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Author Topic: Letters  (Read 320 times)


« on: May 09, 2007, 10:05:28 pm »
Any pertinent letters to and from Michaelis Draego will be posted in this thread.  Letters will be to NPCs where I invite a DM to respond if they'd like to.  Additionally, letters will be also be posted to and from any PCs (with permission from the player).


A Bastion of Faith
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 07:09:31 pm »

I am soon to depart for a journey that may be long and bear many trials. I go in order to seek my brother, Shileth.

I write to you, as you have been an inspiration to me, my friend. A strong believer in the righteousness of good, your faith in Toran and the best for all... when I felt my own resolve flagging, on more than one occasion I considered your own and felt myself stand tall once more, firm once again in my belief that we all do what we must in order to uphold what is right.
I truly regret what occurred to the first of your order. To confide this fact in you, despite that I feel justice had to be done, I am not wholly convinced that to slay Navarre for his crimes was the most just thing to be done. Would he not have seen the light once more and made strides forth for redemption? This is a question I found myself asking in the aftermath of the experience. I considered justice, and I truly feel as though redemption, in the light of Az'atta's wisdom, is the most just to the truly repentant. To snuff out what would be a beacon of the righteous once more smacks of hubris to me on the part of those who would weild justice. It shook my belief once more, I tell you this freely.

After a long contemplation, I came to the realization that I lacked perspective. It was this that led to my choice to find my brother. While we were young, his insight always showed me the path I believed in, whenever I found myself questioning as I do.

I respect your faith, Michaelis, and I am proud to call you my friend. I wish you safe travels in all that you do, and I believe with all my heart that Toran goes with you. I hope to bring home my brother to see it as well. Until then, I remain,

Yardislan Echron


A Bastion of Faith
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 07:10:52 pm »

You are always welcome in my house though I own nothing. I will pray that you find all that you seek and though my temple duties have me busy during these times, if you should ever need a hand contact Ortheus. He will see that I get the message.

There is alot that I struggle with in this world. Most of which had arrisen from the suffering I've seen. I've come to realize these people don't need soldiers, they need farmers and miracle workers. I've come to realize that the greatest vitrue is compassion and it saddens me that I seldom see it. There is alot I must change in myself for every day I strive to be what Navarre once was and in the end, what he became again. It gladdens me that you feel that way about him or that you think how you do.

For in many ways I can not explain, I think about him constantly. I think about what he stood for before he fell. He is my brother. He is what I strive to be. I am far from that. But I saw his humanity. And in that, I saw his power. Remember this.

Remember that I am and forever will be, always greatful to you. For it was you that helped me through the trials I faced more than any other. You were my arbiter. You were the one who rescued our symbol.

Always remember the good you have in yourself and always remember that you have an ally in me. Toran protect you Yardislan where ever you go.

*signed elegantly*

Michaelis Draego


Huangjin on Tilmar
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 07:38:10 pm »

I hope this letter finds you well. I write this from Huangjin on Tilmar and as I walk the streets of this city I do so for a purpose. I wish to build something here and I tell you this because I know or have heard of the work you have done for the people of these islands.

It is against my conscience that I inquire further from those that govern this city without discussing the plans I have with one of those whom have given so much to this place. I request a meeting with you. If you do not think it necessary then I will oblige, but know that what I have planned may be rather significant for this city if it comes to fruition.


Michaelis Draego


Huangjin on Tilmar
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 07:39:04 pm »
Sir Michaelis,

May this letter find you well.

I am pleased to know that a church known for championing the people will make a permanent home in Huangjin. I appreciate the news.

I feel it is important to make clear that I cannot give or withhold permission, as it is not my place to do so. I do not own or rule the city, and I am not a citizen. I would be happy to meet with you to discuss your plans, but please do not mistake my approval or disapproval of any idea as official or important. It is the opinion of the people of Huangjin that matters.

If you wish to meet, please name a time and place and I will do my best to be available.

May the Lord protector shield you from harm,

Knight of the Wyrm Unit Captain Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon


Huangjin on Tilmar
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2007, 10:29:35 pm »

I pray this letter finds you well.  I write from the city of Huangjin and as I walk the streets here, the city seems to be faring rather well despite the circumstances of the world.  
I think I may have found the spot to build Toran


Huangjin on Tilmar
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2007, 10:38:54 pm »

I pray this letter finds you well.  I write from the city of Huangjin and as I walk the streets here, the city seems to be fairing rather well despite the circumstances of the world.  I think I may have found the spot to build Toran's citadel.  I haven't spoken to any of the officials here, nor do I know of what system governs this place, but I see possibility here.

I thought it best to inform you of my whereabouts as I know I've been rather absent lately from Llast.  Know that I pray to him everyday, more so than I have prayed before.  I ask a blessing in this ambition, though I don't know what or if it will happen.  But I trust in him.  I do this for him.  I do this for these people.  Recently in a letter to a friend, I commented that these people don't need soldiers.  They need farmers and miracle workers.  They need someone who can rid the sky of this awful ash.  They don't need true, they need shelter.  They need food.  I fret that I can do nothing regarding the food as I can barely feed myself.  But shelter is what this place will serve.  Shelter and protection.  That must be known to the church and to the world.

I made a few modifications to the citadel I have planned, but the builders have yet to get back to me regarding the feasibility.  I know that their busy schedule rivals my own however, and I will continue to be patient as I have been for several years now.  They are an honorable group and their time is also spent helping various communities.

If they agree to it, the question is, will the governing body here allow it to be built. Of that I can not answer yet, but I hope soon to arrange a meeting.  I think it will be a glorious place!  As soon as I have an answer I shall write to you again.  If we can build here, I believe it's time to show unity as we seem to be a scattered lot.  I will need the help of the entire order with this.  Toran be with you.

*signed elegantly*

Michaelis Draego


A letter from Clarissa
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2007, 07:13:04 pm »

I have heard of your efforts to build a grand citadel for Toran and I applaud your efforts. I have meditated on this and I feel I must be bold and suggest a slight modification to you plan. I feel in my spirit that there are two problems with the choice of location. First, with recent events in Prantz the church of Rofirien has decided to relocate its citadel and is in the process of building a new citadel in Western gate in Corsain. I fear if the church of Toran put the grand place that you are envisioning in the same region as the Rofireinites are relocating may appear to be a competative act and further deepen the rift between the two churches.

I know this is not your intent but the timing seems to bode ill for that location. Secondly, Tilmar is not a well travelled area and I would like to see the glory of Toran and the hope that you intend to bring by it brought to the most people possible and the most needy. As I discussed with you previously my friends and I are bringing together a group we are thinking of calling the Council of Hope for the purpose of aiding the people and bringing this same hope you speak of. We had discussed the location for a base of operations and Fort Llast was chosen due to its centrality in Mistone. No location in Dregar would be free of Broegar's influence and the people of Mistone are needy indeed. I would like to talk to you about this if you would like to but please consider these thoughts. Fort Llast has served as the center of Toran's church since Broegar removed us from Prantz and I think we should also be honoring their support for us.

In Toran's service,


A letter from Clarissa
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2007, 07:14:50 pm »

I thank you for your kind suggestions but note that I am well aware and have been for some time of all that you had brought up in your letter. I am aware of where the Rofirienites intend to build their church and when they propose to do it. If the Rofirienite order views this as an act of competitiveness on their part than I would have been mislead when speaking to those in their order. Those of higher standing within that church are well aware of my location of choice and have been for some time. If they do view this as an act of competitiveness then I would pity them and of that I do not. The divide that you speak of is a rather unfortunate one, but in some cases, justified. You will learn if you do not know already, that views and opinions of either church are rather heterogenous toward the other. There are those of whom I am most certain you have the most contact with and of these individuals, they are truly good and worthy. But just as in any faith of light, there will always be those who corrupt. Our faith and our order is not perfect, but while several of the Rofirienites are worthy in every way, a few of the higher ordered in that church you should be wary of. This is not an ideal world by our eyes.

You must trust me on what I say and know that when one has traveled around, has served King Waylend directly, and fought Bloodstone directly, and has served this church now for so long, I have learned, with hardship, a few things.

You are correct that Tilmar is not a well traveled area and again I took this into consideration. When I meet with the governing body of the land it is something to be discussed. If I knew that the only way to travel there was by magical means or by extremely dangerous means, and if I was convinced that these means would never change, then I would never have chosen such a location.

Fort Llast was, is, and always will be a central place of shelter and hope for the people of Mistone. In the thirty plus years that I have been a servant of that particular temple I have also become well aware of the central importance of that location to Mistone. You may choose to arrange that spot as the meeting place for this council you propose.

As my duty I am also inclined to point out several issues regarding the council of hope you wish to arrange. It is an admirable thing, but please be aware that several of these councils have been proposed and often, a great worry to many of the faithful is the blind bravado that often accompanies many. These councils are seldom realistic and take a considerable amount of work and effort. We need that work and effort for these people. It goes without saying that these people do not need soldiers as much as they need farmers and miracle workers during these times. I may be wrong with this, but I was under the impression that you wish to pair with The Foundation lead by Ms. Katrien Hommell. If not, I would suggest you do that. My intention was to also help with this foundation. We can arrange a meeting soon to discuss this if you would like in Llast. May the all-watching grant you success. Serve the people Clarissa and you serve Toran. As a Champion of his cause you will find that the ideals you have and I once had, are not without their flaws. Whatever it takes, do it.

Michaelis Draego


A letter from Clarissa
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2007, 07:15:37 pm »

Thank you for your reply. I trust your leadership and will be by your side as you pursue this effort. I appreciate that you gave my thoughts due consideration. As to the council I also appreciate your advice. We have no visions of grandure and simply plan to do what we can. I have already been working with the Foundation, donating what I can and advertising encouraging others to do so as well. Your words about the needs of the people are wise and I believe to truly help them I must learn more about them. I will locate a family near Fort Llast and ask if I can aid in working on their farm. It will be a small thing but perhaps earn me some credibility when the time comes that I need it.

In Toran's service,


A letter from Clarissa
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2007, 07:17:29 pm »

As I was discussing the new citadel with members of the Council it ocurred to me that there may be a vey simple solution to the issue of location and access to the new temple. Would it be possible to include in the design a portal from the temple in Llast to the new temple in Tilmar? As I believe this may help the glory of Toran to inspire the people of Mistone I would be willing to have the council work on aquiring materials or negotiating with those with the ability to create such a portal. Please let me know if this is something that you think could be done. I got the idea from the portal to the great library since the idea is access for many to an otherwise remote location.

In Toran's service,


A letter from Clarissa
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2007, 07:18:56 pm »

I had contemplated placing a portal in Llast as well. The city of Huangjin itself is a most Toran-worthy city, but as you are aware of, the primary obstacle is the location and accessibility. In meeting with the governing body of Huangjin this will be one of my primary priorities. The safest way of travel to this city for most is the current portal near where Moraken dwells which is freely accessible to all, but with a price. No price should have to be paid for any that wish to see the citadel, whether they be rich or poor. In fact, it will be a place for the poor and as such, they must have no difficulty journeying to it. This is currently my only worry.

There is a trek by land following ship, but that is rather dangerous and the citadel must absolutely be available to all who would follow our faith regardless of their abilities. This will be perhaps the most difficult aspect of building the citadel and we must work with those that currently defend the city and the authorities if there is to be any progress in safe travel.

I thank you for your efforts in concern and if you are able to find what it would take to build such a portal within the temple, then please do. I can not guarantee that this method by portal will be carried out, but it certainly is something to consider. Toran protect you.

Michaelis Draego


The Break of Night
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2007, 10:45:43 pm »
Moraken's abode by the portal of light.
The dawn begins today with the break of night.
Tired and weary two once were.
But good tidings abound, no longer without her.


The Search for Chanda
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2007, 11:26:25 am »
To update you both on the status of the search I am sending this letter. I have received word from Steel that he has a fix on Chanda's location and will tell us for 25000 trues delivered to Hardragh before hand and then we can pick up the information in Lor. I have sent word to Hardragh to meet and pay him the money. I have also spoken with Rodlin a tracker who is willing to aid us in staking out the temples to see if she can be located there. I believe we will have her soon enough.



The Search for Chanda
« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2007, 11:27:10 am »

I fear trust should not be so willingly given. However, do what you will. I know neither this "Steel" or this fellow Hardragh very well, but from the words of this "Steel" during our time of travel, I am inclined to question why he is so willing to talk and bargain now as most mercenaries do. Take what information you can with a grain of salt. Be wary!

Wisdom and age tell me that crookedness is in the air. But our options are limited. I do not mind the waste of 20,000 true, for even false information holds value. If not to lead us to these Corathanites, then to at least establish our allies. You may have had dealings with both characters, but do not blindly trust despite your virtuous nature and willingness to help. Be strong!

Report to the citadel at once following the time that you receive the information. Approach this cautiously and know that the Corathanites, while fools for their choice of faith, are not ignorant to our pursuit. Soon a bounty will be offered and publically so. I shall first wait to see what you find before I post such bounty. Take Rose and all trust worthy folk that are willing to go with you to meet this Hardragh and for the exchange of information. Beware a deal with vipers! The Corathanites will ever use the shadow to deal fatal blows. Do not do this alone. They may ask that you do so, but have allies near within call even if they are not standing by your side.

My concern may be overestimated, but I have learned over time what such snakes are capable of and willing to do. Especially to those of our order.

I am happy to hear of Rodlim's willingness. I know of his capableness as a tracker and I am glad to see his service. For one such as him, I would ask that he scout in Arnax and the nearby areas. Do not tell anyone of this. Let only myself, Rose, and Rodlim know. I will take care of speaking to Ortheus. I dislike this secrecy, but those whom would see our downfall are ever watchful. For the safety of Rodlim and for our best chance of success at capturing Chanda and her accomplice, I would ask such.


