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Author Topic: Series of Down Endings: Notes of Dac Ryhn'cri  (Read 164 times)


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    Series of Down Endings: Notes of Dac Ryhn'cri
    « on: April 25, 2006, 02:35:13 pm »
    [SIZE=16]Yeh, really dont knwo how 'ta start 'ere. Dont know if this 'tha bloody work of magiks or just a ...ed miracle. Woke up rwight next 'ta a big 'lizad, it asked me to 'elp with a 'fella named blood, whoever 'tha 'ell that is. I'm not really to content 'bout this 'ere task if it pays well that'el be a different story. Seems my wounds are gone dont knwo how that happened either. Staying at that 'Wile Surge inn fer now, maybe ther some odd job 'round town I can coomit to and bring in some 'o that jink. Well not much to tell cuttin it off short mate. ... I've bloody lost it first this dream now I'm talkin to a ... book.[/SIZE]


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      RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
      « Reply #1 on: April 25, 2006, 02:47:11 pm »
      Some 'trange people 'ere...Guess I'm not one to talk though. Met a 'fella named Dur'Thak he was able to tell me more 'bout myself and an Inner ability I have. Talkin 'bout seeing thangs that are not really there and such. Reminds me of Felk. That little guy could disappear rwight inta' his own shadow. Wish I could do somthin like that...'Neva know some 'o these folks can do some amazin thangs.


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        RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
        « Reply #2 on: April 25, 2006, 02:51:16 pm »
        'Ya know I was called a bloody farm animal today. 'ell I think if people would spend as much time 'ere working as insulting folks alot would get done. Been doin a few odd jobs 'round town 'elping a big white fella get and essence or such. Nothing really important enough to write I guess. Wish thangs would get a bit more exciting. ... I'm still talkign to a bloody book.


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          RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
          « Reply #3 on: April 26, 2006, 05:01:57 pm »
          'ere I am agian, sittin in this bloody town doing not a ... thang. Yeh thinkin of trying to get some good sold throughout 'ere not sure how but yeh be nice. Wonderin if Felk still has his connections, don even knwo if he's still 'round anymore. Had some 'o the highers lookin fer him before all these 'ere occurences happened.Well gunna see 'bout findin me a hobby need 'ta keep bussy 'round 'ere.


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            RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
            « Reply #4 on: April 28, 2006, 04:17:18 pm »
            Yeh, tha 'otha day a 'fella named Ozy was telln a story 'bout how this war as he liked 'ta call it started. First time I've 'eard that name Blood come out o' anyone 'otha than that dragon. If I need 'ta be any 'elp I should press my abilities 'ta 'tha limit. Like Dur'Thak was sayin there is 'a ability in me that comes with 'tha blood....Makes me keen on 'tha darkness.


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              RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
              « Reply #5 on: April 28, 2006, 04:26:02 pm »
              Learned 'ta take 'ta 'tha shadows 'ere. Lot easier than 'ta come at 'ya foe 'wit brute force. Hit 'em where it hurts I say. And trust me it hurts when 'ya dont knwo 'tha blow is comin. Seen alot 'o folks 'ere do some amzin thangs 'wit there abilities. Usin magiks and divine favors and what not. Wonder if there is way to use 'tha shadows to an extent that 'ya could literally become them. Meld in 'ta 'em, you know? 'ere I go agian. I really hate writin neva 'ad much schoolin. Although Elgwenluil always said I was bright. Probably 'jus a motha' bein a matha'.


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                RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
                « Reply #6 on: April 28, 2006, 04:29:37 pm »
                Yeh saw this 'efall they call Renji 'tha otha' day. Bloody disapeared rwight in thin air 'jus liek Felk used 'ta. Think I've found 'ma callin. Dont really no where 'ta start though. I hate askin people for answers I always get 'tha weirdest looks. Maybe lck will come 'ma way agian and somthin will happen. No telling what I could do wit' such an ability.


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                  RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
                  « Reply #7 on: October 31, 2006, 06:05:52 am »
                  Yeh, havnt picked this up in awhile. Lelion, ole Lelion tha' bars are my savior. Finally went back ta' Hlint today. Lots 'o new faces. think it's time ta' get back inta' some action, eh? Prolly' be a few more days before I write agian. But rusty, gotta' get back inta' tha' feal 'o stuff, ya' know? Alright well, yeh.


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                    RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
                    « Reply #8 on: November 02, 2006, 05:39:08 am »
                    Nice, my skills havnt faded a bit. Be smart use yer' seroundins' tha's what I say. Hardyl anythin' can spot me now. Flank 'em tha's tha' key. Not much to it really, been sneakin' 'round 'em seein' how long it takes 'em ta' see me. Get 'em most verytime, yeh.


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                      RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
                      « Reply #9 on: November 02, 2006, 05:45:32 am »
                      Met a fella' named Rob tha' otha' day. 'ad a few travels wit' 'em, and ya' know...If I'm able ta' keep out 'o sight from some 'o these things he's confontin', now tha's true skill righ' there. 'ell my own abilities are starting ta' even serpass' my expectatins'. Been awhile since I've been back ta' Pranzis, heard there is some new lord 'o somthin', a Dwarf. Somtimes I think 'o home, miss it ya' know. Migh' return someday, show some 'o tha' fellas' what I've learnt.


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                        RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
                        « Reply #10 on: November 02, 2006, 05:49:14 am »
                        Thangs are startin' ta' look up fer' me. Met a fella' named Freldo tha' otha' day. Good people I say, offer me a room. And 'ell it's bigger than tha' house I grew up in. Be nice havin' somthin' 'o me own. Well not my own but close enough ya' know. Neva' 'ad anythin' as a pup, this is great. It's121 Lelion I believe, 'ell hope tha's righ'. Said I'd get tha' key on my first payment. Betta' get ta' werk' jinks a bit low.


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                          RE: Series of Down Endings: Jornals of Dac Ryhn'cri
                          « Reply #11 on: November 02, 2006, 05:56:05 am »
                          Been trainin' a bit more wit' Rob, everythin's going great. I got that payment fer' Freldo and I think I'm in a point in time where my abilities 'ave reached a great height. Still thinkin' of goin' ta' Pranzis. See what's changed. Prolly' not much. Been seein' alah' 'o 'em wizzers' 'round. SOme 'o 'em bloddy pompous.