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Author Topic: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs  (Read 969 times)


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2010, 10:08:36 pm »
Night's Eye, Autumn Dark 17, 1465

I took a rest from training today and Grom and I went fishing in the Ro River.  We made our way through Silkwood and as we approached the river, my eyes noticed something camouflaged underneath some brush nearby.  I walked over to it with Grom in tow.  As I leaned over to examine the mysterious pile of decayed foliage, Grom went to inspect what I was inquisitively looking at and I motioned for him to stay back.  I realized that was lying underneath the foliage was some sort of trap.

I walked around the obscured trap, examining it from all angles.  I carefully pulled the brush off that was camouflaging it, until the trap was fully exposed.   The trap seemed to appear to be old and forgotten.  I grabbed a stick and unknowingly set the trap off with a loud "SNAP"!  Grom jumped back a few steps and looked to me in question.  I motioned to him that all was ok and for him to stand his ground.  I picked up the trap and tucked it into my pack to take a better look at later when I was back at my tree.

Grom and I had a great day fishing as we usually do.  After our shore dinner and bellies full, we headed back for the night.  Once back at my tree and with Grom drifting off to sleep on the ground below me, I began to examine the trap in great detail, covering every angle and working part on the snare trap.  I worked the trigger a few times and began to understand how the trap's trigger mechanism could be set and activated.  The trap was old though, and the hinges were rusty.  I spent the night looking over the trap and learning its working parts the best I could.  

Mid-morning came and I was still up in my tree fiddling with this trap.  There really was not much to the trap, just some carved wood, forged parts, springs and a few wires.  All of those resources could be crafted with some practice and in time I could eventually learn how to craft my own traps. I will begin to gather the supplies needed to start training in how to craft these traps and perhaps other types as well , but first I must get some sleep.  

These traps will not be used for animal harvesting though as that is not a quick and ethical way to harvest an animal... but should be helpful for keeping defense perimeters in check and aiding in ambush sites.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #41 on: September 15, 2010, 12:21:36 pm »
*Leaf re-arranges some equipment and items in one of his storage chests in his room when he finds his lost journal, buried under some other books inside one of the chests.  He pulls it out and blows the dust off of it saying, "There it is...and all this time I thought I had lost it". He sits down and flips to his last entry in the journal, gasping upon viewing the date.  He clears a space on the floor next to his storage chest and sits down to scribe some of his thoughts about the years past.

Dead Eye, Summer Home 4, 1468

I am not sure even where to start, as my last entry was over three years ago....
Well, for starters, my arrow craftsmanship has excelled these past few years and I have mastered the grain of the oak hardwood.  My arrows are much more durable then before, and can withstand penetrating the thick skins of the Giants and Trolls that roam these lands.

I have been learning the basics of Alchemy and have been making Fire and Acid flasks on a regular basis and storing them for future use.  I have actually used a few of the flasks to create minor traps. Trap crafting has been a real challenge as there are many components and materials used to create them.  These traps have helped with set ambush points and using them to slow down the enemies advancement through geographical funnel points.  I shall continue trying new materials and components and work at creating different types of traps in the future to aid myself and my friends on our adventures.

I have met so many new people over these past years and have been enjoying their company also.  You can gain some good knowledge by just listening to others and how they view the world through their own eyes.  Some things are good...some things are bad, I just choose which I see as good and walk that path.  My skills as an archer are becoming known, and I have been receiving invitations to join friends on their adventures more often lately. Although my friends know that I would help them if they ever needed it without having to be compensated, I am always included in the take on any treasure or coins that the group had gathered.

My Beloved and I have been able to see each other from time to time to share a meal, have some quiet moments together or just take a long walk together holding hands through the forests.  I never feel quite the same unless Feawen is within my eyesight.  She and I both lead very busy lives and are always constantly on the go but we always make time to come back to each other for a long visit and catch up on each other's lives.  I have thought about this for over a year now and think I finally have the confidence built up inside me.  I am about to send Chess off to find my Forest Rose and invite her back to Mistone, saying that I have something very important to discuss with her and request her presence when she is available.

There is also something else that has been on my mind for many years now and I just cannot seem to control it anymore.  I still have no idea which Island I sailed from to Mistone.  I regret staying below deck for most of the trip now, if only I would just read the name on the ship after we docked and I walked onto the docks in Hempstead, I would have some clue to start with...but alas, I have nothing to go on.  I did overhear some talks from the sailor elves as I was below deck, but did not pay much attention to them and just huddled up near a crate most of the time in a state of shock.

Feawen gave me a terrific idea one day.  She said that I should start at the same location where I started my new life as I left the ship that day.  'Wen told me that I cannot force the issue as that will just my mind into turmoil, but I should just keep my ears open and hope that someday something will turn up.  I appreciated her wise thoughts and thanked her with a soft kiss in the process.

Ok, I need to keep my journal in my pack so it will not get lost again.[/FONT][/SIZE]

*Leaf scribes a letter to Feawen and rolls it sealing it with some wax from a candle.  He departs Ft. Llast and finds Chess and ties the note to him saying, "Make sure you deliver this Chess, it is a very important letter to Feawen".


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #42 on: September 28, 2010, 11:22:46 am »
Bright Eye, Summer End 23, 1468

*Feawen returns to Mistone and meets up with Leaf under their favorite tree in Dapplegreen.  They sit down next to each other with Leaf looking into his beloved's eyes and begins to tell her of his feelings*

"I am joyful that you have returned my Love, as my note indicated, I have something very important to discuss with you"
*Feawen looks to Leaf with a slightly worried look on her face*

" Feawen, you and I have been together for a many years now.  We have laughed together, cried together and shared our most tender moments with one another.  Our relationship is one of distance and we do not always have the opportunities to be with each other as often as we like, but the strength of our bond keeps us together.  I have given many long nights thought over something that has been going through my mind as of late.  I have decided that I should have a wife and family someday.  I want someone to be the mother to my children and be my side through the good times and bad.  I have found that certain lady my Love, and she just so happens to be close by, would you like to see her?"

*Feawen starts to look slightly angry and sad, and stands saying to Leaf* "I am not sure I want to see this women" and placed her hands on her hips with a hurtful look in her eyes.  Leaf takes her hand and has her sit back down next to him and says to her*

"Yes, this lady is even close by.  So, would you like to see her?"
*Feawen's lips start to just quiver and she musters a sad voice that said "I guess so....".  

*Leaf reaches behind him and pulls a small mirror from his pack and places it in her hands.  Feawen looks into the mirror almost in tears and wonders what does this mean.  Leaf says to her "There she is, the lady I wish to be my wife and the mother of my children someday".  Leaf then takes her hand and offically askes her*

"Will you marry me Feawen Silimaure?"
*Feawen throws her arms around Leaf and breaks down crying for a few seconds, then looks back up to him and says*

"I would be honored to become Mrs. Shadowleaf A'nadivian my Love".

*Leaf smiles brightly to her and they both lean in for a long passionate kiss.  After the kiss, they both decide to go and let their friends know of the great news!*[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #43 on: September 28, 2010, 12:12:22 pm »
Dream Dance , Spring Dawning  26, 1469

*After a long and joyful wedding day celebrating with their friends into the evening, Leaf leads his wife to a secluded spot deep within a forest.  When they arrive, Feawen notices a mutli-layered bed of soft fern leaves that is encircled by long stemmed red roses. As the night moons drift across the sky, Leaf wakes and sits up quietly staring at his beloved sleeping contently next to him.  He gently moves her hair away from her face so he can see her better, before pulling out his journal and beginning to scribe down the day's events*

Today I became the happiest Elf in Layonara.  I was wed to my Forest Rose, Feawen Silimaure, who has now become Feawen A'nadivian. *smiles brightly after scribing that*
We both did not want a huge and elaborate ceremony that the humans include when one of their kin gets married, but rather we just wanted a quaint gathering of our close friends to share our special day with us.  Feawen had picked the area for us to be wed shortly after I proposed to her in Dapplegreen.
We sailed from Hempstead with Feawen leading me to Folian's Temple in the Forest of the Fog on Dregar. I have never been to Longstrider's Temple before, and upon arriving, I instantly knew that was the place that Feawen chose as the location for us to be wed.  I informed her that time that I loved her choice to have the ceremony there in those tranquil surroundings which created a pleasant atmosphere for our wedding and out guests.  We walked around the temple a few times and we both decided exactly where we would stand to say our vows.  Once we had all of our ideas written down, we left Dregar and sailed back to Mistone to start the preparations for our wedding.

Feawen and I both asked the High Protector, Daniel Benjamin Poetr, to preside over the ceremony, not just because he is a noble clergyman, but also a dear friend to Feawen and I.  Daniel was very pleased that we had asked him to perform the ceremony and was happy to do it for us.  Feawen sketched out some announcements in her delicate calligraphy, and I traveled around most of Mistone, tacking up the announcements to various city and town public boards, hoping our friends that we have not seen in some time would spot them.  We thought we started planning early enough, but the time quickly caught up to us.  It was only a few days ago that Miss Elly was helping me rearrange some furniture and set up tables and chairs in her house so we could have a small reception there afterwards.  I had been hunting and fishing many of the days prior to the ceremony. We had plenty of fresh fish and steaks for our friends.  A good friend, Alazira, was nice enough to offer us some of her own wine from her wine cellar in her house to use at the reception as her gift to Feawen and I.
I went and had a tailor custom fit me for my wedding day suit that I purchased.  That poor man, I must have had him change the inseam twenty or so times before I felt it was the right fit.  After all, this was going to be my one and only wedding..I wanted everything to be perfect.  A few weeks ago I had asked Sehky if he would stand with me and be there for support.  Sehky was delighted that I asked him and  he was quick to see if there was anything else he could do for Feawen and I.

I made my way to Folian's Temple early today to double check everything and so I could rehearse my vows to my Love a couple more times before I say them to her face to face. I found a quiet place close by and went over my vows making sure I pronounced the words properly and fluently.  I arrived back to the Temple to see the High Protector extracting his book and some ceremonial cloths from his pack near where Feawen and I would stand and be wed.  I turned around and noticed Valancia motioning to me that Feawen was ready to enter.  Daniel looked to me and said "Its time Leaf".

I turned to look back and my eyes were met with a vision of loveliness.  Val walked right behind Feawen not letting her gown drag on the ground.  Feawens eyes locked onto mine as I quickly greeted her with a warming smile.  My heart started pounding through my suit so loud I thought everyone was hearing it at the time.  I quickly glanced outward to see Andrew start playing a soft elegant timely melody as Feawen came closer to me and the Protector.  She walked to me and stood by my side.  Val quickly arranged Feawen's long dress neatly off to the side before the ceremony commenced.  We looked to each other and it was almost as if the world had stopped and there was no one else around for a few seconds but her and I.  Then the Protector cleared his throat and said that the ceremony was about to begin and spoke of why Feawen and I have come together on this day to become one.  He looked to me and said that it was custom for the man to give his vows first.  I gently took both of Feawen's hands with mine and brought them up in front of me to indicate that two halves are becoming one entity. I took a deep cleansing breath and recited my vows to my Love........

From the moment my eyes first saw you that day in the Moors, without having even met you, I knew that you would become a special part of my life.  It has been 10 years since that day and here we are my Love, standing before friends as our hearts become one.  

Feawen Silimaure, I have and always will love you like no other. You are my inspiration, my guiding light and my heaven sent angel.  Since you entered my life, I have come to know and understand the meaning of true love, when you care for your companion more than you do for your own self.

When we are together, we show our love, share our thoughts, ideas, secrets, and we have deep compassion for one another. I vow to keep these things always present in our lives and to keep communications between us ongoing at all times.  There is nothing that I wish not to share with you my Love.

When we are apart, we both know deep down inside that the other one is always with us in spirit. I have come to realize that you and I were destined to come together for a reason.  I have come to understand this as us being each other's soul mate.  I vow to always cherish you and our internal bond together till the day comes when I will take my last breath in this world.

It has become my natural instinct to watch over and protect you from harm's way 'Wen.  This is something I feel very strong about my Love, the sight of you ill, hurt or even sick makes my body feel the same effects.

I am glad that you have trained your body well enough to take care of yourself when I am not with you, but know this, I will always watch over and protect my Forest Rose, even if it means that I shall have to sacrifice my own life to save yours.

There has never been another lady who makes me feel so special on the inside as well as the outside.  Since you became a part of my life 'Wen, I have never had other feelings for another lady, like the feelings I have for you. I vow to never abandon you or have other special relations with another woman. Not just because it is the considerate thing to do, but just because I have no desire to be with anyone else, I have you, and you are everything in a lady I ever dreamed for.

My most beautiful Feawen, I stand before you here today still sometimes wondering what have I done to be so blessed to have you in my life.  My mother always said to me when I was a young Elf,  "Good things come to those who wait my little Leaf".  

10 years ago my wait ended as our hearts came together and now they become unified by the powers granted in the High Protector.  Looking into the future, I see us growing together with love, honesty, empathy,  and the gods willing, a family of our own someday.
I pulled her hands up to me and kissed them gently as I had finished my vows.
My beloved was flowing with tears of joy after my vows reached her ears.  She gathered herself and with a sincere look to me recited her vows.

My Love, My Windblown Leaf, My Midnight Dream. You came to me a apart of our destiny blown to me by winds of fate neither of us expected. You came to me to make me whole again. I think of our endless possibilities when I gaze into your eyes.

I think of the love of a creator placing the finishing touches on a amazing work of art, and you are that final touch who I treasure each moment with and cherish endlessly. Each moment you show me more and give me insight to a world I never knew before.

Today before our friends, I promise you that I will always love you. That I will always remain faithful and true to you. That I will always support you, that I will tend you when you are sick or just because I know you enjoy it so much.

I will always be patient and understanding. I will always be here for you and love you with a resolve that will never waver. I promise to be here to kiss away each tear.

I promise that you My Windblown Leaf, to always be true and share with you all of my fears, all of my dreams and to listen always and support you in everything we do. I promise as long as you will have Me ShadowLeaf A'nadivian!

My heart was taken by the strong and thoughtful sayings Feawen had spoken about me.  I wanted to kiss her deeply right then and there, but I controlled myself and let the ceremony continue.  We lowered our heads as Daniel blessed us and our unification. Daniel's prayers and blessings were warmly felt by both 'Wen and I.  Daniel said that we may now kiss and seal this marriage with love and trust.  Our kiss seemed to launch dancing lights around us with our friends standing and clapping as the High Protector presented us to the congregation, Mr. and Mrs. A'nadivian.

Our friends all came up and congratulated us and offered their best to us as we begin our eternal bond together.  Andrew started playing a soft waltz in the background.  I gently took my wife's hand and led her to the dance area.  Andrew looked at me and as if we were almost in unison, his bow cascaded across the strings to bring forth a vibrant and bounding melody off his violin, I led my love around the dance floor twisting and turning her around as we briskly moved over the ground.  Friends started clapping along with Andrew's song, happiness was all around.  I even saw Sehky and Val dancing a few times together.

We danced to many of Andrew's songs tonight and neither Feawen nor I wanted the night to end, but we both were getting very tired from a long day.  We went and hugged and thanked all of our friends for attending our special day before they headed back to their own homes. After everyone left, I led her to this spot.

Now, here I am...Shadowleaf A'nadivian.  *looks down to Feawen and pulls the cloak blanket up on her shoulders as she pleasantly dreams by his side*
The happiest Elf in Layonara.[/FONT]

*closes his journal and snuggles up next to his wife for the remainder of the night*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #44 on: September 29, 2010, 11:42:38 am »
*Leaf arrives at the docks in Leringard after an extensive hunting trip in the White Horn Forest north of the Unicorn River.  He boards a ship set to sail for Port Hempstead.  As the ship departs the harbor, he heads for the bow and sits down on some coiled ropes on deck and extracts his journal from his pack and starts to scribe*
World Tree, Summer Home 7, 1470

I am exhausted and thankful I will have some time to sleep on this lengthy voyage after I finish scribing this entry.  That was a grueling hunt and the journey to Leringard was long and eventful I must say.   I was just about to leave the White Horn Forest when I was attacked by giant spiders and a fire beetle.  I knew I was outnumbered and needed some help or the outcome of that encounter might not of worked in my favor.  I ran around the corner near a cave entrance and came upon a black bear foraging for some food.  The bear was startled by my sudden appearance but I managed to quickly make him realize I meant him no harm.  The spiders rounded the corner and I unsheathed my blades and prepared for battle.  The bear kept the beetle occupied as spider legs began to be severed from my whirling blades.  The bear took a deep laceration from the beetle and staggered in pain.  I knew I had to end that skirmish fast and help the bear.  The points of my swords found their marks and ended the existence of the insect horde.  I went to the black bear and dressed his wound and made sure the bleeding stopped before I left him to fully recover on his own before vacating the area.

Some of my friends said that marriage changes a person in a way.  I would say that is true statement to a certain extent.  I am finding myself doing things for two elves now instead of just one, but I enjoy being able to take care of my angel.  Feawen and I have been able to spend more time together lately which has been nice, but still....our times away from each other are dismal and hard to bear. I guess that was what my friends meant, you feel hollow when your beloved is not by your side.  I have come to adore the expression on 'Wen's face when I offer her a rose.  She can say many words to me just through the look in her eyes.

I remember a few months back when we were just walking together outside Ft. Wayfare when she pulled her hand from mine and playfully jabbed my side saying "Your It!" and quickly ran off ahead of me.  She is so fast!!  I ran as fast as I could but only got to within a few strides of her, and I am sure she was not even running her best either.  She finally let me catch up to her and tag her back, while smirking and saying to me "O Love...,you caught me again".   The childish games we play with each other keeps us young and spirited.  We have such a great relationship together and we are truly blessed that we can even make the small things in life feel special.
I think it's time for just the two of us to take some time away from training and the rigors of everyday life and travel to some peaceful lands in search for new streams and lakes to fish along with some peace and quiet for a while.  I know Grom will want to accompany us, he has become so protective of Feawen.  *chuckles a bit* I wonder who he gets that from.[/FONT]

*Leaf shuts his journal and heads below deck to find an area to get some sleep*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #45 on: October 06, 2010, 05:53:19 pm »
Bright Eye, Autumn Dark 2, 1470

The other day after our morning meal, Wen' said she wasn't feeling well and had to excuse herself for a few minutes.  She told me that she had been having some stomach pains the last few days and usually when the sun appears on the horizon at day break.  Feawen is not one to complain about minor issues or discomfort, but I was noticing her grimace often and place her hand on her stomach from time to time.  I asked her if she knew what was making her feel this way.   She looked at me with that heavenly smile of hers and denied that anything was wrong and stated that she was just fine.

I could tell that she was just trying to be strong for me and not make me worry as I do, but it was to no avail, I decided to forgo my training and duties for the day and take Wen' to Port Hempstead to have her examined by a healer.   The journey took most of the day to arrive and the sun was just starting to fall in the sky.  I sensed that my Love was becoming a little worried herself by the way she was firmly clenching my hand as we walked through port.  I was not sure if there was anyone available who could examine Feawen at that hour of the day, so we went to the Angels Guild to see if any members were there and who might know of someone local who could help.  The guild hall was silent without a soul around.  We heard the door open behind us, and we turned to greet Daniel Benjamin Poetr who was arriving to the guild to attend to some business matters.

Daniel quickly sensed our anxiety and asked what was troubling us.  I informed the Protector that Feawen had been feeling ill the past few days and we have come to port seeking someone could understand why and how to help her with the ailing morning occurrences.   Daniel asked Wen' to go and sit on the bench so he could examine her vital signs and overall well being.

The Protector placed his hand on her forehead for a few moments before he displayed a slightly puzzled look in his eyes.  I promptly questioned the expression in his eyes and at that point I became very worried.  He reassured me that Feawen's vital signs were strong but that he detected multiple heartbeats.    Feawen and I looked to each other as our smiles began to grow.  I asked Daniel to please confirm what he sensed inside Feawen's body.   He smiled back to us and said that he was certain that he detected two heartbeats and even a faint third heartbeat as well.  Wen' and I were beside ourselves, knowing that we have been blessed with a magnificent "gift" or.. "gifts" according to the Protector.
Feawen was tearing up with joy, and I was so excited that I took two steps back and did a standing back flip right there in the guild, and let out a loud cheer in the process.  I went over and hugged my Forest Rose and savored the moment knowing that we were going to become parents, teachers, play mates and role models in a couple of years.  Daniel put his hands on our shoulders and said that our lives were going to change, but for the better, and we shall experience the meaning of "Love" from a totally different perspective once the children are born.  He sent us off with the Dragon's blessings and said that if there was ever a time that we were worried over Feawen's delicate condition, we could always travel to Wayfare to see him for an examination.  We both hugged and thanked the Protector for his insight, wisdom and friendship. Wen' and I left the guild hall and started our walk back towards home.

Wen' and I talked about many different ideas on our way back home that night.  Through the entire walk we started making some plans for a few things to get ready before the children even arrive.  We are a little frightened for the upcoming responsibilities we will have with the children, but delighted to be able to raise and love our own little ones. We both accept the challenge and know that we will be loving, protective, fun parents as they grow over the years.

There is much to prepare and I must get started accomplishing those tasks immediately, the children will be here before we know it.[/SIZE][/FONT]

*Sitting up against a tree, Leaf finishes writing in his book as he notices Feawen walk over to him and sit down in his lap to discuss possible names for their children*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2010, 08:19:32 pm »
Bright Eye, Summer End 16, 1472

*After many grueling hours in the Toranite temple in Ft. Llast, Leaf leaves his family in the gentle care of the sisters and walks back to his room.  He enters his room and falls into his chair from sheer exhaustion. He finds just enough energy to open his journal and dip the quill into the ink vial sitting on the desk*

This morning I was returning back to my room with a basket full of fresh berries for breakfast. I found Feawen curled up on the floor, whimpering and holding her midsection.  I dropped the basket, quickly ran over to her side and fearfully asked.  "What is wrong, Love?!"  She cried out "O Leaf!  It hurts so much!"

I picked her up and carried her over to the Toranite temple to have one of the healers assess Feawen's condition and our babies growing inside of her.   We were shown to a small room and informed that Minda would be in shortly to see 'Wen.  Feawen laid on the bed still holding her midsection in pain, but she was able to control it with some rhythmic breathing exercises she had recently learned from Elohanna.  Elly has been such a great help to us during the pregnancy and she always made sure that Feawen had plenty of wholesome and healthy foods to eat during her delicate condition.  She is not just my landlady; Elly is a good friend.

Minda entered the room and greeted us.  My nerves felt relaxed as she explained some things that she was doing while examining Feawen.  I noticed Minda's alarmed reaction as she brought her hand and placed it on Feawen's rounded belly.  She excused herself from our room and said that she would be back in a few moments.  I leaned in to Feawen and told her that everything was going to be alright and she need not worry, but I could tell by the fear in her eyes that she was very afraid for our babies, just as I was.
Minda came back in our room with two ladies following in behind her.  She introduced the Aeridinite sisters to Feawen and me.  Lynall and Andrathalia were two very warm young ladies who seemed very concerned with Feawen's condition.  Minda went to 'Wen's bedside and spoke softly to her. "Please listen to me dear. Your babies are not going to wait any longer, they are going to arrive very shortly".

Feawen looked to me with tears building in her eyes after Minda's statement.  Minda sent off Lynall to quickly prepare a birthing room.  I clenched my beloved's hand and knelt down to her side.  She gripped my hand in return and whispered to me "O, my Love...I am so frightened".  My heart started trembling as I was beginning to comprehend exactly what was about to happen.  I didn't truly understand why the babies were coming so soon. We were informed that it would take two years for the children to fully develop inside of Feawen.  It has not been the full two years yet, but Minda confirmed, with another check of Feawen's abdomen, that our babies were indeed on their way.

I am so glad that I took the minute to send word off to Daniel when we were waiting for Minda to arrive.  He arrived just before we were getting ready to move Feawen to the birthing room.  I was very thankful that the Protector was close by Ft. Llast at the time and was able to be present with us in our time of need.  Lynall quickly walked back in and started to gather some extra sheets and blankets before we left the room.  We followed Minda and the two sisters as they led Feawen to a secluded room with a very large bed.
The sisters prepared Feawen and instructed me to get into the bed behind her and support her head and back during the delivery.  Daniel asked Minda where his services would best be utilized.  She informed the Protector that his blessings should only be minimally used, as the children are not strong enough to accept such blessings this early in life and blessings on Feawen should only be used sparingly until after the children have been delivered.
Feawen let out a painful scream and Minda said.."Alright dear, it's time to breathe, relax and focus now,  I want to you to push".  My hand felt a crushing grip as the pain started to increase substantially in my beloved.  After what seemed like an eternity, I watched Minda pull our very minuscule, frail child from 'Wen and out from behind the sheet that was blocking our view.  She quickly handed the boy over to a waiting Daniel.  Daniel looked to me and asked if the boy has a given name yet?  I was overwhelmed at the first sight of my tiny son and informed the Protector that his name is "Orion", but I wondered why Orion's breathing seemed very labored and there was no audible cry in his lungs.  Minda looked to Orion for a split second and then went back to her position in front of Feawen.  Daniel turned his back to us and I overheard him ask Minda very quietly why the boy was not crying.  Minda whispered back to the Protector that the boy was not "whole" in terms of organ development and sadly will not survive.  I was crushed at hearing Minda speak those fateful words about my son.

Another loud scream from Feawen broke the brief silence in the room.  This scream was worse than before and I have never seen my beloved in such pain. It was breaking my heart. I wanted to be able to take some of the agony away that her body was enduring, but I could merely only be there for her with my reassuring words and loving support.  I saw Minda motion for Andrathalia to come by her side.  Feawen was crying and her body started shaking.  I started to rub her lower back in hopes of easing some of her pain, but it did not have much effect.  Minda said that the next child was much larger than the first one and she needed to be strong.  Feawen's screams were growing louder and louder as the next child started to appear.  Then I felt my beloved's body start to become relaxed and the pain had seemed to subside in her.
Feawen's grip on my hand let loose and her body was very still for a few moments.  I was starting to panic and felt my blood race through my body. Then I noticed a slight golden aura to Feawen that I have never noticed before.  I looked up and saw Minda was now standing with her head down and she too had this same golden aura surrounding her then it gradually disappeared.  Minda went down, made some movements with her hands and arms and brought the second child into the world.  I heard Lynall gasp when the child was out far enough to be seen.  I could not see the full view of the child from behind the sheet that was draped over Feawen's legs and kept focused on Feawen at the time.  Lynall's eyes grew wide as Minda handed her the contorted bundled up child.  Lynall quickly went over to the dresser and set the bundle on top of it. Again, there was no crying or even any movement this time, just a disturbing stillness to the child.
I became very worried as Feawen was still not coherent.  I grabbed a small cloth and dabbed her head to keep the perspiration from running into her eyes while Minda tended to Feawen below.  Both Lynall and Andrathalia were huddled over the bundled child on the dresser and speaking in a very low tone to one another.  They turned around and looked to me and asked if this boy had a name.  I managed to get out.. "Hunter".  Daniel held Orion in his arms and paced the room as Minda kept her attention on Feawen.
Fewen's body suddenly jerked and the grip on my hand was strong once again.  She let out loud whimper and then settled back into my chest and was once again aware of her surroundings and what was happening.  I whispered to her that I was very proud of her and that it was almost over. I grabbed a cup of water off the bedside table and offerered 'Wen a sip.  Another contraction came to pass and in Feawen's agony, she knocked the cup of water out of my hand and all the way to the other side of the room.  I calmed her and brushed the hair back from her face as Minda looked at Feawen and said "We are almost done dear, just one more push and it should be all over".

Feawen let out her final scream and the sisters looked to me and smiled as Minda delivered our final child.  This time there was loud crying and the child had good movement.  Daniel yelled out "It's a Girl!!". Minda handed the very tiny baby girl to the sisters.  The sisters quickly wiped her off and swaddled her up in a soft warm blanket.  Minda smiled to Feawen and me and said "Mr. and Mrs. A'nadivian, you have a very beautiful daughter.  Has she been granted a name yet?"  We both answered Minda's question in unison...."Rose"  is how to pronounce her name in common, but she will be referred to in our native language..."Melaa".

Minda handed Melaa over to Feawen and I for bonding.  We both could not believe the little lady who was cooing before our eyes and seemed very content being held by her mother and father.  Her body is very minute and she has the most precious little fingers and toes that we ever had seen. Minda and the Aerindinite sisters remarked over Melaa's natural beauty even for an elf. She has a lot of her mother in her already.
I slid out from behind my beloved to let Mom and daughter have a moment together while I went to talk with Minda.  I asked Minda to step outside the room for a moment so I could speak with her.  The two sisters tended to Feawen and baby Melaa.  I asked Minda about Orion.  She informed me that he was just not developed enough for his body to survive being outside of Feawen's womb and she was very sorry to say that he perished a little while ago in Daniels' arms.  Daniel said that he did go in peace.  My heart shattered and I needed a second to regain my composure.   Then I reluctantly asked about Hunter.  She lowered her voice and informed me that he had many differences in his body structure that were so severe that he did not even survive the birth and was "stillborn" as she put it me.
I was not looking forward to going back into the room to inform Feawen that we lost Orion and...Hunter.  Minda laid a hand on my shoulder and said "Mr. A'nadivian, during the delivery of the second child, Lady Feawen was in an incoherent state and she does not even know there was actually three children birthed.  Your wife needs you now; please go be with her and let us take care of the rest for you .  Dont worry, we will take very good care of them and make all the necessary arrangements".   I indicated a few necessary and heartfelt wishes to Minda about what I would like to have done with Orion and Hunter's burial plots before she left my side.

I walked back into the room to see Feawen resting in a deep meditative state, with Lynall wrapping up Melaa after her first feeding of mother's milk.  Lynall brought Melaa over to me and I kissed her tiny head and whispered to her "Your mommy and daddy are very happy you have arrived and we cannot wait to show you the world. But rest now, little one, eat well and gain strength. I love you Melaa".

Minda walked back into the room and said that Melaa and mom would have to stay at the temple for further observation until little Melaa has gained some strength with weight gain and Feawen has had ample time to fully recover.  I asked her to please watch over my two ladies; they are all I have and I will do anything for them.

I thanked Minda and the two sisters for all that they had done for Feawen and me before they left and tended to matters at hand.  I went and sat down on the bed next to my beloved, who seemed much better now, resting peacefully.  I looked at her lovely face and broke down in tears.  I gently brushed my hand over her cheek and just sat there fighting back the tears for the next for a few minutes before finally saying.  "When you wake, I have some very sad news to share with you.  Rest now, my Love."[/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #47 on: November 09, 2010, 05:28:33 am »
Dead Eye, Summer Home 4, 1473

It has almost been a full year since Melaa was born.  Both of my ladies were released from the Temple after two months had passed since the birth of our little Love.  During their recovery period, I went and purchased some furniture that would make my room more of a "home" for my family instead of just a storage room.  I asked Elly if would be alright if I had a bathtub and a large bed brought up to my room.  She did not hesitate in letting me do so and she even offered us some of her own children's baby clothing that she had saved over the years instead of us having to go and purchase new clothes for Melaa.  Melaa is still very petite and she does not yet fit into most of her clothes, but she is gaining weight with each passing month and keeping Feawen occupied with her extended feedings.

Melaa has been such a blessing that has come into our lives I cannot even convey our feelings on this parchment.  She makes Feawen and me admire her determination in wanting to do something if she really puts her mind to it.  The other day while Feawen was out for a walk, I told Melaa that she had to wait until daddy could get the toy off the shelf for her.  As I went back to mounting some new feathers on some arrows, my ears overheard the stool being pushed over to the desk. When I turned around Melaa had climbed onto that stool and started climbing onto the desk to try to get the toy on the shelf above.  I quickly ran over and grabbed her before she had lost her balance and came tumbling down to the floor.  She loves to climb the furniture and we have to watch her constantly these days.  A few weeks ago, Elly was watching Melaa for us so Feawen and I could go and collect some food and purchase some much needed supplies.  When we returned back home, Elly had a smirk on her face and said to us, "You have quite the energetic and dexterous little lady. I only turned my back for a second and she had already scaled halfway up one of my food shelves."

Melaa is just starting to understand the basic composition of our language.  Feawen and I try to exclusively use our native language around Melaa so in her early years she will understand the many different pronunciations that are a part of the elven tongue. She will also be taught common, as it is needed in today's society for business and commerce.  As she blossoms, if she shows that her intellect can handle additional languages, then even greater.  She is starting to speak elven well enough for us to be able to understand her current needs and her pronunciation is not bad.

I think it is time I finish this entry and take my ladies for a stroll along the Zainge. There is a pleasant breeze today and the fresh air will do us some good. This will be good opportunity for another nature lesson for Melaa as well.

*Feawen grabs both of their canteens as Leaf picks up Melaa and carries her in one arm as they head down the stairs and out the door for their walk* [/FONT][/SIZE]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #48 on: November 17, 2010, 05:39:54 pm »
Bright Eye, Summer End 16, 1473

*Leaf watches Feawen giving Melaa a bath before bedtime as they relax after a festive day with family and friends*
Today was Melaa's first birthday. My beloved is getting our little angel ready for bed and for her daddy to read her a story.
I had asked Elly if we could have a small celebration at the house for Melaa's first year of childhood.  She told me that she would love to make dinner for us and she would also bake Melaa's favorite pie....blueberry.  Melaa loves blueberries and we would have to give credit to Elly for that...whenever Melaa knows that "Gammie Elly" will be watching her for the day, she knows that Elly will take her blueberry picking.  Its Melaa and Elly's special thing they do together and Melaa loves spending time with Elly.

I mentioned to Elly that I would also like to invite a few friends of ours to join us in the celebration.  I invited Andrew, which of course Elly was happy to hear, as well as Sehky and his new companion...Breanna.  I wanted to invite the Protector, but I had recently learned that he is away tending to important matters on Dregar.  Elly said that for that number of guests, we should have a large roast, baked assorted root vegetables, fresh bread and mixed juices for dinner.  I awoke before dawn's light and headed out into the dark forest.  I was back at the house before midday with a deer that I had harvested early this morning.  After a short rest, I was moving some furniture around in the living room while Feawen, Melaa and Elly were busy in the kitchen talking and preparing the feast.

Andrew arrived and was greeted at the door by Elly with a heartfelt hug.  She led him into the living room.  Andrew noticed Feawen and Melaa sitting on the floor playing with some toys.  Melaa was a little intimidated by Andrew's towering height.  Melaa climbed into Feawen's lap, not understanding who this tall man was.  Melaa looked up to Andrew and watched him lower himself down to her eye level and smile warmly to her.  Feawen told Melaa that Andrew is a friend and that humans are much larger than us but she need not fear him.  Andrew then reached into his red coat and pulled out a small wooden object and said to Melaa "I understand that today is your birthday little one.  I would like to give this to you as a gift" .  He offered Melaa a carved hickory slide whistle.  Melaa was a little apprehensive to take it at first, but after she heard mommy say that it is ok to take it, she did.  Andrew showed her how to work the slide and how to make sounds from it.  Melaa worked the slide and liked the sounds it produced.

There was a knock at the door.  Sehky and Breanna had arrived and I led them into the living room for some refreshments before dinner was served.  Introductions were made and everyone was socializing and admiring little Melaa playing with her toys. We sat around the living room conversing as Elly and Feawen finished preparing our meal in the kitchen. I informed our friends of the frightening and heartbreaking events that happened a year ago on this day at the Temple.  After hearing what we went through, especially 'Wen, they tenderly offered their sincere condolences for our loss.

When a mouth watering aroma flowed out from the kitchen, we knew that dinner was ready.  The table was set and the banquet was presented.  The roast was cooked to perfection, the vegetables well seasoned and the bread fresh and hot out of the oven.  I let 'Wen eat first while I helped Melaa with her dinner.  Melaa is starting to like whole foods more and more, but she still likes her partial feedings from mom.  Feawen and I both agree to have Melaa consume mother's milk for as long as she is inclined to latch on.  We have been informed by many others that there is no other food that can match the nutritional value of mother's milk, and we want what's best for our little Love.
Once everyone was finished with dinner, I cleared the table and did a few dishes as our friends headed back into the living room for pie and Melaa's gifts. Melaa sat in Feawen's lap while I went and brought out a few wrapped packages and set them on the floor near 'Wen and Melaa.  Melaa climbed down out of 'Wen's lap and toddled over to her gifts.  I told her that the gift on top was from Gammie Elly.  Melaa ripped the wrapping from the gift and held up many colorful, petite baby girl outfits.  Elly said that she noticed that Melaa would be needing some new clothes soon and she custom made the garments to fit Melaa's tiny frame.  The next package was from Sehky and Breanna.  A long oddly shaped package that was thin on the bottom and bulky on top.  Melaa tore the wrapping off and held out a hobby horse.  She loved the toy and I went and showed her how to play "horsey" with it.  Everyone starting chuckling at my display on the hobby horse, but Melaa's laughter was well worth my slight embarrassment.  The next gift was from 'Wen.  It was a leather bound book that Melaa can use to savor tokens of remembrance as she blossoms into a fine elven woman over the years.  On the first page, Feawen placed a freshly picked pressed red rose, symbolizing the simple things in life we should cherish.  The last gift was from me.  For the past few months I have been hand carving small wooden animals for Melaa's present.  She opened the gift and pulled out individual carvings of a Deer, Bear, Squirrel, Rabbit, Boar and a Falcon.  Melaa loved the animal toys and they will also be good objects for her to learn from as well as play with.   I will continue to carve additional animals for her so she learn all the animals that inhabit the world and have fun while doing it.

After we had pie and tea, Andrew asked if he might play a children's song on "Bella", his violin, for Melaa.  I was hoping that Andrew would play for Melaa, as I know she likes to hear sounds of music and Andrew's are some of the best around.  Andrew got up from the couch next to Elly and walked to the center of the room, gave a warm smile down to Melaa in front of him and brought Bella up to his chin and began to play for her.

Little girl, little girl, where's your cat today?
My cat is out a' mousin' and so she's gone away

Little girl, little girl, where's your goat today?
My goat has gone a' grazing, in the barnyard hay

Little girl, little girl, where's your cow today?
My cow is home a' milkin' for our curds and whey
Little girl, little girl, where's your hen today?
My hen is gone a' layin' making eggs for our buffet

Little girl, little girl, where's your pa today?
My pa is gone a' fishin' catching dinner in the bay

Little girl, little girl, where's your ma today?
Ma is gone a' gardenin' picking flowers for a bouquet

Little girl, little girl, where are you today?
I'm gone a' singin' waiting for someone to play

Half way through Andrew's song, Melaa stood and started clapping her hands and moving her body back and forth to the sounds coming from Bella and Andrew's voice.  Feawen looked to me and smiled proudly.  Breanna got up from her seat next to Sehky and went and held Melaa's hands and danced with her.  The expression on Melaa's face was priceless and 'Wen and I were very touched as we watched our baby girl trying to keep her balance while dancing with Breanna.  Andrew played a few songs till darkness started to develop outdoors.
Feawen and I were cleaning up, when Elly said she had an announcement to make.  She informed us that her and Andrew were going into business together on Alindor and she would have to put the house up for sale soon.  We learned that they have purchased a large vacant Inn in Mariner's Hold.  Andrew will be the keeper and Elly will be in charge of the kitchen and be the head chef at the "Silver Buckle", the name they have chosen for their new establishment.  As much as it pains us to see Elly leave Ft. Llast, we know it is what she desires and it will be a good investment for her. We certainly wish her and Andrew the best, even though Melaa will miss not seeing Elly every day.  After her announcement, Sehky inquisitively asked her what price the house would go for on the market.  Elly told him that she has not put a set price on the house yet, but if he is interested they can discuss details when she does come to a price.

Once everyone left, we asked Elly to watch Melaa for us so 'Wen and me could go visit the boy's burial sites and place some flowers on their graves.  It is still very hard even today, Feawen broke down into tears and fell to her knees, sobbing at the graves.  I tried to be strong for my wife but the sadness is still with me each and every day.  We walked back to the house firmly holding each other's hand, very thankful that we have been blessed with Melaa.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #49 on: January 12, 2011, 02:48:36 pm »
Dream Dance, Summer Rain 12, 1476

*After a long day of packing and moving boxes into storage, Leaf and family finally settle in for the night.  Feawen rocks with Melaa in her lap as Leaf sits across from them in his chair.  With an anticipated quiet evening ahead of them, he takes the time to update his neglected memoirs*

It has been a very hectic last 3 years.....
Melaa keeps Feawen and I moving from sun up to sun down most days.  She use to stay close by our legs and remained shy until just about this time last year.  Then one day she seemed to blossom into a vibrant, speedy little girl.  Melaa has always loved to climb just about anything she possibly could since she could walk.  The other day I caught her trying to scramble up a tree without the usual safety rope we have when we practice climbing.  She is becoming fearless of heights these days, which makes Feawen and I toss and turn with worry at night just thinking about it.  Her eyes are as sharp as a Falcon's as well.  She can spot movement from good distances and I can't even get much past Melaa's eyesight, which has led to Da' sharing many evening snacks with her lately.
Her archery lessons are coming along very well. Her current lesson is learning to steady the bow out in front of her for a count of 15 seconds.  She keeps asking me "When shoot Da'..,when shoot?".  I feel once she has learned the proper stance, poise and posture holding the curved stick, then I will attach the silk string to her bow and teach her how they both interact together as one weapon.
Feawen is teaching Melaa our language as well as Common.  Feawen has this way with Melaa and other children as well that is hard to describe.  Children seem to approach 'Wen without hesitation or fear.  I believe they can sense her inner goodness and they are drawn to it like a newborn baby deer is to its mother.  Melaa likes to know where Mom is at all times and often goes and looks for her in other rooms when she has left the room for any length period of time.
When I watch mother and daughter together I become overwhelmed with joy as I look upon the two lovely ladies that have become my life.  Melaa is a very happy young elf who loves to dance, play and learn.  She loves to go downstairs and play the piano too...or at least attempt to play it.  Melaa will be upset when the movers of Elly's come to collect the large musical piece and transport it to Alindor and eventually, the Silver Buckle.  If in a few years Melaa still continues to show signs of interest in the piano, I might hire Andrew to give her some lessons.  I remember when Andrew gave Melaa her first instrument, a slide whistle for her very first birthday.  She still plays that instrument today and even though she has had no formal training with its use, her sound output is not bad.., well, most of the time.  I think she will like "Mr. Andrew" teaching her a musical instrument, this time the large piece with many thin white colored planks of wood that she loves to push with her fingers.

This past year, my time has been mostly spent in Krandor, at the hospital.  The K.A.R.T upkeep has been quite demanding, especially with the aid for Hlint.  I pray to Longstrider that a cure for the contagion plaguing Hlint will cease and exist and the serpents of the sky will be driven off, never to return.
When Moraken's Tower first came under attack from the Green Dragon Cult, some thought it was just an isolated attack.  Then when a group of travelers and merchants were attacked by the Cult forces traveling the main highway between Karst and Krandor, the towns folk of Karst, Krandor and even as far inland as Ft. Llast and beyond began to worry gravely for their own safety and of their homes and lands.  I feared for my family's safety after that event.   It was described as a vicious attack from a blue and silver dragon that descended down on the travelers, then many Myr'Drachs followed, shredding the few remaining survivors after the brutal first attack from the mighty dragon.  One of the few survivors from that attack claims that from his hidden location in the trees, he witnessed the Cult force consume all the dead bodies on the ground before they took flight once again.  It has been almost two years since the first attack from the Cult and yet we still wonder if or when the next attack will be and where.

I am so glad that Feawen and I took the time to mark out hidden trails leading to various secluded rendezvous points deep in the forests for her and Melaa to meet me in case of an emergency.  'Wen keeps Melaa close by her side these days in case they should suddenly have to leave Ft. Llast at a moment's notice.
Many brave friends have stepped forth and offered their aid to help miss Elly and the Aeridinite Sisters of Rebirth in any way they could from outside Hlint's gates.  I recently traveled with Andrew to the outskirts of Black Castle to locate a certain box that was supposed to of arrived in Hlint on a resupply caravan.  The contents within contained something that sister Moonriver said might lend some comfort and healing to those quarantined inside.  We did manage to locate the box and deliver it to sister Moonriver.  Elly talked with Andrew and I threw the gates that night after we returned with the box. Elly is maintaining, but from the tone in her voice I could sense that the long hours were starting to take its toll on her body. She is devoted to helping those in need and hopefully to bring Hlint's suffering to an end.  She said that all the sisters are exhausted, but stand proud and continue tending to the suffering.  I left Hlint that night hoping that maybe whatever was in that box would lead an answer to perhaps finding a cure.
Elly went to Hlint sometime ago to join her Sisters of the Rebirth and bring healing to those in need.  When I first traveled to Hlint with K.A.R.T. after the first reports of the attacks on Moraken's Tower, my eyes were devastated by the carnage that the Cult force could unleash on such well seasoned warriors.  Soldiers twice my size lay on the ground almost severed in half while others lay screaming with severely burned appendages.  Even the poor children were not spared in the least.   I wept inside from the sight my eyes saw that day.  I continued guiding the team up the road passing by all the wounded, burned and recently deceased to reach the drop off point just outside the gate.  The smell of death permeated the air. I regained my composure and got to work handing out the jugs of fresh water, clean bandages, food rations and the other supplies.
The Queen of Trelania declared Hlint in a state of emergency and quarantined the entire town within it pallaside surroundings after the first attacks.  The Fifth Queens Guard regiment have been stationed outside the town's gates and are ordered to use deadly force on anyone trying to enter or exit without permission.  I fear that if they don't find a cure for the contagion soon, this epidemic could spread outward and contaminate surrounding lands, and If the Dragon Cult cannot be stopped, what will be the fate of Mistone, or all the lands of Layonara even...

When I was last in Krandor checking on available K.A.R.T supplies, I noticed miss Galathea explaining in great detail on how she wanted a certain archway to look to a few workman.  I walked down to her and the hired dwarven masons where I was greeted with a smile from her.  Galathea said that she wanted to speak with me briefly in the guild hall.   We went there and sat in the lounge area of the guild.  She began to speak of the last hospital board meeting and what was discussed.  Galathea has come under a calling from the Deep Mother and must relinquish her duties to the Krandor hospital and needed someone else to take over the duties and keep things moving forward in research.  My name was mentioned by the board members as a potential head master candidate should I choose to take on such a responsibility.  The head master is one who would preserve the Oath and keep the hospital growing in advancement in cures for Illness, diseases and poison research. To lead the stewards and staff so they can offer healing and care to those in need.  To build the hospital within and offer a hands on learning environment for our youth to learn from master healers, surgeons and physicians so that one day they can take over and provide care for those in need as well.
As I sat there and listened to Galathea explain the details, I started thinking of Melaa growing up inside the hospital and the learning environment that would surround her.  By the time Galathea was finished with her offer to me, my decision had already been made.   I felt a keenness build inside me when I stood up from that chair.  A new found passion that I knew I must fulfill and continue from that day forward.  Also, I could not afford to not give Melaa this chance to learn and mature from so many intelligent teachers.  Feawen literally jumped into my arms when I got home that night and told her the good news, then Melaa came running in for her usual hug and kiss from Da', wanting to know why mommy was very happy.

As the family sat down to dinner that night, I informed them of all the details about the meeting I had with miss Gala and the great offer and responsibility that I have accepted.  Melaa doesn't really understand it totally yet, other then she knows that Mommy, Da' and she are soon moving to a place called..."Crayondore" as she makes it sound sometimes.  Melaa is excited but seemingly sad that she is leaving her home that she has known since birth.  There is still a great amount of paper work to be completed, orientation protocols to learn and other incidental tasks that will need to happen before I will take over the administration duties of the hospital and the family moves to Krandor.

Feawen has been my driving force with this endeavor ever since I informed her of it.  *He looks over to Feawen and Melaa asleep in the rocking chair* I was having second thoughts and lack of doubt about taking on such a large responsibility like running a hospital, but my beloved was right by my side with her gentle reassuring touch and words of wisdom to give me the confidence that I needed to cancel any doubt of the challenges that lie ahead in the future.  I do not know what my life would be like without my Forest Rose.
I have another busy day ahead of me tomorrow and I need to end this entry and get my ladies tucked warmly into bed for the night...[/FONT][/SIZE]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #50 on: March 07, 2011, 12:57:05 pm »
Bright Eye, Summer End 23, 1478

*Shadowleaf stands in the "quiet room" at the house in Krandor and unpacks a box of books.  He finds his journal at the bottom of the box and sits down on the floor to scribe some thoughts and to take a break from moving boxes and furniture all day.  Leaf knows that Feawen is busy in the back room clearing out some storage crates and preparing our new pantry with little Melaa right by her side, helping mom with her rearrangement of the kitchen area.  He opens his journal, flips to the next clean page and scribes down a few thoughts*

The many long trips from Ft. Llast are almost finished now, might be able to get the last of our stuff in more trip.  The final paper work came through from the hospital's board of directors and I am now the official head master of the Krandor Hospital.  Even though my recent nights have been long behind a desk cluttered with piles of paper work, I feel a sense of gratitude each day I walk the streets of Krandor, knowing that I was given an opportunity from Miss Gala to continue a much needed service, not just to the town of Krandor, but to all who are in need of such services the hospital can offer and provide.
I learned from my father a long time ago, that on the battlefield, field medics are just as valuable as a towering front line soldier. I know that many field medics have perished in the war across the lands as well.  Those vital pieces on the battlefield will need to replenished as soon as possible.  I am thinking that perhaps the hospital could become a modified learning institution for individuals that are willing to become a fully trained and qualified field medic bearing the seal of the Krandor Hospital. They could be called to aid the allied forces on the battlefront and replace those units that are in need of additional medics.  I will propose that idea at the next Stewards meeting.
I will have to check my upcoming meeting schedule and make the time to schedule a sit down meeting with the stewards of the hospital and see what they think would be best plans of actions for the future endeavors of the hospital and the research foundation.  I am so lucky that I became head master of the hospital at a time with a division of stewards that are not only very beneficial to the Hospital and what it stands for, but they are also a team of key advisors to the future growth and prosperity of the hospital.  I will enjoy working with them side by side as my colleagues. After all that is currently going on in the world, I am not sure who has made it through and survived the outbreak of war and still alive today.  I need to send word to all the Stewards and inform them that an Stewards meeting will be scheduled for them to attend.  Hopefully all the birds I send out with info will reach their targets alive and well.

The family loves the new house and they are both adjusting well.  Melaa has a large room now with ample space to grow and is excited about the freedom of the house and the running areas that it provides.  The indoor Archery range that I have set up has intrigued Melaa, and she keeps asking me to attach the string to her bow, but I think another year of learning the proper stance and follow though will make her a stronger and more precise archer in the future...

*Leaf then hears a knock at the front door.  He gets up and goes to see who it could be.  Upon opening the door, he looks to down to a little girl standing on the doorstep and she looks up to him saying*

"Hello name is Nikki and I live just over there a ways and I was wondering if that little girl that I have seen around lately lives here?.  If so, could she perhaps come out and play with me?"

*Leaf is taken by the child's good manners and replies to her with a gentle voice*

"Why Hello Nikki, I am Mr. A'nadivian, that little girl you have seen is my daughter, Melaa. Hold her one second, I will see if she is still in the back helping her mother."

*Leaf turns around and calls out toward the back of the house*
"Melaa, you have a visitor, come her Love..."

*After a few seconds a little 6 year old elven girl appears skipping from the back with mom in tow and begins to talk to the girl*

"Hiya..I've seen you running around town, Im Melaa and these are my parents"

*Melaa motions to Leaf and Feawen standing behind her and then returns back to ask her new friend a question*

"Wanna go climb that big Willow Tree out front with me?"

*Nikki replies that she thinks that sounds like fun idea!*

*Melaa turns to her parents and asks them if it is ok for her to go outside for a while and play with Nikki*

*Leaf and Feawen look to each other with a slight concern having just moved to a new town, but they know that their little angel needs to have some fun and find some new friends in Krandor.  Leaf kneels down to both the little girl's heights and instructs them to stay in the front area of the house so he can keep an eye on them and don't wonder off. He finishes with telling the girls to have fun and to be careful while climbing that tree*

*They both watch Melaa as she runs out the house, giggling along with her new friend.  Leaf and Feawen are very happy that Melaa has found a new friend in Krandor and the both of them go back to unpacking and setting up their new home.*[/SIZE]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #51 on: April 27, 2011, 11:46:17 am »
Dead Eye, Winter Snow 4, 1480

*Leaf works in his office late into the evening, processing a few work orders before heading home for the night.  He arrives to a dim and quiet house with Feawen and Melaa already tucked in their beds. He sits near the fire place and enjoys it's radiating warmth. As the fire crackles and pops, he takes some time to update his memoirs*

The hospital has been quite demanding and we have had a few setbacks since I took over as head master, especially last year when we had that unfortunate incident.  It was on the 3rd of Summer Home, 1479.  I was at the hospital, meeting with some of the stewards to discuss some new protocols I wanted to propose.  Our talks were interrupted by the entrance of an Az'attan dark elf named Xilaorn who claimed she was not like her evil underworld kin.  She spoke about wanting to help others, which was not perceived as a true statement by a few and some even questioned her true motive and why she really had walked into the hospital.  She seemed a little uneasy with some of the questions regarding her Az'attan faith, and she said that she had to leave but would return back to the hospital shortly. We all looked to each other with puzzling facial expressions.  Ygraine sensed something odd and quickly shifted to strengthen her awareness of her surroundings.

There was an eerie silence for a few moments until we heard the door start to open once again.  Thinking the worst,  Andrew let out a deafening yell to stun what we thought at the time was the dark elf returning. At the instance of Andrew's yell,  we all heard a loud scream come from outside the hospital.  We exited out the front door and were met to a sight of a lady and a small boy, prone and lifeless at our feet.  I knelt down to the boy, only to find no pulse flowing through his veins.  I glanced over to Feawen who was already assessing the lady's vitals with a sorrowful look in her eyes, she simply looked to me and shook her head "No".  Andrew was devastated and fell to his knees in disbelief realizing what he had done.  In all of my years knowing him, I never seen him look so shocked before. I knew he was completely devastated inside knowing that the gift of his voice had killed an innocent mother and child by accident.

We rushed the mother and boy into hospital to see if we could help them.  Their life forces had completely left their bodies and we had no one in our immediate company with any skills at raising the deceased.  I remembered about the House of Healing in Krandor and the competent clerics who resided there.  Andrew and I quickly ran across town to the house to see if we could obtain a cleric to raise the mother and her boy.  Andrew said that he was more than willing to make a healthy contribution to the cleric's choosing if he would help us.  We led the cleric back to the hospital and both the mother and boy were raised back from the dead that night.  The incident left some bad opinions toward Andrew and the hospital, even after a year and half later, some towns folk still grumble at the hospital when they pass by.  The investigation is still ongoing and Captain Damiene has now even requested a written declaration from Andrew about the incident.  I believe only time will fully heal what has been done in the eyes of the citizens of Krandor.

Feawen and I are still rearranging rooms and moving things around.  We have discussed our options, and I believe we are going to have some major renovations done to the house.  Currently, the house is much too big for just Feawen, Melaa and I.  I have drawn up some rough sketches of how I would like the interior of house to be reconstructed.  The sketches include two separate private living quarters that can be potentially rented out.  Feawen has also mentioned some different things she would like done with the kitchen as well.  

Melaa launched her first arrow about two months ago when I took the family out for a walk in the woods.  The past three years of her practicing the proper stance, humane ethics and learning the characteristics of arrow flight without the string being attached to her bow has proven to be very beneficial in her archery training.  She does not rush her shots and understands that by employing a set routine each time she shoots, her arrow grouping will be much more consistent.   She loves archery and I made a promise to her a while ago that we would go and shoot bow at least once a week.  I even bought Feawen a crossbow so she could join us and we have now made it a family affair.  'Wen is not one for mechanical weapons, but she likes our little contests to see who can pierce the smallest piece of fruit first.  

Melaa is really showing an interest in music now, especially the piano.  Even as a baby, she loved to climb onto Elly's piano back at the house in Ft. Llast and push the little white keys to hear the sounds.  She is starting to also like the sounds of the mandolin and pan flute as well.  I have bought a used grand piano from a man in Krandor and Melaa sometimes sits at it and pretends to play for hours.  Feawen and I have decided to start Melaa's formal lessons in the piano.  We were a little apprehensive in asking Andrew to teach her the piano knowing how busy he is with his new establishment in Mariner's Hold, but once he learned that Melaa was interested in the piano, he said he would make the time to be her piano mentor.  Feawen is still home schooling her in the basics and our languages. Melaa always strives to do her best and not make any mistakes in her work which makes mom and dad feel proud.    She is becoming a common sight at the hospital these days.  She has made friends with most of the staff and loves to run down the long corridors.  

One day as I was walking back to my office and I noticed her peeking through a door to one of the empty operating theaters.  She asked me if we could go inside and look around.  She was fascinated by all the different surgical instruments and the many shapes they came in as well.  She started asking me about each instrument in great detail.  I was slightly embarrassed when I could not even name half of the instruments on the shelf.  I showed her where a patient lays to be operated on and some of the various ointments and potions used during surgery.  I have asked Clasina, one of the hospital's surgical nurses, to accompany Melaa in the operating theater someday and show her all the different items of an operating theater, something I know Melaa will truly find enlightening.