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Author Topic: The path of Finn  (Read 814 times)

The path of Finn
« on: September 28, 2010, 03:20:02 am »
*The hand writing in this journal seems to change from page to page, obviously not written by the same person.*

Was told that keeping a journal might help me better understand my path. So even if it looks a bit girly, here I go.
 Finally had my first talk with Vrebel about what a weapon master is. At first it really sounded stupid, as I was being told that I needed to talk to my sword and slept with it. But later on, he told me some real things about it. It still sounded a bit odd, but Fleur helped me understand better what he meant.
 The goal as I understand it, is to become one with my scimitar. Like if it was part of my body, an extension of my arm. That's easier said than done. Fleur seems to think that I can do it. I think I can so I'll give it my best.
 Had a long talk with her after she allowed me to walk her home instead of using her tome. It was a great time, even if we spoke about my village. She seemed sad about what had happened. I can't say I am, if what happened didn't happened I wouldn't have met any of the people I know today. She left oddly though maybe the story churned her a bit more than I thought.
 Breanna is a good friend, even if she's short.. well they all are really.
 I don't know what to write anymore so I'll just end here.
 How do I make my scimitar a part of myself.... Got to think about it.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2010, 06:06:33 pm »
Vrebel wants me to do everything with my sword in hand, gathering, cooking, showering, no but really. I've done most of everything but showering and sleeping with it, ain't happening. Soon he will show me some stance, he said. I can say that it sounds a lot more interesting now.
 I've heard of the attacks the dark elves did. Can't say I'm to surprised or even mad, I try to keep out of taking a side. But when Argos told me about the attacks on Haft lake and Vale. I just couldn't help to think of Fleur. We had a long talk over at Haft lake. I don't open up to people usually not that way in any case, and she even took my hand while we were talking. It's hard to imagine that just a few days after, houses were burning as Dark elves were running amok. I wrote her a letter to make sure she was OK. No replies yet. I hope she is.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2010, 04:14:30 am »
Been doing most of everything with my sword, fighting, walking, cooking, eating, tailoring, playing cards.. One of my only distractions lately since I have seen Cookie. But I still don't sleep or shower with it. Just hope to start actual training soon.
 I got a job, and a room all in one. I'm being paid 3000 per year to make deliveries of merchandise for a merchant. In return I also receive lodging and storage. I had received word about the arms. And since I can't have more storage at where I now live, I might still take the offer there. If only to have a secondary place to snooze and more storage. I might actually use the one in the arms to receive certain people, this way they wont strain their eyes trying to see in the pitch dark of that house.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2010, 12:37:21 am »
Well I haven't receive any training yet, so I decided to train by myself for now. I've been doing pretty much everything with my sword, up to even using it to collect the things I do, except for wood and ore. I'm sure people have seen me run a few times with my sword tilted sidways balancing a corn kernel or a ball on the blade. I have no clue if this will help, but I'm thinking is should help how I feel the ball or kernel through the sword. Maybe I should just do it when I'm not running but blindfolded. To try and really feel how the weight shifts as the kernel or ball rolls on it.
 Got a heck of a day today, was traveling with Deekin and Kurn, a master of the scimitar, in the misted village and everything was going well until.. I don't know.. I just woke up back in Tilmar. Tilmar, one of the few trips I've done with Cookie, and the last one we had actually done. The one when I walked her home and we talked by haft lake just before the attacks on the town. I haven't seen her since, and she hasn't replied either to the letter I sent her. I hope she's alright, but I can't just drop everything to try and find out. For all I know she is and is just staying home hiding or whatever. Life goes on, if we are ment to travel together again it will happen, if not, well such is life. For now, trying to figure out things that Vrebel told me and gathering to make money.. although I also spent a lot of time at the card emporium, occupies my days. Could be better, but I'm alive and that's what counts.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2010, 06:16:04 am »
Well I finally had my first training about a week ago but it wasn't what I expected at all. It was more a meditation session than anything else. Vrebel wants to teach me on how to feel for my sword not only physically but mentally? Is this really possible? Dunno. He says that sitting there and thinking in my mind about my sword and trying to feel it will help me become one with it. So I'm going to give it a try. I can tell ya that kneeling that way for hours ain't the easiest things on your knees. But someone will have to rip my toes and fingers out before I even let it known. Got my pride ya know? So when ever I have a moment; where I'm not running around, chopping heads off, pulling spider legs off, laughing at Cesar loosing streaks at the cards. I come home and try out what he shown me. It's boring really, but I'll keep at it. My mind keeps drifting to how I cleaved that Giants.. or that Kobold, instead of just focusing on my sword. I think sometimes it's easier than others. But I'm not sure I feel more one with my sword yet, or if it's just an other prank of some kind.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2010, 11:26:03 pm »
Darn I've been busy lately. Cespar still curses at me, and I been training a lot. I've kept doing everything logical to do with my sword, and I've even gotten one tall order of silk and white mushroom for lion bags. And yep, I'm using my sword to gather those. The meditation ain't really showing me how to be more with my sword, but ya know? I've been able to stay sitting there longer without drifting to sleep or thinking of other things. So maybe I'm progressing.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2010, 04:25:58 pm »
People living in the same house as Finn, could hear him trashing about his room.
 "Where is it?"
 More crashing sounds as he looks around his place. He throws things out of his chests, pantry, lifts his mattress and tumbles the bed. Pushes his chests around looking around them.
 "Bloody hells, where are ya dammit!"
 Looking for his mothers pendant that she had sneaked into the pack of food she gave him before he was forced out of the village, Finn rage takes over him more and more. Breathing hard, cursing loudly with spit flying with each words, he keeps trashing his room apart looking for the precious memento of his mother.
 After a while of searching and out of pure fury he unsheathes his scimitar and throws it at the combat dummy he trains on without thinking, missing. The scimitar flings straight for the wall hitting it straight on, shattering in pieces. Finn looks at his sword, broken in pieces on the ground and stumbles to his knees. Beside the pendant, his sword was his only connection back to his homeland. His only attachment to what was once his youth, and now it laid broken, the red glow of his enchantment fading out.
 He staid there silently kneeling as the room was a wreck, closing his eyes and trying to picture the face of his mother, five sisters and his father, but all he could see in his mind were shadows. Starting to breathe more deeply as he was taught to do by Vrebel, he focused on his mother and slowly, in his mind, her face becomes clearer soon fading away.
 Opening his eyes he stares into the fire of his fireplace for a long while.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2011, 04:19:27 pm »
I haven't seen cookie in some times, in some part I've missed her for some time, in others I became accustomed not to smell her ginger scent. I don't know what I'd say to her anyways if I were to see her again. Heya.. haven't seen you in years... still smell great!. That just doesn't seem right.. although that would be me right? Maybe I should just move on and forget.

Since I broke my scimitar, I found myself using a battle axe. The weight is different, and the balance is off compared to the scimitar but it packs more of a punch too. And during the lasts years where I have ventured alone, I kept my training. Meditation seems okay, although there are times I still fall asleep. And I've gotten used to using a battle axe now, pretty much as easily as I used the scimitar. I think that path is still open for me, we'll see where it leads.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2011, 04:31:51 pm »
*more months passes*

Things are going back to a little routine it seems. I've been traveling with new people. Stygian has said he would leave my pay soon. And I've met a witch... well not really a witch.. she's too beautiful to be called that. Although she did make me drool with one of her spell. Did ask for it though. It's a bit of a love hate thing I think. I tease her, she teases me back.. or is it insulting, I don't know. But at the same time we are able to have good talks. She even said she was surprised that for my look I was a good talker. And I have to say that I'm surprised, for her good looks she is lacking confidence badly in herself.

She says that she isn't very good with using her gifts, but really it's sounds like she's just scared to find her own abilities. You know like some people know that they have great power but they are afraid to use it in case they use it bad. That's just like her, I think. Anyways from what I gathered from our talks. She does have some scorching at the end of her fingertips and a little scar on her hand, but that doesn't mean she should just give up. Heck I have scars myself, some of them given to me while training in the village. Does it stop me? And beside, each time we have traveled together she has always given me the right protection and help. I try to tell her, boosting her confidence but I guess I lack good charms or something. Where I a paladin I'm sure she'd listen.

And her mutt.. I swear, I've always loved animals well not loved.. but liked.. well bah anyways. But that mutt spelled me in combat as if I was one of the foes, not only me but the whole party. If I get a one on one with him, I'm making a fire place skin out of him.

Anyhow, times are interesting, training is good, and hopefully my pay will come soon.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2011, 04:44:51 am »
My training goes well. I have become as familiar with my battle axe that I was with my scimitar. It wasn't easy at first, everything from it felt so weird, the weight the balance, the length. But after months of training with it, on the dummy but also in the wild, I have came to feel it as if it was part of me, just like my scimitar felt. It's not a tool for finesse, although if used right, you could shave the beard of a foe in one swoop just as well. No, it's one of strength, brute force, to maim your enemy. You swing it as you would do do a round punch with all your weight. And I've giving in with taking my shower with it. Although I make sure to dry it out very carefully so that it wont rust. Vrebel would be happy with that.. I think.

As for the other side of my life, beside the training, there's Clover. We have traveled extensively together, alone.. or sometime with her mutt. And she's come to say that she wasn't sure her Mutt was the traveling companion that she needed. I have the tendency of opening my mouth when sometimes I should keep it closed, but what's the fun in always being proper. Needless to say that I tried to do some humor about me being her new traveling companion, but I think that she understood more into it.. Not that I didn't think about it. And as time has went by in the the months that we traveled together, I have come to know her a lot better. And lately I had quite a nice surprise. She has feelings for me and she decided to tell me as we were resting at Orc Watch. She shared a lot that day, her dreams about a home of her own to raise a family, of a man to be there with her. A lofty dream, that is worth fighting for, for sure. One that I think any one would welcome in their life at one point or an other. Maybe even one like me, forsaken by my own. As my father once said, it's not a place, it's not a house, home is where you and your love are, where ever, when ever.  And if there's one thing I've come to understand very recently while traveling with Blueman, Rory, Sehky and Keela, while they were kissing, hugging and all smooching.. I envied them, and wished very hard that she would have been there.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2011, 04:06:06 pm »
*Finns sits by hlint fire looking into it as he dictates what he wants to be written in his journal to the scribe he hired in town.*

I don't get them, or maybe I just don't get life. But it seems that Aern... something and Fleur were right. Love seems to be a weakness to be exploited, and it's a good thing that we actually weren't together .. together. Sure she felt for me.. and I for her, but we never got to work on those and maybe that was a good thing.

She said that she just couldn't have the same confidence in herself as I did, that each time she casted a spell she was a nervous wreck, afraid to hurt me, or anyone that would be with us, and she couldn't take it any longer. She even tried to let go of her mutt, but he wouldn't leave her, always showing up when he thought she was in danger. No matter how hard I tried to let her see that I wasn't scared of her skills, and that even if she did miss, which she never had, it wouldn't change things. It just didn't matter I guess.

So she said she would leave to live a life of solitude back on her farm, with her mutt. And with that she kissed me, our first.. and last real kiss and she just walked away with the few belongings she had, not even turning back while I was standing there lost and disheartened.

I just don't get life.. truly I don't..

*He doesn't even look at the scribe but hands him the true he owed him and took the journal back. Looking at it as if reading, even though he knew he wouldn't be able to.*

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2011, 02:16:56 pm »
*Once again a new entry is written in Finn's journal, with once again a different hand writting.*
 I've been thinking about things a lot lately and it seems that I'm giving up too easily. My father could have given up when he lost his arm, but he still taught me how to fight and to live. I should not do so easily, it wouldn't be honoring him. That's why I've decided that I would go and do like most have done in our tribe. Go out and get what you wish and want. Take it, and drag it back by force if needed.
 I've recalled where she told me her farm used to be and I've started to look for it. Surely enough there were some clues to where it was. I wonder if she's the one who left those for me to find her. But even if it's not I will find her. She has to know that quitting ain't the way to go. That giving up is only making things worst, and if need be I'll take her over my shoulder, set her farm ablaze and bring her with me.
 She might be mad at me for that, but at least she won't have that crutch to turn back to when things gets tough.
 Okay maybe I won't burn it down.. not sure yet.
 It's a bit weird how things can turn out also. As I said I wondered if she was the one to left clues, and today as I was in Prantz to restock and hire a scribe, a man came to me with a letter. I don't think I ever told Clover that I didn't know how to read or write, which is why I'm always hiring scribes to write my thoughts. But the letter was her explaining her reasons to leave. How much can I do to make her understand that she has so much to offer? Sometimes I wonder why I care that much also, well I know, but still. It's not my usual self, I'm not usually caring for much beside myself and my weapon, but with her it's different. I do truly care, and cherish her presence. So I had to know where she was. And the young man with the letter was my best bet. I tried to ask him politely at first, but he wouldn't say where she lived. After the second time he was cuing me that I would have to pay him.. really? Me? Paying that bloke? I looked down at him, literally, breathing over his face, my arms folded muscles ripped, and my fingers tapping them. And I simply told him.. "You know sometime, keeping one's, or body intact and in functioning order, is much more appealing than trues" I think that's when he realized that he was trying to bribe me. Someone that was twice his size, that my own bicep was almost as big as his own head. And he gulped. I have rarely seen people attitude change so fast, and he gave me the place where I could find her. Then he scampered off without asking for seconds.
 So that's where I will be heading next.
 **Days passes by after he had paid the scribe and made his way to where the young man had told him he could find her. Finn stood at the entrance of a homely Farm, clearly it had been taken cared of lately. He went on to walk through the field until he reached the door and knocked on it.*

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2011, 03:09:42 pm »
*For a moment Finn sits at the fire near hlint and looks at the scribe he hired*
 Where to start.
 As the week passed I couldn't let the feeling go that I had left things slip out of my reach, and the more time passed by the more I felt that something was missing. I knew what it was and as I have had written last time, I had decided to go and get it back.
 It may sound presumptuous, but I wasn't going to leave without her, and if it meant that I was going to stay there and give up adventuring, that what was going to happen. I think you can only find one thing or person in all your life that can actually brings you to put everything in perspective, and I think Clover is it.
 And so I went, and knocked on her door, and when she opened it she was in shock of seeing me. At first she pleeded with me to leave, but I wouldn't and then she tried to close the door, but my foot and hand kept her from doing so. I told her that I was not going to go without her and that if I needed to I would simply pick her up on my shoulder and burn the farm down and leave with her. *A blob of ink sits on the page at this point.. and then a patch of blood. As the Handwriting resume it's yet a different handwritting.*
 She was horrified at the thought and as much as she pushed to close the door there was no use to it. She opened it up and I saw only her glowing hands and then . I just don't remember. What I do remember is that I was standing at her door at one point, and she was back inside. Still pleading with me with a lower and shaking voice I would not have any of it. She has more strength in her that she even gives herself credit for. And the spell she casted on me is proof of that. I don't know what it was, or the effect, but it surely did work. That's why I started to act on what I had told her before. I tried to kick the door in, and then ram myself in it, to find myself on the floor. What was that door made of anyways? Steel? My shoulder still hurts.. but not going to tell anyone that. Finally she opened the door slightly, just enough so I could pass my hand in, and she took it lightly too. We spent an hour if not more just talking.. well me talking behind that blasted door. Finally she came out and ran to her grand mothers grave. We kept talking there until the sun was setting down, and at that point she made the decision to come back. And I'm very happy with that. I hope I have finally managed to get through to her that she is more than just a simple caster. She knows that her grand mother believed in her, and always pushed her to be what she could be, and that's exactly what I see and feel to. And when there was simply no more words to be said, we simply held each others and I kissed her, gently, lovingly. She's still scared and hesistent to let herself open again, but somehow I think that it will past. If I'm careful enough.
 What I'm not happy though is that I had to spend almost a full night with her mutt in the barn.... Really... He growled at me, even casted at me twice. It's almost as if he was going to mark his territory like dogs do. But before he could do it he felt my fist in his face. That wasn't so much a great Idea as I think about it cause it became an all out war. If clover had came in the barn in the morning she would had been in shock at how much we destroyed. But in the end, bleeding a bit and scratched, I stood tall over the mutt. Then I simply sat down in my corner and looked at him almost passed out and having difficulty to breathe. I don't know why, but I guess it's because somehow he's part of her, I just couldn't let him like that, and I went to him and bandaged him. Call me a fool, or a sucker, but he didn't try anything and after that, when he felt better, he got up and left, looking back at me just before going out, he nodded once. I don't really know what that means, but I haven't seen him either in the morning even after she tried to call him. I think it's best I keep this to myself for now. I wouldn't want her to be even more scared or hesitent.
 *the page ends there as Finn looks at it as if trying to read what he had dictated to the scribe, while the ink dried and after paying the scribe.*

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2011, 12:44:46 pm »
From and &

*Finn's pain only grew wilder, as he started to have spasm in between the urge to vomit, which he kept fighting as he would obstinately, but failed. As he seemed to settle down a moment he looked up into her eyes.*

That's not wha I thought it wowuld be.. love potion my arse. But s. still.. I wanted ta show you s. something.. Needed ta show you something..

*a moment of pain flashes through his face again as he bends over still his head on her lap, and then it passes long enough.*

W..When h. he had you.. w. was with ya.. He w. was n. never really with you.. Y. Ya told me. h. he was always hoping ta find her again, ta find them, ta hope to rekindle what they had.. a. and what would tha have done for ya? He w. would have left ya there? Tha a. ain't love Clover.. if I know a. anything about it.. t. that much I know. Ya deserved b. better t. then and ya do too now.. Mebe I'm nat what's best.. mebe I'm nat better, but I know this.. I drank this so ya knew that ya were tha one fer me. Not some other bimbo tha left with ma kids somewhere, not a shadow tha once was.. But ya

*He looks up at her again reaching for her cheek with his massive hand*


*Once again he loses the battle of keeping what ever was left of his hefty lunch in his stomach. But this time it's followed with such pain that he passes out.*

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2011, 10:18:35 pm »
*As the time passed and Clover stood by him, wiping his face with the wet cloth, he kept coming in and out of consciousness. And when he was under he fitted with either calling for her, or mumbling incomprehensible things. A few times as he woke up, he screamed aloud taken into delirium. Slowly as the hours passed, soars started to appear on his arms, legs and visage.*

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2011, 05:51:33 am »
*It was almost half a day that passed since Clover had left Finn alone, as she went to tend to the errands she needed to, when a shady man on a wagon came and found Finn agonizing. He looked around not seeing no one and as he saw the state of Finn he decided to start and pick at his things "He's not worth much right now, but I'm sure he can still fetch a good price in Kithairien" the man thought. It took all of his might, but he managed to pick Finn up and was starting to set him up in his wagon, going back to take Finn's gear*

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2011, 03:08:34 pm »
*hours passed yet again, the sun almost set as Finn goes through an other episode of pain. This time, he looks paler than usual and feebler as the poison keeps going deeper into his system, draining his constitution away as it does. Through one of the most intense wave of pain yet, he wakes up unable to even talk and hurls up nothing but water. It passes almost as soon as it came and finally he sees her laying beside him. He doesn't understand how he got in the wagon or why his gear is laid down in it either, even less how Clover could have managed to lift him in there, unless she had used her magic to do so, the idea of her doing so brings a faint and tired smile on his face. At that point his stomach rumbles fiercely but he knows that what ever he eats will simply come out as soon as it went in, but what about her? He reaches for his pack and takes some bread and salted meat out of it, and lays it by her before his strength wines down and he blacks out once again.*

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2011, 04:49:20 pm »
*once again the hand writing is not the same as the one before*

There's so much I could write, so many things that has happened in the last few years that it would fill a book all by it self. But for a few of them, they have been turning around and around in circles that although I know where I stand, I am unsure where it is going. So I will only write what I know for sure is happening and has happened.

1- I was cured from the poison. Obviously since I am writing in this journal, I haven't died. Thankfully, it was a complete recovery. Clover staid by my side all the time apparently. Caring lovingly for me, and probably scared the hell out that I would die. yet she staid, and found someone who could actually cure me. An old friend, Elohanna. Even when I was cured and I was to remain in bed she staid. Clover and I had also decided something once I was up and running again, but since that has come to a stand still. I know she says she wants to, and I do want it to happen, but there's been no development in that area. Cold feet maybe.. I don't know. I just know that it's been over two years already.

2- Clover had started teaching me how to read and write. Although our studies are progressing, I'm still far from being able to write in my own journal by my self. But it makes me happy to see the joy in her eyes when I get her studies right.

3- My working arrangement with Stygian has been terminated. Apparently I'm too expensive for his needs. Makes me laughs a bit, but I guess that's life.

4- I am now a bouncer and gatherer for the Leringards inn. As payments, I get a free room, about three times bigger as the one I have from Sty. I also get a part of the proceedings for events. And Steel has accepted to train me. Maybe I will finally master my weapon once and for all with his help.

Then there's the whole lot more of things that I just don't know what to write about but has happened. I should have kept a better up keeping of this journal but with all that has been, I haven't. Hopefully soon I wont have to pay someone else to write for me, and that might help a lot.

Re: The path of Finn
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2011, 01:34:26 am »
*Finn's sit by the bed looking at the beautiful sleeping form under the covers. He had been training very hard to read and write to surprise Clover the next time they would have their lessons, but he was far from being perfect and his handwriting skills lacked any style or even the good looking letters that Clover was able to do.*

It is down. Me and clover married at te small ilan. Elly was ther

*he frowns and gets up to puts his armor on and leaves the room as silently as possible to find a scribe*

It's done. Clover and I had a beautiful ceremony at the small Island of Palden lake. It was only us and Elohanna who served as witness for us and the priest. Clover was just stunning and utterly beautiful in that white dress she had, I couldn't keep my sight off of her. Even if she looked quite shy and nervous yet excited. I was too but it was the good kind of being nervous. I doubt we could have had a better ceremony even if there was 200 people there. I hope that she liked it, if she didn't she hasn't shown any sign of it after.. or later in our room.

She surprised me the other day when she said she was ready and wanted to marry right away, after three years of waiting since she had said yes originally, it was almost unreal. But now I only have to look at my hand to know that it is real. She is mine, and I am her's completely.

Mrs Ralan, has a nice ring to it, she blushed the first time Elohanna used it.

I wonder what the future will bring us now, but unlike before, we don't have to face it alone, be we can face it standing tall together.. well okay me taller than her, but that's not the point.

I'm also thinking that it might be time I face my banishment from my village, if only to be able to let my family know of their new daughter. Maybe even get the family mantle back that my father lost when he became crippled. I am a man in all form and nature now, at least in the eyes of the village elders. Well I would be if I had not been banished. But that's something to think on and to think on later. Now is the time to enjoy the moment with Clover and make sure she's happy. I know I am.

*Finn pays the scribe and heads back to the Leringard inn, finding clover still well asleep, to which he silently do what he needs to be able to join her back in slumber, forgetting to store away his journal that lies open on the desk.*

