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Author Topic: The Short Of It  (Read 661 times)


The Short Of It
« on: August 14, 2012, 05:40:15 pm »
I love my family, the whole lot of them. But at times, there is to many of them, and when you add the odd ball of aunts and uncles, a girl can drown with family. Night time and early mornings are my favorite times to be by myself. I can pray and meditate as Grandma calls it. Sometimes Keira doesn't always understand why I go and pray every day, but she goes and watches over me, and sometimes she prays with me.

Sometimes I wish she would come with me to the temple with me and Dad, but instead she goes and stays with our aunt and uncle when we visit Llast. At first inside the temple I was overwhelmed with everything I saw and everyone I met, I wasn't sure if I liked going. A lot of times I wished Keira was beside me too. Then things Dad would tell us popped into my head, like we are never alone, Toran is with us, just listen to my heart and He will guide you. I'm not ready to tell Dad he was right about that, but he was. The past few years of going I have felt Toran not only inside the Temple, but outside of it as well. He is my guide, and I try to live His ways. There is a lot for me to learn of His teachings, and although it maybe difficult, I am ready to take the next step and learn how to serve Him. First thing in that step is to talk to my family..
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The Short Of It
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 10:14:17 am »
Was given the Conducts of Virtue to study. They are Valor, Empathy, Conviction, Humility, Sacrifice, Honorable Combat and Restraint. These are not new to me, I think almost every kid raised by Toranites learn about these in their homes. The difference now is how they pertain to ME, on my own testimony of Toran, and not my dad's or grandpa's.

Talked to my Aunt and Uncle about them at breakfast this morning. It's nice being close to them and visiting them. Not as crowded at their place, no one interrupting our conversations. Living with two elves, specially two ilsarian elves, talking about love, always affectionate, and I thought my parents were bad. My elven comes in handy and I get to use it when I visit them.

One thing for sure, it strengthens my conviction that I am doing the right thing by serving Toran when I go back to the Temple after a visit.


The Short Of It
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2012, 08:13:57 pm »
I saw Grandpa today, He came to the Temple for some business. It was great to see him, at times I find it amusing how my fellow students are in awe of "Commander Stargazer". To find out more about his accomplishments I had to come to join the order. When I hear what he has done, I am in awe of him as well. But deep down, He is gramps, grandpa.

Grandma came to, she and I spent the afternoon together while Grandpa was busy inside the Temple. She doesn't always enter the Temple with Him, but keeps herself busy in and around Llast. When I talk to Grandma about it, she says they have made peace with one another and living with their different deity's. It hasn't been easy from what I hear and what it's hard to believe is that once they were not together, because of it. Does Love conquer all? Is everything black and white? Or is there shades of gray?

When I see my grandparents, heck even my own parents I see them happy. If Grandpa can follow the Great Leader and love Grandma, there must be a depth to Toran that holds no bounds. In life I might not make the same choices my grandmother may make. But with Toran's help I can pray to him for guidance in seeing maybe why people make the decisions they do and not to judge them, but to help them, or help them change their ways. Or just matter of factly, like my Aunt, Uncle and Grandmother see them for the good people they are.


The Short Of It
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2012, 09:35:39 pm »
Dad, can I ask you about something?

*Argos and Orn is taking a small walk around the outskirts of Leringard visiting family. From her expression and the sound of her voice Argos can deduce that this will be a serious talk.*

Dad, a month ago a man was caught stealing food from the Farmers Market, and a few weeks before that a man was caught stealing valuables from a house. The man who stole the food was hungry so was his wife, there farm is failing. The man who stole from the house didn't care what he was doing and did it.

*Her footsteps slows a bit, she talks out her thoughts to her father.*

They both were flogged, and put in jail the man stealing food was given a sentence for two weeks, the other was given a sentence of two months. I understand that stealing is wrong, but I do not understand how stealing food when one is hungry deserves almost deserves the same punishment as a person who steals because they can for no reason?

*she stops in place and looks at her father*

*Argos tilts his head at the initial request and listens patiently over the description and explanation, he looks down at her and smiles stopping, then gestures her to come closer, once she does, he pulls her closer and gestures her to sit with him*

Orn darling, your curiosity is indeed justified. When i was a kid as well i had some of the very same questions myself you know? But first one should understand that laws exist for a reason its for keeping the order of society, and it has to be obeyed on most of the cases. Just think about this darling... The man of the jewels may have done it just for the greed of it, so hence this one has to be punished. I see that may be harsh for a man who was just getting food for his family to be fed to receive almost the same punishment, but the law has to be fair for everyone. Since the food was recovered then its really no harm done to the family, but what about the people whom the food was stolen, is it their fault that the man was hungry? what if they were saving that food and worked hard to get it. The famine its hard on everyone and if he gets away stealing the food, he'll try to steal again, and will lead others to think that its fine to take things that are not yours?

Would you like that your sister take your cookies because she was hungry? You know you earned yourself that cookie by working hard on your chores. Now if you want to share your cookie that is another thing no?

For this man who stole the food he did wrong, cause there are other ways to get food, working and even charity. Now he has left his family without more food for his actions, cause he was put in jail for two weeks, it was irresponsible of his part, don't you think ?

*Smiles at her* I know what you going to ask now. The family is not guilty either, and those we should help. If we are unable to help, the temple usually gives food to those who needs it. In the measure of what is possible of course, we should do what we can to help those who can defend themselves darling. Not every defense has to be done with a blade, you know?

*he smiles at her a bit more*

*Orn listens intently to her fathers words* Yes Father, I know. But it is hard to feel when things are needed to be fair, that it somehow isn't fair. I will think about what your words this day.

*Orn slips her arm through her fathers arm, with a ghost of a smile* Now tell me news of home.


The Short Of It
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2013, 09:53:24 am »
Here I am sitting in the library, it has been a while since father given me any instructions in the studies of elven. Doesn't he hear me when I speak to my grandparents? And Dad hasn't had to correct me in a very long time when I have spoken it to him. It must be the writing, not as strong in it as I am speaking it. I love hearing grandmother sing songs in the language, and singing along with Grandma and Keira my sister. But now this? I have to translate a book that was given to me by my father, a book of prayers, alright it is an important book written by grandfather, a book that encompassed somehow of “Stargazer” philosophy or something like that.  

As if it was not enough that my uncle and aunt were elves and all the stuff in their house were in that strange language, and yet, a girl has to do what a girl has to do. Somehow the interaction with elven always was present in her life. She just have to move things forward and do what was asked of her. She could see the smile already on Grandpa's face when she was done translating. It was not something Orn would shy away from, she had to be smarter, and she wasn't about to let all those years of studying go to waste, she was a Stargazer after all.

