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Author Topic: A mugging in Port Hempstead  (Read 681 times)


Re: A mugging in Port Hempstead
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2010, 05:57:11 am »
Well, well, so it wid seem like ra pupil hus passed ra teacher!

Ah wis in Misted, teachin' ra bandtis a wee bit o' respect, as ye dae, when an arra went whizzin' past me an' blew up wan o' ra bandits. Ah managed tae dodge, it, jist, but tae mah surprise, when ah turned aroun', it wis Tyillaan.

How we laughed. She hud folli'd me a' ra way frae Dalanther, an' ah didni even see her. So efter we hud wiped ra tears frae oor eyes, we pressed oan as a team this time an' hud sum great sport wi' ra weaklings therr.

She is gettin' mair impressive a' ra time, an' at wan point, she showed me a new sneakin' tip that ah hudni even thought o'. Whit aboot that then? Ah kin see ra time when ah'll need tae go tae her fur sum trainin'.