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Author Topic: Alestir Brighton - The unexpected adventure  (Read 357 times)


Alestir Brighton - The unexpected adventure
« on: February 15, 2012, 01:22:31 am »
"Alestir sits at a table in the scamps mug, feeling uneasy about staying in such a big city. Master Jeriko Flora, in his new form is lazily plopped on the neighboring chair licking the remnants of some spilled mead. "Evidently my master still has a good taste for his drinks" Alestir thought with nose wrinkled. "He really hasn't changed that much..."

Mulnari, Febra 9, 1494

Our Journey from Nentsay had been a quiet journey all the way to the literal "tent town" of central. Thinking our funds would go dry soon we decided to pursue for some odd side jobs,(a whole paragraph is scribbled out) which I'de rather not get into. We've finally just arrived in Port Hempstead, hopefully I can find some information to shed some light on this illusive elf in the next couple of months, hopefully weeks...*Alestir is interrupted by a sudden bar fight across the room*..some extra coin would be nice to, for some better lodgings.

Alestir Brighton


Re: Alestir Brighton - The unexpected adventure
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 06:10:53 pm »
*After an unusual brawl with a parrot, Alestir lays against a tree in the somewhat unruffled Windjammers Bay. The breeze comforting to little man (although tall for his he says). Beside him munching on the remains of the fallen parrot is his his feline form.  "Master hasn't changed one bit I see" *Alester wrinkles his nose then looks down to his journal to start a new entry*

Mulnari, Apreal 2, 1495

After some rather long months snooping about in search of the mysterious elf, We've again run to a dead end. This search has been significantly harder then I thought it would be. But in more recent discoveries, and after an investigation on some local witches with some....minor damage done to the evidence. I may have come to the possibility that one of these witches may know of a way to track this illustrious elf. After all such a person of great power couldn't of gone by without detection from others of the Al'noth..

Alestir Brighton

*Alestir closes his journal stares blankly at the calm sea in deep thought*

*A little while later, a feathery belch is heard throughout the area scaring away any mischievous parrots from crossing the rather large old cat*