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Author Topic: Rise from the Ash - Ulkazzar pt. II  (Read 333 times)


Rise from the Ash - Ulkazzar pt. II
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:31:40 pm »
"Looked like he'd been torn up pretty good. I'd have figured an angry bear had done the job, his face and chest slashed as they were, but it almost seemed like letters on his chest. I couldn't see all of him, and he looked like he'd had enough of a rough time and wasn't in the mood for answering questions, so I just let him through. Figured a bit of rest or some pleasant company over at the Silver Buckle might do the man some good, plus he wasn't gonna be causing trouble in his state. When he walked through the gate he smiled and thanked me well enough, but the look in his eyes told a different story. Somebody did this man wrong, and something tells me they're gonna wish they'd finished the job. All I know is, with that look in his eyes, I'm real glad it ain't me on his bad side. Mist have mercy on whoever is." - Lorin Arkin, Gate Guard of Mariner's Hold

