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Author Topic: Strength In Darkened Times  (Read 77 times)


Strength In Darkened Times
« on: November 02, 2006, 04:33:15 am »
Blake took a last glance over his shoulder as he left home . The small house which Blake had lived in all his life , which sat down a dimly lit side road .

Blake could just about see his mother and father as He turned around the corner and out of sight . He kept walking , pace after pace , trying , trying not to look back and not to become upset . Blake new he had to be strong , strong for his mother and his father and to make them proud of him , proud that he'll follow his dreams .

Blake's parents had taught him well but it was time for him to see what life had in store for him .

After a few days travelling Blake finally saw the tall walls of hlint on the horizon , it had been a long tiring journey and all Blake wanted to do was rest . As Blake walked down the busy main street , he stopped and asked an old frail man for directions to the closest inn .
The man politly pointed him in the direction of the Wild Surge Inn .

Blake continued to walk till he came across the door of the inn . He walked into bright warm packed inn , there were people at nearly every table . Blake slowly walked up to the Innkeeper and ask politly if there were any free rooms availiable for night . He was in luck , there was one left . He took the last few Trues that he had and handed them to the innkeeper and in return he was given a key to one of the rooms . Blake noded once as to say thankyou and set off to find his room to settle in for the night after an exhausting few days .


Re: Strength In Darkened Times
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 05:37:04 am »
Blake stirred once again as he had done so many time that night . It must of been one of the worst nights sleep he'd had since he was ill as a child , but only this time when he woke it was morning . Blake didn't know whether it was not sleeping in his own bed or being away from his parents , but it was just one of those things he'd have to learn to live with. As blake stretched and got to his feet he slowly started to get dressed , deep in thought about his long day ahead .
Somehow he had to find some work to pay for this roof above his head even if it was just a room at the inn .

Blake knelt down on his bed roll and and clenched his hands tightly together bringing them up to rest on his chest and started to softly to whisper a pray for Dorand to bring him strength for the day that lied ahead .

Blake slowly stood and opened the door of his room and stepped out into the now quiet main room of the inn , as he looked around he could see the half empty glasses of ale still left on the tables . Out of the corner of Blake's eye he noticed a scrufferly dressed man laying where he had passsed out from the night before in the corner of the room . Blake steadly moved acroos the room to where the innkeeper was cleaning one of the tables and handed him the small dull iron key back to his room and said thank you . With that Blake made his way to the door holding his Warhammer clenched tight in his right hand , ready to look around his new home town .


Re: Strength In Darkened Times
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2006, 08:01:04 am »
Blake left the warmth of the inn behind for the first time to and find himself on the cold streets of hlint , he looked up into the dark airy sky and mumbled a few words to himself under his breath . As he wandered down the road , in the opposite direction to which he had arrived from the previous day , to try and get to this busy town .

As Blake continued down the road he couldn't help but notice a large building to his right , not a shabby looking building either but well built too. Blake gradually moved closer to the building and read the neatly engraved sign on the wall .  


Blake glanced from side to side then opened the door to look around the courthouse and see if there was anything going on . After spending a few minutes looking around Blake decided to leave and continue his exploring of hlint . As soon as he put his first foot out the door Blake notice a pretty young lady walking towards him . As she grew closer he noticed the young lady was a little agitated and bothered . Blake moved into ear shot of the young lady and politly asked if everything was alright .
The young lady started to explain that she was missing her tax records , Blake kept both eyes on the lady with interest as she explained what had happened .
Blake started to think then asked the young Lady , "maybe I could help you Miss? , maybe I could recover these records for you" . The young lady looked up with with a faint smile and noded with the reply, "If you wouldn't mind I'd be happy to compensate you for your time" .

Blake went on his way steadly in a cheerful manner quiet happy that he had found some work already .

