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Author Topic: Sala's Book  (Read 204 times)


Sala's Book
« on: April 16, 2007, 02:55:06 pm »
Sunra, Apreal 15, 1415
 I don't know what happened to my old book, my possessions are so widely scattered--a chest at Explorers' Guild, my ox, my husband, my own over-loaded pack...  No matter, perhaps it will turn up, or I can always write down what I remember.
 Roriman Stronghold--he asked me to remember his name.  He fell to the blade of a robber dwarf on the road to Hlint.  I killed the dwarf and raised him, telling him it was by Lucinda's mercy he lived.  He promised to aid me if ever I should need it.


Re: Sala's Book
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2008, 07:20:36 pm »
Rain has started teaching me Elven. Today I learned "Iream ilma aey?", "How are you?". I also learned "E ils amacc". "I am well". Then I went to Dregar with Angels Guild--a good trip, except that Ben died and lost a soul strand. He should not have been so bold--taking on the giant shaman with us in battle too far away to help.
 Note to self (4/15):  Eslar Magnius needs topaz dust.

