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Author Topic: Journal of Rodlin Serim  (Read 872 times)


RE: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2006, 03:22:51 pm »
*he enters Folian’s temple and drops to his knees in front of the altar*

I have fulfilled my obligation of becoming a member of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps. Use me as you will for the service of the forest and the creatures within.

*recounts what has transpired*

I went to speak to the commander of the Wolfwood Ranger Corps to discussing joining their ranks. As I approached the gates, I was met by Enzo. During the small talk, he told me how two of his rangers were killed and the bodies left at the Grove of Illusions. Apparently, they were on a normal patrol and were overtaken and mauled. The marks on there bodies were caused by various animals. Why would animals be attacking rangers? How was these rangers unable to protect themselves?

We continued discussing the matter when he informed me that there was an elite, by the name of Daniel Stevens, that was dispatched to gather information about the incident. He mentioned that Daniel was past due on reporting in by four days. My first thoughts were that Daniel had to go into hiding and was waiting for an opportune time to return. I offered to good look for Daniel and find out what was going on. If Daniel needed help, then I would assist him in what ever way I could. I figured that I didn’t have much to lose at this point and it would prevent the Corps from losing more rangers to whatever was causing this mysterious activity. Also, it would no affect the morale of the Corps if I failed.

Enzo had to think it over for a few moments and then accepted my offer. However, there was a catch. The catch was that he was going with me. I thought better of it. I didn’t need anyone slowing me down. *chuckles to himself* Actually, he having a new son and being in charge of the Corps, it was too much of a risk that I was uncomfortable to take. It was an additional burden and I did not want to be the one responsible for his son growing up not knowing his father. However, I finally accepted and as we started to move out, one of the other rangers came up to us and informed us that the nymph had another body. The description was that of Daniel. One of the most skillful of trackers was killed by whatever was out there.

We exchanged looks and took a moment to collect ourselves. Then we set out.

As we enter an area that held a giant encampment we notice some abnormal animals and strange acting giants. The abnormal animals were bigger, stronger, and more alert. They were even attacking giants. The giants were walking around watching the ground. They were bothered by what they had encountered. The legs of these giants were all chewed up and scratched. We continued into the grove.

When we entered the Grove of Illusions, the body of Daniel was lying in front of the nymph. We started out hiding, gathering intelligence of what was about. After a bit of information gathering, we decided to speak to the nymph. As I approached the nymph, I stopped at Daniel’s body to examine it. I asked if we could get the body. She asked, “His or hers?” if she had only known what I was going through, she wouldn’t have even wasted her time with that question. The nymph and I had a discussion while I was examining the body. I noticed that the swords and bow were still stowed. They were not even drawn. And elite ranger not having time to arm himself from an attack is more than rare. It is almost unheard of. Something(s) had to get to him quick and kill before the natural response of the ranger kicked in. As I continued to talk to the nymph, I looked for the direction from which the body came. The body was mutilated pretty badly so a blood trail would lead us to where the attack occurred. During the discussion, the nymph asked if we wanted to speak to the ranger’s animal companion. Knowing the relationship that Baloo and I have, I thought this would be the perfect way to find out almost every detail. As the dire tiger approached, it did not seem friendly. Rightfully so, HIS companion was killed. We didn’t get a lot from the tiger. Some threats and growls, but nothing more. It went over and clawed at Daniel’s body one last time and moved off. The nymph was enjoying the entertainment.

We left her by climbing a small ridge following the blood trail. The trail ended at a common rest area. This was the obvious sight of the attack. The bears across the crevice were huge. The biggest looked like it could jump over. It even acted like it wanted to. I knew we had to get around these bears to get to Raven’s house. I spotted some potent smelling leaves that would conceal our scent while we hide from the bears. As we went to the broken bridge to jump across, the bears met us there. They roamed back and forth as if they knew we were heading over at that spot. We managed o get over and hidden before it spotted us on it’s side of the ravine. Once over, we headed to Raven’s.

The area surrounding Raven’s house was covered with little black mushrooms. I tried to pull one up to get a closer look at it. It did not come up. I tried to cut a piece of it. It took a lot of effort to get a small piece. I placed apiece in a bag; Enzo sealed a piece in a jar. These mushrooms were no ordinary mushrooms. The prey animals in this area were eating these mushrooms, which made them act as if enhanced. The predatory animals that fed on these were very well enhanced, in mind and body.

As we approached Raven’s, we noticed in the Northeast corner of the woods, some animals. Enzo watched these animals for a bit while I moved ahead to the house. He said that the animals acted like they were guarding something. We would return once we spoke with Raven.

We entered Raven’s house to find her weak. She told us that something was making her weak and drained. I was going to show her the piece of mushroom when Enzo stopped me. He thought that it was not a good idea in her current state. I recommended the piece in the jar. It did not matter. The piece in the jar still affected her.

We decided to go back and find out what these animals were protecting. We snuck up to the animals and watched their behavior. They had set up a scout, a patrol and perimeter. Heh, smart animals. We were able to get close enough to see hat they were guarding an altar. The altar was of stone and gave off an aura that seemed to be the opposite of what Folian stood for.  The altar had to be destroyed. But how? As she kneeled there watching the animals and looking at this altar we tried to come up with a means to destroy it. What powers would destroy the “unnatural”? Something that was pure and was a symbol of life. The mighty oak tree is a symbol of life and strength. The fruit of this mighty tree would surely be the means to destroy this altar. Now to get an acorn.

Back at Raven’s, we told her everything that we have seen. She said that a blessed acorn would be the key. The water in the pond near her house was blessed. She was the high druid of the forest at one point; so of course the water was blessed. Now all we needed was someone to perform the ritual. Enzo had studied some in the ways of the priests. He would perform the blessing. He took the acorn and we left Raven’s once again. We went to the pond. We knelt to bless the acorn. Enzo said a prayer, blessed the acorn, and held it in the water. As he withdrew it, it was vibrant, green and gold.

Also, at the same time, a female druid stepped from the trees. She advised us to remove the blessed acorn from the forest at once. She spoke of a bigger better nature that would survive the darkness that has been brought upon us. She also spoke of it being the Dark Father’s wish and that we should allow it to happen. We decided that we have talked enough and it was time to destroy the altar. She was not in favor of our actions and attacked. It was a long battle. She was not an easy person to hit. I engaged with my swords at first, but I underestimated her fighting skills. Badly woundly, I withdrew and went to the bow. As I drew back, Enzo engaged with is sword and together, she fell.

Enzo searched the body and found a symbol in her hand that confirmed that she was on our side. We turned to head to the altar. Enzo and I managed to calm the leaders and eliminate some of the more persistent animals. We got to the altar, finally. Enzo placed the blessed acorn in the center of the altar. As the acorn touched the stone, the stone gave way. It crumbled into tiny bits, the torches went dark. Shortly after the destruction of the altar, the mushrooms started wilting. The cries of freedom of the animals and of the forest were such a relief. But one cry stood out. The cry of a last stand. The last resort. It was a howl of anger and revenge.

Our first thought was Raven’s safety. We dashed back to the house to check on her. As I burst into the door, she was standing there as if nothing happened. Then Enzo called out. I left the house to see a huge Worg type animal approaching. After a couple of unsuccessful animal holds and a couple of failed attempts to dominate it, it attacked. As the animal fell, the forest cheered. It was all over. Everything was returning to normal almost immediately.

We checked on Raven for the last time, informed her that things were returning to normal and said our farewells. We headed back to the headquarters.

Once there, Enzo asked if I still wanted to be in the Corps. It is the Prince of Wolve’s will for me to join, so the choice was not really mine. I told Enzo that this was the path that I must take and he accepted. He presented me a Wolfswood Ranger Corps sword, bow and the banner. He gave me the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and told me that my orders would be soon to follow. I was truly proud to be in the Corps and was even more honored to have Enzo accompany me on such an important mission. I have a lot to teach him. *chuckles*

*shakes his head as he passes one of the rangers in a green uniform knowing that will become one of his articles of clothing*


RE: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2006, 02:24:16 am »
*sits under a weeping willow tree thinking about all the things that have happened since his last journal entry*

I have decided to take on an apprentice. She is a young ranger by the name of Emie Meadows. The first time I met her, she was speaking to the nameless druid when I happened to walk by. She was very short with me during the introductions. I thought I had offended her just by being in her presence. So I left her and the nameless alone to finish their discussion.

Almost a half a day later, I met up with Emie again. I kept may distance and offered a bag of miscellaneous items as a peace offering. Once again, I left her to her work. It took several meetings to gain her trust and to realize that it was not just me, but men in general; something to do with her upbringing.

I slowly started offering up a little training here and there during our meetings. She is attentive and learns quickly. She has the natural talent that so many rangers lack. We have covered many topics such as animal control, animal handling, stealthy movement and hiding, bow-to-sword transitions and back, and a bit on setting and disarming traps (mostly for the ones that poachers leave). We still have to determine how good she is at tracking.

We took a long trip from South Dregar to North Dregar.  During which, we practiced non-verbal communication while hiding. While we were in the mountains, the bugbears were willing enough to let us practice our stealth on them. It was a terrific success. We managed to maneuver all around them without detection. There is one fault that she will have to correct. When the enemy draws near, she tends to want to leave instead of holding still. The risk of making a noise is too great.

While training her, I have recognized a few weak areas in myself that I could improve on. One is that I have concentrated on me hiding and have failed to be able to detect what is hiding. Another is my ability to disarm traps. I have come across traps in the wilderness left by poachers and unsportsmanlike hunters that I could not disarm. These areas I should focus on to improve myself as a tracker and master of the forest. While doing so, I shall pass on to Emie as much knowledge as I can.

*shifts around as he starts to get uncomfortable but just writes it down*

Ash is gone. The soul mother has taken her. *stops writing for a moment…by writing about it, it turns it into reality* I feel she was heading down the wrong path. There were some bad influences in her life that was turning her into something less desirable. Since Glenn died, she had no one to hold her to her morals and values. She went from a quiet, sweet Ash to…not.

Then, Luna returns. I met her and the nameless one briefly today. I will have to say that I have changed…or have been changed is more like. What is it with these women having so many relationships? This leads me to believe that I would not be the last and after a while, they would just go to the next guy.

*closes his journal and leans his head back against the trunk of the tree and stares up through the branches*


RE: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #42 on: January 16, 2007, 12:55:34 am »
*leans back against a weeping willow tree, stretches his legs out and crosses them at his feet*

My, my, how time changes things….

Most of my time is spent in the forest now on patrol. So much is happening in the wilderness that it requires so much attention. When I am not on patrol, I am either in the craft hall working all the material that I have collected or spending time with Emie.

The time I spend with her is still mostly for training, but it has developed a personal side. Not a lot, but our relationship has changed. My feelings for her have changed as well. Her personality is stunning and captivating. She brings out a side in me that reminds me of my early childhood. I find myself loosening up to the point of not caring about anything. She is truly like a sister that I never had.

I met a warden not to long ago, her philosophy and views were much like my own. She has definitely left an everlasting impression. However, I have found out recently that she is to be wed. From what she told me, she was looking for a man that would allow her to give their children her name in her House’s sake to rebuild it. Apparently, it wasn’t to hard find a guy that was willing to give up his heritage for her, if she is already going to be wed. And I thought she impressed me! *stops writing for a second for a good chuckle*

*thankful that he can still hold a quill to write*

Anyway, I continue to work with traps. In the craft hall and while on patrol. People abandon traps all over the place. But in the craft hall, it is a different story. Some that I have made just don’t work. Some are so touchy that I am thankful to have all my digits and even my life. They are powerful tools when used in the right manner. The intricate workings inside and the affect that they cause…simply intrigue me.

As I hide in my environment, I rely on my environment. It conceals me. What fascinates me are the ones that just fade away into the shadows while I am looking at them. Perhaps someday, I will learn the skill.

*slowly closes his journal and lays it on his lap as he leans his head back against the tree listening and watching the winds blow the drooping branches back and forth*


RE: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2007, 09:08:53 pm »
*as he lies in the underbrush waiting for his ‘targets’ to return, he quickly scribbles some notes into his journal*

Rangers are populating the adventurers quite well now. However, some have a lot to learn, much like I did when I first arrived. I feel it best if I can call them together to learn from each others experiences. This will hopefully reduce the learning curve and make more affective rangers more quickly.

I have had my eye on one ranger in particular. I do not know why I have an interest in her. Perhaps Folian has made our paths cross for a reason. I have started to teach her some of the other aspects of being a ranger. She learns quickly. Her potential is limitless. Reminds me of Emie when I started mentoring her. I have gifted her with a few items that will help her skills grow. The equipment just allows her to be able to put herself into a position that she can learn from and build confidence in herself.

Emie is great! She has grown into a fine ranger. Her skills surpass my own in some areas. She continues to impress me. She has truly made me proud. I have come to call and love her like a sister. She is like my own blood. She is incredible!

Dorena kept pushing me to go to this dang toga party. I set in Hlint with Ozy talking about how it reveals way to much skin and such. We were both were in agreement that there was no sense in going to such an event. I kept making excuses hoping she would just drop it. But nooooo, she even showed up with a toga. I tried to keep making excuses and she kept countering them. The next thing I knew I was in a freakin’ toga in the middle of Hlint. How did that happen? We went together to the Leilon Arms for the party. I felt so exposed. I hide at every chance I had. And then…low and behold, Aiek showed up. I hid behind a column, but she spotted me. At that point, a more crowded Arms would have been much appreciated. She came over to ‘talk’. I knew she just wanted to see me in the toga. After a bit of talking, she asked me to dance. I have never danced before in my life. As much time as she has dedicated to learning, I figured I would do as she wished. So I tried to dance. I can only imagine what it looked like. Valaria showed up as well. Of course I danced with her too. Once I was in this state of embarrassment, it couldn’t get any worse. I left the party after the end of the dance. The snow was very welcomed on my face as I stepped into the streets of Leilon.

As I was on the ship to Hurm, I chuckled to myself about the whole party thing and honestly felt that I was glad I went and I enjoyed the ‘dances’. However, I do not think it will happen again.

*as the ‘targets’ return, he quietly and slowly returns the journal to the pocket in the side of his pack and returns his attention to his duties*


Re: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2007, 07:29:32 pm »
*Finds a seat atop a cliff with a 360-degree view and digs in his pack to bring out his journal.*
Emie and I decided to travel to Hurm to try to assist with a slaver problem. We boarded a ship and set sail to look for one of the captains that had been captured. Of course, we were attached at sea, but made our way to the islands. Once on the island, we were confronted with a beholder and lizardmen. They really did not want us to proceed into the island, but ended up giving in. So we continued our tract inland.
We had some battles, ran into some slavers, but all was well. We dressed as the slavers and pirates that we had slain and traversed a small harbor to try to locate the captain. The party met up with a beholder that wanted us to gather some of the slain. To do what with, who knows? But, I did not go back into the boat to fish bodies from the water. I stayed on the banks.
*Does not recall too much except what the party had pieced together*
Apparently, the beholder started to talk over and put thoughts into head. I teamed up with the beholder against the party. The beholder told the party that if they wished to go any further into the island, they had to give me all of their weapons. I gathered the weapons and placed them on a ship. During this time is apparently when the party was captured and taken to a chamber. I ended up there, myself. We were stripped of everything. The only one missing was Avar. Emie and I tried to get the bounds off, but the chamber was flooded with some sort of gas.
*The memories are relatively clear now*
We all woke to in cages. The feel of the area that we were in was damp, dark and felt like we were deep in the ground. Avar released us from the cages and we started out tract out. As we traveled in the caverns, the water steadily raised. Avar provided some weapons and were able to get to an area in the cave where we could get out. By this time, the water was nearly over our heads.
The way out was via tunnel filled with water. It was a long swim. All in the party, but Emie, made it. As we broke the surface and climbed onto the banks, we heard Emie splash and then disappear under the water. A couple of us dove in after her. We managed to get her to the surface and then unto land to be revived. Fortunately, we were able to revive her.
There, on the banks, were some pirates and I believe Arkolio. Arkolio was sent there to retrieve us while Captain Kayid mounted an attack to re-capture the Trueflight, the ship that was capture with the captain that we were looking for. Arkolio said that time was limited and we had to go fast. Emie, Avar, Jake and I were in the process of going when Ireth, Aiden, and Annie stated that they wanted their equipment back and did not want to leave without the gear. There were some exchanges in words. My line of thinking was that the gear is easily replaced and we can return when we are equipped, rested and nourished. However, during the battle and confusion, Avar, Emie and Jake boarded the ship and the ship set sail. Ireth, Annie, Aiden and I were left behind. Later, we found out all of our gear was onboard the ship.
*hands start to shake as he writes*
As I watched the Trueflight sail from the harbor, I saw several slaver vessels across the harbor hastily preparing their ships to give chase. Numerous longboats had landed on the shore below our position and the slavers, lizardmen, duerger and a number of beholders were coming at us.
The next few weeks were a test; a test of my skill, endurance and mental prowess. We managed to evade the search parties as they scoured the countryside. Aiden left us on the third day seeking a way to find his equipment or to sneak onboard a ship and escape. However, he was spotted when his spells expired and picked up by a Beholder and lizardman search party.
Ireth was the next to succumb to the searchers. She was trying to climb a small cliff to access the tropical forest above when they the searchers caught up to her. Nets were fired from crossbows and Ireth is brought down in a tangle of arms and legs and carried off. Annie and I made it to the top of the cliff just as a search group, that contained a Beholder appeared.
Annie and I were chased through the jungle for several days, weak from hunger and exhaustion, we decided to split up to try and evade their pursuers. She was caught shortly afterwards.
I managed to evade the pursuers for another week before I brought down on a beach on the other far side of the island. I was thinking that if I could make it to another island, I could hunker down and wait it out. However, they managed to overtake me before I swam away.
I was brought before the Slavemaster Zithgarlock, apparently the head slaver. He did not seem too happy about me running from his people, but he did seem amused that I managed to escape the killing pits and to evade for so long. However, I started to get nervous when he had doubts to where I would fit in. His concern was whether I could be made into a pliable slave or whether I would become a liability to them at every opportunity. I was thinking the latter, I so was he. It was then that I was taken to a cell and several burly, ugly smelly slavers entered and pinned me down, face up, spread eagled on the floor. Zithgarlock moved to stand over me, his serpentine head on a massively muscled body looking down at me. He nodded and several of the Duergers entered the cell and quickly put on some heavy shackles to my arms, legs and neck. I watched as huge chains were linked through the shackles and attached to the walls of the cell. Then they pulled the chains lifting me into the air. The pain was excruciating. I could feel my muscles stretching; my skin was burning where the manacles cut into them. As the pain took its toil on me and before I blacked out; I heard them say, He is a hard one to catch. Do you want his legs broken to cripple him, Slavemaster? And then
The next few weeks was a living nightmare until one day a man came into my cell when I thought I was going to give into death. From what I can remember, which the amount I remember is amazing at this point; he was dressed in heavy white robes belted at the waist with a braided gold belt. His hair was a mass of dark ringlets, his dark skin evidence of a life spent living in the desert. Gold earrings adorned each ear and a number of rubies and emeralds set in gold adorned his fingers. Zithgarlock hovered at his shoulder as the man leaned over me. He smelled strongly of cinnamon and herbs, which was somewhat nauseating. After examining me and looking at me from head to toe, he turned to Zithgarlock and said in a firm voice with a soft accent. This one is near death. I feel no compulsion to do anything further with them. They are not suitable as a sacrifice to the temple so dispose of them in the next few days or give them to the Beholders. They at least would have more chance controlling them than what we would, based on your reports. Zithgarlocks serpentine voice answered as he bowed his head to this man, As you wish Sheik. Then all went dark as I was sure death was soon to follow.


Re: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #45 on: March 17, 2007, 10:56:21 pm »
For the next few weeks, which may have been longer, I have been questioned, but basically left alone to suffer. They seemed to have lost interest since the Shiek said to dispose of me. I thought I was just waiting until the day came that they would put me out of my misery. As far as the others that were captured, I knew nothing of them at this point. Did they get bought? Were they going through what I am? Are they still alive?
Finally, finally, my questions were answered. They brought all four of us together. They put us in a room with four poles. The poles had chains at the top to shackles us to. There were others here; just general prisoners or slaves I assumed. These were the ones that were getting the torture now. As for us, we got fed, every other day or so some gruel and water, we were weak, hungry, and in constant agony with the many cuts on our bodies.
Aidens fingers were twisted and bent from being broken severely. He was the only one that appeared to be deformed from the torture. We all were bruised, battered, cut, whelped, bleeding and in general, very poor health.
Then, Folian came through, at some point; a guard removed a shackle from one of my wrists. Although I was very weak and could hardly lift my head, I noticed that when he closed it, it did not shut properly. Once he left and after a few prays, I focused everything I had left on the shackle. After nearly passing out once or twice, I managed to get it open. My arm fell to my side, not able to really control it. The circulation returned giving me feeling and enough control to gather strength and hope to polymorph.
I flew out of a window that was high in the chamber where we were being held. The new air hit me, giving more strength as I flew. I headed, to what felt like South, and crossed some water. The polymorph used almost all I had left. I landed next to a tree line and shifted back. I just sit The wilderness surrounded me once again. I felt at peace as I sat in the grass and could smell the forest at my back. I was free.
I have no idea how long I was there. I heard voices and battles, but I could not move. I hid. I watched. Did the slavers discover my escape and are looking for me? But why the battles? I lay prone in the taller grass looking out across the flats. The sounds got closer. I melted into my hiding determined not to caught again.
Then the battle noise ceased. I sit up to get a better look. To my amazement, I see a familiar face. It was Avar. Shortly after that, Lillian, the nameless, Quantum, Sniverous...
...then Emie...I cannot describe what the sight of her did to me. She came over and gave me a hug. The smell of her on the breeze was intoxicating and made my head spin. She is an incredible girl.
Quantum healed me. Lillian questioned me, if it was really me. It didn't take much to convince her. However, I knew I was safe once I knew she was involved. And then, through the crowd, standing in the back, I saw that made me feel at was Aiek.

The reunion was cut short as the battles started up again. Some tried to help me along, but I was too much of a burden to during the fights. So I just stayed in the back of the party as far from the battle as possible.

As we moved about, I started to recall the water that I flew over. I regained my sense of direction, and informed the party of what I remembered. We headed across the harbor to the other shore. There was the tower that I came from. After some fierce fighting, we arrived at the base of the tower. Opening the doors was horrific. Everything that I had experienced in the last several months came flooding back. But I knew the other three were still in there.

We all went in and made it to the chamber where the others were being held. Outside was a beholder that was apparently in charge of a lot. Negotiations began deals were struck. We gathered the other three the ones that had fallen in the last in battle, and left the tower for good. The rest of the trip to North Point was uneventful.

*flexes his finger to relieve his hand from writers cramp*

*lifts his head into the wind to catch it as he breathes in*

*Closes his journal and lies back on the grass. Puts his hands behind his head as a pillow and crosses his feet, relaxing and soaking in the nature that surrounds him.*


Re: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2007, 12:56:00 pm »
Wolfswood Ranger Corps Personnel: First Lieutenant Benteen, Major Marcum and Captain Cozak
 16th Skirmisher of Wayfare: Allean, Nyeaeana, Goronil, Tialle and G'ork
 I received word the Dorena was going to be helping the Wolfswood Ranger Corps. I thought I may be able to give her a hand since she was in my neck of the woods. We met near the headquarters and she filled me in on some happenings about a nomad caravan being attacked in the woods and a group of rangers were ambushed along with some adventurers.
 Dorena: 'It seems that the giants knew about the caravan. The group who was supposed to do the ambush said they waited for more than an hour maybe for the giants to appear but they did not. So they had to wait. It seems they were well prepared and organized.'
 We went to the headquarters to report what we knew to the captain. He assigned us with the investigations.
 Captain Cozak: 'Giants of the Deep grove clan have mustered under the totem of one Squatting Minotaur, son of Standing Bear. Standing Bear being one of the chiefs of chiefs around the forest. The demise of his son at this time is not sanctioned, unless absolutely necessary; on account it would likely start a full blown feud. One we cannot be assured of winning, clear?'
 'The caravan, the nomads of III are local traders among other things and vital to the fragile trading economy in these parts; hence we were trying to protect them in the first place. Anyway, they are vital if not necessarily friendly, and have indicated if things do not get better they will migrate from these woods until things are better. Issues here: breakdown of trade, a fragile economy threatened, disruption to stability, spiraling circle of doom, etc.'
 We accepted the assignment to find out what the giants were up to and what plans that they had in order to need or want the totem. We set out to the North to monitor the giants in a nearby camp. Giants were normal, bugbear village that was near there seemed to be watching the giants, but nothing concrete.
 We then decided to find the nomads and determine exactly what the totem does.
 Chieftain of the III clan: 'The caravan was carrying the totem of III. The totem, it was given to the leader of our clan after the vampire years, something to unite our downtrodden and enslaved peoples, a brave new beginning. Anyway it held a magic sway over magical beasts, kept them at arms length, a staff, like a mages staff. I hear the giants use it to rally their number, heard even the Orcs and Bugbear young ones are drawn to serve the Giants.'
 Dorena Abianca: 'The nomads used this totem to call their tribe together. And it seems Squatting Minotaur uses this now to gather the giants around him.'
 Major Marcum: 'It is reputed to have power over those of other planes, a protection, maybe something more. In the wrong hands, it is it has given Squatting Minotaur a new status. Its likely he intends to make his mark now, prove himself, no he needs a decisive action, a blow to let the forest know he is here, one of the soft targets, a village, a town to the south perhaps...casualties. Now your part is to try and recover this totem without the loss of Squatting Minotaur if you can, before there are more casualties.'
 We followed several leads and checked on a couple camps trying to put the pieces together and to locate this camp with the vanishing giants. In addition, we continued to ask other adventures what they have seen in other areas that relate to these events.
 We met up with the 16th Skirmishers patrol of Wayfare made up of Allean, Nyeaeana, Goronil, Tialle and G'ork. They did not understand the importance of the mission they were being included in. They were out for revenge. However, revenge was only to ruin everything. Allean had information from an orc on the location of the camp where the giants would be meeting. She also knew that there were some dealings with some outsiders and that there would be some outsiders on guard at the time of the meeting. It took a bit of convincing to get them to realize that we are after the same thing but by force was not the right way to go about it.
 We all head to ravine where the meeting is to be held. We move into the ravine where we see some wagons and evidence that there were giants and orcs here already and this would probably be where the meeting will be held. There was one wagon that was better than all the rest; this had to be the wagon where Squatting Minotaur was going to be sleeping. After a quick search inside the fanciest wagon, we realized that this was the wagon and the totem was not present.
 We laid out a plan to where we would hide, what we would do when they arrive and how we would get out. Dorena and I had to keep telling them that there would be no attacking or bloodshed.
 We had our plan in place as we received reports that some outsiders were ahead of the giants and were in the process of setting guard at the top of the ravine. While Dorena and I were setting up to get the totem from Squatter while he was sleeping, the others were setting up the escape route.
 I set up in the wagon, drilling a hole in the floor for a way to get the totem out and also an escape from the wagon so I would not have to shake the wagon or use the door once the totem was in hand. If all else failed, I could drop the totem through the hole and have Dorena pick it up and run.
 Squatting Minotaur came in a laid down to sleep. I could hear another giant outside standing watch. I slowly move over to the sleeping giant and very carefully remove the totem from his sleeping hands. Once the totem is cleared, I looked out of the hole in the floor for the guard. The coast was clear so I lowered myself down and joined Dorena on the banks of the small river.
 Goronil was spotted!
 The giant kills Goronil and luckily, the others did not go on alert and the rest of our party did not attack to save their friend. On Dorena ways through, she picks Goronil and carries him along. We climb up the ropes that the 16th Skirmisher tied to the cliffs. This allowed us an escape route around the outsiders.
 We make it back to the Wolfswood Ranger Corps Headquarters and reports to the major. The totem was return to the major. He then promoted me to First Lieutenant and commissioned Dorena into the Corps as Second Lieutenant.
 Special thanks to the 16th Skirmishers!


Re: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2008, 12:40:21 am »
*Secretly stops by and checks on Peanut's griffon egg.*


Re: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #48 on: June 21, 2009, 09:15:55 pm »
*Due to the feeling that he and Folian S'pae are at differences and that their views are no longer the same, he renounces his faith in the Longstrider. He still believes in him, but will no longer be 'devoted' to him. Is this temportary or permanent...he does not know.*
 Folian, I have followed you all my life. Over 200 years I have followed you. I have put my life on the line for you. I have proclaimed you through everything. You have changed your ideas, views and ways and I cannot follow them. In the end, you have left me. You will always have a place in my heart and some day, maybe...just maybe, I will worship you once again.


Re: Journal of Rodlin Serim
« Reply #49 on: August 17, 2009, 01:10:06 am »
*He gathers some items setting around his house for a while and prepares to sell them. At the last moment, he heads to the temple with the goods. He enters the temple eyeing Eliniawith and Kara for moment. He kneels briefly and lowers his hood. He approaches Kara with the donations and hands them over. With only a nod, he turns and leaves.*

