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Author Topic: Royce Ra'radon  (Read 325 times)


Royce Ra'radon
« on: October 23, 2013, 11:37:55 pm »
A lightweight book lies before you, a black cover with two red 'R's etched into the leather. The pages are wrinkled and worn, and it is clearly a traveling journal.


It seems as if I have chosen
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2013, 11:50:48 pm »

It seems as if I have chosen a good path. The people pay well for simple jobs, that provide little challenge. Some of the lizard-folk warriors can put up a fight, but they are well handled by a crossbow. I need to find somebody who is willing to fight in front of me. I do not like the brutish fighting that is hard to avoid when I have to pull out my knife. I dislike taking blows, that is a job for others. The bank vault in Center is poorly guarded, I do not have any good ideas yet but I keep it in the back of my mind. Perhaps I will come up with a good enough plan for them to 'loose' some gold. There are candles in the back that could fall over and force an evacuation... I just need to learn who handles the fires in that town and fit in with them. I should be able to pick the lock if I got some time alone... Say, if another fire lit elsewhere.



My skills are growing... I
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2013, 11:31:46 pm »

My skills are growing... I can tell. I am finding myself able to ambush more and more. I set down a ranger before he was aware of me, I find that to be an accomplishment. Soon I will be able to travel unseen wherever I wish, and steal whatever I can reach while unseen.

I got payed exceptionaly well for mining for a wizard. He gave me half of the loot, which added up to 504 trues, and 200 for mining. I used part of the money to buy a cloak after a Rofie was able to identify me as an elf, and saved the rest. I don't like being known as an elf... Optimaly, I hope to blur the line between human and elf so that any time I get caught, the list of suspects will be longer.