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Author Topic: Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathea Arnaduillae  (Read 1041 times)


Dear journal

Since I took the first step on my path to perfection I have seen myself as a healer. One who uses her skills to heal and ward those around her. I treated snakebies, healed griveous wounds and raised the dead. In dungeons dark I have cast wards that protected my companions against the icy touch of the undead.

When I first set out, I did so clad in the shadows of Beryl. Using my magic I stayed unseen and healed my companions, rarely raising my mace or casting offensive spells. Before battles I warded, in battles I healed and after battles I tended the wounded and raised the fallen.

Now I stand before a fork in my path. I have grown and I am no longer a feeble girl with a blunt mace more likely to hurt herself than fell her foes, but an accomplished warrior priestess who may stand tall alongside her companions.

It no longer sufices to stay unseen, but more often than not I need to pacify our opponents with Beryls Pick [Hammer of gods] or fight my way to my striken comrades. Thus I find myself unable to remain hidden.

I see two alternative paths before me now...

One is the path of master Allgo. Combining the spells of priest with skills of a more rougish nature he moves with ease on the field of battle. Seeing a giant about to stomp down a fallen, he strikes unseen from behind and fells the brute with one blow. Traps in our path he safely disarms and when need be he moves unseen about. we are different in nature and I lack his the ease with which he moves, but by observing him and others like Alatriel I am confident I could a style of my own.

The other path is one shown me by all the warriors I know. The examples of Leone, Sil, Chakar and many others has taught me to respect their skillfull moves. I am not as strong as Sil, but neither is Chakar though his magic is arcane in nature. Using the right weapon, using it with skill and knowing how to fight and move in battles would be invaluable to me. To often my lacking skills delay my arrival and cost our comrades dearly.

A decision lies before me.



Re: Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathe
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 01:42:27 pm »
Fought our way to the bottom of the red light goblins cave. A strange goblin ran past us, but he was unfortunately killed before I could make out what he wanted. Likely nothing more than killing us, but stil...

I focused on using my shield more effectively this time. Not just waving it about, but using it coordinated with my mace swings. Though difficult and thus at times opening my defences I am certain that with practise this will not only keep me safer, but enhance my blows.

The more I fight the more I see the danger of being dependent on one weapon, one tactic. I need to learn and this need drives me.


Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathea Ar
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2008, 12:24:20 pm »
A new path has opened up. Today I fought alongside Filuvil as I have often done before, but my recent concerns have opened my eyes. Filuvil tumbled and stunned his way across the battlefield. At times he charged the enemies and at times he sneaked up behind them.

I will never be as strong or nimble as he, but the discipline and skills he practise would let me move and heal with impetious.

I shall ponder this path


Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathea Ar
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2008, 03:59:32 am »
Last week was - to put it bluntly - a disaster.

I was asked to accompany a party of friends and their young friends to the Dragon Isles. We ventured into the lair of the minotaurs and then it went rapidly downhill.

Sil was in an odd mood so very much unlike her normal considerate self. She charged ahead and when her voice failed - which it did often - the group would rapidly go down. When I asked to rest or for them to wait, I was ignored.

In the end we lost one and most had been near death more than once. At one point I even had to run to avoid having our whole party slaughtered.

Sadly I do not seem to command much respect. People often rarely head my warnings or wait for my prayers. Once they are up they chase ahead.... Leaving me with the choise to watch them die or rush in myself unprepared and exposed.

*sighs and dips the quill once more*

I must have perfection. Perfection in my healing, perfection in my prayers and perfection in my craft.

I must improve!


Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathea Ar
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2008, 04:02:21 am »
*sighs and lifts her quill once more*

The cursed trip haunted us once more. In the Silkwood forestSil was killed by the ogres and I had to return to raise her.

She had decided to take a shortcut and when faced with the "evil chickens" and ogres her luck ran out and she fell. Sadly this was not surprising as she had been tempting fate for far too long then.


Re: Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathe
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2008, 03:35:12 am »
Recently I gained new indsight and so Beryl granted me new spells. One of them allows me to call upon her to stun our foes with her perfection, I hope this will prove usefull in halting the attacks.


Re: Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathe
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2008, 03:38:22 am »
I came across two grey ones walking about Hlint. That such creatures are allowed to roam the lands is a testimont to the state of our time.

I reported them to a friendly voraxian priest I know hoping silently that they would be chopped down soon.


Death by sapphires - Seeking the path of Perfection.....
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2008, 04:05:07 pm »
*a worn and sad hand guides the pen*

We ventured into the troll cave near the river running through the Sinister Forest, Filuvil, Sil and I.

Fighting with courage, fighting with skill we made our way to the sapphire caves, Filuvil, SIl and I

Facing us there was a shaman of great power, summoning death and destruction against Filuvil, Sil and I.

At first I fell, but managed to stave off deaths hand and came back up, to be greeted by Filivul, without Sil and I.

We waited for calm, we waited for darkness, we waited in secresy or so we thought Filuvil and I.

Down below I raised her up, a price was paid from the soul of mine. Sapphires about us sparkled, mining did we, Filuvil, Sil and I.

Another gallery opened up, an idea for an ambush sprang to mind. Calling forth the blades of Beryl, advancing did Filuvil, Sil and I.

The trolls came, was caught and cut and cut and cut and cut. Fiery blades and fists was brought to bear by Filuvil, Sil and I.

As one foe went down, another rose. Deeper and deeper our blades cut, deeper and deeper the trap became for Filuvil, Sil and I.

An ambush sprang, a horde of trolls. The first we felled, the second felled us,
Filuvil, Sil and I.

For the second time death came and down below Sil fell - for the sake of Filuvil, Sil and I.

A ragged Sil was torn from body, a ragged Sil was caught by stones of binding. Back we went to pray, Filuvil, Sil and I.

A spell was cast, a ward not. Death came and took Sil for the third time. Torn with anguish, she returned no more, no more was Filuvil, Sil and I.


Last will and testament
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2008, 02:04:37 pm »
This is the last will and testament of Galathea Arnaduillae

In the case of my death or disappeance for more than the lawfully proscribed period all my belongings shall be inherited by my wife Silvia Serissa In Darsus.

From belongings I wish for her to select a personal item to gift to each of our friends.

Should she wish so any other belongings not of use to her should be donated by her in my name to the Temple in Stone.

Should Silvia herself be killed or lost I appoint Alatriel to act as executor for the estate dividing our belongings amongst our friends and donating the rest to the Temple in Stone.

*stamped, dated and signed in red ink with sparkles of fire opal dust*
Galathea Arnaduillae


Re: Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathe
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2008, 07:41:36 am »
Much has happened and nothing has changed. I feel painfully locked in place, longing deeply for change. I try and try to find new paths to follow, new ways of approaching the world, but always I end up at the beginning....

So what circles have I made,

Under Filuvils guidance I have taken to sneak and fight unarmed in my dress in crypts under Vehl. To move with purpose and act with discipline. This approach seems to come fairly natural to me though I am sorely lacking in skill.

Following Bens advice I have practised sneaking about and up on people, including Ben himself. Had I only had something bigger than a dagger to point it might have been fun.

Under Alatriels watchful gaze I sneaked past the treants guarding the aloe up north. It was tense and fun but not one was able to spot me.

Finally following my own heart I have tried to combine it all with Beryls magic and philosophy. I followed a group of small friends unseen. Tod, Wisper, Keppli and Howler on a treck across mistone. Whenever they fought I prayed and readied my healing, but luckily none came close to falling. Then finally near the temple of Toran they stopped to talk and rest. Quickly their talk turned to vampires and when they spoke so fearfully the gnome inside me came out. I filled the air with darkness and they scrambled up and around. One even ran inside to get the paladin known as Daniella. I hid then, feeling no need for a lecture. Perhaps I should have chosen something less scary than darkness for they were too scared. Blushing I apologized and they gracefully accepted it.


Re: Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathe
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2009, 11:09:52 am »
The time for a decision approaches. Filuvil has not been around for a long time and while he has been away my skills have grown independently. I doubt the path of discipline is one for me. I have come to love using tricks far too much and I do not wish to give up my various armours and weapons.

My skills of magic have grown to the point of being able to cast the most powerfull spells granted, yet more than ever I feel the need for another set of skills. I am far to relient on spells to be truly independent.

I have become a fair trapspringer and lockpick, and I am at times able to sneak rather well. So to broaden my skills I haven taken a great deal of interest in the fighting style of Ben and others like him. He doesnt seem to appreciate my interest prefering to keep me as a walking bandage.

*smiles to herself*
Luckily its not his decision...


Re: Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathe
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2009, 11:28:50 am »
Beryl has blessed me twice!

I have worked four emeralds in two turns and both times Beryl granted me the skill to craft an exceptional piece of jewelry.

However, after each exceptional piece of jewelry my luck at mining gems drop for a week or so. Still for a blessing such as this it is but a small price.


Re: Seeking the path of Perfection: a healers journal by Galathe
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2012, 02:16:40 pm »
Last will and testament

I leave everything to my wife Silvia.


