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Author Topic: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm  (Read 1923 times)


Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« on: October 21, 2009, 05:26:26 pm »
About her past(before this book as writen):
Xanya was born and raised on Bastil. Her mother was named Enyafcilwa (Means Iceblade) and one of the strongest warriors of a small tribe of warriors and the only one with the bear warrior ability. Therefore Xanya and her sister Silveny-Laanilm(means Magic-Star) where trained from a very young age to be warriors themselves.
Xanya and Silveny-Laanilm also helped out a druid with the animals of the forests. This druid named Laecelammilel(means Silverrain) was from the house of Nehdenstral. Xanya and her sister always loved to help her. The druid also learned them how to communicate with the animals. Which was one of Xanya’s most favorite lessons. Because she loved the animals of the Forrest.
Both Xanya and her sister where surprised when they heard that communication with the animals is more a way to convey feelings, imageries, growling, chirpings, facial expressions and so on, then actually talking to the them. Because of that they had to study real hard to learn everything the druid wanted to teach to Xanya and her sister Silveny-Laanilm. But Xanya didn’t mind the hard lessons. She actually loved because after each lesson Xanya was able to understand animals that much more.

One day when Xanya went to help Laecelammilel, her sister Silveny-Laanilm stayed home. The day pasted slowly and Xanya learned more on how to communicate with animals. This time she communicated with a white bear mother and her young. A great experience and one she loved a lot. Because one of the young had violet eyes just like Xanya. She started to communicate with that young bear and at first the young bear was clearly a bit scared of her. She could tell by the way it looked at her she could see it best in its eyes. Xanya put up her most friendliest expression to let it know she didn’t mean any harm and she just wanted to be friends. To give this more power she took a bit of fish that she caught earlier and placed it on the ground. The young white bear slowly went to the fish. Quickly grabbed it and went back to its mother to eat the fish. The other young bears noticed it and slowly walked to Xanya. She laid down a fish for each of the young bears and also for their mother. Xanya could tell that the whole white bear family loved the fish because they at it and seemed to enjoy it. Their mother was also thankful for this treat.

At the end of the day Xanya and the druid Laecelammilel went back to the tribe. On their way back they spotted some strange tracks coming from the tribes camp. Once they got there they found the camp in chaos. The tribe had been attacked by a large group of Dark Elves and most of the children were taken as slaves, including Xanya’s sister. Later that night some of the warriors who went after the Dark Elves came back, empty handed. They had lost all tracks leading to the Dark Elves. But that wasn’t the worse news. They also found some of the children, .... Dead.

During the rest of Xanya’s childhood her mother trained her more. A training Xanya took very serious. Xanya had to learn to make and handle different weapons. She also learned how to channel her rage to give her more strength.
Her days of training with her mother always started with running laps around the camp as fast as she could and as long as she could followed by lifting rocks and other things.
Next in the training session was learning how to handle weapons. At first the training was limited to training in unarmed combat and to a few easy to use weapons mostly made from wood so she wouldn’t get hurt. Later in her training she got to use weapons made from metals.
After the weapons training she had to learn to use her inner rage by focusing her anger in such a way that it would benefit her in battle.
At the end of the training sessions Xanya always had to fight someone in combat. At first only Xanya’s mother was her opponent. But it didn’t stay to a simple sparing match. The battles became more and more dangerous in time. This was done to limit surprises in battles. The more experience she would gain here the less overwhelming a battle would be with real enemies.

Most of the time in the year it was near or below freezing giving the surroundings of the places Xanya grew up and trained in a cold and icy appearance. She preferred to train in the cold environment since she believed it would harden her body and spirit. It wasn’t long until she got a new name. “Enya'Failmla” which means Ice’Bear.
Xanya also continued to help Laecelammilel. She returned the favors by teaching Xanya all she knew about communicating to animals. Everyday Xanya would either be training with her mother or with the druid Laecelammilel. When she was with Laecelammilel and learning how to communicate with the animals, they often went to find animals to test her skills.

As the years past Xanya grew up to be a strong woman just like her mother. But she always felt that her sister might still be alive. One night she told her feelings to her mother and founds out that her mother felt the same way. However her mother didn’t want Xanya to go out into the world to find her sister since she felt that it was too dangerous and she didn’t want to lose another daughter. Instead she would go and leave Xanya to train more. Xanya didn’t agree with it but she respected her mother’s wishes anyway.
With that idea in mind they went to the oldest and wisest member of the tribe to ask permission. He was named named Oe'(means Fox) and although he understood the concerns he thought it was wiser to send Xanya out in the world to look for her sister, because Xanya was younger and her mother was more important to the survival of the tribe.

With that in mind, Xanya went to packed everything she thought she would need on her journey. When Laecelammilel the druid came, she said she wanted to give Xanya something for her journey. She guided Xanya outside where she started to prepare some things. When she was done she asked Xanya to sit down and told her she was going to do the ritual know as “Failmireew” or Bearhood in common. The people of the tribe performed this ritual when a warrior entered adult hood. It was a sign to show that the warrior was ready for the tasks they were trained for. Laecelammilel went to work with several needles and ink and created a permanent image on Xanya’s back.
The image was a large tribal pattern with the following creatures in its design. a Polar Bear, a Snow Leopard, an Eagle, A Fox and an Owl. Each animal represents something different.
The Polar Bear symbolizing Strength,
The Snow Leopard symbolizing Agility,
The Eagle symbolizing Personality,
The Fox symbolizing Intelligence,
The Owl symbolizing Perception and Intuition,

The image was to help Xanya on her travels and it took a very long time before the image was done.
When the ritual was finished they said goodbye to each other and Xanya went to visited the rest of the tribe and said her goodbyes to them. When she was done she left and started on her journey to search for her sister.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2009, 05:41:39 pm »
*These pages are completely written in elven*

After a long trip by boat I finally arrived in this place called Port Hempstead.
I Found out pretty fast that no one seems to be able to understand me here. They all seem to prefer to speak the human language. A language I do not speak. Which is a failure in my training I guess. Oh well. Can't have them all.

I have met some people thought. the first one I met was a fighter of sorts. she helped me with some things in Port Hempstead. A few days later I met her again but this time she was with this human woman who was dressed in even less clothing then me. She was clearly a bit smarter since she was able to let me know that her name is Ygraine. She is a kind woman and seems to have a fighting lust I recognize.
The first human that could speak elven was named Annwyl. She knew Ygraine and I must say Annwyl is a kind woman. I also met an elven male who is actually kinda cute. and he is not a wild elf so that saying a lot. his name is Micus. If I remembered correctly.

These are the ones that have helped me in these past few days. They are kind and helpful. Perhaps they will one day be able to help me find my sister.

For now I am trying to find the path to become a bear warrior. I am doing this by trying to look deep inside of me and look for my inner bear. I think that is what mother tolled me. But doing it is a bit harder. For now all I can do is practice. Or hope I will find a bear warrior somewhere in these lands, willing to train me.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 02:10:59 pm »
*These pages are completely written in elven*

I've tried my hand on some crafting today. But it's very hard to do.
While I was trying to make some cloth I broke some of my tools. I know I got enough in my bank account to get a new one. But I do not want to touch those true's.
So in order to get some more I went out to try and kill some kobolds. But they where to difficult and they got me instead of me them. I got over it with some help of Micus.
Talking about Micus, He learned me some new words in common. I now know how to say "Thank you" and "Run" in common. I don't know how to write them yet but I think talking in common is going to be be hard enough already.

Annwyl also learned me some words but I forgot those. Actually it was only one word that was new the other one was the common word for "run". I've heard that one a lot already.

I'm glad to have found friends Like Micus, Annwyll and Ygraine. They make my life here so much easier.

I'm also continuing to try and focus on my training to become a bear warrior. I know there is a way to contact My inner bear and that it is most likely going to have to happen trough a rage. But it is still a bit hard to focus on something in my rage. However I think it's becoming easier every time I train.

*She puts aside the book so the ink can dry. After that she starts to focus on her rage and finding her inner bear.*


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 06:05:31 pm »
*These pages are completely written in elven*

I have been training hard lately. During my trainings I have tried my best to focus on my rage and trying to find my inner bear. It's not that easy in combat. But unless I'm mistaking being in a rage is a part of the key to becoming a bear warrior. I have trained a lot with my friend Ygraine. She is very good with her sword. but she has seen improvement in my fighting style.

I'm doing what I can to get in touch with my inner bear. I try to fight like a bear. Get my food like a bear wood. That means fishing with my bare hands. IN battle I always roars like a bear. I also have bought some new armor at the angels guild which has been designed to let me look more like a bear.
I also meditate to try and get in contact with my inner bear. I hope it will all work someday.

The woman who helped me with getting my armor at the Angels Guild was miss elohanna. She was very kind and helped me very well. I hope this new armor and gloves will help me in combat.  

Something else now. I met this strange woman today. Her name seems to be duchess well that's what everyone seems to call her she says. She complimented me on my new armor look. she gave me some weird looks. and she was checking me out completely. It felt strange.
We talked a bit and she gave me an address of this May Baker who seems to be a tailor.
During our talks I found it strange the way she behaved as if I this new civilization I have found has different ways of communicating to each other. because of that she made me an offer. Her words of this offer where:
"I would love to take you under my wing."
I'm still not sure what she meant by that. but I will have to think it over.

Be fore she wanted to leave she wanted to give me a hug. I hesitated a bit but I gave her a hug anyway. when the hug was over her hood fell off. and I saw her face. She looked like a dark elf. Now I never seen a dark elf before and only heard of them But I know what they did to my tribe and my sister. so I had to ask her if she had ever been to Bastil. and she said she had never been there.

I'm not sure what to think of it. but for now I will let it rest.

*She puts the book aside and starts to meditate to try and get into contact with her inner bear*


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2009, 05:36:14 am »
*These pages are completely written in elven*

I have been travelling around a lot trying to find someone to help me with contacting my inner bear and finally become a bear warrior. To help my search I have posted notes in several Inn's and tavern's that i found along the way.
On the note's I wrote the below message.

Quote from: silverdraco

I am in search for someone who knows the way's of the bear warrior.
if you know someone or perhaps you are this someone. Then you can contact me by leaving a message below this note.

signed Xanya icebear (this would read "Xanya Enyafailm" in elven)

I hope this will help. Because if it doesn't I will have to return home to Bastil. Find my mother and ask her for help.

*she places her book aside and starts to practice on contacting her inner bear this time she tries it while she is on her rage.*

//OOC The posts talked about can be found with the links below.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2009, 05:40:59 am »
*This page is like all others completely written in elven*

Several days have past since my last entry. I have been travelling around with my new friends Annwyl and Ygraine. Together we have been fighting several creatures, like ogres, skeletons and other undead things, and even more creatures. Some more dangerous then others.  

The last trip we made. It was only Ygraine and myself, together with a whole lot of others. We went into a mountain near a town called Fort Vehl I believe. But I could be mistaking. I'm not good with names yet.
It was a dangerous place to be but we fought bravely and managed to get everyone back alive.

These mountains where all covered in snow and that's what reminded me of home. It reminded me of Bastil, The tribe and my mother.
My mother is one of a kind, and it wasn't until that faithful day years ago that I found out about that.
Back then I was but a young girl. Me and my sister where travelling with our mother, to find a new place for the tribe to stay and make camp. My mother was always thought to be the best option when it came to finding our tribe a new home.

We where traveling along "The White Plains" when our mother went ahead of us a bit to scout for dangers up ahead. When all of a sudden a large predator came out of his hiding and attacked me and my sister. My sister was attacked first and she got some claw marks of the creature. Our mother saw the whole thing and Became very angry and started to charge the predator. Then in the middle of her charge she changed into a bear.

My sister and I saw it and looked both surprised and scared of what had suddenly happened to our mother. Our mother attacked the predator in her bear form and was able to kill the creature with ease. it was both frightening and inspiring to see the power that had overtaken our mother. I never knew such power existed. It had clearly given the predator something to fear and during the time left for it, fear was clearly visible in it's eyes.
Powerful and fierce some, thus is the way our mother could be described in her new form.

But to the surprise of me and my sister it did not last and soon our mother changed back into her normal self. And while our mother tended to my sisters wounds she started to explain what happened. It was then that we learned that our mother was one of the few bear warrior of these lands. Bear warriors where Barbarians that had learned to contact there inner bear, or spirit animal as some called, to change into the powerful bear only a few times a day.

It was then that I knew I wanted to be a bear warrior myself one day. To be able to cause such fear in the hearts of my enemies and to have such great power appealed to me. If I had a power like that, my enemies would think twice before attacking me and my loved ones.

My determination to become a bear warrior only became stronger years later when our tribe was attacked and the children where kidnapped possibly. killed. All of the tribe members that where there at that time said that it was done by dark elves, but I did not care who did it. All I cared about is that I had not been there to help protect all the children.

But it won't happen again. I am training hard as I have been for years. and one day I will become a bear warrior. That I promise.

*she puts the book away and starts training again to try and contact her inner bear.*


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2009, 09:02:35 am »
*This page is like all others completely written in elven*

I have been training a lot with my battle sister's Ygraine and Annwyl.
Yesterday Annwyl and I where joined by an other person to go to the Battlehelm Moors. we went in and had a good fight with the creatures there. however at some point we where near an entrance of sort and as we where about to plan a route out of the swamps a large group of the creatures we where fighting against attacked us. We where outnumbered by many and Annwyll fell, Saddened by that and still surprised by the sudden assault. I ran out of the swamps, knowing there was nothing else I could to. on my way out I noticed the other person with us was chased by a large group. So I took it up myself to help here. and before I knew it I was over run myself. I ran out of the swamps away from them only to find myself cornered by two of those creatures at the stairs on the stormcrest crossroad. it was there that I fell and as I did I saw Annwyl had just arrived to battle them. Next thing I knew I woke up in a city and without any thought I ran as fast as I could back to where I fell knowing that Annwyll might need my help.
Once I got there a group of several women had assembled Annwyll being one of them and as I reflected on my passing at the stairs I felt an incredible anger rising up in me and before I knew it I let out a deafening roar.
Not much later Ygraine showed up saying she heard me all the way from Fort Vehl.

My mother once said that revenge is a dish best served cold. She wasn't far of as my anger was raging inside of me as a Thunderstorm over The Ice Flats on Bastil. When Annwyl fell and I was unable to do anything it reminded me of when I found out about my sisters faith. It's these losses, these feelings of helplessness that feeds my rage the most. and thanks to my rage I can now do something about it. Because my rage makes me stronger.  

With this group of strong women we went back in the Battlehelm Moors to get our revenge. Together we killed any of the creatures crossing our path and we cleared the Battlehelm Moors of these creatures.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2009, 11:44:39 am »
*This page is like all others completely written in elven*

I have times where I miss my home. The lands of Bastil and the tribe. The tribe I don't think the tribe had a name but if any name was more appropriate it would be "Polar Tribe". Everyone in the tribe had some affiliation with Ice or the polar flora and fauna.

No one of the tribe ever said how the tribe came to be. But I do know that some of them where once barbarians and came from island's like Krashin or black ice. Mom once told me about an area in the lands of Krashin that is the most dangerous place to be. It's here where many barbarian clan's roam the lands. These clan's prefer to settle disputes trough violence, and they also attack anyone not of there own. These clans together make up a large tribe known as "Bear tribe". That is how I remember it anyway. In this tribe there are more warriors able to chance themselves into bears then in any other tribe. It's because of this tribe that most of society fears barbarians.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2009, 10:30:46 am »
*This page is like all others completely written in elven*

Ygraine, Annwyl,little person known as Lili and I have had a bit of a training fighting ogres across a river outside fort Llast. It was a great training if I say so myself. at the end of the training Lili started to ask some questions to me.
It was when I wanted to leave to meditate in finding my inner bear. She didn't understand and asked how it was possible since I was an elf. I answered saying that I might look like an elf on the outside. But I feel like an elf on the inside.

And I need to find my inner bear in order to be able to transform into a bear. Because as far as I know, to be a bear warrior is to be able to chance into a bear and to be in touch with your inner bear. All bear warriors are barbarians who have the ability to chance into a bear.

When I do become a bear warrior I'm fully aware that I might have give up more of my elven side. But since I will be gaining such a powerful bear form I Don't mind the lose. I can't wait until I can finally change. I wonder what it might feel like. I'll be in such a powerful body, gain so much more strength, and the sight of a bear raging, might make my enemies think twice of attacking me and my friends. I will finally be able to protect the ones I care about.

My mother is the only Bear Warrior I have ever seen. and from the day I saw her change for the first time I knew I wanted to be like her. I'm not sure if I can do it by myself. so perhaps I will have to search for a bear warrior somewhere, but where.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2009, 03:53:07 pm »
*This page is like all others completely written in elven*

I've been doing a lot lately. I bought some new gear form the angels. but since I didn't have enough I now need to pay them the remaining true I ow them.
Because to if I'm collecting a lot of stuff.

I'm also still training to get stronger and hopefully one day get into contact with my inner bear.
Today I saw annwyl again and I must say it was great to see her again. I kinda missed her, she and Ygraine are like sisters to me. Annwyl, I and several others went to a new place in a forest I haven't seen before. We went to get some aloe for me. I use that to make healing kits.

After we got the Aloe we went to into a cave near there. Which was said to have a bear as big as a house in it. I was so excited to see it. and I was happy that the little person named Kepply was there to. She was able to let the bears know we meant no harm. and there she was....a huge bear. I think she was a dire bear and by the gods was she pretty. Pretty in more ways then one. Her powerful appearance, her pose saying "Make one wrong move...and It will be your last."
I'm glad I was able to see her. It gave both hope and inspiration to find my inner bear. It still puts a big smile on my face thinking of her.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2009, 06:02:09 am »
*This page is like all others completely written in elven*

I have been in and around Hlint for a long time now, training my skills either with or without my friends. Not long a go I was able to learn myself to focus my anger on my punches. It makes an incredible difference for now I'm able to couse more damage with them. However it does make it harder to hit anything. it's a small price to pay however.

During my trainings I also met some Dark elves. Some nicer then others but I don't trust any of them. One even said that she wanted to take care of me. Right, Like I believe that. It's probably a trick to make me into her slave. But not this wild elf. They will not get this wild elf that easily.

Because of my encounters with dark elves I found myself explaining my anger towards them to my Battle sisters Annwyll and Ygraine. Even a ..I think she is a halfling named Keppli know's it to now. But I trust her. like I trust my Battle sisters Annwylll and Ygraine.
I tolled them about the day I lost my sister Silveny-Laanilm(means Magic-Star) to the dark elves. At least that's who I believe are responsible for it.  

Some other news. One day I was resting when I heard some terrible news. it seems some of the cities here where hit by a tsunami. I didn't hear which ones where hit. But I soon found out which. As I went to Port Hempstead to do some crafting and visit the angels guild hall to pay of some of my debt to them I saw the city in ruins and flooded with water. A terrible sight to behold. Since there where already so many people helping I left. But the sight I saw is still in my mind.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2009, 06:07:42 am »
Port Hempstead Docks After the Tsunami disaster.
//Click for a larger version



Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2009, 05:38:11 am »
*as always this entry is written in elven*

My training goes on and on. several days ago I saw that dark elf woman again. she was dressed in red as most of the time.
she took me to a cave in the woods outside Leringard. I didn't trust her so I staid on guard, just in case she would do something like taking me captive and try to make me her slave. or worse kill me.
Anyway in the cave we found some bears: a few black bears, a few brown bears and a large dire bear. as soon as I saw the bear I knew I wanted to try out my skills on it. But unfortunately The dark elf beat me to it.

A shame but in stead we went outside to look for one in the forest. We found a few brown and black bears there. I took one of each to test my skills but I soon found out they where no match for me.
A while later we went back to the cave to see if an other dire bear had returned. We where in luck one had came, probably to check up on things or something like that.
I went to test my skills but failed in beating the dire bear. I guess my skills are not good enough to match a dire bear, And luck wasn't on my side either.

I think it is wiser not to tell this to Ygraine. She might not understand why I wanted to test my skills on those bears.

For now it's back to my training.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2009, 04:44:48 am »
*as always this entry is written in elven*

My training is going great. I either train alone or with my friends, Annwyl and Ygraine. I feel closer to the bear warrior ability then ever. all thanks to the trip in the spider cave in silkwood. I went there to get some garlic which is just ouside the cave. but when i got there this forrest render was preventing me from getting it. then all of a sudden I turned invisible. I took advantage of it and got all the garlic I could get.

then I went to the entrance of the cave to get some rest before heading out. Thats when I saw This Dark elf Eleandril....something. We teamed up for some spider bashing. it was a very good training. even better then the training in the red light cave.

After some time we went back up and saw some people, Ben, Sala, Jako i believe is his name and this woman Essa. We teamed up and we got to fight some more spiders. Even this giant spider somewhere at the bodem of the cave. I was shocked at first to find out spiders could become that big. but then I took all my courage and went in to help the others fight it. We won of course.

We went up next and out of the cave.

OH this dark elf eleandril....something...I keep forgetting her name. She did something that almost made me throw up. She kissed that woman Essa. Now don;t get me wrong I have seen women kiss before. but the way those two did it.... and then to think men like to watch it.

This Essa is a nice woman thought. Strange....but a nice person.

Anyway. I'm off to do some more training. for now focusing on getting in contact with my inner bear and later on some more fighting. I also have to remember to get some more sandbags to the Angels Guild. They have been asking for it to help protect there guild from the next Tsunami.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2009, 07:15:05 pm »
*the pages like all others is written in elven.*

Today I thought of talking a walk and get some rest from all my training.
I went west from fort wayfare and it wasn't long that I saw a Wolverine traped under a tree.
Carefully I went to it but as I got close it snap out at me. when I let it know I wanted to help it by lifting the tree up. it was happy for my help. so I went closer and I tried to lift up the tree. it was heavy but I didn't want to give up. so I focused on my emotions that normally get me in a rage in battle and I started to get the strength I need to lift up the tree, but only barely. I saw the Wolverine starting to crawl from underneath the tree.
As it did I felt the tree getting heavier. I did not want to drop the tree on that poor little creature so I focused more on my inner strengths. Then I feld this incredibly odd feeling. But I kept focusing on lifting the tree and the wolverine was able to crawl away from the tree. Then I slowly lowered the tree away from the wolverine.

Then I looked at my arms and my body I was surprised of the feeling I got and the strength it gave me. The feeling was still crawling trough my body, an odd sensation but I felt like embracing it. What happened next is hard for me to describe. but in the end I had changed into a bear.

This new form will take some getting used to and also to get used to shifting back and forth. This new body feels heavy and the fur feels hot. It's as if it's more suited to the cold north.
But there are also good sides. I feel stronger and so solid. The Sparks of will, of spirit, of emotion, the same place my rage comes from burns brightly within me. IN this form I feel closer to the of in-the-moment embracing of emotions of rage that I get in my barbarian moments then in my elven form. if that makes sense.

I will need to try and see if I can change into my bear form again some time.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2009, 06:31:21 pm »
*this page is as always written in elven.*

I haven't written much in my diary. and because of it I now have a lot to write down.

First of I want to write down that my Battle sister Annwyl and Ygraine have both seen my bear form. They both seem to like it. Although Ygraine and I seem to clash when we both are in our own bear forms.
When I'm in my bear form I tend to get angry over small things. I remember that Ygraine tried to gently rub my fur and I snapped at her. And that's just one example.

Others have seen me in my bear form too. One of them is that dark elf that seems to be called Duchess. It happened when I was trying to collect garlic.
I got attacked by some angry badgers. I didn't want to kill them so I tried to take shelter in a part of the forest I thought they could not access. But before I got there a forest render blocked my path. Next thing I knew I was in Mariners Hold at one of those bind thing's.

I went on my way back to the place of the forest render and saw him there. Along the way I stopped at Fort Wayfare to lighten my load by selling some things I would no longer need. That's when Duchess crossed my path. I tolled her what happened and she wanted to make me a deal. she would help me get back and in return I would have to give her 2 spider silk and 1 kiss. and she was talking about a simple kiss, but one on the lips. and probably not even a short one either. What does she take me for? A fool? No way I was going to do that. so I tried to think my way out of it. When I could not think of anything I just walked away and she followed me.

She followed me all the way to the place I last was. and the forest render was there again. but this time I was prepared for a fight with him. I'd show him what being a bear warrior is all about. but before I could change into a bear and fight....the dark elf came past em on her horse and killed him before I could even get close and while she was doing that she said that this meant she was helping me. As if would be so kind as to pay up as she asked earlier. I got angry at that and then I tolled her I didn't ask her to come along and I would have done just fine on my own. and to try and escape her I went to the near by spider cave entrance to rest a bit.
Of course she followed me and I saw no other option but to show her what a  bear warrior is all about. and that I could have handled myself just fine. so I focused on my anger and started the seemingly long process of changing into a bear.
and when I was fully changed I rose up and stood on my hind legs and roared as loud as I could to show the dark elf my strength in this form, and hopefully to intimidate her too. next thing I remember was that i went out to the find a forest render to kill one as a bear and with it showing the dark elf that I didn't need her help.
Naturally I killed it. I think the dark elf was impressed too seeing me in my bear form.

*the page ends and the writing seems to continues on the next page*


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2009, 06:53:05 pm »
*this page seems to be continuing where she left on the previous page.*

Well 'lets see what else .....oh right.

I saw a new place again a few days ago. I went to the hammerbound peaks with a few people, one dwarf, one human, and one elf I think she was. I forgot there names but I do remember the dwarf being a strong warrior, and the elf spending most of the time shooting her bow.
we got into trouble a few times thought. From my point of few anyway. The dwarf might not agree with me. But besides that it was a great trip. A shame we had to end it so soon.

Now what happened today is more interesting. Annwyl, Ygraine, Kepply and I where once again hunting giants in that forest. It was a hunt like all others and perhaps a bit to boring for my taste. I don't know why but I just couldn't find it in myself to focus on the battles.  

At some point Ygraine had left and it was just me, kepply and and annwyl.
It was then that I heard a noise coming from the east. I smelled the air and I picked up the sent of a dog of sorts. I went to find it and found a wounded wolf. It was a bit scared of us and I tried to calm it,. but the I noticed that me being in my bear form might not help in calming it. It probably thought i was there to eat it.
I changed back and I checked the wolfs body while I let Annwyl and Kepply to try and calm it down. I also helped a bit with that by letting it know that I wanted to help him.
I noticed it had a wounded left hind leg, to be more precise: it was dislocated. Poor wolf could not stand at all. I tolled the wolf I would take care of it and that the pain would go away. But that I would need to hurt it a bit first. mean while Annwyll had taken some wine on a clean cloth to help the wolf feel less pain. A nice idea but I'm not sure if it helped.

Kepply and Annwyl held down the wolf and that's when i tried to put the leg back the way it should be. Naturally the wolf felt the pain and got angry and tried to bite me. But the girls held it down just fine. After a while the wolf calmed down and we could let it go free. It stood up and with each walk it did it seemed to go better and better and I could see no other wounds. It wasn't long until the wolf would walk away.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2010, 11:15:08 am »
*this page is completely written in elven.*

I have done a lot since the last time I written in this book.
I have travel a lot seen many places. The red light caves near hlint, The Hammerbound peeks and the town hight in it's mountain peeks, The dessert in Dregar and many more places. I've hunted Giants, Spiders, yeti's en more creatures. I met new people and got a stronger bond with friends.

although the battle sisters are still the 5 of us, Ygraine, Annwyl, Keppli, lili and me. I'm beginning to see possibilities of more women who would be a good addition to our sister hood. However my current situation prevents me to look further into these options. more on that later

Talking about friends. I got reason to believe my two best friends might have a surprise for me. They wanted to tell me when they are together. but that hasn't happened yet. Either that or I'm just blind. What the surprise could be? I'm thinking of marriage. it's either that or... the fact that they rented a room together. Whatever it is I will ask about it next time I see them.

I also see a possibility of becoming a member of a guild. But I'm not sure if all members of that guild like me enough to be a part of them. I'm not sure if I'm ready also. To much going on in my life right now to think clearly about that.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2010, 06:58:22 am »
*Xanya sits down at the docks to remember a conversation she had with Storold the other day.*

Xanya Enyafailm:
Hey there!

Storold Doesscha:
*Smiles*Hello miss Icebear

Xanya Enyafailm:
Hello mister Storold.

Storold Doesscha:  
How have you been?

Xanya Enyafailm:

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods and smiles* That is usually best

Xanya Enyafailm:
depends on which part.

Storold Doesscha:

Xanya Enyafailm:
it's a long story
the good busy part is easy thought.  

Xanya Enyafailm:
as I have just finished a little project making silk clothing for me and my friends.

Storold Doesscha:
That sounds very nice, I hope they like it

Xanya Enyafailm:
2 of them too. the other 2 haven’t seen them yet.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods a little*
That is good, I am sure the others will be happy as well

Xanya Enyafailm:
if Annwyl and Ygraine are any indication then yes.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods and smiles*

Xanya Enyafailm:
and the.....not so good busy part is actually tied in with some things that happened at the Lucinda temple in Spellguard.

Storold Doesscha:
*Frowns deeply*I heard about someone questioning a white haired elf... I had no idea it was you
Or well.... I think that it might be you now

Xanya Enyafailm:
thats just a small part of the looong story.

Xanya Enyafailm:
got time for the whole story?  

Storold Doesscha:
Sure, I am not going anywhere right now

Xanya Enyafailm:
well. it started with me and my sister, Annwyl, Ygraine, Keppli and Lili being at the docks of Leringard.
there we heard that a mage was disappeared and some silvery haired woman was thought to be responsible.
when I heard that I thought that it could be my sister.  
so we  all went to Spellguard to find out more.
when we got there we soon went to the temple.
and when we got there  I asked if they knew more about those rumors.

Storold Doesscha:
*Frowns*Did you bring your sister?

Xanya Enyafailm:
And before I knew it.... we where escorted to a chamber to be questioned Frent.
I didn't know anything about my sister at that time. just a hunch.

Storold Doesscha:
Of course.... But you were with her... Didn't you ask?

Xanya Enyafailm:
I was with my battle sisters. my blood sister wasn't there.

Storold Doesscha:
Ah! What did you do then?

Xanya Enyafailm: frent,... started to interrogate me as if I had broken a law or something.
At a point he asked for my name,...which I gave.
not sure anymore what he all asked.  
But I when he asked what I was doing there I said that I was following a possible lead to my sister.
I was being really annoying by standing right next to me looking down on me and such.
so when I said I was looking for my sister....
I also said that I was looking for my twin sister.

Xanya Enyafailm:
that explained a lot. and even my battle sister finally understood what the fuss was all about.
but mr. frent needed to make sure I was who I said I was.

Storold Doesscha:
Ahh of course

Xanya Enyafailm:
so I showed him my tattoo on my back.
and that helped him to confirm I was who I said I was.
After that he explained that this mage....Ardis Black was missing for some weeks and that my sister was last seen with him.

Storold Doesscha:
So he let you go?

Xanya Enyafailm:
eventually yes.
he let us go after he gave us as much information as he could.
when my battle sisters and I where outside again. one of us noticed something in the bushes.
when we got there we noticed a woman looking a lot like me.....but seemingly a bit confused.
didn't recognized me at first....
but she noticed like all of us...a striking resemblance.
she said she was told to do something for the mage. this Ardis black.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods a little* So it was your twin sister?

Xanya Enyafailm:
*nods* yes she was.
I was glad to see her too.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods* I can understand that... What was she told to do*Frowns again*

Xanya Enyafailm:
well she said she had this trouble changing in a bear like I can because of a tattoo the dark elves gave her.

Xanya Enyafailm:
and that the mage....a transformation mage knew how to help her.
but that he needed this....cord from the basement of the temple.
some magical cord....I forgot it's name.
I was stunned because but soon tried to convince her that magic was not needed that our rage would win with or without magic trying to stop us.
after a while of talking to her... she got irritated and left running into the sewers.  
we quickly followed.
but had to fight some kind of big....leaches down there. really hard to see too in the high water.  

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods* I hope no one were hurt

Xanya Enyafailm:
the water was so high that Keppli had trouble keeping her head above it.
we got through it safely.  

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods*That is good

Xanya Enyafailm:
at the end we found a way down which my sister had took.
she called herself Isix by the way.
we went down that ...ahm...drain it was.
and found ourselves in a part of the basement of the Lucindite temple.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods slightly and looks a little worried*

Xanya Enyafailm:
all of us got trough alright but Lili nearly died.
we took care of Lili and she got out of it just fine.  
and after I gave them some time to recover we went on further.
finding a barrier to a room. which was partly broken.
when we got in we saw the room sort of trashed and Isix looking around.
we all tried to talk to her again to convince her to stop but without any luck.
when she saw the cord she went for it, but Keppli beaten her to it.  

no wait...she did get the cord.....said some words I didn’t understand.
and before she vanished keppli got the cord.
and as isix was disappearing we saw her tattoo. light up.
so that’s when we knew she had clearly been lying to us.
we all got angry about that.  
and set out to find our way out of there without having to go past the temple guards above.  

Storold Doesscha:
Did she take anything?

Xanya Enyafailm:
isix did not take the cord.  
or anything else that we could see.
we found a way out of the basement and went out of the city unseen.
outside of the city Me and keppli started to track my sister down. Me using my nose. and kepli her tracking skills.

Storold Doesscha:
Uhmm.. You didn't alert anyone about the hole into the vault?

Xanya Enyafailm: that didn't cross our minds.
so as keppli and I where tracking the tracks lead us to the spider cave in the silkwoods. the one with those dire spiders in it.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods a little*

Xanya Enyafailm:
we found my isix just outside of the cave resting.
and we forced her to starting being honest with us.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods slightly*
I hope that it worked...

Xanya Enyafailm:
she then said she was forced by the dark elves to do those things.  
and that the dark elves had been trying to find a way to sort of copy her bear warrior ability.
and that she needed to get several items in order to get the mage and herself free.
*thinks a bit*
I think she also said she had fallen in love and wanted to help get her lover out safely too.
so since see seemed to finally tell the truth, we went down into the cave to get what she needed.
which was some spider....body parts of a huge spider.  
I think it was a s big as a house.
really thought one too.

Xanya Enyafailm:
us battle sisters successfully killed it.
and after that we had to find and kill a chameleon spider.  
which the dark elves wanted.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods slightly*
What about what they wanted from the vault...?

Xanya Enyafailm:
both things along with the cord would be used by the dark elves to get the bear warrior ability and used it for themselves.
not to make bear warriors of themselves, but to make spider warriors.
letting themselves change into those huge spiders.
when we got the chameleon spider parts. Isix gave them to me.  
but soon said she wanted to go to the dark elves alone to give it to them and win the freedom.

Storold Doesscha:
*Storold frowns deeply* You should never really trust dark elves, especially not when you give them what they want

Xanya Enyafailm:
*nods* that’s what I thought too.  
so Then she said that she had to get them to the dark elves so that they could get the spider warriors done ...or something like that.
not sure if that’s completely correct...but from what she said it was clear that she was in on it all along.
She revealed that she had been working with the dark elves all along.
and that she even got married with one and had a child with him.

Storold Doesscha:
*Frowns deeply* Some sister

Xanya Enyafailm:
her mind had clearly been ....what’s that word.......

Storold Doesscha:

Xanya Enyafailm:
yes that
she was clearly twisted into thinking like the dark elves.
can't blame her... she had been with them for over 50 years.
to make the story a bit shorter.....
she tried to get the items and flee with them but we stopped her.
I was able to hold her tight while the others tied her down.
and that’s when we brought her to the temple.

I thought that tattoo might be something that was controlling her....or something like that.
in order to transport her without much trouble I knocked her out.  
and when we got there. she was taken to a prison by some guards and a mage who started to attempt to undo the magic of that tattoo.
mean while we had to explain our selves to mr. trent.

about how the temple got robbed of an item as he said it.
I told the whole story.
and then he asked us where the cord was.
it was then that I noticed keppli wasn't with us.  
apparently keppli had left in all the commotion and started on her way to get the child of isix. which is basically my nephew.
so that’s when we had to promise to get it back.  

and in order to be able to leave we were given a tattoo of our own so that the mage’s of lucinda could keep track of us.
*shows a pulsating tattoo on her shoulder, of a lucindite blue color*
this one.  

Storold Doesscha:

Xanya Enyafailm:
the 4 of us had to have one.  

Storold Doesscha:
And Keppli?

Xanya Enyafailm:
we had to go look for her. and come back within two month.
or else they would start looking for us.

Storold Doesscha:
I really hope that you find the artifact

Xanya Enyafailm:
I already found keppli and was able to convince her to come back with us to the temple.  

Storold Doesscha:
And she has the artifact?

Xanya Enyafailm:
as far as I know yes.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods*That is a good start

Xanya Enyafailm:
I also send a note by bird to the temple to let them know we are on our way back with the cord.  
I just need to get the girls together again so we can get back.

Storold Doesscha:
*Nods* All good news, I am sure it will all work out in the end

Xanya Enyafailm:
I hope so.


Re: Road of An Ice Bear Warrior - By Xanya Enyafailm
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2010, 09:03:23 am »
Dream Dance, Autumn Twilight 26, 1472.

I haven't been able to find time to write in my journal for a long time.
I think it was somewhere in Summer Run of 1461 that I last wrote in my journal. I have done so many things and I had so much to think about. right now I will write a page with some of the most important things that has happened or that I was a part of.

First of all I want to write that my two best friend Annwyl and Ygraine have finally joined in marriage. the Joyfull event happened somewhere in Winter Deep of 1468. I'm not exactly sure of the precise date but it doesn't matter much. it was a great event and both looked great in the dresses I made for them. I'm not only writing this down because they are my friends but also because I was one of the witnesses.

The girls and I have also gotten a chance to buy our own house.
The three of us talked about it for some time and then when the time was right an opportunity came to me to get us a house. I arranged it and waited for an approval from the old owners. When I got it I went to them with the money me, Ygraine and Annwyl had saved up and bought the house. This was at Summer End 5, 1465.
Days later I showed the new addition to the girls. I can remember them being most happy and very excited to see the house for the first time.
The girls live there the most. I tend to stay a lot out side of the house and treat it more like a storage for my goods.

I myself have grown stronger as well. when i started as a bear warrior I was able to change into a black bear. some time later was able to transform into a Grizzly bear. But these days I can chance into a large bear, the fearsome and powerful Dire bear form.
Maybe one day I will find out I can change into an even stronger bear form, but more on those thoughts of mine some other time.