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Author Topic: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph  (Read 609 times)


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2009, 09:28:24 pm »
*Flynn thinks to himself at the tavern alone after a long day of exploration and combat*

How long have I been doing this? It seems so long I don't remember anything else. Great friends have come and gone so many times, I have lost count. In the end, it will be me alone that makes that final journey. And I dare say I am probably closer than I'd like to admit. Again more visits from the Soul Mother than I can count. I did, however, live longer than my father. I wonder what he is doing now. Can he even see me now? Would he be proud? *shrugs* Don't matter much anyways, he was dead to me long ago. Now it is only myself, my craft, and my sword.

*A buxom brunette approaches him seductively*

"You that bard aint you? The one with the voice like velvet, and that can dance the dress right off a woman?"

*A twinkle in Flynn's eye returns*

"I've been called many things lass and most of em much worse than that. What is your name?"

"Why I'm Jacklyn. Can you juggle too?"

"I can do many things lass. Are you from around here?"

"Me, I guess I'm from everywhere. That's a big sword you carry there fella."

"It's late lass. Time for me to turn in".

"Ya want company tonight?" *she brushes back her hair seductively*

"I got all the company I need tonight lass" *Flynn pats his sword*

Flynn proceeds to empty his pint, lift his sword while standing in one smooth motion, and heads to his room.

He quickly dresses in some silk sleeping gear, and proceeds to sharpen his sword. He handles it as if it is an extension of himself with complete focus. As if he was filling the sword with a portion of his own spirit. When done, he sheaths it and lays it beside him on the bed and falls asleep instantly.


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2009, 02:03:44 pm »
*ABi and flynn in the arena at Vehl
"Hiya Flynn, glad to see ya!" While giving you a warm hug in greeting, "Im glad you got my bird and could make it and that you wanted my help still."
"Are you ready for some training then? I got some great exercises if your sure up for them?" She says cheerfully, although you get the impression it might be kinda nasty.
Smilingly as she speaks in her happy high pitched way when she gets excited, "Ive been going through my old journal lately and have been thinking alot about my training recently. Trying to think about how i can help you the most."
She then muses almost imperceptibly to herself for a moment, "I've lost alot in my head, but i seem to be remembering alot too as I go over it again and again. Its like its there...just..."
Then reverting to her happy self, she goes on. Clapping her hands together as she steps back and sizes you and your weapon up for second, she lets her eyes narrow briefly and a slightly wicked smile crosses her face.
"So, Im not sure what you've learned on your own and what Ira has helped you out with at this point. I know you said he was showing you a little bit about casting in armor. Which is good, but you need to remember that's just a small part of what being a spellsword is about and what we can do." Her voice seeming to have become more serious in tone towards the end.
For a moment she gazes at you as she runs scratches her head thoughtfully for a moment as if deciding where to begin.
She then looks at you mischievously and and snaps her fingers, "I GOT IT!"
Abi then runs and gets a couple of training dummies and sets them into the middle of the room firmly.
"The first thing is to work on your concentration, casting, and moving around in a hurry. When your fighting you know theres alot going on all at once. SOmetimes you have to fight offensively, and sometimes defensively as the situation warrants." Her voice deceptively cheerful as she contiunues on, "So I want you to run around the arena as fast as you can, and cast some spells at the dummies while you go. Its harder than it looks!"


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2009, 02:04:28 pm »
Flynn looks at Abi with doubt.
"Thanks for trying to teach me lass. But you sure this is gonna help. I don't run much no more less I'm running after a dame." says Flynn with a smile
"Flynn, trust me!".
Flynn shrugs, gets up off his chair laboriously, and begins to jog around the arena. Just as he is about to cast a spell...
"RUN you lazy bastard!!!" says Abi
Flynn darts Abi a look with narrowed eyes and shrugs. He picks up the pace. He begins to wave his hands around and calls on the Al'North. He casts sound burst on one dummy after another with little trouble. After about the fourth dummy, Flynn becomes visibly tired and begins to struggle to keep up his pace. He begins to cast again, but his time *Pffffiiizzzz....* Nothing.
Flynn stops putting his hands on his knees and glancing up at Abi.
"That one don't count lass. I gotta stop smoking and drinking" Flynn says with a grin.


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2009, 02:05:40 pm »
Abi leans over and grins at Flynn, "Well, now that your warmed up a bit, I'll make it easier on you."
She then walks over to a small group of fighters who have been sparring in the corner. She whispers to them and looks over her shoulder at Flynn and gives him a nod and a smile.
Walking back over she gives Flynn a her canteen and says, "SO Flynny...catch your breath yet? Cause now your gonna do it again. But this time, "She indicates the fighters starting to spread themselves around the arena," these guys are gonna be in your way."
Flynn gives Abi the you have got to be kidding look, and standing up he just shakes his head. "I ain't no spring chicken anymore you know. I hope you know what the hells your doing."
Abi just smiles her crooked smile, "Your learning to fight the way a spellsword fights. You have to move, and breath and focus. Its hard but your doing alright for your first time. You should have seen me the first few times I had to do this!"
"Besides," she adds with a smile, "think of all the wenches you can chase and not get tired when we are done."
After a few more rounds, a bruised and exhausted Flynn collapses near Abi. Sitting back on his forearms legs splayed he just tilts his head back and tries to say something but nothing comes out.
Abi just smiles and nods..."Watch" She tosses the canteen into his lap and motions for the fighters to get set again.
When the fighters indicate they are ready, Abi just nods and takes off. She darts around one fighter who tries to grab her and fires off a magic missile at the dummies. The next one tries to ram her and she deftly drops below him causing him to fly in the air as he trips over her. When she comes up she blasts the next dummy with a lightning bolt turning it to straw! As she circles around to the next target the next 2 fighters decide to try and do a snatch and tackle. As the first one tries to make a grab for her she ducks low and rams full on into his gut with her head driving him into the other fighter! Rolling backwards, she crouches low and blasts the last dummy with a barrage of missiles. Popping up she sprints back to Flynn.
Breathing heavily, she looks back at her sparring partners and her face turns into a big grin as as she watches them help each other up. Turning to Flynn, she bends over nad puts her hands on her knees. "Thats how its done, sweety. Now...ready to go again?"


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2009, 02:06:25 pm »
Flynn looks at Abi with a combination of disdain and respect.
" lass. That was impressive, but I dare say the last time I ran this much I was running moonshine from Vehl to Fort Llast. Between the Rofis and the Toranites, they aint got nothing on you."
Flynn clambers to his feet and brushes off his cloths. He proceeds to put on a light shirt of chain for protection, unsheaths his blade, takes a deep breath while wiping his mouth and charges into the fray.
As the first opponent strikes, he counters with his blade and knocks him on his butt. Almost at the same time he extends his hand calling on the Al'North and dazes the second opponent. The third, catches him under the extended arm and gashes his ribbs until Flynn flings around and strikes him with the flat edge of his sword knocking him out. Flynn ducks in anticipation of the forth, and responds with an ice storm that knocks the opponent to his knees. As the fifth approaches, Flynn is heaving and gasping for air. He extends his hand again with another sound burst, but this time it fizzles and Flynn receives the blunt end of the opponents sword on the nose with a crunch. Blood spurts from Flynn's nose as he falls to his knees.
Abi proceeds to interject "Whoa, whoa, whoa fellas. That's enough. Flynn! Pull yourself together"
She motions him to the corner and hands him a canteen.


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2009, 02:09:16 pm »
Frowning concernedly at Flynn ABi kneels down in front of him and checks out his face. "Hold ona second FLynn..this might hurt a little." She pinches his nose and straightens and sets it so he can breath a little easier. "There, much better, now you can breath." SHe smiles reassuringly as she applies some potion of cure to let it heal faster.
To the others she just nods and thanks them for the help and tosses them small bag of coins.
"Hmm..maybe we should take a breather there Flynn. You did well though. Im impressed." She says reassurringly and approvingly. "Your pretty spry for an old fella." She continues on teasingly.
As she helps Flynn over to the benches and sits him down she asks to see his sword for a moment. Flynn just nods as he watches her while breathing slightly heavy. Sitting next to him she examines his blade and runs her hands gently across its surface. Taking the great blade she gently places the tip on the ground as she takes the handle.
"Now that your mind is too tired to think about a million things. Let me show you something." Closing her eyes briefly, Flynns sword suddenly glows and becomes cool to the touch. Frost seems to form on the blade and the drops of sweat on the floor near the tip turn to ice.
"With the Al'Noth we bend the elements to our will to create fireballs, lightning strikes and ice storms." She continues on solemnly as she focuses on Flynns sword. "As a spellsword you focus your energies in the fight, and your weapon becomes a focus of your intention. Mages are away from the fight, hurling fireballs and generating ice storms. In the middle of it, is where we stand." Suddenly Flynns sword turns bright red as if glowing with an inner fire that warms everything around you both. "Our focus is and must be tighter than theirs, where they hurl fire and freeze the air, we bind it to our weapon to burn as we cut. We freeze our weapons and our enemy turns to ice." Her voice seems low and distant as she speaks, her focus on the weapon though at the same time Abi seems very far away, though obviously aware of whats going on around you both.
Shaking out of her revery, Abi then looks at Flynn with a twinkle in her eye. She hands Flynn his blade back and the cold and fire seem to dissipate as he takes it back. "Come on, I'll buy you a beer. You look like you could use one!"
Smilingly she holds out her hand to Flynn to help him up. We can talk more when you get some wine in you." She smiles reassuringly at Flynn he limps slightly towards the One-Eyed Harpy.


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2009, 08:54:14 pm »
Flynn takes his sword back careful not to touch the blade. He examines it closely as the enchantments fade.
"Well lass, you are full of surprises. Recently I to see my sword as an extension of my self. I don't even think about it anymore, it just moves instinctively as if it were a part of me. For me, I too can not stand back and lob spells. Even if I could master the more powerful spells, I need to be in the fray. I need to feel the reverberation of a well placed strike through my shoulders and hear the bone snapping yells from my enemies. The magic and music are a part of what I do when I am face to face with the enemy, but the sword ties it all together lass."
Flynn gets up off his bench feeling his nose and nodding in approval to Abi's handy work. As they head out to the One Eyed Harpy...
"The ales on me, however lass. It's just the way it be. Besides, I can't have me old mates at the One Eyed Harpy seeing a lady buying me spirits." says Flynn as he grins.


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2009, 09:27:11 pm »
After a few days rest at the One Eyed Harpy, Flynn get's a bird from Abi. He struggles to sit up in bed and read it. Reaches for cup of ale and with a swig, he reads...

"FOCUS. That's the magic word for tonight Flynn. Get your arse to the Arena and we will continue our lessons."

After a few pleasantries and Abi showing genuine concern for Flynn's condition, she proceeds to setup the first lesson.

"No magics in this one. Just your sword and best armor"

Flynn shrugs and looks a her with doubt. "If you say so lass". They both launch at one another, Flynn with his powerful strokes from his Great Sword, and Abi with finesse like slashes from her two short swords. A few of Flynn's blows hit home, and Abi is in bad shape. Although Abi got a few good slashes in, Abi is unable to stand toe to toe with Flynn. Flynn disengages "That looks like enough lass, aye?"

Abi falls to her knees nodding her head.."yes, yes Flynn. Good".

After both have rest adequately, Abi stands up and says "Ok, this time buff with everything you got." Both Flynn and Abi began to swirl their hands and chant as they called on the Al'North to protect them. As both completed they both nodded to one another.

This time Flynn had a much more difficult time, and the match was much more evenly matched. In fact, Flynn was the first to say "enough Abi" as he coughed and spit up blood. It was obvious that this encounter took almost everything Flynn had. He was weezing and staggering.

Abi says "Still not bad Flynn, but you need to get in better shape. You also have a problem with losing focus. Anger can be your ally, or it can be your enemy. Learn to channel it properly, but never let it rule you."

Flynn nods as he leans over the well to grab a drink of water.

"Ok, this time we start with out any buffs. We call upon the Al'North while we are engaged. But wait. There is a twist."

Abi proceeds to strap about 150lbs of sand bags on Flynn's back until he can barely stand.

"Now, you must learn to focus while fighting, fatigued and weighed down"

"Gads lass! Is this really necessary?" says Flynn as he struggles with the load.

Abi grins and counts down "3-2-1. Ok, defend yourself and cast whatever you can"

At the same time Abi is throwing Magic Missiles at Flynn one after another. Flynn raises his sword, and attempts to call up on the Al'North. Haste is successfully cast. He then attempts to approach Abi, but he is overloaded and can not move quickly enough. In addition, it is taking all his energy. All the while, he is being bombarded by missiles. Flynn attempts to cast a Bull's Strength to help, but ppfffizzzz. Nothing. Angry and frustrated, he again attempts the Bull's and nothing ppppffiizzz. Flynn finally stops for a couple seconds not fighting the weight and silences his body and mind. He then calls upon the Al'North for Ghostly Visage with success. The missiles no longer affect him, but he is still so exhausted he collapses.

Abi stops and claps her hands. "A moment of brilliance Flynn. You did it for just a moment. But dare I say Flynn you need to get in shape and practice much more on your ability to focus. The good news is that we know you can do it. Now we just need to make it repeatable."


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2009, 11:37:20 pm »
Abi continues to come to The One Eye Harpy to get Flynn out of bed at the crack of dawn for Spellsword training. Two to three training sessions a day result in some improvement in Flynn's ability to focus and channel his spirit into his sword.

Flynn is close to being able to take what Abi has learned on his own, and develop it into his own style of melding the Al'North with the art of sword wielding.


Re: Flynn de Ballard -- Songs of Triumph
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2012, 09:39:39 pm »
Finally! Flynn sits back, dust and lacquer covering his hands, and takes a long hard draw on a cold mug of mead.

"Ahh, now that's a masterpiece. Let them young upstarts try and top that"

He fingers a finely crafted yew violin. It has supple curves and fine detail that almost look divine. He sits and drinks for a long time admiring his work and knowing it is one of the finest ever made.