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Author Topic: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs  (Read 968 times)


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2010, 06:52:52 pm »
Dream Dance, Autumn Twilight 19, 1460

Day 2  

I left the cave this morning, trying to spot any animal migrations moving near the area.  I surmise that the heavy snow has kept the animals bedded down under cover somewhere and the deep snow would make searching for animal tracks impossible today. Any tracks made the night before had been erased from the snow flurries. My hunger forced me to brave the cruel elements to go and search for some type of sustenance.

I crawled through the snow up to the pine trees I had spotted the day before.  I remembered when my father told me that live pine needles hold a small amount of nourishment in them.   I pulled off a few handfuls of the green needles, tucking them into my pack.  I noticed the tree bark around the trunk was flaking off in a small area.  I used my skinning knife, and pried a few pieces of the bark off.  There were a bunch of small dormant insects half burrowed into the tree.  I plucked out as many as I could.  My body temperature was drastically dropping below a safe level and I still needed to gather some wood for a warming fire.

The tree was hard to locate under the new accumulation of snow and I, thankfully, stumbled into it while searching.  I headed back to the cave and made a small fire to prepare the edibles. My strength is becoming short-lived and even ordinary tasks are becoming an effort now.  I took the pine needles, along with some fresh snow, into the cooking pot over the fire.  I searched for some patience to let the water come to a boil and steep the brew for a few minutes. The hot tea felt very soothing as it ran through me.  I felt an instant rejuvenation in my body after drinking the tea.  I placed the tiny bugs next to the fire to cook.  The crunchy little morsels were not very substantial, but at least it was something in my stomach.  Even though I had something inside me, I still felt drained and unenergetic.

My body cannot bring itself to go and collect anymore more wood tonight. I will just have to make do with what I have, which probably will not last till morning.  I just do not have the energy and must sleep now.  With the snow flurries seeming to have subsided, I hope tomorrow's search for tracks will be more prosperous than today's.[/SIZE][/FONT]

*Lies down while gazing into the dying fire as his body shakes uncontrollably on the frosty cave floor.  A slight smile forms upon his face from thoughts of someone special in his life back home.
The last thing his ears heard that night was the howling of the wolves in the surrounding mountains*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2010, 03:49:25 pm »
Winged Trade, Autumn Twilight 20, 1460

*scribing appears slightly uneven and askew*

Day 3

The snow flurries stayed away last night and there was even some sunlight penetrating the cave this morning when I finally awoke.  I left the cave and surveyed the landscape.  I thought if any animals traveled during the night, their tracks would still be visible today.  

The snow is still deep, and my tracking was slowed considerably.  I ventured farther then I had the previous days.  I discovered a snow plowed trail left by a deer during the night and started following it with heightened anticipation.  I stayed on the trail till my energy was almost depleted.  I made the tough decision to turn back.  My vitality was dwindling rapidly and I still needed to reserve some just to be able to get back to the cave.

I stopped and collected some more pine needles and a handful of grubs, then headed to the dead tree for some fire wood.   The scant tree is becoming thinner with each passing day, even though I only use the wood sparingly.  I struggled to haul the wood back up to the cave.  My hands were shaking so bad that it took me more then a few strikes with my flint and steel to ignite today's fire.  The grubs upset my stomach and I threw them back up.  The tea was settling to my innards though, and I just rested for the remainder of the day trying not to let my hunger occupy my mind. Hopefully, the snow will not fall tonight and I can pick up that deer trail again tomorrow.  

I am fighting with the state of my mentality now.  One side of my brain tells me I should just give up, that there is no chance to survive out here.  Then the other side smacks me in the face and I can almost faintly hear "doubt produces failure, confidence brings success".   I search my psyche every day for strength and determination, but it is becoming a real challenge.
I know my father would never have given up and neither shall I.  If my skills are not enough to lead me alive from this unforgivable climate then so be it, but failure will not come from lack of belief as I will accomplish this arduous training.[/SIZE][/FONT]

*lowers his head, praying to Longstrider for vigor and the well-being of his sanity, then watches the last tiny flame on the fire flash and smolder to a glowing ember*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2010, 03:20:43 pm »
World Tree, Autumn Twilight 21, 1460

*scribing is sharp and jagged, becoming less legible*

Day 4

The snow storms have held off another day. Thankfully, yesterday's trail was still visible.  

After some warming tea, I left the cave and picked up the trail again, determined to follow it till I find its maker. I followed the trail over some knolls and hills for longer than I wanted, but hunger was my driving fuel.  I caught the sight of antlers thrashing back and forth just above the snow line ahead.   I came to a deer embedded in a snow bank, panicking, trapped in the snow.   Even though my hunger was telling me to kill this easy target, I just could not bring myself to do it.  I dropped to my knees beside the animal, questioning my choice.  Again, my mind was torn between itself.  If I harvested the animal, I could finally eat and my hunger would be gone.  I watched the deer thrash about trying to free itself from its imprisonment. I made the tough decision to let him go because it would not be an ethical hunt.  This deer had no chance to use its keen eyes and ears and try to evade my stalk.  I could never forgive myself if I killed this animal while it was imprisoned like that.  I set my bow down and dug the snow from around the deer a little.  I grabbed the antlers and pulled with the little strength I could manage.  The deer started to break loose and jumped from its captivity.  I was lucky enough to dodge the antlers on the animal's wild exit in fear.  He trotted down the knoll and stopped to look back up at me.  I knew I had done the right thing, even If I should perish from hunger, I would not die with regret knowing that I killed a defenseless animal.

I slowly made the cold trip back to the cave.  I was exhausted when I finally made it back.  I flopped against the cave wall and tried to get some rest.  I awoke around late afternoon very weak.  As night approached, I was sapped to go and collect wood, and made the dangerous judgment to go without a fire tonight.  The wood is almost gone and I still have 3 more days left up here.  

I think l will try to sleep sitting in the corner tonight. The frigid cave floor will be just a grueling ordeal on my body.[/SIZE][/FONT]

*He has first thoughts of fatality cross his mind as he walks over to the corner of the cave to sit down. Sets his rolled up cloak behind his back, leaning into the wall, huddling into a trembling fetal position.  Feawen starts to run through his mind, hoping that he will be able to return back to her, as he feels his heavy eyes slowly shut for the night*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2010, 02:49:56 pm »
Gateway, Autumn Twilight 22, 1460

*Wakes up with a glistening frost atop his body, he painfully sits up and is stricken by the severe arctic cold surrounding him.  Knowing that he has to get a fire going immediately, he unwillingly heads out into the frigid conditions to collect as much wood as he can manage to carry back to the cave.  He stumbles back to the cave and eventually gets the fire started*

*scribing is irregular and slightly broken*

Day 5

The temperature has plummeted overnight.  I went and collected as much wood as I could manage to haul back.  If I did not have a fire today, I would most certainly succumb to the callous arctic conditions.   My stomach is cramping pretty badly now, but if I go out in this cold to look for food, I will certainly die from exposure.  The best thing for me to do is just keep this fire going and just stay here in the cave.  The food will not do me any good if I am frozen dead on a mountainside somewhere.  I am not sure how much longer I can survive without food though.  There are not many tree grubs left to forage from the pine trees and the tea has not enough sustaining energy to make me venture away from the warmth of the fire today.[/SIZE][/FONT]

*In a slightly deranged state, he keeps the fire burning hot into the night, using most of his wood supply. He then realizes what he has done, and scolds himself for letting his feeble mind take control of his actions.   Frail and exhausted, he cannot keep his eyes open any longer and passes out from exhaustion*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2010, 03:49:43 pm »
Bright Eye, Autumn Twilight 23, 1460

*Wakes to start the final fire with the last of the remaining fire wood.  Eats the few grubs he has and drinks a good amount of hot tea.  Grabs his book and starts to scribe, wondering if this will be his last journal entry ever.

*scribing is very rough with a frazzled alignment*

Day 6

All the fire wood has been depleted. If I am not able find substantial food today, I am afraid that tomorrow will never come for me.  I ate the last few grubs I could collect from the pine tree.  I am heading out in a last attempt to find food.  I will have to suffer the biting cold temperature and keep moving till I locate some food, or perish in my endeavor.

*Says a small prayer to The Prince of Wolves for endurance and longevity before leaving the cave.  Returns back a few hours later from his search, relieved and with some new-found energy*

*scribing is once again even and mostly legible *

My prayers have been answered!  I was searching for tracks just over the knoll where I discovered the deer before when my eyesight caught movement of a tall man-like creature walking with a severed deer leg slung over its shoulder in the distance.  I needed to get that leg from the creature but I knew a melee attack would not be wise in my fragile condition.  I knew I could only manage enough strength to draw my bow only once, so my arrow placement would have to be fatal with one shot or it would be my demise.  The creature never heard me close in the distance behind him, and I waited till the white hair-laden creature was a safe range from me before kneeling in the snow to knock an arrow.  I had to decide which shot to take to incapacitate the foe and drop him where he stood.  I decided on a direct heart shot to quickly empty the blood flow through the creature.  I took a deep breath and struggled to bring the bow to full draw.  I let out a quick yelp to reveal my position, turning the creature around towards me.  It instantly charged me in a vicious rage.  I composed myself, and bore my eyesight into its chest area.  The arrow penetrated deep, with crimson blood spilling out from the wound.  The creature kept running at me, until the embedded arrow finally took its toll.  The beast collapsed just in front of me, exhaling its final breath of air.

I fell over in the snow and thanked Longstrider for my poise and execution of the attack.  I went to claim my bounty and with a big smile, knelt down next to the recently severed fresh deer leg.  Ripping my skinning knife from its sheath, I carved off a nice hunk of the still warm deer meat away and savored every bite.  I sat down to my banquet, when my mind and body started to feel a sense of well-being again after consuming the fresh meat.  My senses were coming back to me and I began to feel somewhat content then, knowing that my food and hunger predicaments have abated. I hoisted the deer leg over my shoulder and headed back to the cave with new-found inspiration and resilience.

Even though I have no wood to cook this deer meat, the raw flesh will give me the energy I will need for the long journey home.  At mid-day tomorrow, my survival training will be complete.  I shall head south for Raven's Watch to sail me back to Leringard.  I just have to last through the night without a fire again, but the deer meat will alleviate some of that burden.[/SIZE][/FONT]

*After a hearty meal of deer meat, he props himself against the cave wall for the night,  hoping that he will last through the cold night so that he can finally depart this merciless environment tomorrow*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2010, 08:28:02 am »
Night's Eye, Autumn Twilight 24, 1460

*Shadowleaf's eyes peel open to the sight that morning has come.  He sits up and is overcome by liberation, knowing that he has survived through the long cold night.  He ponders the trials and tribulations he has overcome on his training exercise.*  

*He opens his journal and begins scribing.*

Day 7

The day has finally arrived!  I have survived the arduous 7 days up here and will be leaving for Raven's Watch soon.  Through the course of this training, I feel that I have become stronger, both mentally and physically.  I have been shown that even when you think you have nothing left to give, there is always something still left inside that will get you through your current ordeal. My only regret is that my father would never know I have passed his test in survival training.

*Stops scribing for a moment as a tear forms at the bottom of his eyelid before laying his quill back down to scribe his final words of the entry.*

I did it Da'!

*The tear falls from his eye, hitting the page as he is closing his journal*

*He starts to break camp and pack for the trip.  Shadowleaf discerns by the sun's position halfway across the sky that the time to go home has finally arrived.  He eats a healthy portion of deer meat before storing some in his pack for the trip home.  He leaves the cave exactly how he found it the first day he discovered it 7 days prior with no evidence that anyone was ever there. He covers his tracks leaving the cave and begins his long journey south back toward Raven's Watch, traveling hard by day and night through Shivering Pass, staying in the shadows to conceal his movements.  He reaches Raven's Watch and boards a ship set to sail for Leringard.
The ship approaches Leringard's inner harbor on Gateway, Autumn Dark 8. His eyes focus on the sight of his Forest Rose sitting out on the dock.  She notices him waving to her from the deck and hops to her feet waving back to him with excitement.   He anxiously waits for the ship's crew to throw the ropes and tie the ship off to the dock.
The gangplank drops and Shadowleaf quickly exits the ship, smiling intently as he walks up to Feawen.  She hands him a red rose and says "Welcome home my Leaf, I have been waiting for your return my Love".  
They embrace in a lasting affectionate hug with Shadowleaf leaning back slightly, lifting her off the dock before setting her back down and kissing her on the forehead as he does.

He looks to her saying "You are what my eyes have longed to see, but how did you know of when I would return?" .

Smiling to him, she answers, "I have been in Leringard for a few days now; I estimated your approximate return date by when Chess came to me that day with your letter and I am so delighted to see that my Leaf has returned home safe".

Shadowleaf looks to her saying "Come my Love, let me tell you of my travels up in the mountain ranges of Krashin". They leave the dock with their hands gently entangled, strolling to the nearest Inn to share a hot bowl of stew together*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2010, 03:20:45 pm »
Dream Dance, Winter Snow 19, 1460

I once heard that good things come in small packages.  Yesterday I found out there is truth to that saying.  

I was in Hlint filling my canteen at the well when this tiny lady approached me.
Looking to her I said. "Ello' little lady, how are you on this fine evening?"

"Very well, thank you sir.  My name is Daniella Smallnose".  She replied in kind.

"Nice to meet you miss, my name is Shadowleaf, but my friends call me "Leaf".

We conversed near the well for a few minutes becoming acquainted with one another.  She then told me of her husband Dweeble and she asked me if I would travel with her to meet him.  Daniella led me to the secluded area in the wastelands that travelers seem to keep the fire going for others to warm themselves and rest for a while on their journeys.

Dweeble came from around a tree, running up to us and could just not seem to stand still.  The little man kept moving about in a bizarre manner from side to side in hasty manner.  Damiella said to her husband "hun hun, this is Shadowleaf".  He finally stopped moving and I offered my hand in friendship, with him grasping it and shaking it vigorously in a positive reception.   I thought this little fellow was a bit odd, but after speaking with him, I liked his persona.  Daniella mentioned that she had seen some goblins moving over on the distant hills.  I told them that I could take a look from a safe distance and gather what our opposition was that night.  They both agreed we me on that plan.  They both then told me of their fondness of precious gems and minerals and were always looking for the sparkle in the rocks. I gathered my pack and bow from the ground and made ready for the journey with The Smallnoses both preparing themselves for any potential battles in the hills.  

I informed them that I might be able to get some help to come along with us.  They both nodded in acceptance to my suggestion with enthusiasm.  I went over to the wood line and stood listening in the deep woods for a few seconds.  I heard Dweeble lean over to his lady saying to her "Ummm..what is he doing hun hun?"
I yelled out in my native dialect, "GROM!  I need your help my friend!"   The Smallnoses looked at me a bit awkward as I did. Then we heard trampling through the woods with underbrush breaking and snapping as the sounds grew louder and louder. An explosion from the woods reveled Grom had come to my call.

Dweeble immediately yelled "BEAR!!!", and took off running for the hills as fast as his diminutive legs could carry him.   Daniella locked still, and tried to compose her fear, standing nervously looking at me with a makeshift smile. I noticed her fear and went to show her that he is kind and gentle to my friends.  "Miss Daniella, he will not harm my friends, come let me show you", I said to her.  I guided Daniella over to Grom sitting a few yards away.  I took her hand and gently guided it to Grom. He sniffed her hand then licked it a few times till she giggled and pulled it away slightly.   She looked to me saying "He is a nice bear isn't he, I would be happy to have his company with us, but we better go find Dweeble.  I think he is quite scared and could still be running and might be somewhere near Krandor by now".  She looked worried, so it was time to head out.

The three of us quickly left the fire to go in search for Dweeble.   We came up to one of the outlying hills, hearing an audible of, "BEAR!! BEAR!!" up on the hill top.  We looked up on the hilltop to see Dweeble hiding, well, what he thought was hiding behind a tree, trembling in fear.  Daniella said to him that all is ok and Grom is a friend.   Dweeble was not accepting Daniella's explanation saying "No,No,No, That's not good!" and stayed behind the thin tree.  Daniella went up and calmed Dweeble down saying softly to him "hun hun, It's ok, Grom is nice bear, please come meet him".  Dweeble replied to Daniella "Ok hun hun, I trust your feelings but I am very nervous, don't your remember that bears eat Gnomes!" She leaned over to her Love and spoke soft whispers in his ear.  Dweeble was a bit mesmerized by Daniella's speaking in that tone and relaxed as she did.  He was now finally ready to meet Grom.

Grom approached and sat before him, making Dweeble freeze.  Dweeble waited a few seconds before extending his hand in greeting Grom.  I had told Grom after leaving the fire to be extra nice to Dweeble because he was scared and nervous from him.  Grom moved his head slowly to Dweeble and gave his hand a few licks, making Dweeble withdraw his hand quickly in fear saying "See! He wants to eat me!" I replied back to Dweeble "That was just Groms way of greeting someone that he likes and that he accepts them as a friend. He means you no harm Dweeble".    

He moved his hand forward to Grom once again, this time leaving it out for Grom's greeting.  Grom slowly moved to nuzzle his head under Dweeble's hand.  Dweeble looked to me with question with his eyes.  I told him that Grom likes it when friends pet him behind his ears.  Dweeble, trying to show courage in front of Mrs. Smallnose, petted Grom with a forced smile.  Dweeble and Grom had a quiet moment together, while the little Daniella and I smiled to one another knowing that all was ok now with Dweeble again.

We all headed for the cave to search for gems.  Those two do love their gems!
We entered a hostile environment with the goblins attacking us as soon as we entered the cave.  We dispatched the foes and started our downward decent cautiously.  We worked as a team that night searching for the precious stones down every corridor searching many veins.  Grom and Dweeble were fighting along side one another in harmony and I even saw Grom snag a goblin by the neck before he got to Dweeble's unguarded flank during one attack. I was so proud of Grom for having protected our new friend.  We did find a few of the shiny stones before exiting the cave and back to the fire for some well deserved rest and water.  

We put all our coins together by the fire that each of us pulled from the fallen foes into one pile and counted them.  Then we divided it amongst all of us equally while Grom rolled around in the grass in a playful manner nearby.
The Smallnoses thanked Grom and I for the help and hoped that we could travel again.   Dweeble walked up to Grom and hugged him around the neck, thanking him for grabbing that goblin that was about to drive his short sword deep into his side earlier. Daniella and Dweeble waved goodbye to us and made their way towards Hlint just before nightfall.

Grom and I enjoyed some venison steaks by the fire till darkness fell and it was time to head for home.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #27 on: April 10, 2010, 11:50:03 am »
Winged Trade, Winter Night 6, 1461

I feel that I am finally getting the feel for two blades in my hands now.  I am starting to feel the balance with both blades better, and wielding them as one weapon.  I cannot even remember the last time I carried my wooden shield over my back in my adventures.  The shield was providing some protection from incoming attacks, but I felt like it was restricting my strikes and counter attack moves.
I started seriously training with both blades about two months ago when one day I went and purchased a few used cloaks and some old rope and made my way to a quiet place in the forest.   I tied the cloaks securely around a tree and began to practice different strikes at it with my blades.  The training session was long and exhaustive, but balance started to fill my arms as I preformed different strikes, lunges, and mock counter attacks at my custom built training dummy.  I trained multiple attacks from many different angles and positions for hours and hours until my arms could not even bring my blades back to parallel with the ground anymore.  I sat down and grabbed my canteen for some much needed thirst reduction. I rested while eating some fruit and berries for some energy before beginning my second training session of that day.

I moved the cloak padding down on the tree to the height of average beings legs, than secured them tightly to the tree once again.  I needed to gain more practice and confidence with making multiple disabling low strikes.  I lowered my battle stance and started my attacks.  I noticed that I was slightly faster with my right arm then my left, so I made a few adjustments in the cadence in which I wielded my short swords.  I discovered that I could perform a powerful low sweeping attack if I led the attack with my left sword instead of my right.  I practiced that particular move for some time until the flows of my attacks were fluent and the strikes were true and accurate.  

Battle has been the best trainer yet though, whacking against a tree is good for learning and practicing new moves and attack routines, but it does not offer the element of surprise nor potential counter attacks to parry off.

I do feel that I have to purchase a real training dummy soon though; the training sessions have been taking its toll on my blades.  I have to sharpen the blades after every session now with my wet stone.  The cloaks offered some resistance, but my swords will weaken over time if I keep training like this.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2010, 08:16:01 pm »
Night's Eye, Summer Home 17, 1461

I had talked to Enzo last Dead Eye about coming to look at some bows at his Bow shop.  He told me that I could stop by anytime and see what he has to offer.   I made my way to his shop this afternoon and knocked on the door.  I heard approaching footsteps from inside, then an audible of "Yes, who is it?".

"Shadowleaf A'nadivian" I answered.  The door creaked opened to a friendly man who introduced himself as "Thomas".  Thomas invited me into the shop and said "Mr. Enzo will be with in just a moment Sir".  "Thank you, Thomas", I replied in kind as Thomas then went back behind the desk to tend to some paperwork.

Enzo walked out from the back chambers and said to me "Ah Leaf, glad to see that you could come and see my Bow shop and Range".  

"Shop and Range Sir?", I stressed the word "Range" with a furrowed brow at him.

Enzo pointed behind me and I turned to view in that direction.  My eyes were amazed that Enzo's Bow shop included a full indoor bow range off to the side.  We walked over and I viewed the large room.  The shot distance the range offered was quite extended and even had closer targets to practice on.

"Very nice range you have here Sir".  I said to Enzo.

"Thanks Leaf.  Now, you said you wanted to look at some bows correct?" he replied.

"Yes, I would like to see what you have to offer and at what price". I answered him.

He went and opened up a few large chests that had many bows and other equipment in them.  He said I should take my time and inspect all bows carefully, because I may not yet have the archery skills learned to wield some of the bows in these chests.  I started to select a few bows out of the chests and drew back the strings a few times to get a feel of the limbs strength.   I found one that felt comfortable and that I could manage to make a full draw on.

"May I take a few shots Sir".  I asked Enzo politely.

"Be my guest Ranger".  Enzo replied, motioning for me to walk to the range.

I shot a few arrows and liked the feel of the bow in my hands.

"Very fine weapon Sir, but how much would this bow sell for?"  I asked.

Enzo did not know just from memory what that particular bows current price was, so we walked back over the counter and Enzo asked Thomas for some paperwork from under the counter.  Enzo said to me that I could take a look around at some of his other items while he looks up the cost of the bow, so I did just that.  He did have some very nice items and equipment but most I could not afford at this time.  Enzo found the listing of the bow and said what the price was.  I was disappointed when I knew it would take me some time to collect the needed True for the purchase of the bow and I informed Enzo of it.  Enzo asked me to show him the bow I currently carry.  I took the bow from around my back and laid it on the counter for him to examine.  He looked it over and drew it back a few times.  

"Seems like a solid stick and string you got here..., Fehriel's work?"  He looked to me with question.

"Yes, the craftsmanship is that of Fehriel".  I answered him.

"Maybe you do not need a new bow yet Leaf, I might have something that could transport a little more velocity behind your arrows", he informed me.

"That is all I am really looking for Sir, a little deeper penetration of my arrows from long distances" I said.

"I think I can do something for you, do you have a few minutes?"  He asked me.

"Yes Sir, I am in no hurry, Ill just keep looking around your shop if you don't mind?" I said.

"Please do, It will not take long for me to add the parts" He replied.

Enzo asked Thomas to hand him some parts and tools from behind the counter.  He started modifying the riser to accommodate the new parts, constantly checking the level of the riser and the mobility of the moving parts.

After a short while, Enzo said "There, that should do it".

He handed me the bow and we walked back over the range to try out the new modifications.  The draw weight was heavier now but I was able to get the bow to full draw.  I launched a few arrows down range and even broke the knock of one of the arrows I just recently shot.  The arrows released with much more kinetic energy now and were flying with more of a flat trajectory and with improved penetration power.

I smiled to Enzo and said "Nice work Sir, I like the feel of the new parts".

"I am glad to hear that Leaf, you will notice a difference now in your shot penetrations". He replied.

We both walked back over to the counter and I paid him the cost for the new parts and thanked Enzo for the modifications to my bow and said goodbye to him and Thomas before leaving shop to head home.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2010, 06:47:12 pm »
Dream Dance, Summer End 5, 1461

The last few days have been somewhat sad for me.  I had to travel to Port Hempstead recently to bid my final farewell to friend, a man by the name of Benjamin Poetr.  

I had befriended Ben about a year ago and had traveled with him on a few adventures.  One found memory I have of Ben is the time we headed back to Fort Wayfare after a long journey one evening. He invited me into his embedded home.   We made our way over by the fire place and he plopped down into a soft chair and said that I should also rest before I headed back home.  

We sat and conversed over some pie that he had graciously presented to me, talking well into the night, laughing and both enjoying each other's company.  I listened to him tell some stories of his past adventures which kept my attention with him the entire time.  It was starting to get late and Ben was looking tired.  I had just finished my last bite of pie when I looked over to him to say thanks for the hospitality, with Ben already having drifted off into a deep slumber.  I whispered "Thanks my friend", and tossed a blanket over him before I quietly left his home.  I did not know that would be the last time I would see Ben alive.

I arrived in Hempstead for the service to see many of Ben's family and friends in attendance.  I did not know previously that another Angel member Sonya Darsus had fallen also, and this was to be a combined farewell service.  I walked past the pond to see poor Lana trying to hold back her grief the best she could as I went to her to offer my sincere condolences.  She was very pleased that so many of Ben's friends had come to pay their respects for him.  

Daniel strolled out from around the tent and his equanimity was not that of a man who had just lost his father.  Daniel did not show any signs of sorrow in his eyes and remained strong for the other surviving Poetr kin the entire service.  Bella stayed close by Daniel's side as many friends came to say sorry to him about the recent loss of his father.  

A man by the name of Shiff Dragonheart addressed the crowd and said some meaningful words about his friend that day.  He spoke of past adventures with Ben and all that they have been through together, the great battles and their long demanding journeys.

The service was said to be a celebration for their lives, but as I looked upon all the sorrow in others faces, mine included, it was hard to bring forth a smile at that time.  Soon the conversations went silent as everyone started approaching the pyre to lay their bouquet of flowers for the fallen, with Daniel and a few others giving a few blessings afterwards.  Miss Zira was having a very hard time with the loss of her friends and the tears of mourning were streaming down her face, thankfully her brother Zak was there to soothe her in her time of need.

Miss Ferrit and the Angel's Guild supplied the food and drink for the service and there was even some left over.  Missus Ferrit handed me a bottle of wine when the service had ended and everyone was beginning to leave, saying "Here take this bottle of wine Leaf, I do not want to have to bring all this stuff back to the guild". Then she handed out a few more leftovers to others as they departed. The wine is a fine vintage.  I am saving it for a special occasion, and I know just who I am going to share it with too.

Everyone in a sad state of mind left the area and went back to their homes for the night.

I will miss my friend Ben, he was good man.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2010, 10:28:22 am »
Night's Eye, Autumn Twilight 24, 1461

Well, all my hard work has finally paid off.  I am able to afford a room that I can store the items that I collect on my adventures and use as a future training area.

I acquired the room from a dear friend of mine.  Her name is Elohanna. She is a strikingly beautiful sun elf with a smile that could part seas. Her heart is as dear as my mother's, always making sure her friends are well cared for before thinking of herself.  She had informed me that one of her former tenants had left and she had a room that has become available if I needed one.  

I went to her residence in Fort Llast to meet with her and view the room she had for rent.  She opened the door and welcomed me into her lovely spacious home.

Elly showed me around her house so I would feel comfortable.  We started in the Great room that held a large piano and some comfortable sittings for company next to a constantly crackling fireplace.  A door from the room led into the dining area and kitchen.  As I entered the area, the aroma that filled the air made my mouth instantly water with anticipation of what was currently in the oven.  Elly smiled to me and said "I am baking some pies right now" and informed me that if I should take the room, I would be welcome to help myself to some of her meals and baked goods that she leaves out for guests and tenants from time to time.  That alone made me almost take the room immediately, but I would need to see what I would be paying for on a monthly basis first before accepting her offer.  

She led me upstairs and opened one of the doors.   The room was plain, but that's all I was really looking for.  I walked around the room examining the space and the distance between opposite walls.  I looked to her and said "I will take it Milady".  

She smiled and said "That is great to hear Leaf, come with me, I have some furniture in storage that I am not using and you are welcome to anything that you think might be useful to you".

"Thank you Elly" I said to her as we walked to view the furniture pieces she had in storage.  There were a few large storage chests that I thought would come in handy, so I dragged them out and set them up along the walls.  The room was beginning to take shape now.  I will have to place a few plantings in the corners to offset the rigidity of the stone walls.   The foliage should soften the appearance of the room a bit I think.

In time, this room will also become a great training aid for me.  I shall purchase some training dummies and once they have been installed, it will be very beneficial for me and my blades.   The room might be to short for any distance arrow shots but I can set up a target close and practice my quick release shots.

Elly handed me the room key and escorted me to the front door.  I thanked her for the room along with her hospitality, saying to her that if she was ever in need of any fire wood to warm her home or some fresh venison for her table, I would be more then happy to collect them for her.  Her scrumptious pies alone would keep me hauling wood there all day long if needed.

We talked briefly about our families at the front door, till I left for the night to retrieve my hidden items in the forests and bring them back for safe storage in my new room.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2010, 05:06:49 pm »
Dream Dance, Summer Run 12, 1462

I had asked my Forest Rose many months ago to introduce me to the type of fishing that requires a wooden pole, line and some sort of bait. In my gratitude, I would cook her a nice dinner.  I could not imagine fishing without my bow, but she said that this type of fishing was so much fun, I agreed to let her show me this new technique.   Our dissimilar paths finally converged and provided us the opportunity for our fishing trip.

I purchased the items Feawen instructed to me to obtain: a fishing pole, line and some hooks. I took the next ship to Alindor to meet Feawen.  She told me that there was great fishing in Stone and I was to make my way there once I landed on Alindor.

I noticed my Love strolling through the Falls Forest heading towards Stone.  I sneaked up behind her before she noticed me, startling her with a playful tickle to her side which made her slightly jump.

She turned to me smiling as said "Hello, my Love, I am so glad you found me".

Taking Feawen by the hand I said "I saw you walking across the forest from a distance my sweet.  From the minute I entered this forest, my heart told me you were nearby and I began to search for you. Okay, my dear, will you show me this fishing with a pole and bait".

"I will be happy to, my Leaf". She replied kindly.

We walked into Stone hand-in-hand.  Stone is town mostly comprised of rock with treacherous steep cliffs with a few homes dotting the peaks.  We had to cross a narrow rock bridge to reach the other side.  Feawen said that this is where it got tricky, so I would need to watch my footing on the slippery narrow ledge.  That ledge wasn't so bad to navigate, but now we had to climb down a moistened slippery rock face with only a few footholds to be seen.  Feawen showing no fear at all, descended without hesitation. I watched her feet land safely back on flat ground again before descending myself. Once I was down, we made our way over to the water's edge.

"We have to swim over to that Island out there Love", she said to me, pointing out to a small Island.

"No problem. Can I carry your belongings for you"  I asked her.

"Thank you, my Leaf. That is so sweet of you"  She replied

Feawen handed me her small pack and another bag that I had not seen her carry before.

"What is in this bag?"I asked with question, holding the sack up.

"You will soon see, my Love. Please do not get that one wet, okay?" she implored.

"I promise I will not.  Do be safe in the water, my Love"  I reminded her protectively.

Feawen jumped in the water and quickly swam out to the small Island. I held up our backpacks and the other bag of hers before I jumped in, making sure they did not go under the water as I did.  I used one arm to swim and the other to hold our gear above the waterline.  It was a hard swim, but I was happy to do it for my Rose.

We both stood on the Island, soaked and dripping wet.  I did not want Feawen to become ill, so I said I would get a fire going so we could dry off and get warm.  She went and grabbed her bag and said that she would need a moment, before walking behind the large boulder out of my eye sight.  I did not think anything of it, and went on to getting the fire started.   I packed a small amount of fire wood to bring on the trip to hopefully have a shore lunch of a freshly caught fish.  I quickly changed into some dry clothes that I brought with me before Feawen came back out from behind the boulder.

I was fumbling through my pack when I heard an unsure voice from behind me "I bought this just for you my Love".  

As I turned around, my breath caught momentarily. There stood the most beautiful visage my eyes had ever seen. The graceful gown complemented Feawen's soft features, and she was at once delicate and regal, vulnerable, yet capable.

My gaze started low on her and rose upwards taking in every inch of her loveliness.  When our eyes met, she appeared confident but a little uncertain of her new attire.

"Words cannot begin to describe your beauty", that is a stunning dress, my Love" I said to her, awestruck.

"I am glad you are fond of it, my Love. I could not decide on the right color pattern".  She replied to me.

"You are quite breathtaking in that dress my dear" and walked up to give her a big reassuring hug, letting her know that I loved her outfit selection for our dinner together.

I took out the fishing pole, line and tackle.   Feawen came to me and started showing me how to tie the string to the end of the pole and the hook on the end.   She went to her pack and grabbed a small can with some dirt in it.  A little puzzled with the dirt-filled can, I wondered what she was up to.  She dug her fingers into the dirt and produced a vibrant wiggly worm.

"What is the worm for, my Love?"  I asked.

She secured the worm to the hook and said for me to throw the line into the water.   I did just as she instructed, throwing my line out as far as I could.

"Now we wait, my Leaf" She said.

We sat down and began to talk of past adventures.  A few minutes went by and my pole started dancing in my hands slightly.  

Feawen said "There, Leaf!  Set the hook, my Love!"

I yanked back on the pole, but only to reveal a wet hook on the end of the line.  

Feawen said to me, chucking a little as she did, "That one got away Dear.  When you feel the fish tugging on the end of the line, that is when you need to jerk the pole back and set the hook okay? Here, let's get you another worm".

With another lively worm on the hook, I casted out my offering.   Again, the fish took the bait - and again, and again.   I looked to Feawen in frustration, saying to her "Please Love, just let me use my arrows".

She had nothing to do with my complaining and quickly baited another worm on the hook for me.

"I am not going to let you give up! Keep trying, my Leaf"

We sat back down and we continued our conversation.  I feel like I can talk to Feawen about anything, whether it be happy or sad.  She always uplifts my spirit when I am feeling gloomy with her reassuring words and soft touch.  Each moment we share together, I feel that we become more as a whole.  

I was feeling a little down that night about my training.  I felt like my skills were not developing as strongly as they should be.   Feawen put her arm around me and began to speak her gentle words of wisdom in my ear.  She spoke the word "patience" often to me that night.  After a while, I began to realize that my outlook on my training was too grand. She let me know that my training would progress as long as I kept my sessions active and often.  I thanked Feawen for her guidance with a kiss to her cheek.

"LEAF!"  she yelled to me, motioning to my fishing pole wildly trying to exit my hands.

I grasped the pole and yanked back with the front end of pole going straight to the water.

"You got him, Love! Now, take your time and work the fish over to the edge" Feawen said, cheering me on in the process.

I played the fish and maneuvered it to within arms reach of the ledge, then bent down to grab it by the gills.   I hoisted the large fish out of the water, with Feawen jumping up and down in excitement as I did.  Feawen could not contain her enthusiasm, hugging me, saying "You did it Love!"

"I could have not done it without your instructions my dear", I said to her thankfully.  

I looked at the heavy fish and asked her what species it was.  She said that the fish was known as a "Salmon" and they make great table fare.

"Terrific!  Dinner with be ready shortly, my Love", I informed her.

Feawen went over and sat by the fire to meditate in her thoughts for a few minutes, while I went to my pack to fetch my skinning knife and get started cleaning the fish.  I prepared the fish and rinsed the insides well.   I cut off some thick fillets, throwing the remaining skeleton back into the water afterwards.   I grabbed the salt and pepper, along with some of the herbs from my pack. I rubbed the spices and herbs on the fish diligently.  I skewered the fillets through a long stick making sure they were secure as I did.  I walked over to the fire having noticed that Feawen had come out of her meditative trance.   The fillets let out a sizzle when I placed them over the hot flames.

Feawen moved herself closer to me and said that she appreciated all that I do for her.   I said to her that I love to take care of her when I get the chance.  She put her arm around me and started to rub my shoulders and neck.

"Your muscles are tense, my Love. Here, let me take that stress from you"  she said.

She turned me around so my back faced her.   She started rubbing my neck and shoulders with her petite but strong hands.  I felt my head become heavy with relaxation and I let it fall forward to let her work out the tension in my neck.   My entire body was becoming relaxed and I heard Feawen say to me "Lie back, my Love; let me relieve the pressure that flows through your body".

I leaned back into her and let the tension begin to vacate my body.  She seemed to know the structure of every muscle in my neck and shoulders to which she tended, massaging each one a little bit differently.  I felt like I was beginning to melt in her lap until a trail of smoke went past my eyes and filled my nose.

"O MY!"I said, and I quickly removed the fish from the fire, as it was starting to burn.

Luckily, I did not ruin our dinner.  It was time for me to add my special glaze to the fillets now.  I smashed up some fresh raspberries into a thick paste and rubbed it over the fillets before placing them back on the fire to finish cooking.  

I extracted two plates, forks and goblets from my pack along with some fruit, berries and nuts to go with our meal.  I also brought a very fine bottle of wine that I had been saving, which I received from Missus Ferrit after Ben Poetr's funeral sometime ago.  I wanted this to be a very special dinner for Feawen and I, and I wanted everything to be just right. I made sure my plate presentation rivaled that of a fine Inn.  The meal consisted of a raspberry glazed Salmon fillet, assorted berries, fruits, nuts with some clover leaves on the sides for added color.

I poured Feawen a goblet of the wine after handing the dinner to her.   I sat by my sweet after getting my own plate of food.  She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, asking "Why do you do so much for me, my Leaf?"

"Because I want to see you happy, my Love, and to know that you are eating well and stay healthy", I replied to her.

We enjoyed our meal together by the fire, conversing about many things as we ate.  I have to say that the fish was good; the small amount of char actually added some extra flavor, making it very tasty.  After we finished our dinner, I asked her if she would like some dessert.   Feawen's quick smile answered my question.  I unwrapped a few pieces of pie I had brought - one apple and the other blueberry.  I offered my Love the first choice.  She chose the apple, which I was glad because I really wanted the blueberry.  The pie was delicious and we consumed every last crumb.  We both were stuffed and becoming slightly lethargic from all the food.

I cleared the plates and cleaned up.  Feawen said that I needed to come and sit by her.   She took my hand saying "I cannot thank you enough for such a lovely dinner, my Love".

"I am glad you enjoyed yourself, my Love. Seeing you content is all that I wish" I said, sated.

"When I am with you, my Leaf, I could not be more content", she said smiling to me.

We looked deeply into each other's eyes before we found our bodies slowly leaning toward each other.  My heart started pounding as we moved closer.  I think our eyes both closed at the same time, and then..... a magical moment happened between us.  Our lips gently pressed together for a few moments.    

After the kiss, we both smiled to one another almost giggling.  I then felt her lean into me, pushing my torso to the ground, and finally cuddling up beside me laying her head on my chest.  We were so comfortable in each other's arms that night that we ended up falling asleep together out on that Island until morning.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2010, 09:06:05 pm »
Night's Eye, Autumn Twilight 3, 1462

Father said to me one day in training, that if I ever learned to craft my own arrows it would advance me even further as an archer, saying that if I could learn to balance the arrow shafts to fit my individual shooting style, I would notice a tighter grouping in my shots.  Using different combinations of lumber, feathers and ores for arrowheads, I could make a diverse selection of arrows to use in battle.

I have been a woodsman for some time now, but never thought about using some of the wood I harvest to craft my own arrows until just recently when I remembered Da's training lesson that long time ago.

I have found Hickory the easiest to work with, I can follow the grain on that wood clearly with my precision cuts, and it seems to be forgivable on my miss cuts.  It did take more then a few tries at the hall to create my first useable arrow shafts.  To check for the straightness of the shafts, I found that if I placed them one at a time on the table and rolled them back and forth a few times, I could tell if the wood shaft was worthy of keeping for an arrow.  If I saw no oscillation as it rolled, I knew the shaft would fly true and straight, something an archer wishes for in every shot. Now that I have learned the basics of making balanced wooden shafts, I will keep working at it till I can make them without failure.  

Soon, I will go in search for some ore to collect for making the arrowheads, but it can dangerous down in caves alone.  I must be cautious in my explorations or seek the help of friends.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2010, 07:55:33 pm »
Gateway, Winter Snow 22, 1462

The wood working is coming along very well.  I have gained knowledge of some good stands of Hickory in my travels.  I am breaking fewer axes these days and my cuts are becoming less faulty with practice.  There was one thing that was keeping my wood working skills from progressing though.  The distance I traveled with a full pack of wood that I harvested was extended, as the only wood working house I have been able to locate is in Port Hempstead.

The journeys with just one backpack of loaded timber were gaining me little in return for so much time and effort spent traveling back and forth between Hempstead and the Hickory stands that stood far to the north.  I couldn't carry anymore wood then I was already, as it would have slowed my pace of travel and that becomes dangerous and would not be wise.

I overheard, that a man outside of Port Hempstead's main gates sold pack Oxen, so I went to view the animals and inquire what his asking price was for an Oxen.  A tiny man named Dornick stood standing outside the holding pen, informed me that one Oxen would cost one hundred true coins to obtain.  I thought about it and that seemed like a fair asking price, with asking him in return if I may go have a closer look at the Oxen.  He nodded to me and motioned for me to go take a look with a quick wave of his hand.

Most of the Oxen were just milling around, chewing on the grass below them.  I noticed one Oxen keeping to himself near the fence, so I went over to the animal.  The Oxen lifted its head and looked up at me, as I laid my hand on its head gently.  I talked in a low toned voice to it, not knowing if it understood what I was saying.  I began to rub and pet the Oxen as I quietly whispered to the animal for a few minutes.  I started to sense that this animal liked me standing by his side, so I looked him in the eyes for a few seconds to confirm my assumptions.  You can tell a lot about animals and even people if you look deeply into their eyes and see what lies behind them.

I knew this animal was strong and would grant me some much needed help to carry the wood I harvested.  I am rather glad to lead at least one Oxen out of that pen from that dirty little man. The food and water for the Oxen seemed to have been left for days without change.  I thought to myself that I would keep this Ox healthy, strong and not subject him to such unsanitary conditions. I already knew that his nutrition would have to be hearty and sustaining so I would prepare him feedbags of rolled Oats, Barley and crushed corn kernels for his diet along with many rest days just grazing in the fields to keep him healthy and happy.  I will also give him fresh water daily to keep him hydrated in his endeavoring journeys with me.  

I went and offered the man his True and he handed me a few lead ropes and some old packs and said that they came with the Pack Ox purchase.  I securely lashed the packs on the Ox and led him away back to Hlint. I wanted to see if he had the endurance for the long lumber collecting journeys back and forth between Hempstead and the outskirts of Hlint.  The Oxen never slowed me down once, except to stop occasionally for some feed and water, but keeping him happy and healthy is important to me.

 I wanted to name this Oxen something other then just Oxen, so I thought of names for days. Then, it came to me.  This Oxen, will be doing lots of hauling for me.  I thought the name "Duey" appropriately fit him...and he seems to like his new name now.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2010, 08:00:22 pm »
World Tree, Summer Run 21, 1463

Krandor is small peaceful town with a gentle shore breeze always present.   I like to visit from time to time, as I can make a quick stop there for some rest and supplies, as Duey and I travel back and forth between Port Hempstead and Hlint.

As I walked the main road in Krandor, I noticed many announcements tacked to boards in town.  The announcements read that Krandor was building a hospital to provide healing and safe house for those who would be in need of such care.   The hospital plans to also conduct research into poisons, diseases, illnesses and conditions in order to provide cures and better treatments, while promoting works of beauty and music as healing of the spirit. The hospital will build wards for the sick along with two operating theatres for extreme measures. One wing will have also have a guild section, library and dormitory for young healers and musicians to stay while they offer their healings and blessings to the sick and wounded.

The announcements only had one name associated with it, Galathea Arnaduillae.  The hospital will be privately funded by this lady and other charity donations. She extended her gratitude to all who could offer anything to benefit the hospital and was currently seeking stewards of the hospital. I thought to myself that the hospital could gain from a different form of healing not widely known, and went to seek out this woman to inform her of my thoughts.

I noticed a man who sketching some rough drawings near the proposed construction site.  I asked him if he knew of a lady by the name of Galathea Arnaduillae.  He said that he did in fact know her, but she was currently away from Krandor on business.  I went and sat by the shore's edge, pulled out a piece of parchment and my quill from my pack and began scribing a letter to Miss Galathea, telling her of my thoughts after reading the hospital's construction announcement.  While I was scribing that letter I had a vision come to me, which I included in the letter.


I always try to help a sick or injured animal if I happen to come upon one. I also know that "healing" does not only come from rest,
medicines, songs and blessings but can also come from the soothing nature of petting a soft furry animal.
I have seen this calming effect first hand on the sick and elderly in my travels.

I would be willing to bring a few of my animal friends to the hospital every so often, and take them to the sick people
in the wards to have some quiet healing time just relaxing while petting and interacting with my friends.

The only compensation that I would require for my time, would be that if I ever do find a sick or injured animal,
I would be allowed to bring it to the hospital to be healed and rest till it was back to full strength.

If I see that the animals are providing some healing to the admitted patients, I would ask the hospital in time build a small separate
wing for the sick and hurt animals of Mistone. I would be willing to supply most of the wood and other building supplies needed for the
addition also if needed.

Not many folks seem to care about the domesticated animals on Mistone and I would like to change that and educate them
that animals need someone to look out for them and try to spot their diseases in their early
stages before it spreads throughout the lands of Mistone potentially polluting the food and water sources.

Shadowleaf A'nadivian

I went and handed the sealed letter to the man who was now walking around, surveying the proposed hospital site while sketching out some plans.  I asked him to give the letter to Miss Arnaduillae as soon as she returned from her business affairs.

I received a reply from Galathea the other day, thanking me for my interest in becoming a steward of the hospital and she looked forward to sitting down with me and listen to my ideas for the hospital's future animal shelter expansion.

I know it will require a vast amount of construction materials and take many many long hard hours to construct the shelter, but someone has to stand up for the ones who cannot speak on their own behalf, and I will be the one to do so.

I felt a strong surge in motivation to start making my vision come true for my furry friends that day, and led Duey back in the direction of Hlint to begin in making this dream become a reality.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2010, 03:41:22 pm »
Bright Eye, Winter Snow 16, 1463

I was walking through the Stormcrest Crossroads on my way to the Dapplegreen forests recently, when I noticed an unfamiliar Elf practicing archery on the local target.  I approached from off to the side and stood watching him for a while.  His posture was good, and his follow through was fluent and steady.  This Elf definitely had some archery training in his past by the sight of his grouping downrange at the target.  

Then he noticed me standing there and said "Irrace".

"Irrace, that was some nice shooting there friend, have you been practicing with a bow and arrow long?".  I asked him.

"I have been training a while, not long though.  I do love archery and plan to further my skills as an archer in the future".  He informed me.

"Glad to hear this friend, my name is "Shadowleaf", but you can just call me "Leaf".  I said to him.

"Nice to meet you Leaf, I am Sehky"

"Well met Sehky.  May I practice with you?"  I asked him.

"That would be great Leaf, I have been searching for someone to practice with, as I have just made camp near the Crossroads a short while ago.  How often you come to the Crossroads?"He asked me.

"My travels take me through here quite frequently Sehky. I enjoy the tranquility in the Crossroads, plus it is a great place to hear a story from time to time next to the campfire over there under that big tree".  I informed him.

"I have heard that Leaf, and hope to hear one myself someday.  You may shoot first my friend" . He offered kindly.

"Thank you". I said.

We went and stood near the shack entrance about 30 yards from the archery target near the water's edge.  I set my stance and let go a long cleansing breath, brought my bow up and steadied my aim, focusing my gaze, and let my arrow fly downrange to the target.  The arrow struck just outside the inner circle, which I was somewhat pleased with.

"Nice shot" Sehky said to me.

"Always room form improvement though, my friend". As I looked back to him, saying, while knocking another arrow.  I focused my stare and concentrated on the center of the circle and let the air go from my lungs to steady my aim.  I released my shot with the arrow cutting inside the small circle this time, about a clenched fist distance from my first shot. My next few shots littered target around the arrow just inside circle, with half landing in the center.  

"Very nice grouping Leaf!"  Sehky said to me.

"Thanks my friend, now it is your turn". I said to him.

I walked from my position, offering it to Sehky.  He took his stance and focused on the target down range, coming to full draw.  His first shot, grazed the fletching on one my arrows on the target.  

I snickered to him saying, "I suppose you meant to do that?"

He chuckled back to me replying, "Actually, I was aiming for the knock, but I missed".

Sehky started plugging arrows into the target one after another.  His poise in his follow-through does not make his arrows wobble through the air in flight, as quickly shows in most non experienced archers.  When the arrow wobbles through the air, the penetration power is lost on impact, which can create lengthy, drawn out battles. Sehky's arrows flew with a flat trajectory, which keeps his shots flying straight to its intended target led directly from his eyes.  All of his shots landed well within the area of a small creature's chest area, which proved his training in archery.

"I like your technique Sehky, you see your shots, and do not simply just "aim" for them like most do.  You view the shot from finish to end, even before your fingers have let go.  We think alike I see, that is good".  I said to him.

"Thanks Leaf, and Yes, I do believe we think and view archery alike" He replied.

We went and sat by the fire to replenish our fluids and consume a few berries before going back to training.  I suggested that I would like to train in some extreme shot angles and we walked to a drastic angle to the target's face, almost standing on the bridge.  This angle made the targets actual face area the length the size of a loaf of bread.  I told Sehky that I was instructed by my father, that a true archer has to be confident in any shot that is presented to him.

We both made attempts at the tiny target area with a fair to hit ratio, with both of us practicing into the darkness and launching arrows to a barely noticeable target.  We agreed to stop that night, when we started hearing our arrows skipping over the water past the archery target in darkness.

I needed to get back north for the night, with Sehky and I saying our farewells and making plans for future training sessions together.  I usually do not trust most upon meeting them at first, but Sehky seems like a good Elf and our friendship will grow with time I believe.  It will be nice to have an archery training partner now.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2010, 10:42:31 am »
Bright Eye, Spring Rain 9, 1464

I have been thinking about my parents and home quite often lately.  I had managed to block out the sorrow for a few years, but I find my mind torn over not knowing the fate of Ma' and Da'.  I am starting to fear that I may never find the answer, as I do not even know which land I sailed from and where do I even begin to search?

*sighs* I must remain hopeful that someday, somehow, I will learn of the land I sailed from and the outcome of the Orc attack on my village.  My heart tells me that my parents still exist, but with each passing year that feeling slightly fades from me.  I must not let the unknown consume my thoughts and take over my well-being and I must remain mentally strong.

Feawen has been helping me get through my rough days with her reassuring words of hope.  She is the only person that is able to calm me down and teach me patience, something I was having a hard time achieving on my own.  Without her, I probably would have gone mad from the unknown by now.

I would be so happy if Ma' and Da' were able to meet my Beloved someday, I know they would love her as much as I.  I guess only time will tell if that is even a possibility.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #37 on: May 23, 2010, 01:41:26 pm »
Dream Dance, Autumn Harvest 19, 1464

Sehky and I planned to meet outside the tavern at the Stormcrest Crossroads for practice.  I arrived, noticing my friend slumped over on the bench looking fatigued.  I went to him and asked what was wrong.  He looked up to me and said

"Leaf, you are a welcome sight. I was just chased from Dapplegreen by a roaming patrol of goblins!  I managed to give them the slip, but they were not far behind me when I ran from the forest. We better keep our guards up, my friend."  He informed me.

Before I could question him about his recent encounter, a pack of goblins burst through the tree line and rushed our position.  I did not have time to pull my bow from around my back, so my hands quickly unsheathed my blades.  Sehky had already landed an arrow into the first attacker before it reached me, and I ended its life with a swift thrust of my blades to the chest region.  Sehky and I fought off the remaining foes until we were the only ones left standing.

We composed ourselves after the skirmish and decided that we needed to investigate where the patrol had ventured from.  After gathering our equipment and weapons, we headed for Dapplegreen.  When we cleared the tower, Sehky and I spotted a few scouts on the hill scanning for movement through the forest.  I secretively made my way closer to them so I could get a head count.  I looked back over to Sehky, now hidden behind a tree, and put up three fingers to him, and he nodded in confirmation.   I informed him of my intentions by gesturing with hand signals to him, letting him know that my plan was to take up position to the right of the scouts and when I initiate the attack, he should launch a crossfire assault from his position. Our attack was well-executed and none of the goblins left Dapplegreen alive.

We walked up and searched the bodies for some type of clue as to why the goblins were oddly present in Dapplegreen, but no such clue was found.  I noticed that the ground just before the hill into the deep woods, displayed signs of a recent struggle.  I moved close to the ground to examine the area for tracks and other signs while Sehky kept watch for wandering scouts and patrols.  From what I could determine, there were about four to five sets of goblin tracks, along with an outline of something that had been dragged off into the woods.  The fresh blood stains around the surrounding area were not a good sign.

"We must follow these tracks and find out what happened here, Sehky"  I said.

"Yes, we must my friend, but let us travel close together in case the goblins have staged an ambush for unsuspecting adventurers"  he replied.

"A fine idea Sehky. Let us proceed east, and move into the deep woods with caution not to alert any to our presence"  

We moved through the woods at a snail's pace while I followed the tracks.  The brush became very thick and impenetrable in some places and the tracks were becoming broken and hard to follow.  I, unfortunately, lost the tracks in the wild underbrush even after many attempts to pick up the trail up again.  Sehky and I continued through the forest to see if we could discover anything that would lead us to some answers about the blood-soaked ground at the wood's edge.  We came to a secluded grove and stopped at the foliage transition line to scan the grove ahead.  We moved along the stream while keeping out of sight.  Sehky noticed a lone scout up ahead on the edge of a plateau.  He crept up to a large tree no more then 20 yards from the scout without being detected.  I made my way around the surrounding rocks and crawled up behind a large boulder down in front of the goblin.   I looked back to Sehky to see him going to full draw and launching an arrow into the neck of the scout, sending the goblin toppling to the ground.  Sehky hand-gestured to me that the scout had spotted our positions and was about to engage.

Since we had no idea what awaited us beyond on the plateau, we pulled back to the edge of the grove to regroup and devise a strategy.  My ears detected the faint sounds of singing coming from back inside the deep woods.  Sehky and I quickly made our way toward the sounds and noticed Andrew strolling through the woods, humming a melody.   We were pleased to meet up with a friend, and I quickly told him of the recent events that led Sehky and I into this part of the deep woods.  Andrew willingly offered to help us investigate the goblin disturbance and all of us headed back toward the grove.  The three of us made our way to the bottom of the hill where Sehky and I had fallen back before.  The first scout that Sehky had previously had taken out had now been discovered and additional scouts now occupied the border of the plateau in a heightened state of alert.  

We held steady in our positions and remained motionless for some time until the scouts cleared the area.  The goblins eventually left the area and as the time came for us to move up, we quickly ran to our next hiding spots.  We poked our heads just above the crest of the plateau and noticed an unattended encampment with a large piece of meat still roasting over the fire.   The area seemed clear and the scouts were nowhere to be seen, but we spread out to make sure of our assumptions and approached the encampment with caution. A few scouts returned back to the encampment without knowing of our presence and were quickly cut down upon entering.

Andrew and I secured the perimeter while Sehky went to search the tent.  Sehky found some tattered clothes with blood stains throughout the garments.  I inspected the roasting meat.  The meat emitted an odor that almost made my stomach turn and was unfamiliar to me.  I looked to Andrew and Sehky and they both had the same look on their faces. Andrew then said

"This meat did not come from an animal or is of human origin"  

We heard the snap of a twig in the woods behind us and quickly turned around to view a woman staggering from the woods without much constitution left in her.  We went and helped her over, and Andrew remained with her to steady her in her weakened state.  She said her name was Mary and that she had managed to escape her recent imprisonment.  We listened to her explain that she and her brother were captured by a goblin patrol in Dapplegreen near the tower.  Her brother was dreadfully beaten and bloodied by the patrol and dragged off into the woods, and she was led away after her wrists were lashed together with some rope.

Andrew, Sehky and I looked to each other now knowing what was currently cooking over the fire and tried to distract Mary from the large piece of putrid charred meat.  She started looking at the large roast with question, so Sehky and I stood in front of the meat, trying to block her view of it.  It was too late, though. She suddenly realized that the large roast resembled a human torso and broke down into tears.  Andrew quickly pulled her into his shoulder so she could release her shock and sorrow.  The poor lady wept for some time knowing that her brother was dead.  

We said that we would be happy to escort her safely from the grove.  She kindly accepted our offer while wiping the tears from her eyes. Mary said that she had an Aunt Vehl who lived in Port Hempstead and that she would be most thankful if we could escort her to her house.  Sehky took the lead and scouted our path ahead.  Andrew helped Mary down the hill while I kept watch behind us as we made our way out of the grove and back through the woods toward Dapplegreen.

We arrived back in Hempstead and walked Mary to Aunt Vehl's house.  Mary thanked all of us for our valor in guiding her out of harm's way and entered the house.   Andrew, Sehky and I were also given something special by her Aunt Vehl for our chivalrous deeds that night.

I did not feel right about accepting any compensation for escorting a distressed lady back home safely, though; that is something I would just do by instinct.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #38 on: June 15, 2010, 10:50:38 pm »
Night's Eye, Spring Rain 3, 1465

Dregar has some very nice streams and lakes throughout its lands.  When I first traveled to that Island with Feawen some time ago, she brought me to Corax Lake, her favorite lake on Dregar.  After she showed me around the lake and the inner island, I looked to her and said.
"This lake would make a nice setting for a picnic someday, wouldn't you agree, my Love?"

Smiling to me, she replied.  "That is lovely idea, my Leaf". We both were excited about returning back to Dregar again for our picnic with Corax Lake as our dining atmosphere.

Our paths and training have kept us apart more than we like, but when we are finally able to return to each other, our bond grows stronger each time we do.  I had not seem my Forest Rose in some time since we left Dregar that day, so I sent Chess off with a letter to deliver to her.  The letter asked for Feawen to meet me in Corax Lake for that picnic we had planned.  Chess returned back, plump and happy, with 'Wen's acceptance to my invitation.

I arrived at Corax Lake sometime mid-morning and the clouds were already forming a thick layer in the sky.  I prayed that it would not rain on that day, I do not mind the rain, but it does not make for a pleasant picnic by the shore.  My eyes caught sight of my Love sitting peacefully, looking out onto the lake.   I made my way down the embankment and quietly walked up and sat down behind 'Wen.  I noticed that she was wearing another exquisite dress.  The dress was white with red flares surrounding the bottom of the garment.   She always loves to dress up for our special times together, which I have come to adore because the garments she selects are very elegant and they make me very special knowing that I have such a lovely woman who feels so much for me in her heart.
She came out of her meditative state and I leaned in from behind her and whispered in her ear.

"Hello beautiful, I hope you have not been waiting long".

She turned around, throwing her arms around my shoulders, hugging tightly and saying

"I am so happy to see you my Love, it has been to long since we were together".

"Yes it has angel, my arms have longed for you," I quietly replied to her.

I think we sat next to the lake for many minutes before our loving embrace parted.  She started telling me of her recent adventures with Daniel and Amgine while I started extracting our picnic fare from my pack.  I threw down my cloak and started laying out various fruits, nuts and berries, along with two good sized fresh bass fillets from the fish that I caught that morning and had already cooked up before I traveled to Dregar.

After our lunch, I told 'Wen that I had written something special for her.  I informed her that I was a little reluctant to present it to her because I had never written a song before.  Well, it started out as a poem and then I found myself humming some melodies as I was halfway through the writing.  The more I wrote down, the more melodies came to me until, eventually, it flowed into the resemblance of song. I told her that I titled it "Heavens Sent".  'Wen was very anxious to hear my song to her and she quickly made me feel confident enough to sing it to her.

I leaned in close to her ear and began to bring forth a soft, soothing Elven melody from my voice, varying the tones to a relaxing, flowing cadence as the lyrics gentle came in a low singing voice:

She is the one, my guiding sun..........
   Always showing the way, helping me never to falter or stray.

She is the guiding sun..........
   What have I done to be sent an angel from the heavens above, this angel that tells me I am her Love..........

She is the guiding sun..........
   She lays in my arms under the stars at night, embracing me till   dawn's morning light.

She is the guiding sun. ..........
   I find my heart content when my angel is near, the thought of her spirit away from me I have come to fear..........

She is the guiding sun. ..........
   The path we follow I desire, our passion burns, I can feel the fire.

She is the guiding sun..........
   I shall fight for my Forest Rose even if I shall have nothing left, and    protect my Beloved until...

My last.......Dying........Breath.................................

After the melodies faded from my lips, she leaned in and kissed me saying,
 "I love you, Shadowleaf; thank you. That was very beautiful, my Love, and I know it came from your heart".

I stood up and offered my Love a hand for her to take and stand.  She took my hand and stood as I asked her, "May I have this dance my angel?" smiling to her as I did. "I would love to dance, my Love".   I pulled her close to me and she laid her head on my shoulder, as I hummed melodies of the song into her ear. We danced slowly in each other's arms, both very content and did not wish to be anywhere else in Layonara at that moment in time.

The rain fell on and off for most of the afternoon, but we did not care, as our times together are always special regardless of the weather.  Even though my angel is strong and her body can deflect arrows and attacks, her immune system is quickly compromised by precipitation, it seems.  My poor Love started sneezing, she told me that she was not feeling too well. As always, 'Wen thinks I worry over her too much and did not want me to go through any trouble, but I just cannot bear the sight of my Love ill, hurt, or even sad.
I felt her forehead and warmth filled my hand. "That's it, I am taking you back to Mistone.  I need to tend to your care until you are better my sweet, and I am not taking no for an answer, either."
She smiled up at me and nodded in acceptance, before sneezing again.  I cleaned up our picnic remains and took 'Wen by the hand and we headed for Prantz for a quick portal back to Mistone.  After arriving back in Ft. Wayfare, I led my beloved to our quiet place in the forest to tend to her care.  She sat down and I got a fire started, then I drew a dry cloak from my pack to drape around her shoulders.
I sat next to her and began to briskly rub her shoulders and arms to send her inner chills away.  My love was completely sapped of all energy and leaned her head on my shoulder saying to me, "Thank you, my Love; I am glad you are with me," and gently kissed my cheek before she curled up in my lap.  I adjusted the cloak so it covered her petite body and brushed her silky hair back from her face so I could watch my Love drift off into a deep restful sleep.  I tended the fire through the night so the campsite would stay warm, which eventually made the chills leave my Love's body.  'Wen's fever climbed slightly during the night, so I poured some cool water from my canteen over a clean cloth, wrung it out and placed it over her forehead.  The damp cloth brought her fever down, and her temperature stayed normal through the night.  I am so glad I remembered that trick my mother used on me when I had a fever when I was a child.

Morning arrived, and 'Wen slept in while I went off and gathered some berries and fresh water for my angel in case she might be hungry or thirsty when she awoke.  I came back to camp with 'Wen sitting up and in a deep state of meditation.  After a few minutes had passed, she came out of her trance like state and said to me
"I was worried when I awoke this morning and I was not in your arms, my Love".

"I went to get you some fruit and other edibles in case you might be hungry",  I replied.

She hugged me saying "I never feel the same unless I am around you, my Leaf. I feel my home is wherever you are, my Beloved".

I warmly replied, "Our home is just being together, my Forest Rose. Though many miles may separate our bodies at times, our hearts are always bound together as one by the love we share". [/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2010, 10:17:17 am »
Dream Dance, Summer End 13, 1465

I purchased a training dummy and installed it in my room a few months back.  I believe my strikes are becoming less telegraphed now, and the enemy cannot follow my sword movements as effortlessly anymore.  I moved one of the storage chests in my room over to clear the area around the dummy and still have just enough room for close archery practice.  I have been practicing on regular basis, and it is starting to show in the field.  The balance of my blades has finally come to me, with both swords attacking in harmony.

Lately, I have been practicing quick switching of my weapons during combat, shifting from bow to blades as fast as possible.  I have learned in battle that if I can get a few arrows into the enemy as it advances my position, I am already at a slight advantage.

My practice routine consists of standing in the far corner of my room facing in the opposite direction of the target with bow in hand. I quickly spin around and fire two shots on target, then fling my bow over my back and unsheathe my blades, trying to rapidly achieve this action in one fluent motion.  I repeat this drill every Dead Eye, and plan to continue on that schedule.
My speed is getting better with the training, but I still think I can squeeze just a few extra shots out with some dedicated practice.[/SIZE][/FONT]

