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Author Topic: To Go Beyond His Father  (Read 832 times)

Goldwin Blacknight

To Go Beyond His Father
« on: May 04, 2005, 07:18:00 am »
The lone figure sat in a corner of the Wild Surge. " We could have lost the whole party and me standing there glassy eyed and drooling again!" Goldwin had come to consiousness still in front of the Beholder just in time to finish it off with his axe. He remembered how his father had died at the gates of Tarala with that same dazed look-holding his famous axe high, unable to move. "I must find a way to be more than my father was, or I will die the same way and never recover the BlackAxe!" Magic had always intrigued Goldwin. He knew the feeling of warmth and power as it was cast upon him by mages and priests. He was much too old to take up a true study of the arcane, but there might be another way. "Thieves and rogues are said to be able to mimick some of the skills of mages" he thought, and he knew of several in Layonara that seemed to know how this was done. " I will talk to Ender Sai and the others. I have seen them do this. I will not die as my father did." Goldwin Blacknight arose from his lonely chair and left the inn intent on going beyond his father.

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 07:36:00 am »
I spoke with Buppi today about the magical items he uses. He was most helpful, and even gave me a couple scrolls called grease to practice on. After coaching me through the chants and somatic gestures I managed to make something happen. It's a good thing he was standing behind me. I'll be cleaning my armor for several hours now as it went a bit awry, but it's a start. With a laugh Buppi mentioned that it might help to take my armor off-hmmmm-no armor?

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2005, 11:11:00 am »
It took much gathering and quite a while, but I managed to make a pair of Gnomish Goggles today with Dorand's help.  After a bit of practice I was able to make them work satisfactorily-another step into the arcane.  Although the Color Spray spell isnt very powerful-I did stun a few trolls and goblins with it. The See Invisibility property works well and comes in handy although it doesn't last as long as I would like; maybe it will get better with time and more study. I think it will be time soon to seek help from the few mages I know in Layonara-most of the writings I've seen are still way beyond me.

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2005, 10:23:00 pm »
The scroll writings are starting to make some sense now and I can read quite a few-saying the words aloud. I hope with more practice I'll be able to make most of them work. I'm particularily interested in those that protect me from the magic of my foes since my axe does the killing quite well. I had a long and very interesting conversation with Pathfinder today about some of the unusual skills he exhibits in battle. It seems he's taken somewhat the same course in his studies as I have. He showed me some moves that help him avoid getting hit while fighting-he's quite agile and it works well for him. I had much trouble trying the same as my armor didnt lend itself to that kind of flexibility. I must look into something a little lighter to see what protection it will give. With Dorand's help I might make something that suits this kind of fighting.

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2005, 12:31:00 pm »
Had quite a bit of trouble the past few days with my crafting. Indeed, the items I have been trying are of a more difficult nature. I must pray more often to Dorand for his help methinks. I was fortunate to be able to purchase a very nice shield yesterday which may help me to perform the avoidance moves Pathfinder has shown me. It is smaller in size, but is just as strong being made of a better metal. It covers a smaller portion of my body though, which I hope, won't expose too much of my body when swarmed by my enemies. Overall learning goes slowly these days as I have spent most of my time gathering and crafting in the name my god.

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2005, 10:14:00 pm »
I've started using my new skills while wandering and gathering in these lands. This magic business is more difficult than I had imagined and will take more time to master. I have grown though and seek to better myself even more in time. My crafting goes well, although it grows more time comsuming as the items get more demanding, but I will continue with the help of Dorand. I've awakened at times still in the crafthalls-having fallen asleep from overwork...

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2005, 06:07:00 am »
Again Buppi snuck up on me from behind and I almost dropped my axe from the scare. He just laughed and ran away as usual. I've got to corner him one of these days and ask him how he manages to be so sneaky. I've also noticed others who can almost disappear right in front of ones' eyes. Seteece has given me a few lessons in traveling through forested areas silently, but nothing like Buppi exhibits. Snippi Yertendon once told me that his talent for traveling unseen is something that everyone posseses, but it usually remains untapped and unperfected. He seemed amused by my interest and laughed, mentioning something about my armor being more of a burden than a help. Pathfinder had also said that my armor would inhibit me. Maybe there is another way? To move about silently and unseen would certainly make gathering a lot easier-not having to fight my way into every almond grove, or catnip patch. I just have to get one of these sneaky gentlemen to show me their secrets; maybe even get a few lessons?

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2005, 02:29:00 pm »
I've purchased the bit of jewelry suggested by Buppi and made the Panther hide outfit that Pathfinder mentioned. I didn't notice any difference after putting it all on at first, but with a bit of concentration there was a tingling sensation on my skin and I think I went a bit hazy on the outside. It seems the clothing and jewelry channels thought into something edging on the ethereal! I've gotta show someone else this! Kinda hard to tell just how one looks from the inside. If I can get this to work right, I might be able to gather crafting materials for my god Dorand without having to risk my neck every time. My crafting skill grows and now demands taking more risks to get what I need. Practice is limited though as it gives me a headache afterword only deminished with a healing potion. I think it will get better though with more skill. I've begun to make weapons and armor now-a skill long neglected. My hopes of regaining my father's axe rises as my skills and experiences grow. One day I will recover it-or maybe be skilled enough to craft a similar one. Not sure yet just how I'll manage to get lightning to strike it as my father did. Certainly a skill I now know nothing about.

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2005, 11:55:00 pm »
The other day I tested my new "sneakiness". I donned the appropriate gear and was able to dig clay with several not so smart ogres walking around me. It was truly nerve racking, but it went fine. I know it's just the jewelry and outfit with little skill involved so far. The headaches are occurring less often after practice, but they still plague me. It would indeed be a boon if I could manage this skill. I can still remember the scars my father had from the daily battles he fought just to obtain the materials he needed in his work. The pain from his injuries eventually drove him to drink. With the little magic I can now mimmic, and if I could gather unseen, maybe my life would be easier than his was.


RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2005, 10:31:00 pm »
*Path weaves in and out of shadows to stand right behind Goldwin, relaxing in an inn with mates.  Still unseen or unheard by him, or anyone, he puts the point of his dagger, lightly against his neck and whispers in his hear:*  Your training starts tommorow mate, midnight.  Better not be dissapointing me.

*He's gone before Goldwin could even nod or swallow the ale in his mouth.  Only Golds' pale-white face could have told anyone that something out of the ordinary, just had happened.

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2005, 05:06:00 am »
It's been a while since my last journal entry. The days are still filled with gathering, crafting and fighting. The gathering takes most of my time now since items made need large amounts of resources to produce. I've gotten quite good moving about concealed. It seems that practice has paid off and the headaches are no more, thank Dorand. I haven't seen Pathfinder around much as of late. I've wanted to thank him for the concealment tricks he was kind enough to show me, and I especially want to pay him back for the scare he gave me at the Inn. Let's see how he reacts to a silent knife blade to HIS throat. Heh...

Goldwin Blacknight

RE: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2006, 12:36:39 pm »
I must be working too hard lately. The dream has come in upon my sleep again. Not since I first arrived in this land have I had it. I can't help but remember it vividly, it came so often before and now again it comes. The Troll chief standing over my dead father holding the BlackAxe high - as if he had the skill to use it. Tarala burning in the background lighting up the land with so many of those hideous monsters dancing gleefully among the bodies of it's now dead inhabitants. Tarala-long gone-and the journey to Layonara. The overland trek was not so bad as water was plentiful and the hunting still good. It was the sea voyage to Layonara that almost killed me and burns so dark in my dream. I can still smell the dampness, and the stench of the lower levels of that galley. Hired on as an free oarsman to pay my passage, I wasn't chained to the lower level of oars as the killers and thieves were, but the smell of death, sweat, and human waste wasn't limited to their miserable hole. The rowing made me strong, and there was rest when the wind was fair. Thank the gods I brought some dried fruits along from Tarala. There were so many dying with the bleeding mouth sickness. The dream thankfully ends as I arrive at Leillon docks with a few gold pieces thrown to me for my labor, and nothing more than my shortsword and rotting leather jerkin. My fear now is that the Troll chief has found that I have escaped to somewhere. He knows I will not rest until my father is avenged and the BlackAxe is recovered. Will he follow me here and put my new home and friends in danger? I am not of Layonara, and I have tried to keep quietly to my work and training so as not to put anyone else in jeopardy. I fear, most of all, that I will not be ready for the danger if it comes for me, and not prepared to protect those that may try to help. Dorand-help me be ready!

Goldwin Blacknight

Re: To Go Beyond His Father
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2006, 06:53:26 am »
Lately, I've looked across the sea trying to remember what my sweet Tarala was like. The memory of that land has so faded it makes my heart sink. There must be bands of humans that survived that final onslaught; living in the deep woods perhaps, or in the mountains. My training here has progressed well, and Dorand has guided my hand in becomming a skilled crafter in many trades. Tarala draws me more each day. I'm beginning to think that it would be better to leave Layonara, and to leave the friends I've made here rather than bring the dangers from my old home to this land which has it's own troubles to deal with....

