anyhoo, we ventured in. The first time we went in the cave collapsed after a challenging battle with a ...humoungous spidey! I had done me insy-winsy-turn-into-a-spider-thing because those webs were really annoying when you got stuck in them, its fantastic how easy it is to get around the place when you are one!

Well lucky for us that didn't happen this time, though it werent easy either. I used up pretty much all the bandages I had left mostly on Dogboy who got poisoned by them a lot.
It seems to be every time we go in something different but exciting happens.. I mean at one point a chest WITH LEGS ran towards us. That thing was tough but worth seeing!
Another odd thing was these ratmen we saw, well lycanthropes is the proper word like. They were vicious and as my friends were trying to fight them off I charged in as Insy Winsy to help protect them. What I didn't see was when they ganged up on me from behind slashing with sharp claws. I just remember everything going dark and then when I woke up I saw Dogboy first and then when i struggled to my feet I saw the others all looking at me. Then it dawned on me why I wasnt feeling so good . . .

(//the following is the log from Keppli's sort of death scene if you like, mostly because im feeling lazy and this just describes it easier. :))

[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:00:45] Ferocious Wererat killed Keppli Quickhands
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:00:45] You are bleeding to death.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:00:45] Keppli Quickhands is bleeding to death.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:01:06] Keppli Quickhands: [Party] *screeches and collapses slowly, a halfling in green lies on the floor in its place*
Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn: [Party] jeez, whot wis they??
Brandin Fleetfeet: OH NO
 *T'orroc looted 31 gold pieces*
Sy'ris Valshyk casting unknown spell
*T'orroc looted 29 gold pieces*
 Leisa Margreve: [Party] Interesting
 Sy'ris Valshyk casts unknown spell
*T'orroc looted 23 gold pieces*

[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:01:24] Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn: [Tell] oh no - -33 -  it
Brandin Fleetfeet: *holds her* someone do something
T'orroc uses Light Healer's Kit
Kromlek StormAxe: now oi beh needin rest loike
Brandin Fleetfeet: she got broke
 Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn: [Party] *bends down to feel for a pulse*
Sy'ris Valshyk: [Party] *shakes head* Afraid not.
Leisa Margreve: [Party] What would you like us to do?
 Brandin Fleetfeet: aww come on
 Kromlek StormAxe: oi could kick her?
 Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn uses Healer's Hug

[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:01:54] Stranger : [Tell] stay htere whatever they do plse
Brandin Fleetfeet: *nods quickly* yeah that might help
Brandin Fleetfeet: come on get up
 Brandin Fleetfeet: aww come on
 Leisa Margreve: [Party] YOU do something
 Brandin Fleetfeet: oh
 Brandin Fleetfeet: I aint holy or nuttin

 Leisa Margreve uses Moderate Healer's Kit
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:02:44] Brandin Fleetfeet uses Raise Dead
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:02:44] Keppli Quickhands : Healed 100 hit points.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:02:44] Lost Item: Soul Stone Imprinted
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:02:46] Keppli Quickhands : Healed 43 hit points.
Brandin Fleetfeet: but there
 Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn: [Party] *pushes her about a little*
 Keppli Quickhands: [Party] *coughs *
 Brandin Fleetfeet: luv! you live

[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Thu Jan 07 12:02:56] Your soul will pause to reflect upon your recent passing for 14 minutes 48 seconds.
Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn: [Party] oh, she wis near deed
Brandin Fleetfeet: *dances around with her*
 Sy'ris Valshyk: [Party] *nods*
 Keppli Quickhands: [Party] What in the hells..?
 Brandin Fleetfeet: yer died! but now yer live
 Leisa Margreve: [Party] See what you can achieve when you put your mind to it
 Keppli Quickhands: [Party] I did? *blinks*


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #44 on: January 18, 2010, 11:35:29 am »
Written Sunra, Febra 22, 1460

//OOC Just a note to myself so I can keep track, Keppli doesnt keep track of her age that well, only knowing vaguely how long she's lived but she is actually about 52 right now.//

The Fantabulous Dragon-Slaying, Boat-sailing, Desert-crossing, Centaur-greeting, Cow-herding and Rope-climbing Adventure...! As told by.. me!
[/I]*she scrawls in curly writing making it stand out*

Anyhoo, let's get ta the story, I hope you're ready ta hear this Thistle....[//ooc; Thistle is meant to be Keppli's father who was killed a long time ago, her journal for those who havent read it before, is basically meant to be a way of her telling her adventures to her dad.//]

It all started off at Hilm Castle. A group of us got together to find out more about the dragon cult, last time we'd broke out some prisoners, one of them we came to know as Taj. Now we were off to find a dragon... wait ...thats probably jsut me. Other way round. The others were hoping NOT to see one... heh.
Trouble looked pretty annoyed the guard found out where we were off to then, an' I dont blame the guy. We were getting asked if we had permision or something to go explore... blah blah blah. So then the guard got really mad and exploded with:
" maybe not be a citizen of this nation but you are here and under our laws while doing so...this action takes place from our borders therefore you will acquese to our wishes or you will be escorted immediately from I make myself clear???
*is staring straight at Trouble then yells* GUARDS! *looks to Trouble* Your last chance Sir.... *numerous guards begin to converge on the courtyard*"

Um, yeh, but dont worry, nobody got chucked in prison... not on THIS adventure anyway! At that we were off, they asked if we needed anything afore we set off, though I never did see any pie from them!
As we made our way through the lands in search of a boat the faint path seemed to go down the hillside and the river was flowing down.  The river seemed to bend west further down the hill, and to that direction I smiled towards a forest, covered in a mist of white fog.
All of a sudden..... WHUMP! A big boulder wallops someone in the head. We had ta fight our way though these big rock things. Eventually we did find our way down to the beach where a sailor was waiting. He told us we had half an hour before the boats would set out. I was near the back of the group and while the group chatted quietly, I heard over the crashing waves what sounded like horses approaching from the east. Ears perking up and turning round slowly I said to the others "Err... you guys hear horsies?"
I aint sure anyone else heard it because they all looked at me all of a sudden. Some started yelling to get themselves... and me, heh, onto the boats. I saw three of them in the distance and now the others noticed too.

But the story has a twist..!
They weren't horses... they were half-man, half-horse..
Centaurs from the Great Oak. At that point I felt really reeeeallly small and I just had to bow to them but being clumsy and not used to it I almost fell on me face. I bet they thought I was a right idiot.
Couldn't make out half what they was saying sometimes though, they were speaking the nonsense that that Admorin does....  y'know like 'Time is like a leaf unfurling after a summer shower and embracing both cool and warmth for life' Thought ya might like that saying though Thistle, riddles were always something you liked. Sounds fancy like but I dont get it, why not just say what you mean? Still, nice folk I reckon.
Anyways, they didnt seem too happy and I doubt I was even noticed by them but I managed to pipe up as they turned to go : "We're erm... on your side, at least I know I am.."

Next up- the boat trip! You know how I love those. Thought I might even get ta see some sea monsters this time!
Hopping up to a high point on the boat I looked out across the sea, the others were down below on the main deck. Or so I thought until I jumped at a voice next to me, it was Dogboy leaning on the railings, hadn't even noticed he was there ! I was sorta glad he was though, he's starting to become another good friend so I decided to give him my last slice of cherry pie (Har, why I did I have no idea) though it was probly just as well, poor fella said he hadn't had any pie for ages!
As time went by it started to get very misty.. and a dark shape passed the sun... it was a Dragon!!
Dogboy dashed back down saying to me "right.. come on luv we need to get down low... that thing might very well carry us off into the sky".
Thing is though, they mighta been joking earlier about giving me ta the dragon for breakfast, what they didnt get is that I WOULD be bait if it saved their backsides! 'Besides', I thought as I watched him rush to Angela, 'how will she save you from a dragon?'

Gritting my teeth I stayed up where I was, there wont be a safe place on the ship, whatever we did it still had the upper hand and maybe if I could distract it ....... I think I heard someone say 'dont do it' over the noise. Huh, mighta just been me.

Another few mintues passed ; SCREECH! ROAR! the Dragon plunged out of the mist and appeared as if it was about to try and land on the ship....but instead it beated its wings and hovered above the ship, just staring at us.
Then it flew to the east.

The battle werent over yet though, and drachs were dropped onboard. Running over to the railing seeing the frenzy that was going on I loosed some arrows as fast as I could from above at them. Luckily when it was all over Gala was there to help any of us who were hurt, I'm just glad we were all still standing on two feet!

As we traveled across the desert, I stopped daydreaming about the dragons as soon as Dogboy ran to us yelling he'd seen a mottled gold one. I thought maybe it was Yog'ol-whats-their-face - The golden emerald, but some shook their head at that. I gave him a thumbs up grinning then looked around for it myself!

The next chapter of the tale aint so interersting ... umm...
I cant believe how they'd have got on without a tracker y'know? Upon discovering a pile of cow dung (wow) I had ta convince them it really was cow poop, I mean come on..! Could I be any more sure?! I just wanted ta move on, it was like a week old and stunk real bad... yuck....

After fighting our way through many drachs in the desert we came across an valley filled with old ruins.
Slinking into a cave, swords and bows and spells at the ready, expressions tense, we found....
... their beds.

Haha, after awhile us explorers did find the right way though a secrety door, cool aint it.
I dashed in before anyone cold say another word and soon they were trying to catch up to me after I heard behind me Story suggesting they should maybe try to, hah!

Finally we found it, the big gold dragon!
I stood there and said "Take me but dont hurt my friends..." And the majestic but powerful creature swooped me up in its talons, ascending through a hole in the ceiling which let down rays from the sun...I looked down on them with a tear and told them to run, just run...!

No, not really.

I stood there for a moment with wide eyes... I didn't wanna hurt it like but when I took a step closer it whirled its head in my direction with fierce eyes and blasted at me with its fiery breath. With a very un-hero-like yelp I rolled on the ground to put out the flames singing my cloak and sprang back to my feet nocking my arrow with a growl. No more 'mister-nice-guy' now! Or uhh... miss-nice-halfer.

In the end we did slay the dragon,
aint sure if thats good or not, but it was sure a hell of a fun trip.
But what I really wanna know though Thistle....
Is how the story ends!


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2010, 07:46:42 am »
Written Sunra, Junar 15, 1460

*she writes in a shaky hand which looks very odd on the next page of her now quite long book of adventures...*

I saw her... again, for the sixth time now *the ink trails and blots of ink appear on the page while she thinks*

Aint much that makes me stand still for a moment and think what I'm doing but she scares me and I was really hoping I wouldnt see her again...

I spose I had it comin' ta me wandering around aimlessly! I thought nothing could stop me traveling and exploring but mebbe....
Oh put a sock in it Keppli! Don't give up, that aint like you!
She aint gonna get me yet, sorry Longstrider but I still have so many places to see, things ta do, people to talk to...!

*with her usual wolfish grin she slams the book shut and gets up starting to run but starts hacking and coughing then decides to walk a bit slower until she recovers a bit more...*


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2010, 10:57:54 am »
*Keppli gripped her shortswords tighter as she peered up at a big brute of a woman with a sly-looking grin of horrible teeth , a worn leather apron and a pungent smell of her rashers filled the air.

... Grendola Pigstrotter.

Hefting a fearsome looking axe that looked a lot like a meat cleaver, she had asked Kepp for a duel in Vehl's own arena, to test her cleaver out.

Keppli gulped then fell into a sort of combat stance as they both stood at either end of the battlefield.
She could clearly hear the tense battle music booming from a jukebox near the entrance and sweat beaded down her face.

Then they both charged towards each other roaring, Gren swung her cleaver in an arc but Keppli managed to duck and weave underneath narrowly missing the blow and  swiped at the butcher's side. The halfling grinned slightly but peering down at her with a snort like a bull she punched Keppli in the stomach so she flew across the room landing hard on her back.
With a groan like a child whos just been asked to wash up, she sat up only to see the butcher coming back at her and before she could get to her feet she crossed her swords in an 'x' shape to stop the cleaver hurtling down on her. With a kick she push her back a little and backflipped up. It didn't work very well since she didnt have enough weight behind her to push back a big woman like Gren and took a few cuts and slashes before getting out her bow and firing an arrow at the butchers shoulder.
Grendola the bull snorted, her eyes going bloodshot and she charged after the halfling... who erm... *coughs* ran away looking over her shoulder every now and then trying to place another shot.

"YOUSE STAY STILL SO I CAN HIT YOU!!" Grendola bellowed.

........ *


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2010, 04:20:37 pm »
*sitting against a rock about the same size as her, she peers towards the roots and shrubs that run and entwine into the wilderness that starts at the edge of the Whitehorn forest, looking a bit of a scruff as usual and an oaken pipe hanging out the side of her mouth with a magical-looking green smoke puffing out of it smelling of woodfires and apples...
She seems to be eyeing the trees towering not so far away.. and her deep green eyes seem to almost flicker with suspicion, fear almost, an odd sight to any who might see her off the path near Palden Lake.

"Hells... I wonder if the forest spirits will ever let me visit home again. I mean, they said they were gonna turn me *gulps* inta a goon...

Y'know, when they started doing the spooky voice *she wiggles her fingers appropiately* I couldn't help but think it sounded familiar.... eh, it's probly just m
e. "

*she sighs a bit before bounding over to the druids at the lake to see how the curing procedure is going*

//ooc... only a few will get this, not naming any names :)


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2010, 07:30:40 am »
Written Threas, Decilar 12, 1460

*in big script, the letters spaced apart quite a bit like a child would write, is the title on the page:*

Keppli's High-coo....!!

A halfing explored,
thought 'what is round this corner?'
MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH - she's lunch!!

-by Kepp :)

*scribbles excitedly a load of doodles underneath...*

//ooc- this just proves why she could never be a bard...
but even though the haiku follows the 5,7,5 beats... as a player i'm trying to purposely make it bad to rp it right ;) im not really rubbish at writing heh


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #49 on: February 08, 2010, 08:04:09 am »
"Pass us another ale will ya Salles... ta."
*she sits on a stool at the Scamp's Mug grabbing the metal tankard by its oversized handle. In fact, the whole bloody thing was oversized, she thought to herself with a wolfish grin as she gulped some down. You wouldn't think by looking at her that she could handle the drink... but you'd be wrong!*

*Salles the barkeep carries on rubbing another.. more soapy tankard with a tea-towel after plonking an ale on the counter yet again with a heavy sigh.
"Miss... yer really should watch yourself the rate yer downing that stuff." he says seemingly a little concerned "Not that I'm complaining .. long as yer keep paying."*

*Keppli roars a laugh at that*
"pfft...! I can handle ish." *hiccups*
*she pulls out a dagger and the barkeep narrows his eyes suspiciously for a moment then just raises a brow as she starts to sag to one side almost toppling off the stool before she steadies herself.*
"Sho. I was with the girls, we all got one of dese see. *wiggles it up in the air grinning with a flourish as she begins the story*
An we goes to find some mage who gone poof, and some woman with silvery hair *burps*
When we come out the blue temple, we shee her hiding in bushes *laughs louder slurping some more ale* Then when she come out... she looks like Zan-yah... *says slowly obviously getting more drunk by the minute*
Funny huh. Maybe they cloned her. Maybe its a trick. But no! *dramatic pause* Wash her long lost twin. Weren't nice shough, ran off and we chased her for ages...
Heh, but we have a tracker wif us *winks quite obviously*... sho she has no chance...!

*with a sort of daydream but foolish fixed grin she falls to the floor with a thud, the remainder of drink trickling in a mini river across the floor and the stool rolling to the side.*

*with another sigh Salles moves to mop up the floor

" They don't pay me enough for this job... "


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #50 on: February 15, 2010, 03:52:10 am »
*keppli grits her teeth and fires a flurry of arrows at an archery target at Wolfswood. Many hit the centre and some even split down the middle where they land in the exact same spot! It looks like she's been up for most of the night before... doing all sorts of 'training'.*

"Ain't long now... they're gonna test me in some way. Hopefully... this lone wolf will get ta join a small pack. Might be nice ta be in the pack again, and much as I like ta think I can take care of my home myself... I'd do a lot better in a team."

*she pulls out two swords, once blazing in an orange glow, the other crackling with sparks surrounding it. Roaring like some sort of animal she leaps to a combat dummy working together with her big wolf beside her as they duck, weave and slash at it almost in unison.*


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #51 on: February 19, 2010, 11:38:20 am »
*Keppli walks down the cobbled floor in Hempstead looking down at the floor as she walks. She lifts her head slowly as the Angel's shop comes into view and stops as she comes opposite to the door. Turning to face it a moment she just stares at it before sniffling and pulling something out behind her cloak...
She puts what appears to be a glass bottle near to the entrance...  On the label is a simply drawn smiley face and in childish writing the words "Keppli's Wacky Whiskey".

"There ya go mate... " Cranes her neck looking up then wipes a tear before making her way... some sobbing sounds can be heard as she walks away..*


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #52 on: February 26, 2010, 03:04:39 pm »
It was tense inside the Lucindite temple.
Too tense. The air was thick with it.

Frent stood across the rooms from them in his blue attire, his eyes narrowed seriously as he stared over at the Battle Sisters. Next to him, a wisened old looking mage, who had the musty smell of parchment clung to him.

"Ah...the wayward lady thieves" he mused.

Keppli felt the anger grow and blaze inside her like a raging fire. She couldn't believe it. She'd come back to save the day, give back the cord and scoot.

Didn't look like things were going to go so easily.
The claustrophobic feelings of being inside a building with guards at every door were enough to create feelings of unease in her mind as it was. It didn't take much from there for the usual cheerful and jokey halfling to turn to her other side, her bad temper...

Frent was holding his hand out for the cord.
Keppli clutched it tighter and shook her head. She wasn't going to hand it over until they took the hocus pocus OFF her friends.
But then something happened that she didnt expect. They started to shout for her to just hand over the cord... Keppli felt confused, she was trying to help them! Save them and, and save Xanya's sister soon too! She had mentally promised she would!
Why are they suddenly on Frent's side? She quickly felt like a wild animal that was slowly being cornered... she didnt like it at all.

When a cornered animal becomes angry and scared...

It lashes out.

The mage started casting a spell...
Next thing she knows, her eyelids slowly flutter open, to see Ygraine above her, running. She was being carried like a small sack. She moved her head a bit and saw Xanya as a bear roaring in sheer anger while the others went after her....


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #53 on: March 04, 2010, 11:05:34 am »
Keppli sits in a forest hugging the Wolfswood cloak with a sniff, with the look of a child thats just been re-united with its teddy bear...

Getting up with a half-grin and swinging it on round her shoulder she walks around near the borders on her 'patrol'. She likes to think she can protect the woods, though is more likely to land herself in more trouble... again. Through all her journeys and adventures and all these challenges she sets herself ...she's always trying to prove herself...! And doesn't do too well at admitting when she has a defeat.

"Pfft, I was just unlucky *laughs* I'll show 'em..! I really am good at archery."

She grins walking round her hands behind her head... and her head in the clouds most likely.

"Hah. What I didn't tell them is I was aiming at an acorn in a farway tree...!"


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #54 on: March 25, 2010, 10:18:19 am »
*Some stick-figures to represent people is on the next page of the journal.*

The Vampire Searching Party!

Another day... another adventure! And wow, I saw Q, thought I was seeing ghosts, I've been thinking that guy was dead for years!


Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« Reply #55 on: April 06, 2010, 09:26:22 am »
*Hopping off the brown pony as she reaches Hlint, she runs down the path excitedly. The Morrison's Ranger uniform of greens and browns flops and waggles as she runs, the trouser legs trailing behind, the cloak trailing even further. So much so it could be a Royal Carpet!
The sleeves wiggle in the air as they reach far past where her arms stop and she trips in mid-skip, the cheesy grin on her face crashing slap-bang into the ground, looking utterly, utterly ridiculous. Some giggles and she's up again, convinced she's leading the other rangers in the army.*

