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Author Topic: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs  (Read 956 times)


Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« on: February 01, 2010, 04:11:13 pm »

Nestled far and deep within a Forest in Layonara, existed a small Wood Elf village of about 40 clan members. The village thrived as being a waypoint for hunters to bring in their hides and meat, as well as some very good trackers for hire also resided there. Some of the village members would come and stay for a few decades or so and then eventually move on. All of the wood elves that became part of the village would inherit clan names and did not go buy their wood Elven birth names. A few members that did stay for a while eventually became known as the clan's "High Elders". The High Elders consisted of Druids who practiced the teachings and lore of Folian S'pae, their God who is known as the Prince of Wolves and the protector of their people's forests.

 The village was also a garrison for a ranger company that resided and provided protection to the villagers. The ranger company was led by General "RedOak" A'nadivian. He was a strong and powerful looking Wood Elf with many a scar. His military instructions and the teachings in forest war strategies to the lesser rangers under his command has proven to save the village from Orc raids more than a once. There has even been confirmed talk of the general being so skilled with his bow that he could accurately make critical arrow shots out over a distance of 100 yards. There was a overall sense of peace around the village most of the time due to the calming aura that the High Elders possessed. The village was formed back some 300 years ago when the world was in Chaos and turmoil due to Diamonair line being overthrown. With the world thrown into anarchy a group of about 15 or so wood elves founded the village for safety from the clashes that have broke out nearby. The High Elders and the ranger company brought an inner peace to the village and everyone was at one with the forest and felt safe. One High Elders tells of many skirmishes during the years. Roaming Orc parties would periodically stumble their way into our forest and get to close to the village so that we had to initiate the battle call and drive the beasts back out of the forest. There is one battle that the High Elders speak quite frequently of...

 "It was back in 1210 on a cold Autumn Dark night. A small Orc party was heading our way. Our scouts saw them coming even before they entered the forest. We sent our rangers out to intercept them before they discovered our village. One of the High Elders had a daughter, she was a young elf that had been taught the ways of nature and the animals that occupy it. With the advancing Orc horde marching their way towards our village, she vanished into the woods and was seen later riding a Wolf towards the approaching Orcs. She initiated the attack from a medow just outside our village border and her and the ranger company drove the Orc horde from the forest and the village. From that day on, she was known in the village as "Meadow's Edge". Years went by with mostly minor conflicts, but that might just be that fact that the village was so hard to find..One old villager said "Even if yer standin in de wont even know it".

During the year of 1295 a village festival to celebrate the "Twilight Watch" General A'nadivian and his officers were enjoying the festivities, drinking, music and dancing when the High Elders and their families walked in from the night woods. The general was immediately taken by the sight of a young and beautiful woman walking in with them. His eyes were drawn to the robe she was looked like it was made of tree bark, but had a "soft" appearance to it. The general leans over to his officer and says "Who is that vision of beauty over there", the officer replies, whispering to the general, "Sir, that's the one they call "Meadow's Edge". The general finishes his drink and stands up and walks over this lady of the forest. "Good evening my lady" *bows*, "Good evening kind Sir" ..She replies. "Care for a stroll in the night woods?" ..the general asks gingerly..."But of course general, that would be very nice" , she answers. They both walk off into the darkness together. A few decades go by and General A'nadivian and "Meadow's Edge" are seen together quite frequently and in Spring Blossum, World Tree the 17th of 1330 right before the return of Sinthar Bloodstone, they were married in a forest clearing with the whole village and the High Elder's and their animal friends were all in attendance. They would have a son in the year 1345 and the boy was named "Shadowleaf". He was given this Clan name by his parents, roughly translated to; "Shadow" for concealment and "leaf" for cover.

Shadowleaf's younger years consisted of mainly training by his parents. Mom would teach him the ways of the forests, how to befriend animals and the inner magic that some woods possess, and how to use his inner senses and be able to use some items that have been infused with magic. The general had put a bow in Shadowleaf's hands ever since he could first walk. Taught him to "aim small, miss small" while selecting his arrow shot placements, how to anticipate attacks and use his Elven reflexes and "not be there" when the attack is unleashed. When in battle, how to wait until your foe is distracted by another and make an attack when the foe is not looking. The general also knew the importance of camouflage and taught him how to use the plants and trees to stay hidden at all times weather in battle or tracking an animal, how to use and disable traps for animal trapping. Also taught the young lad to track animals and use the forest trees as a navigation tool.
One day, the general took the boy out for his first hunt. The prey they were after was a big cat that was lurking the forest edges. The general picked up the cat's tracks and proceeded in the path of its direction. The general sent his son to an old downed tree to set an ambush. As the general tried to circle around the cat, the cat heard him and came running back through the forest right towards Shadowleaf. Before Shadowleaf could knock and arrow, the cat pounced on him and got a few swats with his paws on him before an arrow from out of nowhere pierced the cat's shoulder and the cat fell over dead. The general ran to his son and grabbed him...*gasping for air* "Son are you ok?" ..., Shadowleaf grimacing in pain replies "Yes Father...its just a bad scratch". From that day forward, Shadowleaf goes by the way of "expect the unexpected" as his motto.

One damp, cold and foggy morning in the Forest, Shadowleaf finds himself foraging for berries, roots, and if lucks on his side, a nice rabbit for breakfast. As he scans the ground for edibles, the silence of the forest is shattered from the roar of an Orc attack! He secures his pack and begins to run at full tilt back to the village filled with adrenaline and anticipation. The closer he gets back to the village, the more agony he can hear coming from his fellow villagers at the hands of the Orc's axes. Upon reaching the borderlands of the village, his eyes are filled with chaos and terror. Orcs are sacking and killing all living things in their path. Shadowleaf realizing he is out in an open field, darts for the closest wood's edge and takes cover behind a tree. He knocks and arrow and flies it into an advancing Orc, reaches for another arrow, knocks it and sends it across the field to an Orc about to kill a female villager. As he goes for yet another arrow....he hears his name being called from back inside the woods. "Shadowleaf...Over here lad!", he instantly knew it was the voice of his Father. Shadowleaf runs towards the sound and sees him near a tree. He embraces him with both arms. He catches his breath and says to the General "Father....How...but how?" . The General replies, "Them beasts staged a diversion for our scouts to investigate and it created a gap in our defensive line, they stormed thru the gap and overwhelmed our forces". Shadowleaf with a look of confusion on his face says "lets regroup and fight back". The General *sighs* and says "Im sorry to say that it's too late for that now my son, orcs are already in the village and many more are right behind them...the village is lost. You must leave here immediately for your own safety" . Shadowleaf could not believe what he was hearing. He looked up at his Father trying to hold his tears back and says "Mom...what about....." . The general cuts of his son and replies "I saw your mother called to her wolf companion and rode into the forest, I'm praying that she was able to make it out in time" . "Now go my son, take this sack of coin" *hands him a small sack of coins* and use your skills that your mom and I have taught you and prosper in your life. Here is what you need to do. Travel to the edge of our Forest, it will be about 3-4 days travel by foot so be careful and stay out of sight. Once you reach the edge of the forest, you will be standing on the coastline. Head south from there and stay on the coast. About a day's travel you will see a small seaport. That seaport is run by Elves who and who make their lives at sea, they will help you for some coin. Give them the sack of coin and tell them who you are. They know of me and owe me a favor from a long time ago. They will know what continent to take you to so dont worry. Once you have arrived at your destination, seek out forest lands and our people, they will take you in as one of their own where you can live your life in peace. I love you my Son!, NOW GO!". Shadowleaf leaves his Father and heads through the forest, looking back over his shoulder ever so often to see the smoke plumes roaring towards the heavens from the fires in the village he used to call home.

After a few weeks sailing the rough seas, Shadowleaf hears "Port thee port bow" from one of the Sea Elves. As the ship approaches the Port, Shadowleaf is taken by the sight of high walls and the many ships in port with activity. It is then at this point, Shadowleaf wonders what lies ahead of him behind those towering walls.....


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 04:21:30 pm »
*pulls out a brown hardcover book from pack, places in lap, opens it and begins scribing on the first page*

Dead Eye, Summer Home 4, 1458

....Here I sit under the overhanging Willow trees I like to come to for some peace and quiet....My mind is still trying to gather all of what my eyes have seen and what my ears have heard...  Father and Mother told me that I should someday start keeping a personal journal of my life's journeys.   They said that the journal will better aid me in keeping track of my Ranger skills and as a Wood Elf, I guess the time has come for me to document some of my adventures in these lands, and my individual training exercises that my Father started me on when I was a little, and I will not let him down by not following his wishes for me to become a master Ranger and protect the flora and fauna that live in and around the Forests.

Since my landing on Mistone, my life has been one full of experiences, rewards and even some hardships.  I came here not knowing where or what "here" was?  When the Sea Elves brought me here, I had no idea this continent even existed...?  The first steps off the ship and onto land was a great relief from being at sea for weeks on end without even the sight of land.  I have never been inside a city before..and it made me feel on a little on edge.   Father and Mother told me stories of these "cities" that had many different kinds of folk and where trade and commerce were abundant.  Feeling a little out of place, I kept to myself and began to look around the Port.  The buildings and structures around Port seemed to be constructed mostly of stone which made me feel just a little better knowing that the trees in the surrounding forests were at least spared to a certain extent for construction.

I was in need of some essential supplies, so I began to find my way around Port. A sign on one of the buildings was indicating that merchants were inside selling their goods.  I purchased  a pack, the best leather armor I could afford, skinning knife, a wooden shield, short sword and grabbed a standard bow and a quiver full of arrows.  I had just enough coins left over and picked up some rations, a water canteen and some flint and steel for starting a fire from one of the other merchants.  I packed my gear in the pack and headed out the door.
Having lived my entire life deep within a Forest...I felt like I was getting  a little overwhelmed by the size of the Port, its massive structures, and the amount of citizens that resided here in this Port.  I then started walking around to see if I could maybe calm down myself a bit.  I made my way to the front gate of the Port and headed out to explore this new area.  I noticed a small pond outside the main gate and walked over and took a look to see if there were any fish to be had..I was feeling hungry at that time and did not want to use one of the rations I had just purchased.  Hmmm.  only carp....only good to cut up and bury it in the dirt to grow vibrant and healthy fruits and vegetables.   Just then I noticed a lady approaching from the road towards me.  "Hello..I have not seen you around before" just arrive by ship?"...the lady asked me.  I greeted her and introduced myself and that I in fact had just arrived off one of the ships in Port.  She asked me if I would like some help getting to know the area better?  I accepted her offer.  She then told me her name.... Ferrit Pandorn.

Ferrit  led me out of Port and into what she told me was referred to as the Dapplegreen Outskirts.  She must of known that I came from the forest..because before we got there, she told me.."I think you will like this area.."

As we entered the nerves started to settle.  The animals were a pleasant sight and the quietness of the trees reminded me of home...even if just a little.  We passed by an area near a cliff that had a patch of Willow trees near the edge.  I come to this area frequently to rest and enjoy some quiet times...  Ferrit and I said Farwell to each other and she  left me to the trees and walked off heading north.  I truly give her thanks for leading me to this wooded area.  I felt like myself again amongst nature and its surroundings.....[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 04:24:46 pm »
Dream Dance, Autumn Twilight, 12, 1458

Thru my long travels I have seen many new lands now, not knowing truly what to expect when I had first arrived.  I moved under the shadows off the trees and explored with caution.  I found these lands were rich with game,  that has kept my stomach full thru the long days on the trail.  Their skins and pelts that I have sold have kept my needed supplies in good stock.  After the kill, I myself take a moment to thank the animal for what is has provided.  Father taught me that one should pray at the harvesting of the animals they stalk and hunt...the animal sacrificed its life to provide food from the meat and warmth from their skin.

   Over the next few months I befriended many fellow adventurers traveling over Mistone .  There were a few distant folk along the way, but most were cordial and willing to aid me with information and or guiding me to certain areas I had heard of in Layonara.  I traveled with them over many miles, thru vast mountain ranges, saturated swamp lands, and some beautiful lush forests.  They took me to the remote cities of Hlint and Haven...each town having its own unique purpose for being there.  Hlint seems to be a way point for explorers on their travels.  The Inn at the crossroads there..the "Wild Surge" I believed it's called, is rather spacious inside and is a good place to rest up with drink and some good filling food from the cook before heading out again.

I often think of home....where are my Parents?...are they still alive?...

My heart tries to search for an answer but never finds one.  I can only hope that they made it out of our former village and they have found each other once again.  I pray to Longstrider everyday for that...  I often see them in my dreams...  The dreams are usually peaceful and I wake with a smile on my face.  Maybe one day I will find out the fate of my Parents..but I don't count on it and I must go on with my Father's wishes...which I intend to with extreme determination till I have achieved every last wish of his for me to achieve...


By the position of Orn and Ausir in the sky I can sense it's getting late and I will end this entry here for now till another day...[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2010, 04:27:49 pm »
Bright Eye, Winter Snow, 16, 1458

I have been fortunate enough to have met certain folks in my travels that were in need of certain tasks and or duties that they needed to have completed for them.  I accepted these tasks and have helped many in return.  I was rewarded with coins that are known in these lands as "True".  The duties and tasks that I did not only provided me with the much needed True for supplies and bandages.....but gave me the combat experience I so desired.  With each increasing battle, I find my arrow placements were finding their mark more accurately.  But the softwood bow I had purchased when I first arrived is just not what I need out here in these lands...The draw weight on that bow was just not making for good arrow penetration anymore, especially against a Giant's thick coarse skin.  I must obtain a stronger stick and string...but where? I thought...

   As I made my way across Mistone, I came upon a message board near one of the towns I was passing.   I made my way over and my eye caught an advertisement tacked up from a local archery craftsman who was offering his services and goods... The name on the end of the advertisement was Fehriel Cailomel.  I quickly scribed below his name that I wished to inquire about his crafting services.  I hoped that all my hard work over the past months will now be able to provide me with the funds to purchase a new bow.

   Fehriel had gotten in touch me and we arranged a meeting to discuss what type of bow I was seeking out.  I indicated that I wanted a hardwood bow with good draw weight for better arrow penetration.  The craftsman looked at me and said "No Problem, be ready for you soon ShadowLeaf" .  After a few weeks, Fehriel sent word that my bow was ready and I could come and pick it up.  I made my way to his locale and we met soon after.  When he put the bow in my hands, it felt smooth and the look of it was the defining work of a quality craftsman with long years of training and skill in the art of Archery crafting.  He said "Go and release a few arrows and make sure there is nothing we need to adjust for you".  I took a few steps off the side, picked a small spot on a dead tree nearby and pulled back the bow.  My arms strained at first due to its heavier draw weight, but I found the smoothness of the draw to compensate for it, held on a tight spot on the dead tree and released the arrow.  The bow followed thru with out recoil and the arrow shot was exactly where I wanted it to go.   I wanted to try its range capacity, so I looked out at about 40 -50 yards for something else.  I noticed a small dead wood stump up on the edge of this rock that was about that distance.  I drew the bow back and steadied my eyes on the target and let it go.   I was amazed to see the arrow go sailing over the stump much higher then were my eyes were looking.  At that moment I realized that the new draw weight on this bow is much different then my old bow, so I would need to practice with this bow to know its maximum range limits and be able to group my arrows shots at that distance no bigger then the size of a human fist.

   I thanked Fehriel and said the bow was indeed a fine stick and string.  I paid the man his well earned fee for the bow.  We both said farewell and left in opposite directions.  I left that evening and went to one of my secluded night time perches in Silkwood Forest, just off of Folain's Vale.  I can feel Longstrider's presence around me when I sleep near there, so I tend to go there often.....

The Rangers clan that my father commanded back in my former village, crafted their bows to have a certain look to them to differentiate them between the other neighboring Ranger clans.  Our clan would tightly wrap black cloth strips around the risers for added camouflage and they mounted spiked hand guards to the bows, for hooking enemies in close combat and throwing them off to the side for a counter attack.  I wanted my new bow to resemble the look of theirs, so I took some time and customized my bow to have the look of my once former villages clan bows...[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2010, 04:30:16 pm »
Winged Trade, Winter Deep, 20, 1459

I found myself following a stream near Lake Allun one afternoon.  I walked just inside the wood edge along the stream to conceal my movement and started to still hunt for some dinner.  My eyes caught movement off in the distance of two deer making their way thru the forest to a known night time feeding area.  I felt the wind at my back, so I knew I had to get ahead of them before my scent alerted them to my presence...

   I crouched low and stayed hidden behind the trees and foliage as I made my way to a possible ambush site.  I eventually crossed over their path of direction and that put the wind back in my favor now.  I spotted a downed tree and headed for its position.    When I got to the downed tree, I got behind it, nocked an arrow and waited for the deer to pass.  Their path of travel was going to put them at about 20 or so yards away from I and I sat motionless as they approached near.

   I waited till the first deer went by and then focused on the trailing deer.  Once the second deer gave me a quartering away shot, I drew back and let my arrow fly.  At first I thought, "Did I miss"...cause I did not see an arrow sticking in the side of the deer that just ran 10 yards or so and fell dead.  I got out from behind the tree and went over to examine the area where I shot the deer.  I found my arrow on the ground near there, and it was wet with blood from tip to feathers, so I knew I had in fact made a good shot.  I went to my animal and examined it... and said quick prayer to thank Longstrider for this animals sacrifice.  I noticed an entry wound and to my surprise.. an exit wound too!  My first pass thru shot, Father would of been proud of that one.

   After skinning the animal and taking some meat, I noticed a small pack of wolves hanging on the edge of the forest. They were watching what I was going to do with the rest of the deer.  I had originally thought I was going to butcher the entire deer and give the meat to some hungry folk, but once I saw that this pack of wolves was a family and had pups with them...I left the remaining meat for the wolves and walked away slowly.  Once I was clear of the animal, the pack rushed in and began to feast on the deer.  The Alpha male looked up at me and I could sense that he was thankful for what I have done for his pack.  

   I left there with a feeling that I had bonded with these wolves somehow and could almost understand what they were saying to one another. Now that I think of it, I have had many more animals traveling with or near me lately, and I am starting understand their vocabulary a bit even.  Who knows.  Maybe its mom trying to send a message to me...

I hope that one day I will know the answer to that...[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2010, 10:55:11 pm »
World Tree, Spring Dawning 7, 1459

My combat training over the past weeks has been exhaustive!  My confidence is building with each session though, and I owe it all to Father.

I can remember way back when Father first started me on his training regiments.  Ever since I can remember, I was always shooting a bow...daily.
Father would set up many targets and would have me fly countless arrows at each target till I could barley bring my bow up for the next shot.  He never let up on me...constantly looking for better technique and form.

    One training exercise that I did like is the one where he would take cut round tree disks and roll them quickly on the ground and make me get two arrows in the disk before it toppled over flat.
  It took me a while to finally master, but that exercise alone has kept some nice rabbits roasting over a flame many of nights for me.

The next 20 or so years were weekly long hours of shot practice from different angles, elevations and distance.  I was now becoming one with my bow.
 As my skill grew over time, I could just about hit anything within 25 yards or so with an arrow.  My critical range shot ability was well past the pace of the other younger Rangers in our village.  
*chuckles as he writes next sentence*
It helps when you are trained by the General himself!

Father said that I also must learn with sword and shield for the times when your enemy gets past your arrows.  

There was this one day where Father had me up at dawn and we headed for one of his favorite training areas.
  He handed me a shield and sword and said..."OK, Shadow.  Let's see you what you can do with these" .  The blade and shield felt a bit awkward in my hands but I did as my Father instructed.
 I made some thrusting motions with the sword with slashing motions in between.  "NO! NO! Here lad let me show you" he said to me, and began to instruct on the proper use of the blade.
 He said to unleash an attack only when your opponent's counter attack is not an option, parry around your opponent, and then swiftly move your blade in to pierce a vulnerable area.

He also told me the importance of always keeping your shield up when attacking so the enemy cannot find a weak spot to strike, and to stop incoming archer shots.  
We practiced for years with repetitious movements and endless drills. I finally started to learn the techniques of my Father's instructions and my melee skills had improved over the long training sessions.

I sure do miss him...

*thinks to himself*

Thank you Father, for those training lessons have saved my life more then once...[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2010, 12:49:43 pm »
Dream Dance, Spring Blossum, 26, 1459

Today I trained in tracking and reconnaissance.

I left my weapons up in the tree as I did not need them for this type of training.  I did take my skinning knife though, just to be able to defend myself if needed.   I headed for Silkwood Forest to search for tracks..any kind really..just something I pick up and follow for this training exercise.

I came across deer tracks that seemed to be relatively fresh.  I scanned the area ahead for the eyes did not pick up any movement off in the distance.  I slowed my pace and started following the tracks.  The trail meandered through the forest.  Then the deer's stride seemed to be getting longer as if its pace had quickened for some reason.  I tracked the deer's path into some thick underbrush and had to get down and crawl to stay with the tracks.  I did lose the tracks a few times, but I just backtracked till I picked up the trail again.  

The deer's tracks were indicating that this deer in fact had started to run.  I thought, I must of not been patient enough and spooked the animal into a run.  The ground around the deer's tracks told me the reason why this deer in fact started to run.  Along with the single deer tracks, there were now from what I could estimate , were 4 or 5 Wolves following in pursuit.  I had to slow my pace down considerably now, I was having a tough time picking out the deer tracks through the paw prints made by the wolves.   Every 10 or so yards I would stop and listen...scan ahead and then continue on the trail slowly.  I must of stayed on the trail for hours.  The trail came to a downed tree and I hoped over it.  I scanned the ground and could not make out the deer tracks anymore?  I got down on my knees and studied the trail.  The wolf prints were very clear, but no deer tracks?  I went back to where I last confirmed the deer's tracks and that was right before the downed tree, but no tracks after the tree?  I then began to scan the area around the tree off the sides.  My eyes caught small hoof depressions in the ground off to the side of the original trail.  I picked up the deer's tracks again, this time heading off in a different direction then the wolf prints.  I believe the deer in its state of fear, ran to the downed tree trunk and bounded off to the side.  This must of been just enough for the pursing wolves to lose the trail.

The deer's tracks indicated that the animal was walking at normal pace again.  As I came to the edge of the Forest, I saw the deer 30 yards or so bedded down in some thick bushes for some needed rest after being chased so long by hungry wolves.  OK, my tracking exercise was complete, now came reconnaissance.

I got down on my belly and low crawled to the direction of where the deer was bedded down.  Inch by inch, I quietly dragged myself towards it.  The deer did look my way a few times but I kept still and let the deer settle back down.  I got to about 10 feet away and still I was undetected.  I observed the deer for some time as I laid on the ground motionless. The deer eventually looked my way again, stood up and walked away slowly.

I felt very pleased with today's training...The deer taught me that, even when you think all is lost , you should never give up.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2010, 03:28:01 pm »
Bright Eye, Autumn Dark 23, 1459

*Sits high aloft in a tree nook next to the Zainge River. Pulls a quill and his brown covered book from his pack, flips a few pages and begins scribing*......

The other day I met a warrior who went by the name of Ragnar.  A rugged man who said he was in need of some help.  He began to tell of an area outside of Hlint called the Red Light caverns.  In my recent visits to Hlint, I overheard many explorers telling long tales of these caverns, deep caves with many interlaced veins and corridors that were also guarded goblins.   There was talk that these caves even held a red like haze in the air that created an evil aura to the caverns upon entering.

 Ragnar said these goblins had been recently seen moving in and out of the cave entrance and he wanted to go investigate.   We headed out of Hlint and made our way to the wastelands.  We came up on a hill and I noticed the sparkle of a fire near an encampment back near the cliff's edge.  Beside the tent there stood two goblins conversing about something.  We crept up a little further and my eyes caught sight of a few other goblins patrolling the outer edge to our right side.  Ragnar turned back to me and said "These are just the scouts; they need to be eliminated before they can send someone to alert others of our presence here".

Before I could concur with his statement, Ragnar was charging towards the patrol goblins with sword drawn.  They noticed him advancing, and rushed to meet the intruder head on.  Ragnar brought back his heavy blade and swung on the first foe with a load roar.  The thick steel blade connected, sending the goblin slamming to the ground, breaking its neck in the process.  The second one saw an opportunity and tried to lunge its sword at Ragnar.  My arrow pierced high into its body. The goblin grasped at the arrow deeply embedded in its chest, staggered a few steps then fell dead at Ragnar's feet.  The warrior turned to me and said "Well done Elf, he never even saw that arrow coming".  

The other two goblins had noticed the skirmish and took counter measures.  One of the greenies must of been some type of shaman because it summoned a dark wolf to fight against us.  I got two arrows in the shaman before Ragnar's sword took its life away in one clean sweep, therefore dismissing the summoned Wolf.  The last one knew of its coming fate and just came at Ragnar in a wild desperation attempt...

I can still hear the crack in my head today from the goblin's leg bone snapping when Ragnar severed it clean that day.

We made our way into the cold and damp cave below the cliffs.  As soon as we entered the cave we were quickly met by another goblin patrol.  They charged us before I could get my bow up, and I felt a cold piece of steel voilently slice deep into my arm that sent a shockwave of pain throughout my body. I turned on my attacker and swung my bow sideways at the green foe. My bow's spiked hand guard snagged the goblin in its cheek, throwing him off to the side where Ragnar was waiting having already dispatched the first few goblins.   The goblin grasped at his face in pain and looked up only to see Ragnar's blood soaked blade drive deep into its chest.  Ragnar noticed my right shirt sleeve was soaked with fresh blood.  I cut my arm sleeve off and applied a bandage with good pressure to stop the bleeding.  We looked at each other and said that we better head back for safety before going down the cave any further.

We left the cave and headed back to Hlint to rest and heal from our skirmishes with the goblins.   The Wild Surge was busy that night with many a patrons.  Ragnar and I sat down at a corner table, ordered some of Yastin's home made stew, ordered a few Wizard Wheat ales and began to tell our own tales of the Red Light caverns...

A place that my curiosity shall bring me again someday....[/FONT][/SIZE]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2010, 02:56:29 pm »
World Tree, Autumn Dark 28, 1459

*Leans against a big tree on the edge of the White Horn Forest*

Today I explored the outer edges of the White Horn Forest.  I did not venture deep within today though; I just traveled here to get a look around these woods and scout for new hunting areas.  I sat down at mid day to have a small meal and rest up a bit.  As I was going thru my pack I heard some rustling on the forest floor beside me.  My eyes tracked the movement of the leaves and out popped a little squirrel.  He sat on his hind legs and let out a few chirps at me.  I was surprised to see this little animal was not afraid of me and appeared to be relaxed.

I slowly went to my pack and pulled out some chestnuts that I had collected a few days ago.  I threw the squirrel a nut and he immediately rushed to it, and began to work at the shell between his two little paws and teeth.  Upon finishing his treat, he came in a little closer to me sniffing the air as he approached.  I tossed a few more nuts near him and he consumed all of them in a few minutes.  Sensing that I was of no threat to him, the squirrel came over and climbed up on my outstretched leg.  He curled up and went to sleep for a while.  I sat there just admiring my new furry friend.  I should call him by other then just "squirrel", I thought to myself.  He did seem to have a found taste for Chestnuts, so I named him "Chess".

Chess awoke on my leg some time after, sat up and stretched.  He climbed back down and chirped a few barks at me. I could just barely understand what he was trying to communicate to me.  He thanked me for sharing my nuts with him and that if I ever needed to send a note or letter to anyone, he could take the note and find the person with ease as he knows areas very well.

I thanked Chess and set a few more chestnuts on the ground for him and said farewell to the tiny forest animal.  I left Chess to his nuts and headed out of the Forest. [/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2010, 08:37:10 pm »
Gatweway, Winter Snow 8, 1459

She walked up over the small knoll just in front of me.  My attention was instantly drawn to her aura.  Her body glided over the uneven land as if without effort.  Her clothing revealed her feminine petite toned body, and I noticed the faint outlines of a delicate face under her hood.  I approached her as she made her way to the group I was traveling with at the time.  I greeted her with a smile and introduced myself.   She smiled to me and said "Good evening.  My name is Feawen".  "Evening, milady,  I am Shadowleaf". I replied.  My heart started thumping, as I was little nervous standing before such a beautiful female Elf.  I kept my composure and we conversed a bit while the others in the group were busy making preparations to embark once again.

We offered that Feawen may travel with us for safety reasons and she graciously accepted. We ventured into the Black Dog Moor swamps.  I overheard some of the group telling the history behind these inundated lands.  They spoke of the "Dark Disaster", a magical dark burning cloud that blanketed the Forest, killing the Elves and all living plant life within, leaving an open desolate landscape.

As we moved through the swamps, I found my eyes kept glancing over to Feawen every so often, and noticed she was glancing back my way at the same time.  We looked at each other; smiled and gazed into each other's eyes, if just for a moment, then moved on.  

She was skilled in the arts of hand-to-hand combat.  During one of our battles with the Lizard folk, Feawen engaged two simultaneously and her hand and leg strikes quickly dispatched the reptilians - impressive she was with using her body as her weapon.  She could also run quite fast, and I was challenged to keep up with her at times on the dry ground of the swamps. The group proceeded with caution as we slowly moved through the soggy muck- and vine-infested swamps.

As we made our ways across the Moor, we encountered many a foe that night.  Feawen also displayed great concern for others and was right there with a healing bandage for anyone who was injured during battle.  She seemed to care more about others than herself - a trait not seen much these days in folk.  

We traveled into the night and kept our wits afront.  As we headed out from the Moors, two Lizard scouts saw us making our way across the saturated bog and we quickly had to seek cover from incoming arrows shots.  The group's leaders rushed to abolish our attackers.  We stopped to rest after we left the Black Dog Moors.  Feawen was busy tending to wounds from the archer attacks.  Andrew Reid came up to me and furtively handed me a red rose.  Andrew leaned over to me and said "Give this to her, Leaf; the ladies love flowers".  I had seen my father give flowers to my mother from time to time, so I knew it was a good idea.  I waited for the right moment...

The group packed up their equipment and we moved out, heading West . Feawen and I took a different path, which put us alone on a trail for a few minutes.  I saw my opportunity, went up and presented the rose to her accompanied with a heartfelt smile. She smiled back, sniffed the rose and thanked me for my kind gesture towards her.

We all made it back to safety that night.  As the group all started to go their own separate ways to recover from this night's expedition, Feawen said she had to leave for the night as well.  We smiled at each other one last time, and I leaned over, took her by the hand and whispered softly in her ear.."I do hope I see you again soon, milady".  Feawen, in a low soothing voice, replied. "I hope so too Leaf".

As they departed, both of them kept looking back over their shoulders to watch as the other one faded away into the darkness of night......[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2010, 12:09:04 pm »
Dead Eye, Winter Snow 25, 1459

*Ties note to Chess and sends him off to find Feawen and deliver his note*

Since we last saw each other that night in the Black Dog Moors, you have been on my mind more often than not. I was taken by your delicate manner but also that you can be brave when required.

 Since my arrival to Mistone I have not met a more interesting Elf then you. I would consider it an honor milady, if you would accompany me some time to enjoy a candlelit dinner, a fine vintage and uninterrupted conversation getting to know one another... a little more quiet and personal then trying to do it while exploring with others. Then after dinner, possibly a stroll thru the woods with the moon guiding our path?....

Please write your answer below my dear, and roll it back up, tie it back to Chess. He will know where to find me...


*Chess returns back a few days later with note. Leaf unties note and reads Feawen's reply*

"I accept"[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2010, 08:49:57 pm »
Dream Dance, Winter Night 12, 1460

Feawen and I planned on meeting in Hlint the other night to have dinner at the Wild Surge Inn.  I came through the north gate and made my way over to the three-tier fountain with a saintly archer statue as a crown.  The fountain is surrounded by a lush beautiful flower bed painted with reds and soft purple hues. I thought I would choose a flower for Feawen and present it to her before our dinner.

As I approached the fountain and flower bed, I heard a faint whisper from off to my right. "Why, hello handsome".  I turned to the audible and there Feawen was sitting in the garden, slightly hidden behind the thick bed of flowers.  
*Leaf admires her use of camouflage and concealment at this point...smiles to her*

"Hello my dear. I almost didn't see you sitting there", I replied to her.

Feawen stood up, brushing herself off, and walked out from the flowers.  We both then sat down next to the garden and began to tell each other about our own personal lives.  

She started off by telling me of her mother, "Amarie Lissesul" which means "Generous Spirit".  Feawen told me that she was born earlier than anticipated and her mother perished during the delivery.
*thinks to himself. "May her mother's soul rest in peace"*
She only knows of her mother through her father's words, words that he spoke of how kind and generous Amarie could be.  

*Leaf takes Feawen by the hand that night to gently comfort her as she seems to be having a hard time telling the story of her mother's passing. Feawen composes herself for a second before telling Leaf of her father*

Feawen's father, "Luthien Tiwele" meaning "Wind Dancer" was a great man from what I gathered through our conversation that night.  He reassured her that it was in no way her fault that her mother passed away, but that she was simply just not strong enough to survive the labor during the delivery.

 Her father had the most understanding patience with her through her younger years. Luthien took Feawen with him everywhere he went.  He instilled the views in her of precise and incorrect in the world.  
He educated her that possessions were not necessary and all she needed was already inside of her; she just needed to unchain the potential she had from within.  He instructed her to carry on till one day she discovers, her own path of enlightenment.

Through her words I learned that she never really had a home so to speak, but wandered the lands with her father around the Wolfswood Forest in Alindor.  She spoke with great sincerity about how her father would tuck her in for the night.  She would begin to fall asleep in his arms listening to bedtime stories of his travels in his low tender voice.

Then one day she awoke damp, with a fire barely smoldering one morning with her father gone from her side.   Feawen was left outside a monastery and made the decision to not follow in her father's path.  She chose a different path to follow that day. While at the monastery, Feawen tended the fields, and over the years, learned many teachings from the monks who resided at the monastery. Over time, she crafted her body and mind into well-tuned instruments.   One day she finally felt like she must move on from the monastery and seek out this emergent feeling from within her.

Feawen misses her father deeply.  I pray that the note she left behind at the monastery for him arrives in his hands one day. I know how much it would mean to her if they were to be reunited again.

*Feawen was almost in tears from telling the story of her parents that night. She was soothed by Leaf when he slowly lifted her chin up with a finger, waited for her eyes to raise and meet his... then whispered to her....

"Thank you for sharing that with me, I know that was hard to speak of aloud".

I then asked her if there was a meaning behind her name... "Feawen Silimaure"?

She replied. "Yes, it was name given to me by my father; it means "Freed Spirit" .

My heart felt a great deal for her then, and I wanted to take her mind away from her own sorrow. I began to tell her the story of my life...

I started from as far back as I could even remember.  I informed her that I did not know exactly from whence I came from.  Upon first hearing that, she thought that was a bit strange as most folk do.  I told her that my parents never told me the name of the land I lived on because they both knew their son would avenge their deaths should our village ever fall, and they should happen to perish in the assault. Feawen understood why after hearing that. I told her of the fateful day that my home was invaded by the
*starts to frown and his scribing becomes large and jagged with rage* Orcs!

*stops scribing and begins to thinks to himself*
"I will have to go see if any more of the scum are back in Moraken's Abobe.  I will silently sneak up behind them and feel my blade slice into their jugular area, listen to them choke on their own blood and view them as they gasp for their last breath in this world and say to the dyeing filth..... 'There! Now can not destroy any more forest villages"

*Lets his anger begin to flow away from him, knowing his parents taught him never to hate, but the eternal deep anger for Orcs grows within him with each passing day.*

I told Feawen of how the Sea Elves sailed me from my home and we were at sea for many weeks till we docked in Port Hempstead...that I must fulfill my father's wishes and one day become part of a Ranger Core dedicated to protecting the forests.  She knew how serious I was about achieving that objective, from the passion with which I spoke of it that night.

*Feawen, hearing the horror of that momentous day of which he spoke, takes Leaf's hand and pulls it to her, while bringing her other hand over the the top to encompass his hand, showing compassion for him.*

Before we realized it, we had been sitting next to the garden talking for hours now.  We never made it to dinner that night, but I wouldn't change that night even If could...just sitting there opening up to her, and having a feeling from inside that I felt I could tell this beautiful lady anything.  I never spoke of my history to anyone before Feawen came into my life.  

We both decided to go for a walk into the night.  I stood and offered Feawen a hand for her to receive and stand, which she did, thanking me with a warm smile in return.  

We walked around the outskirts of Hlint, with the stars as our witnesses.   For the place where we were destined, we did not know nor did we even seem to care at the time.  With our hands tenderly holding one another's we viewed the constellations deep in the unfathomable dark sky that night.

A night I shall never forget.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2010, 05:13:07 pm »
Winged Trade, Winter Night 27, 1460

I felt like taking a relaxation day, and just wanted some peace and quiet and do a little fishing for dinner.   I stumbled onto a thick overgrown old path that was just west of Folian's Vale one day, I turned and headed west on the barely visible trail, I wanted to explore its destination. Perhaps, it would lead me to some secret fishing hole beyond, a place no one in Mistone has ever fished before.  

As I meandered through the dense foliage, I started to hear rushing water ahead, so I knew then that the direction of the trail would lead me to water. I broke through the vines and overgrown vegetation to an area where the Ro River meets the Zainge River.  The sun was bright that day and the flying insects were emerging in abundance.

The area was pristine and very remote.  There were huge boulders that spilled into the oncoming currents; creating deep swirling pools behind them that I knew would hold big trout and bass, a lesson I learned from me father first hand one day as a youth.  

I climbed up on large rock near where the two rivers met, keeping my profile low from being seen by wary trout.  I knocked one of my arrows with a barbed broad head and attached a line to the arrow shaft.  I coiled a few loops of slack line on the ground next to me, and then tied the end of the line back to my bow. I took a breath of fresh air, and began to scan the surrounding pools for rising fish.

I waited, and I waited. ........

My eyes finally caught sight off a large dark shadow, rising up for an appetizing bug that had just landed on the surface in the eddy off to my side.

I waited for the fish to turn and present me with a good side shot, and get clear of the foam that congregated at the surface from the rushing river waters.

I drew my bow and set my eyesight dead on the large unsuspecting fish, as it went for the fly on the water's surface. My three shooting fingers let loose, the slack coils of line peeled away from my feet as I sent the arrow to my prey. The line stopped dead when my ears heard a good thud sound, indicating a solid hit.  

I dropped my bow in excitement and quickly bent down and grabbed the line, as it started racing away from me once again when the fish darted away in distress.   When I finally got a secure hold on the line, my hands burned from line ripping through them for a few seconds from the fleeing fish.  I struggled to gain ground on the fish, as it was very strong and tried to dive to the deep rocky shelter below.   Thankfully, the head shot quickly took its toll, as all shots should only be taken when the outcome will be a quick, ethical and a humane harvest.  

As I started to haul in my catch; the heavy dead weight on the end of the line made me grin from ear to ear.  I had not yet seen the size of fish through the rivers turbulent water surface. I pulled it to the shoreline and finally viewed its mass, I was astonished!  The fish was almost the length of my arm and it had to weigh close to a small pig at market scale!

I bowed my head and thanked Longstrider for this magnificent trout, quietly.

"This will feed many hungry folk and friends tonight"...I said as I gazed at the river giant now beached upon the shore.

I cleaned the fish on the bank to lighten the trip back to share in the bounty of today's catch.  I had to fold the fish over and tuck its tail down inside, just to be able to fit it in my pack.  I hoisted the weighted pack over my shoulders, grabbed bow and headed out of my new secret spot.  A spot that I hope, I will be able to stumble onto again one day.  

*Leaf thinks to himself knowing that Feawen loves to fish as much as he does*  

"I wish Feawen was there to be a part of that great catch with me. I long to see her again, hoping that she is currently someplace safe and warm.   I cannot wait for her to show me how to fish with a stick, line and live bait one day"[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2010, 06:19:30 pm »
Gateway, Spring Dawning 1, 1460

The other day, I was trying to find my secret fishing hole once again, but was unable to locate the trail's camouflaged entrance.  The surrounding vegetation seemed thicker and things looked a little different to me than last time.  
I eventually went back to one of the areas that I like to fish frequently. I managed to get a few trout from the Zainge River that day.  As I walked the forest edge in search of other secret trails to great fishing holes, a loud roar erupted from the woods. The roar seemed to resemble that of a large bear.  

The bear's roar was not one that I normally hear in the forests though, as when they battle for territory. Rather this one sounded as if the roar were one of pain. I quickly made my way in the general direction, to see if I could locate this bear.

 When I started to run, I heard another pain-felt roar.

The bear was undeniably in pain and curiosity quickened my pace to seek out the reason behind the bear's outcries.  I darted through the trees trying to stay on a general heading of where the roars were coming from.  Then my ears began to hear dissimilar sounds.  I stopped and concentrated them in the direction I was headed.  Kobalds!

As I approached a small hill that I knew overlooked a deep depression beyond, my ears confirmed that kobalds were just on the other side of the hill.  I quietly dropped my heavy pack and low and crawled up the hill to get a peek over the top.   I winced, when I heard the bear roar in pain once again before making it to the top.  Once I reached the grassy crest, my eyes witnessed three kobalds,   torturing this poor defenseless bear for their utter amusement.  I looked at the animal as it lay on its side in severe misery and pain.

I noticed many puncture wounds in the bear's shoulder region from the spears of the kobalds.  The blood still trickled down the spear's shafts, confirming my judgment and explaining the bear's agony.

One of the kobalds turned to its pack and pulled out a rusty axe, went over to the bear, raising it over its head.
"This is going to end right here, and right now!" I said to myself as I rose to my knees to fire a shot at the threatening kobald.
 My arrow pierced its wrist, wielding the axe, pinning it along with the kobald to the tree behind it.  The other two looked up to me atop the hill, and rushed my position.  I bounded to my feet, ripped my blades from their sheaths and taunted the bullies with a fierce battle cry.  

As the two stormed up the hill, I stood still and let them to come right to me. Just before the pike men reached me with their spears, I tumbled up and over the kobalds, landing steady on my feet behind them.  I quickly lowered my battle stance and came across with a sweeping arc of one of my short swords that was met with an unarmored enemy leg.  The sword gashed deep into the thigh area, dismantling it into a heap of suffering.  

The second one turned to me in opportunity, lunging at me with his spear. I quickly pulled back and under letting the spear closely pass over my left shoulder. I firmly brought up my other sword to knock the spear handle above me, throwing my attacker back a few feet.  The enraged kobald came at me again, but this time I was anticipating the assault.  When the pole was jousted at me, I side-stepped the attack and spun closer to the kobald, my blades piercing its chest upon finishing my revolution.

The first kobald, whose leg was hanging on by a cracked femur and a few strands of tendons clenched its shredded appendage, still paralyzed and howling. "You will suffer deeply for your outlandish actions today" I said with anger to the foe.  I went to it and ended its screams with a quiet blade insertion to its heart.  

 The final kobald, still pinned to the tree, started to panic, frantically tugging at his wrist imprisonment from my precise arrow placement, making the wound drive streams of blood down its trapped arm. I slowly walked toward it and re-sheathed my blades after wiping them clean on the ground.  The creature started to relax and seemed to think for a second, that I was going to let him go. *chuckles*

I bore my eyesight into the foul smelling beast for a few moments before bending and grasping its weapon.  I stood back up to see the fear in the kobald's eyes return quickly.  

I violently drove the spear into the kobalds right shoulder, twisting the tip to send shockwaves of pain throughout its body.  I ripped the spear free from bone, then placed the spear onto its left shoulder and applied a little pressure and slowly drove the spear deeply. I then grabbed the kobald's head, as it screamed in pain, forcing him to look at the bear; I wanted it to be the last thing it would see in this world.  

My final attack drove the spear hard into the tree, passing right through the heart of the kobald, killing it, as I watched the life shake from its fingers.

I turned to look upon this near death animal before me...barely breathing.

I knelt down by the bear's side and examined its puncture wounds.  The bear's thick hide prevented from the spears penetrating deeply.  His wounds were in need of healing ointments and a good cleansing.  

I ran back to my pack and grabbed some aloe, comfey, my water canteen and some bandages.  I went back to the bear and got to work tending to the animal's care.   I cleansed his puncture areas with water and some clean cloths.  I then smeared crushed aloe and comfey on the bandages and tied the bandages around the bear as securely as I could.
The water drops to his mouth he did so enjoy, lapping at it with fervor.  I stayed with him for a while till he rolled, and struggling to come to a sitting posture.

Still weak but coherent, the bear shook its head a few times and pawed at its mouth.  I tilted my head in a puzzled stare at the bear.   Then I realized his wish....Food!   It only took my a few seconds and I was rushing back to my pack. I came back to the bear with the few trout I had caught earlier in the day.  The look in its eyes was priceless.   He looked to me and formed a smile before flopping to his belly and grabbing the trout and beginning to feast.  

I watched this bear consume the fish quickly.  All that was left were picked skeletons, and I was amazed at how he could work out even the smallest areas of meat with his large muzzle.

Once he finished his meal, the bear lay back down for a long slumber.  I sat with him and as he slept, I kept changing his bandages every so often and cleaning his wounds to prevent infection.   I slept next to him through the night.   I awoke to the bear still sleeping, so I went back down to the river to try to take a few more trout or bass for the bear to eat, also to fill my canteen.  

I took a few bass, not as big like the trout the preceding day, but some good meaty ones.  I went back to the bear and he was alarmed at first hearing me, but upon seeing it was the figure who had been aiding him, he went back to a peaceful manner.  

I went to the bear and he sat before me, seemingly happy.  I gave him the three chunky bass and watched him tear through them with fierceness, one after another. I cupped one of my hands and poured some water from my canteen into it for the bear to drink, letting it spill over my fingers.   He approached without hesitation and began lapping the drink from my hand.

We spent the next several days together until he was fully healed and back to his old bear self again.  

During that time with him, I started to understand this bear's grunts, moans and even his some of his roars.  We went fishing together on The Zainge one afternoon.  He waded into the shallow pools and herded the fish toward me. It was easy pickings that day.  We both gorged ourselves on trout and bass around the fire that night.  

We started to work in unison beginning to anticipate how the other one was going to set up, move, and ambush. We even got to know each others basic language structure over meals and our times together.

I felt like I had acquired a good friend that day.  

I have been to fortunate enough to have at least an understanding of this bear's given name.  One night after consuming a large deer- well mostly him-he sat back and grunted to me the name that his sow mother gave to him upon giving birth to him in their den just north of here.  

The bear opened his muzzle letting out a long throaty grunt, resembling..... Grrrraaaahhhmmm .

I paused for a second, trying to gather the sound.

I said "Your name is Grom?"

He came up and gave me a big lick across the face after I asked, so I was happy I could understand him and could pronounce his name correctly.

On the last day before I left Grom, we were out walking around the Silkwood Forest looking for berries.  I spotted a group of goblins making their way back to the wastelands.  Grom sensed my alarmed state and looked to me with adrenaline.

"Steady, boy" I said. "Let us see where they are headed first".  

 We followed the goblins till they were almost back in the wastelands.  Then, for whatever reason, they turned and headed in a different direction at a quicker pace now.  Grom and I followed close behind.  He jumped over a low lying area and landed on a downed log that made a loud snap as it broke.
The goblins heard the loud crack in the silent woods, stopped, turned, and headed straight back in our direction.   We both froze in our tracks after the crack of the log through the silent forest. I heard their foot traffic coming back in our way. I told Grom to quickly hide in the bushes and wait till they passed before launching an attack.  He grunted to me in agreement and leapt into the shrubbery.   I tucked behind a tree and waited for the reckless to pass.  

One...., Two...., the third went by and I fired an arrow into the back of its head as it dropped to the forest floor, motionless.   The other two goblins turned, with both of them hurling small war hammers at me concurrently.  I managed to duck under the first hammer's trajectory, but the second one flew in the same line that I chose to dodge the first one.   The hammer struck the side of my head and things went blurry and dark as I dropped to my knees in complete disarray.  

I heard a loud roar from in front of me; bones started snapping and goblins were crying out in terror.  I still lay helpless on the ground, dazed and confused from the solid blow to my head. My ears were my only orientation at that point.  

The tearing of goblin flesh and agony is all I could distinguish.  I have never heard goblins cry out in agony like that before.  The blurry visions of goblins being mauled and ripped to pieces is all I could gather through the melee. Once the screams of the goblins fell instantly silent, I knew Grom's long sharp teeth had driven deep into their vulnerable esophagus tissue.

I awoke from having lost consciousness during Grom's carnage on the goblin party. My eyes began to focus on Grom panting heavily over me protectively.   I sat up slowly and felt his big wet tongue lap across my face over and over till I pulled away.   Grom leaned his head into mine and nuzzled up to me.  

"Thanks. Boy, I am glad to see you too my friend", I said to Grom.  

I petted my new companion and once I got my wits about me, stood up. I leaned over and hugged Grom for his valiant effort to help me against the goblins.  He leaned his head into me with great enthusiasm.

I instructed Grom that he not need travel with me continually, but rather remain and prosper in the forests until I shall have to call for his help again one day.  I understood through his grunts, friendly posture, that he would be close, should I ever need him.

Grom and I have bonded as one unit, now it seems like. We both can sense the others thoughts, feelings and actions.  

Most of the time Grom comes when I call to him, but, after all he is just a bear and  is sometimes off raiding a beehive somewhere in search for a smackerel of honey.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2010, 10:54:39 pm »
Dead Eye, Spring Rain 18, 1460

*pulls pack off his shoulders, hanging it along with his bow on a tree limb.  Sits next to one of his favorite trees, pulling a brown book from his pack, flipping pages to the first blank one that appears and begins to scribe*

What a trip that was!  I have never had a more memorable and enjoyable time.  Feawen had asked me to accompany her to her home land of Alindor.  She wanted to show me all the places where she traveled with her father when she was very young, along with some of the areas she had visited while growing up.  

We met outside Ft. Vehl and made our way to the docks.  I offered my hand to Feawen upon boarding the ship, which she graciously accepted.  It was pleasant to be able to sit and talk with her near the bow of the ship as we sailed to the land upon which she was born.  Our conversations lasted late into the nights on The Sea of Scales, making each other laugh, and sharing our thoughts.

Late one afternoon, the crew made sight of Alindor off the bow and scurried to make preparations for dockage in Mariner's Hold, a main port on Alindor.  As soon as we stepped foot off the ship, Feawen produced an amazing smile upon her lovely face and I knew she was thinking of her father, as the sights and sounds around Mariner's Hold started filling her eyes and ears.  We took a walk around port and she showed me some areas of interest in port.  Then Feawen said to me, "I have so much more to show you".

She led me out of Mariner's Hold and we walked together through some very nice wooded areas.  I was enjoying the many familiar plants and animals as we casually made our way through the forest, quietly taking our time as we did.    Feawen asked if I would like to see some of her favorite areas on Alindor.  I accepted her offer with enthusiasm and, with our fingers becoming comfortably interlocked, we embarked on our journey.  

Feawen glowed with happiness, as she suddenly remembered a special time in her life, and was eager to share it with me.   I realized that each time Feawen and I were together, I discovered yet another facet in her that I adored.

We stopped to rest, ate some berries, nuts, and fish for the energy she said we would need to continue on.  After our mid-day meal, Feawen needed a little time for herself, and slipped into a coma of meditation.   I let her have her time and set off to take a look around the immediate area, never losing sight of her as I explored.  I found some berries and other edibles.  While scanning the ground, I heard some leaves rustling off to my right.  A pair of minks were playing some game it seemed like, running and trying to catch the other. They seemed to be having a lot of fun, and I enjoyed watching them leaping around.  I then noticed something else over by a nearby tree and thought "The little lady will like this".

I went back and sat near Fewen and prepared for our departure soon.  She left her meditative state of mind when I was quietly stuffing food and items into my pack. I felt as if someone were watching me. I looked up, to see the brightest smile one could ever see.  She asked if I had left during her meditation.  I informed her that I did take a look around, but she need not worry, as I had kept her in sight as I did.  She smiled up to me upon hearing that.

Feawen said to me, "I want to show you one of the most beautiful lakes in Alindor. It's called Lake of Glass. This lake reminds me of how peaceful and gentle you are with me Leaf".  

"Show me this area of which you speak", I replied.

We gathered our things and left for Lake of Glass.  A long journey it was to get there, but worth every step.  A magnificent lake it was, with many white stags bounding about the hill sides.   I noticed the herd bull off in the distance and the stag was a very impressive animal as he stood watching over his harem proudly, no wonder why that lake has a strong and healthy stag population,as the genes are of well stock.  Feawen and I strolled around the lake.  We came upon a few shallow steams and creeks, though I just carried her over, so that both of us would not have to get wet.   It was getting dark so we headed to a safe spot that she knew of close by.
We arrived at a well hidden, primitive campsite.  I started a fire, and unclipped my cloak for us to sit on, cushioning us from the chilly forest floor.  I produced a few fillets of dried trout, with some berries, placing them on my cloak next to Feawen.  She smiled up at me and said "Thank you" and began to nibble on the food.  I smiled while winking back to her, taking some food for myself.  I sat down next to the lovely lady while we had our meal together.  She leaned her head over, laying it on my shoulder during the meal, saying that she was feeling like she could be herself around me, and that I give her a great feeling inside when I am near.  I appreciated her comment and was glad that she was enjoying herself along with my company.  I cleaned up after our meal, and we sat together by the fire that night, telling more stories of our histories.

I awoke sometime in the middle of the night and looked over to see Feawen was shaking a bit from the cold night air.  I went to her and took off my cloak, placing it over her, tucking it inside her cloak to form a cocoon to seal her in her natural body warmth.  I waited a few moments and her shaking subsided as she looked warm and content now.  I went back to my tree and huddled next to it to try and escape some of the cold night breezes that were blowing through our encampment that night.  

I awoke again early that morning slightly chilled, looked to Feawen still snuggled up in my cloak that I placed on her during the night.  She seemed very restful and still warm, which made me feel at peace, knowing that she was no longer cold and uncomfortable.  I quietly reached into my bag and pulled out the flower I found near the tree the other day, still as vibrant as that day I picked it.  I tiptoed over to her. I viewed this beautiful woman sleeping peacefully on her side. I placed the flower by her, then went back to my tree and went back to sleep.

I came from dreams feeling a tickling sensation on my face.  My eyes opened to see Feawen sitting next to me, smiling at me while sniffing her flower.  I sat up and she gave me a warm loving hug, thanking me in the process.  She loved the gift that I had secretly given her earlier that morning.

After we had something to eat and hydrated ourselves, Feawen asked me.

"Do you like to climb?" I replied "Yes I do, milady".

"Come, I will show you some of the best climbing in Alindor, but first, there is a special place I want you to see, my Leaf".  

She led me off slowly, then to a full-out run, with which I actually tried to keep up at first, but her well-conditioned body and speed were so remarkable that I found myself at maximum effort.  

Right before our arrival to our next destination, Feawen stopped and took my hand.  She said the place we were about to enter would make me feel something special inside.  I was now very curious, so we kept going quickly and then we entered the outskirts of the Wolfswood Forest, as Feawen had told me.  I have traveled many forests in my lifetime, but this one had such a tranquil aura to its surroundings that I have never felt before.  She led me to a few of the Wolfswood Rangers that guarded the forest, introducing us in the process.  I felt a great sense of peace and belonging in this forest after meeting the rangers of Wolfswood Forest.  I will indeed have to learn more about the Wolfswood Forest and these rangers that protect the forest and its borders.  The rangers amiably escorted us to the forest edge; as Feawen and I thanked them for their concern.

As we left the Wolfswood Forest, I longed for the day that I should return. We headed east and after some time, we arrived in the mountains near the outskirts of Katherian.  The mountain range was dark and very windy, as the air drafts rose up with extreme velocities.  We ventured in and started our accent. I asked Feawen.  "Does this rugged landscape have a name?"  

Feawen replied back.  "It is has been termed "The Path of Elemental Balance".

I asked her "Where are the ropes?"

She chuckled at me and said "We don't need ropes"

A little confused at her answer, I replied "How do we climb these mountains without ropes?"

Feawen leaned over and whispered in my ear "You will soon see, my Leaf".

I trusted her answer and heard the howling winds roaring fiercely up the cliff edge as we moved in closer.  I watched Feawen get close to a cliff edge and my heart started beating a little nervously.  I almost grabbed her when she was uplifted from the rocky edging, flying like a bird up toward an opening in the rock face above.  She landed soundly, and motioned for me to come up and join her.
I could not believe what I had just witnessed!  I then began to trust that it might just be the high velocity mountain wind currents that were causing this gift of unorthodox flight.

I stepped to the edge.  I looked up to Feawen and leapt off the cliff, I felt my cloak fill, taking me up with the rising currents.  I braced myself for the landing, just barely stumbling a bit as my feet met rock once again.  Feawen looks to me with her beautiful smile and said "That was excellent, handsome".

"Thank you my dear". I replied

We walked around the cliff's edge cautiously.  It would have been fateful should one of us happened to fall.  We arrived at the next area where the wind currents were funneled into another strong updraft.  This time I was relaxed in fight and landed steadily on my feet.  This little lady showed no fear at all, and I was taken by her lack of apprehension as we soared over canyons and the rocky depths below.

Feawen noticed an area high above on a high peak that she wanted for us to ascend to.  We made our way up to the viewpoint of which she spoke.  It was so high up I could not even see where we had started.  

She walked me over to the small ledge outlook and sat down in front of me looking out over the vast mountains. She turned to me, tugging at my cloak for me to join her.  I sat behind her and she leaned back into my chest.  Feawen walked her hand over, placing it atop mine.  I affectionately grasped her delicate hand, while wrapping my arms around her, as we just sat there feeling each other's heartbeats, enjoying our time together.


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2010, 11:43:28 am »
Dream Dance, Summer End 12,1460

There is always some surprises out in the Goblin Wastelands, and today was no exception.

I was hidden just inside the wood line near the road to Hlint, watching the hills for any goblin activity.  I heard the galloping sounds of a horse quickly coming down the road.  I viewed a man, pull the reigns back, bringing his mount to a descending trot before stopping out in the road.  I left my position and slowly walked out from the trees, stopping just at the road's edge in front of him.  

He climbed down off his horse, and said. "Greetings.  Observing the hills were you".

"Yes I was, but all seems quiet today". I replied

I was admiring his mount and asked If I could approach the animal.

The man replied "Sure you can, his name is Strider".

I slowly approached the horse with a gentle hand, petting him as I did.  "I am Shadowleaf", saying to the both of them.

"My name is Enzo, nice to meet you Leaf".

We stood on the road and began to talk when I realized that he was a ranger also. He then asked me.  "Have you ever heard of the Wolfswood Forest, Leaf?".

I replied.  "Yes I have.  I recently took a trip to Alindor and visited the forest.  The rangers greeted us as soon as we entered the forest. They were very considerate to me and the lady I was traveling with at the time, and offered to escort us safely through the forest.  Do you have an affiliation with the rangers in the Wolfswood Forest?"

Enzo grinned at me slightly and said. "Yes, I do.  I am second in command and my rank within the Wolfswood Ranger Corp. is, Commander of the Wood".

My body tightened a bit knowing that I was talking to a high ranking officer, but I became relaxed when he began to tell me the story of how the Wolfswood Rangers came to be.   At one point in history, there was a dire werewolf that was devastating nearby settlements.  A group of rangers set out to hunt this animal and rid the surrounding lands of this ongoing torment.  After the werewolf had been eliminated, the rangers formed a fierce militia within the Wolfswood Forest dedicated to watching over the forest with great concern and defend its borders.  Enzo also said that the ranger militia merely numbers a few hundred strong, because they only accept the most skilled rangers in the lands for enlistment into the corp.

I asked.  "Is enlistment open to any ranger who wants join the Wolfswood Ranger Corp.?".

"Yes, enlistment is open to all, but I should inform you that there are some tough initiation challenges and quests that you must fulfill before enlistment into the ranger corp.".  Enzo replied.

"No problem Sir.  I do not believe I am ready for enlistment at this time.  I have much training to complete yet.  However, one day I will seek enlistment, you can count on that Sir".  I said to Enzo with confidence.

"That is great to hear Leaf!  You seem to have the drive and determination that our rangers are known for.  Keep going with your training and when you feel you are ready, travel to the Wolfswood Forest and have one of the border scouts send word to me that you have arrived".

I thanked the commander for his offer, watching as he climbed back onto Strider, looking to me in the process.

"May Folian S'pae watch over you Leaf". Enzo said to me.

"May Longstrider watch over you too Sir" .    I waved to Enzo, as he and Strider made haste for the Silkwood Forest.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2010, 10:27:53 am »
World Tree, Autumn Harvest 28,1460

I feel the time has come.  The time for me to attempt my father's test in survival training.  When I was just around 50 years old, my father sat me down and said that when I felt I was ready, I would need to test my body and mind under the most extreme conditions for a total of 7 days straight.  I would have to be able to adapt and overcome hardships with minimal supplies and aid.  I must learn how to push myself beyond what my mind tells me I am capable of, endure the elements and ultimately survive.

I headed to the Stormcrest shack to plan how I should accomplish this perilous training.  I entered a vacant tavern with only Korim wiping down some mugs and goblets with a well used hand towel.  I sat down and he poured me a stout ale.  I began to tell him of my plan, asking him if he knew of a land that has a very extreme and harsh climate.  He paused for moment thinking.
"I know of one such land. It has even been referred to as extreme, even that one could easily perish under such ruthless conditions for any length of time.  The land you seek, Elf, is Krashin.  You can sail there from Leringard, but ye might want to bring some extra clothing. The frigid cold up there is like no other. Also, the barbarian tribes that inhabit Krashin tend not to like drifters wandering near their encampments,"  Korim said to me.

"That sounds like just the area I need for this type of training," I replied.

I hoisted my mug of ale, gulping it down in the process and left the tavern. I headed to change the color of my cloak and armor to match the monochrome color of Krashin's snow covered lands and to gather some minor supplies for my journey.

Tonight I packed only enough food for my journey to Krashin, and brought a second canteen for the trip too. The only other equipment I am taking are my skinning knife, wood axe, bow and flint and steel.  I will have to forage for all my food once I arrive at my base camp for the 7-day duration.
Tomorrow morning, I leave for Leringard.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2010, 10:46:35 am »
Gateway, Autumn Twilight 1,1460

*sends Chess with a note to find and deliver it to Feawen before leaving for Leringard*

(scribed in Elven)

My dearest Feawen,

I have come to a point in my life where I must fulfill one of my father's training lessons.  I will be leaving for my expedition to Krashin's northern territories after I finish this letter to you.

I felt I should leave word with someone just in case I should not return.  I must endure the elements and the glacial cold for a total of 7 days straight. I will use my thoughts of you to try to keep me warm through the long cold nights alone.

Should I happen to succumb to the harsh conditions up there and fall, I want you to continue on with your path, seeking true enlightenment and become all you desire in this world.  I hope you and your father do find each other someday, I know he misses his daughter as much you miss him.

I want you to know that you have touched my heart in so many ways, that mere words cannot begin to describe my feelings for you.  You are truly a lovely lady and I am honored to have had you in my life up to this point.  I can only pray that I survive my training and return to view your beautiful self again.  Hopefully, I should return back sometime in Autumn Dark.  If Chess does not return to you soon after that time, Im afraid it means that I have fallen to Krashin's cruel environment and failed my survival training.    

If this does end up taking the life force from my body, there is one thing I want to you to always remember.

I love you, Feawen Silimaure.



Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2010, 10:48:14 am »
Night's Eye, Autumn Twilight 17, 1460

The ship I sailed on, brought me to a small port town of Krashin called Raven's Watch.  I tried not to look anyone in the eye as I walked thru port and kept my identity unknown under my hood.  I made my way northward toward the mountain peaks in the distance.  I traveled concealed from sight along the windswept frozen hilly landscapes for many a day and night.  

One evening as the sun was setting past the horizon, I noticed the faint flickers of light out on an open area down off the ridgeline I was wandering.  I crept up to within eyesight of a small barbarian encampment.  I nestled down onto the snow and observed the tribe from my lofted surveillance point.   Some large burly men were outside an immense tent, tending a fairly large stew pot and roasting a few deer over an open fire.  There were additional lesser tents spread around the encampment, with many men tying up their furs and performing other primitive duties. I saw a man rapidly advancing from a long distance across the snow toward the encampment. The man ran through the camp and into the large tent.  A few minutes later, many men ran from the tent bellowing out words that stirred the entire tribe into a fierce battle-hungry clan.  The tribe formed into two long lines and marched out into the icy darkness, chanting praises of battle raising their weapons high.  I let the tribe completely clear the area before moving north once again.

The arctic wind near the mountains intensified, feeling like of a cold dagger piecing into my body.  I wrapped around me the little extra clothing I brought and it did help some, but I was still very cold.  I tried to take the least demanding trails up the mountains so I could conserve my energy, but all the trails were dicey and perfidious.  I stopped behind a large snow bank to escape the biting wind for a bit and consumed the last of the food I had brought with me.  I continued upward in search of a spot where I could strike camp for the next 7 days and begin my survival training.  The trail started to incline severely upward, and I was having a hard time keeping my footing on the icy rocky trail.  I even fell once, tumbling down the trail till a jagged rock snagged me from going over the side of cliff and plummeting to my demise.  I pulled myself back up and kept going, quietly saying to myself, that I will not give in to defeat.  

The night's journey up that mountain trail was a survival test in itself. The darkness brought a bone chilling wind with dense snow flurries at times.  The trail disappeared under a blanket of falling snow. I lowered my head and watched every step I took with caution, hoping some type of shelter would soon appear.

By morning, I was so chilled that I could not feel my fingers or toes any longer.  I had to find shelter and make a fire soon or I felt that I would perish out here.  The blood in my veins was slightly warmed by the sight of a small cave entrance just above the trail ahead that was opposite from the prevailing winds.  

I warily approached the cave and peered inside.  The cave did not appear to be recently used by any animal or creature so I thought this might be a good place to make camp.  Upon entering, I noticed a few bones near the back of the cave but they seemed very old and weathered, so I decided to stay anyway.   Just to be out of the howling frigid winds made my body warmer.  I did some exercises to warm me a bit before I got to work setting up camp. After getting my equipment unpacked, I grabbed my axe and went out in search of some fire wood.  I found a small tree toppled over, sticking out from the snow of a recent avalanche.  I dug the snow from around the tree.  The cold was already taking its toll on me as I painfully chipped away at the tree, trying to gather all the pieces I could.  My hands were so lethargic I was struggling just to grip the axe, with the numbness quickly turning into pain with every chop.  I could not take the cold anymore and collected the wood I managed to chip away and headed back to the cave.  

The feel of the flame off the tinder under the wood after striking it with my flint and steel was inspiring.  The immediate warmth from the fire was soothing to my numb appendages.  Sensation started to come back in my fingers and toes, though with a bit of a lasting pain.  I sat by the fire and began to think "What have I done?  I have just arrived here having not even started my week of survival training, and I am already feeling the effects of this brutal climate.  Nevertheless, I must stay the course and endeavor to meet my objective, per my father's instructions."

The warm fire has started to ease my thoughts now and let my mind contemplate what a demanding 7 days lay ahead for me.  I will rest till tommorrow morning so I can try to prepare my body. I have to just stay focused and use the skills I have learned to make it out of here alive.[/SIZE][/FONT]

*closes his book and curls up in his cloak next to the flickering fire in the cave, starring at the flames until he eventually drifts off to sleep, still chilled from his journey*


Re: Shadowleaf A'nadivian - Personal Memoirs
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2010, 12:04:58 pm »
Dead Eye, Autumn Twilight 18, 1460

Day 1

I awoke shivering and hungry this morning.  The fire had lost its radiance sometime during the night, leaving me chilled to the bone.  I came to my feet and began to walk around the cave.  Once I felt my blood start flowing again, I did some calisthenics to warm my body.  I went for one of my water canteens in my pack only to feel a freezing slush inside.  Both of my canteens have burst from expansion of the water inside turning to ice and increasing past what the skins could hold.   In these frigid temperatures I am now without a means to hold and store water.    

I grabbed my axe and went back to the dead tree.  The snow flurries from the night before made me have to dig yet again for my lumber.  I was to able to hack off a few good-size pieces this time, but I began to realize that this little tree was going to have to last the entire 7 days up here, as I have not seen another seasoned piece of wood for as far as my elven eyes can penetrate across the land, just a few sparse green pine trees stand nearby.  I will have to conserve my fire wood and try to make this tree last for the duration of my training.

I collected some fresh snow outside and put it into the one small cooking pot I had brought with me.  I made a fire and placed two rocks next to it. I set the pot on the rocks, giving some space underneath for the air to advance flame growth.  The water began to boil and I removed the pot from the fire.  I let a few minutes pass before taking a few sips of the comforting hot liquid.  The warmth of the fluid made me, even if only temporarily, forget about my current hunger.  So I have drinking water now, but still no food.  

I sit back now staring outside the cave to the snow flurries starting up once again.

*sets book down and watches the snow fall for the entire afternoon. Out of sheer boredom, he picks the book back up and starts to scribe again*

The snow outside has been falling for a while now.  It is going to be hard to even locate the dead tree tomorrow.

*he views his meager wood supply, much less then the previous night's ration*

So I prepare myself for yet another cold night, as this fire will certainly fade soon to a cold char.  No matter how cold I am in the morning, I must go and search for some type of food; my stomach is starting to cramp from the lack of food.

*closes his book, and throws the last large chunk of wood on the fire, saving the small twigs and branches for the fire in the morning; curls up in his cloak next to the fire and thinks of home until his eyes slowly close*[/SIZE][/FONT]