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Author Topic: Januk a victim of society  (Read 744 times)


Januk a victim of society
« on: October 18, 2006, 06:42:52 pm »
Name: Januk Jarnarsker
Height: 6'2"
Hair: Redish Brown
Eyes: Blue
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Neutral Good

Murder and exile

About twenty years ago, when he was only a lad, Januk Jarnarsker's father and mother had to flee their home in the Northeast of Dregar because of "some killings", as the veiled family history recounts. The family settled in a Bleak area near north point. Januk grew up living a hard existence with no formal schooling and learning little of the outside world. His father drowned while fishing some years ago now and his mother became largely dependent on Januk for income.

He was a decent but often frustrated boy and gradually Januk grew into a sturdy man with strong hands and the temper of a Dire Wolf. He made a decent living through fishing and hunting and became known as a fair but hard master of several servants. As providence would dictate, in much the same manner as his father, 20 years after his family's exodus, Januk fell foul of the community and was banished for several "murders". According to local accounts, his neighbor Thurgust borrowed a few wooden bench boards and when they were not returned to Januk, he sought out an explanation. When Thurgust refused to return them, Januk aquired them back. Januk was pursued by servants and Thurgust's two eldest sons. In the following chase, Januk defended himself and killed Thurgust's two sons using only a bench board as a weapon.

The second crime for which Januk was held accountable occurred when he insisted upon revenge for the deaths of two of his servants who had "accidentally started a landslide" on Valithjof Grimtong's farm. Valithjof, a dwarf of fierce temper and agressive disposition, murderously punished the servants for this misfortune. Januk did not take kindly to this and so confronted Valithjof. In the ensuing fist fight the Dwarf was killed when he fell and hit his head on a mill stone. Januk was eventually convicted of the murder and was forced into exile from the colony.

This event led him and a small group of followers including his mother, to travel by sea across the top of the continent north east, with the intention of finding a place to settle. During the early stages of the passage a fierce storm gripped the expedition's small but sturdy craft and forced it towards land. At the height of the storm, land was sighted only a short distance from the craft and in a failed landing attempt the craft was dashed upon the rocks and all onboard perished apart from Januk.

The winds have calmed. In the morning gloom a dejected and utterly exhausted Januk finds himself shipwrecked and on a rocky windswept beach in a strange land. "All of this trouble was surely not of my own making! Why have the Gods punished me so"?! He vows to start anew and wander the land rather than trust in community. His sense of dissatisfaction with society's laws has shaped his belief that trust is not something to be invested in society and a transient life lies before him. He wanders the north and generally keeps to the wilderness hunting and fishing for survial.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


RE: Januk a victim of society
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2006, 07:00:46 pm »
Blasted villages and people, and rats, I hate rats. This place is no better than I thought it would be. Lost my sword on the way here. I knew I should have payed better attention to that large fellow at the start. I've been wandering around in a manner more foolish than a thousand fools trying to talk to animals as I don't trust most of the locals. I'm sure a group of snobbish elves were laughing at me standing there trying to get my bearings.

Some blasted woman asked me to go down to the sewer to retrieve something for her. I was attacked by dastardly great plagues of rats the likes of which I've never seen. Damn near killed me! I came to with scratches and bite marks all over me out side of the local temple. I didn't seem to have contracted any contagion according to the local healer but I'm feeling like I downed twenty pints of strong ale last night.

I knew this town would be no better than the other places of civilisation that I've inhabited. Unfortunately I've no where else to go. If I can't take on rats I'm certainly no match for any more feircesome creatures outside of the city gates. As for that creepy looking chap outside of the cemetary, he must stark raving mad if he thinks I'm going in there to find anything for anyone. I wish I could find somewhere to buy some weapons. I went ot the blasted smithy and there was no one in sight. Strange blinking place this. Oh well things can only get better, I hope.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


RE: Januk a victim of society
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2006, 07:23:54 am »
Well I managed to get some weapons and ammunition with the help of a kindly soul. I was most surprised to find that there are actually some good folk about the place. I prepared meself and took on those awful bloody rats again and ended up a bleeding mess. I'm not going back down there for some time, those aren't rats they're like Staffordshires!

As luck would have it I was moping about the village when I happened across some adventurers set to collect some goblin ears. They invited me to join their expedition. I wasn't sure whether't trust them but this Rat fella was laughing in such a maniacal fashion that I just couldn't resist. Considering the luck I'd had on me own I had nothing to lose. And thus it was that I met Rose, The Rat and a very large Paladin who had a penchant for smashing goblin skulls with a huge hammer. Can't say I didn't enjoy myself to tell the truth. Except that halfling Rosie had some type of issue with me pipe smoking. Ha! Wait til ye see me drink lassie!

We cleared a cave of goblins and then made our way back to the local cemetary where that Huge bloody Paladin fella had some business to attend to. My did he ever! He was smashing skeletons left, right and centre with that hammer. I got in a few good shots with me sling and collected a few bob while I was at it. Ya woul'ni believe it either! We met some others down there who had ventured in on their own! Madness! I was scared enough of the rats let alone undead nasties! Anyway when we got back to town the rat man was good enough to share some of the loot that his fast hands had collected. I'da loved to have done the same but I couldn't figure out how to open me money pouch (don't doubt me, I bleeding well couldn't). There are alot of things yet to learn

If you're new to town when you're making your way around it really makes sense to find some mates. A small group of inexperienced adventurers with one stronger leader (no not you Rat man)certainly beats going it alone. Ya ca make a bit of coin and get a little experience while you're at it. I still don't especially like having a social life here in Hlint but I must admit that while I don't really favour village life I am partial to a good ale at the tavern now and again. Me Da and I used to have a good drink now and again. And a good laugh! My were we good mates! Anyway thats in the past. But nonetheless I do favour a wee tipple of spirits now and again too.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


RE: Januk a victim of society
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2006, 01:30:22 am »
Another rough day. I am eager and most intolerant of sitting still. I long to see the world but am as yet too inexperienced to travel easily and openly in this dangerous world in which we live. I scouted a clan of Gnolls today that I would dearly like to remove from Sielwood. My powers of stealth left me at the wrong moment. I broke a branch errantly and alerted their leader. Well I can assure anyone who may think that this ranger fared alright that they are sadly mistaken.

I will tread more carefully from now on. I ended up having to be rescued by a group of noble heroes at the border of the wood. I was I am ashamed to admit to embaressed to even provide the courtesy of gratitude to these men and women of far greater stature than myself. I must learn my place and be patient.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


RE: Januk a victim of society
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2006, 06:18:36 am »
I met an interesting character today. A likeable rogue named Mire. A good common man that I can relate to. He loaned me some armour on terms of future reimbursement. We shared an ale and a story or two at the Surge not to mention a hunting excursion for a first rate boar. It turns out that my past problems pale in comparison to his. Truth be told I am ashamed of my own self pity. No longer will I dwell upon the misfortunes of the past. Me parents are gone and forget them. Some in this world never know their parents and still make do. More to the point I am a man now and need to act as one.

As a common man I feel I must help those who are of my own social stature. There are so many in this world who feel they are above their peers when really they lack the insight and understanding to even know themselves let alone judge the actions of their contemporaries. Poor saps that they are, they feel that they can pour scorn upon those less assertive than themselves. Little do they know that a wise man chooses to be last and thus becomes the first of all; denying heself, he too is saved. For does he not find fulfilment In bein an unselfish man?

That being said there are certainly some good folk among the "noble heros" of Hlint. Many have offered assistance and some have saved me life truly finding fulfilment in their own unselfishness. Still I feel little affection for Hlint. It be a place of heirarchy and social climbing. Bah! I want none of it. Only good and sincere comrades who do not judge a man by his material wealth or his pretty speech.

I will watch my step henceforth and not overreach meself. On tiptoe yer stance is unsteady; long strides make yer progress unsure; show off and ya get no attention; boasting will mean ya have failed; asserting yerrself brings no credit; be proud and you will never lead.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


RE: Januk a victim of society
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2006, 10:08:10 pm »
I've had some good adventures of late. I've gotten meself into trouble a bit but by and large I've got to say I've enjoyed meself. I'm meetin some top class Gentle folk who aren't the snobs I took most of em to be. The dwarves in these parts are great fellars and they have an earthy sense of humour I can relate to. They make bloody good threshin machines on the frontline as well! Some wonderful folk in Port Hampshire (what a place!) Master Merrick, Master Daniel and The Pandorns elped me out a great deal over there. Master Daniel sold me a luvly new long bow on credit! On credit to me! (I guess that means a few less ales and a bit less smoking for a wee while). Ha! I wish me da could see me shoot with it. It sings like a top class bard.

"Get back boy, your droolin on me parchment!” This blasted wolf is more trouble than he's worth. He started following me in the woods the other day and now seems to appear everywhere I go. He's been pretty handy though. He goes straight for the throat of anything unfriendly to me and seems loyal to the bitter end already. “Oh get back with ye ya great grey mongrel look your bloody ruinin me journal with all this slobber. Here take the pork then for the sake of the Gods!” Oh well time for a sleep. (I wager he’ll start howlin now). This place really isn’t so bad but I prefer to stay in the Vale rather than spend too much time in Hlint. “Oh shu’up! By the Gods the moon's not even out!”
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


RE: Januk a victim of society
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2006, 04:58:44 am »
I have travelled far and wide in this great land of Mistone now. All around I have been beset with terrible monsters, thieves and conjurors that do make me mind boggle. I did venture up into dem Grey Peaks on me own not long ago and was badly wounded by a terrible magic makin Ogre. Even the dog was afraid of it!

I was lyin in th’ rain bleedin and shiverin away and a figure appeared before me all in black with purple glowin eyes. It did have an evil presence and I was afeared for me life. It looked at me in a casual way, healed me and then  went about its affairs without so much as a word. Stranger than strange!

The event did remind me of me own mortality. I need to learn some real martial ways and become a soldier of sorts to survive in this harsh land I feel. Either that or learn to sneak about like a stoat. Mire seems to know a thing er two about keeping quiet. I can’t match him even in the woods. Maybe he’ll show me a trick or two.

Speakin o’ tricky; I had a chat wit wee Rosie Overhill today. She’d made herself a right pretty little dress. I had her pegged for bein far too full of er own self importance but she ain’t so bad. Mind you I reckon she’d bend over backwards for a compliment on er looks. Ha! She told me I could get me a cloak that might help me to hide in the woods when I'm huntin. I'd look right fine in a nice cloak.

"No ye can't have anymore now go'on bugger off! ohh stop lickin me ya fool ya got goblins on yer breath!"

Right where was I? Oh yes speakin o' good lookin I did see some tidy wee wenches in Point Harbour when I was there. I stopped in at the Tavern and I must say it were the finest drinkin establishment that Januk Jarnarsker has ever graced with an appearance (and I've seen alot of em)! There were fine lookin lasses there of high quality and there were a few bar wenches that were more of my quality. Oh well ya know as long as they gots most o' their teeth.

Well for all me wanderin I'm none th' richer been robbed a few times by bandits and such and I'm costin meself a fortune in medicinals. I do hope to become a little better at sneakin around some then perhaps I'll do alright at 'acquirin' more funds. I'm sure Mire can give me a few pointers.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


RE: Januk a victim of society
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2006, 03:18:57 pm »
Januk rests in the rangers vale beside his fire that has burnt low. His stomach is full of pork and ale and tries to bust forth from his leathers. He writes slowly and carefully.
Well things be on th' up an up I must say. I been down south huntin and up north huntin and have done quite well. I did trade some pelts at the craft house and acquired a nice new cloak. My oath, I do look dashin in a cloak. Well I then had a long chat wit Mister Britanicus Winter about Druids and seeds and such things that were over me head. That lovely miss Shiante did mention some things about th' goins on of th' gods and what not as well. I did try to understand but it be a bit more than ol' Januk's head can manage. She seemed to understand and I do feel that there be not a bad bone in th' good lady's body.

Been meetin a few more good folk around town and was taken out to th' south west beyond Haven by a couple a exceptional fighters by th' names o' er... Ta..da..shi me thinks and Erik. Killed some Gnolls and goblins for th' good o' society so they said. Made a tidy penny as well. Speakin a which, I can now pay off Daniel for me bow. He be a right gentleman but I'm sure I can't understand alot o' what he says. But once I have paid him I can start savin a bit for a good sword. I can hit most things at point blank but ye can't parry much wit a bow.

I been gettin much better at movin in th' shadows. A fellar in a party that I joined to disband a group o' bandits did lose site o' me in the shadows standin not more'n five feet from im. I feel that movin silent like be a boon to a man in th' woods. Who knows perhaps it'll help in th' collection o' "funds" in th' future. If I can get down into them Ogre caves silent like I'm sure I could find a few things here and there.

Best of all things thats happened of late is a chance meetin wit a woman named Fell. She were right pretty but looked much th' worse for wear when she showed up outside o Hlint. She rested by the fire for a while as Britanicus and I were discussin druids and such. When she awoke we exchanged some greetins (I'd like to exchange a bit more as well, she were a fine lookin lass). Anyway I should not be so crude, she did offer to me a cloak of which I gladly accepted. It be th' cloak o' th' panther that seems to make me dissappear like magic or some such! I was thinkin I'd have to save to buy somethin like it! Th' gods did truly smile upon ol' Januk recently and I be a contented fellar.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


RE: Januk a victim of society
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2006, 03:46:24 am »
Januk lies on his back in the Ranger's Vale feeling as if a thousand scorpians had stung him under his toenails. He looks up to the moon and reflects on his recent expedition to the desert with a party of good men and women and decides that it be not worth recounting. Too much sorrow and torment.

//actually it was pretty funny running round and round and round in the desert like chooks with our heads cut off and I was laughing alot.

I be makin me way and learnin more and more. I did have a conversation with young Uilliam today about th' life o' th' rogue. He was tellin me o' traps bein triggered in his face by unsuspectin friends and such. Me thinks I'll sticks to me woodsman's life. I do be feelin right at home under th' forest's gentle roof and have spent many a night comforted by th' sounds o' th' creatures that do there abide. I be a lonely fellar in this world and I seen alot o' bad things befall me an me family so some o' them critters be amongst me friends now.

I did mention to Uilliam me philosophy o' "self preservation". I had clean forgot that, whilst I did natter away wit wee Uilliam, old master Ozymandias was nearby. He mentioned that he did have a sword by th' name o' self preservation. I had t' laugh but I wasn't sure if he were jokin er not. I guess he were bein more figurative like, although I wouldn't put it past im to have a sword by th' name o' just about anything ye fancy. He went on t' say somethin about it bein a blunt sword and this did launch he and Uilliam off into a series o' one liners that were too quick for th' wit o' ol Januk. *chuckles* Aye, a sword named self preservation *chuckles heartily* the ol' elf is quick witted to be sure. I suppose me wits'd be quick too if I lived to be about ten thousand bloomin years old! Perhaps not though.

Oh well we can't all be bards I suppose. Me, I'll stick to th' woods. Oh... and th' taverns. Oh... oh yes and hopefully th' craftin houses. I plan on becomin a fletcher soon enough. I was told by Daniel Poetr about the art of fletching arrows and such. I do need some decent arrows as your run o' th' mill type seems to fly all crooked very often. This business might take a bit o' figurin out. I won't be learnin about it tonight though, time for a good sleep.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a


RE: Januk a victim of society
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2006, 03:47:53 am »
Januk is resting up in the forest after a few Iron Hammer's at the Surge.

Well I did meet a good natured fellar by th' name o' Berdin Stonebrow t'day. He was in th' midst o' scrappin with a Ogre in th' Vale and I did put a arrow into th' buggers back to lend a hand. Turns out this fellar Berdin be a war priest o' Vorax or some such and he certainly was good with his fightin ways. He put a heap o' blessins on me and told me to go put em to good use. Well I run off like a rabid wolf straight to them Gnolls thats been botherin a few folk in Sielwood and showed em what for! Me sword was on fire! No not like I were wieldin it most furiously, I mean it really were on fire! *waves hands about in utter amazement*

Oh yes that be th' other thing that went right today. I finally paid off me bow to Daniel and he did extend me some further credit on a long sword! I now got me a long bow and a long sword. I'll need to start callin meself "Long Januk Jarnarsker" Pirate like eh! Arhargh!*gives Wolf a nudging elbow to affirm that he gets the (very simple) joke, clutches stomach and laughs heartily like a pirate until he needs to wipe away a few tears. Wolf does a dog yawn and then howls mournfully*

Well I also found out a bit o' why I might be havin some good luck. It did have to do with a fellar by th' name o' Folian S'pae. Master Stonebrow did tell me that many Rangers do follow the Prince o' Wolves Folian S'pae. Maybe that be why this big grey bugger befriended me? *throws a lump of pork at wolf* Well I'm determined to find out a bit more. I do remember that fellar Sallaron Tempest sayin somethin about Folian S'pae t' me. I'd best ask im when I next do see im.
"By my mother's beard!"
Wanark Thangahaz'a

