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Author Topic: The Written Thoughts of Silence  (Read 262 times)


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    The Written Thoughts of Silence
    « on: December 07, 2006, 11:02:02 pm »
    [SIZE=24]The Written Thoughts of Silence[/SIZE][/U]
    [SIZE=13]Name: Zauron Tempest[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=13]Nick Name: Silence[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=13]Date Of Birth: Hunt Day, Ice Glaze 23, 1371, 21:29:45 (Mulnari, Janra)[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=13]Current Age: 38 as of Hunt Day, Ice Glaze 23, 1409, 21:29:45[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=13]Age at Dragon Summoning: 29[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=13]This [/SIZE][SIZE=13]book is an old leather bound text. Obviously it has seen it's seasons before ever being used. The words, 'MY LIFE' are carved out of the leather cover. Silence guards this book with his life; it is always held inside his pack, wrapped in cloth, and never spoken of.[/SIZE]


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      RE: The Written Thoughts of Silence
      « Reply #1 on: December 07, 2006, 11:11:57 pm »
      Gather Day, Dark Cold 11, 1408
        Ventured from Grey Peaks yet again this day. Have been feeling empty inside lately. I wonder if it has anything to do with ignoring the Dragon's Call and returning right from where I was summoned.... No matter. As of late the sky has been dark; something had to have happened and that is why I am here once again. Perhaps I have had a change of heart...? Or am I truly here for my own personal advancement... that I am undecided on. For now however, I will begin to master a trade. Perhaps a weaponsmith to earn a living? I have decided to never return to the Grey Peaks... the only memory I want from there is of tearing through the ogre population.
        I met a woman by the name of Tegan. She is always hooded and a little withdrawn;which I can easily relate to. She has informed me, Ozlo, the Dragon responsible for calling me has perished.... Blood has perished... and now one by the name of Broegar has taken over Prantz in Blood's place. I know nothing of this individual.... nor of his intentions. In the meantime, for now, these matters are of no concern to me. I need to start saving my true for equipment and a license for a trade.
        ...should I follow in my fathers footsteps as a weaponsmith? I think I will... I will also continue his tradition and burn a new scar into my skin for each quality weapon made. Old habits die hard I suppose...


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        RE: The Written Thoughts of Silence
        « Reply #2 on: December 08, 2006, 11:03:02 am »
        Hunt Day, Earth Wakes 16, 1409
           After being back for roughly six to seven months...  I have come to a few conclusions. I have started on my mastery of becoming a weaponsmith; more difficult than I had thought. Then again who doesn't enjoy a challenge?  I have been spending alot of time in the Crypts trying to keep the undead population suppressed.. I feel they are a greater threat to Hlint than anyone would like to admit.  
          After emerging from the Crypts one night..  I fell terribly ill.  Could not even feel my limbs or draw the energy to even speak. The last that I remember was being aided to consciousness in the middle of the road by a certain dwarf, Grohin Silveraxe. He was accompanied by a few other dwarfs...   all boasting banners of Vorax. Never has any shown as much concern for me as they did. Are all followers of Vorax like this?  Perhaps I will visit the temple and pay my respects with a donation.
          Why am I still so uneasy around others? I have passed up many adventures and quests simply because my comfort level is never where I want it to be....


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          RE: The Written Thoughts of Silence
          « Reply #3 on: December 10, 2006, 01:36:02 pm »
          Friend Day, Drying Ember 15, 1409
            I am walking... Where am I?... It's cold, and dark... yet I feel a presence...
            *Silence is pushed to the ground by an unknown force*
            *Black tentacles aggressively embrace each of his limbs and torso*
            *A dark figure holds one kukri to his neck and another to his chest*
            *The threatening dark figure looks up, then moves back out of Silence's sight*
            *A short woman dispels the tentacles with a wave of her hand, helps Silence up, and vanishes into the mist*
             *Silence awakens soaked in sweat*
            Wh.. Wha... what?!?   *holds his hands to his head and sits up*  That woman...  her face... I will never forget that face... I will find you. Or should I say; you will find me.
            This is all that I can remember of this dream. It seems I remember bits and peices... nevertheless this is the only dream I've had in quite some time. There has to be a meaning....  maybe I should consult one wise enough? But who?

