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Author Topic: A Woman's Journal - Tegan's new beginning  (Read 262 times)


A Woman's Journal - Tegan's new beginning
« on: January 06, 2010, 09:48:23 pm »
[SIZE=16]I did it, surprised myself but the more I thought about it the more it felt right to do. Sall and myself worked so very hard for so many years, granted over the past some years not as hard anymore, but only because we still remember what it was like to be plucked and called away from everything we knew with nothing.

But the Guild will go on, like the leaders before me entrusting it to the future, I am entrusting it now to the next generation. It will be in safe hands with Lance, Caerwyn, and definately Beli there to guide the helm.

I am where I am supposed to be, I even bought a new journal to document my.. retirement? As if, I feel more traveling in my future with no more guild meetings, dealing with grumpy customers. I am looking forward to it.[/SIZE]

*with a soft smile and sigh, she closes her new journal and begins her new adventure*