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Author Topic: Discrediting Tyillaan  (Read 411 times)


Discrediting Tyillaan
« on: August 23, 2010, 07:26:21 am »
//This thread will hold all the details on Eleandilethessa's part of the plot to discredit Tyillaan

duchess (Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn) has been asked by the leader (Ni'haer) of the group she is in to mimic Tyillaan with a view to making her suspect in murder/destruction around various places and to grow seeds of doubt in the minds of her friends.

Tyillaan and duchess used to be lovers, so duchess knows her well enough that a masquerade by duchess should have a reasonable chance of success (I hope).

  • In order for it to work, duchess will:
  • create an outfit in grey and purple to mimic Ty's
  • create a bow that looks similar
  • apply some makeups to only partially resemble her tattoos. Only partially as she will not be able to make exact copies, I guess, so if they are partial, part of that disguise will be to make it look as if the tattoos were trying to be covered, albeit unsuccessfully so that a part of them is showing
  • will talk in a stutter when in disguise and use her bow to attack and kill people
  • will use scrolls she has collected to inflct magical damage, especially fire to represent Ty's arcane archer arrows, to further make the attacks convincing
  • she will be unhooded from time to time to show facial tattoos, and her mimic armour will show bare arms and has thigh length boots which show some skin between boot and skirts
  • she will be on foot and will use her shadow dancer skills to evade capture following the deed. After the event and as soon as possible, she will pull her normal outdoors clothes on to revert to her normal self and hide the Ty impersonation
The plan is to attack and kill random helpless farmers and citizens that are easy prey and away from the major towns at the time of the attacks, a few at a time over a few weeks.

She will if possible, leave the occasional severely wounded or dying survivor after the first few attacks to recognise her and give a description based on the above. Robbery will appear to be the motive and will give her a chance to mimic the stutter as she robs a body near a wounded/dying farmer.

The start area will be around Fort Llast and move to Krandor then Haven and without any pattern (she will roll a random dice to decide which area to go to next).

//this is a copy of the original pm sent to MasterJack and placed in here so the whole thread can be kept together.

More to follow once I get onto it.
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Discrediting Tyillaan
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2010, 06:45:07 am »
duchess sits through the trial, heavily disguised and glamoured so not to attract attention, and takes notes of the names of the witnesses, the prosecutor and the defense and the judge.

She coughs and chokes as the trial starts and leaves to signal the 'rescue' team to start their attack, then returns to the trial.

By the end of the trial, Tyillaan has been acquitted and the plot has been spoiled. However, duchess is not downcast as she sees some ways to move forward and casue more trouble for the annoying Tyillaan and her horrible self-effacing ways.

And she has a list of names and descriptions too now and a whole lot ot lessons learnt by the way the trial went.

