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Author Topic: Scrawlings of the Common tongue  (Read 107 times)


Scrawlings of the Common tongue
« on: December 26, 2006, 03:35:40 pm »
*In a ledger book more commonly used by merchants is scrawled details (more like butcherings of the written form of language) by one Axeman the mercenary. Amongst the lists of jobs, employers and payments are also lewd comments, rude drawings and the like that he has come across from time to time. Of particular interest are the following references.*

*Edit expletives* I am gunna kill 'im I am and that *B.edit* of his as well. Twice he's dun that to me. Thats it, he's blacklisted! *B.edit* is gunna regret tha day he double crossed the Axeman. *B.adit* even knows I he only killed Celgar by default. I was the one who cut i'm up for real. *edit expletives*

Got them bloomin women in his bloomin pocket too..shes gunna get 'ers as well. *edit*

*edit* I'm good! Was taking them ogres out like nuthin else. I hope they went onto tha giants and got 'emselves killed!

*edit expletives* I didn't get no trues! *edit expletives*

Need some payin *edit* work now. Better get somethin out there then.

Axeman the Merc...nah too bodgy.
Axeman the slayer...nah too hah!
Axeman the killer...nah too limiting
Axeman the hunter...*edit* stupid than one
Axeman the woman lover and rum drinker...too close to tha truth that one...
Axeman the legend...soon but not yet..bah bet its been done before anyway!
Axeman the thievin', backstabbin', two-faced, chicken *edit*, swindler, *edit expletives*, Ark merit..
Axeman the arguin', two-faced, backwards, useless caster cleric, Muireann a nice ring to it..
Axeman the hero...what a stupid title
Axeman the Axe...stupid
Axeman the Mighty...getting better
Axeman the...the....gah this is stupid *edit expletives*
Axeman the PIGKILLER....hmm sounds good but maybe tha militia's won't like it..hah Garent definitely wouldn't. *edit*
Axeman...bah..just Axeman for now..I can remember that!

Gotta find Christine...shes was good. *edit* ta the a few coins left, sure I can find a few 'interests' there.


Re: Scrawlings of the Common tongue
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2007, 06:23:46 pm »
*edit* Why do I even bother with that woman! Everytime I agree to something, something goes wrong. This ain't how ta run a business!
It used to be awrite when she an Ark were around at least then...*edit* nah what am I sayin! Those two are as bad as each other. Dunno why I keep workin for em! I never get bloody paid! *edit*

HAH, I reckon I'll get paid this time..I still got the wenches stuff. *edit* If she wants it back shes gunna have ta pay for it!. Bloody Muir! Sometimes I wanna accidently swing me axe and take off 'er head and others I just wanna get her spells. *edit expletives* Shes is *edit* high maintenance. At least she wants ta get out there and hunt pigs, thats a good thing, but *edit* she makes it hard work!

She goes ta bloomin jelly too when things get hard...lets go get some sapphires she says, awrite I say. What the *edit* happens, the battle gets too 'scary' and she bloomin collapses in a blubberin heap. Sallaron has ta carry her outta danger and who gets left ta face them bloody worg riders but Axeman. She's goin ta wrack and ruin I reckon, her arms pretty much useless, in fact it gives me the *edit* shivers to see it hangin there sometimes, like its got a life of its own!

Men I know from tha pits woulda had it cut off long time ago or had a shield or weapons made ta fit it so at least its half useful.

*edit* flow of trues is goin in reverse, aint been able to buy rum nor get to tha Scamps for some downtime lately. Goin into *edit* withdrawals. Gotta get me some true soon or else. Need ta find *edit* Ark, *string of expletives* owes me gold, he never pays up. No more work for him without no trues up front!

How hard is it ta make a name for yerself *edit* working at it for a while now...must be keepin tha wrong company. Maybe I need an ad or sumthin? *edit* who cares.
I'll find sumthin somehow.

