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Author Topic: Shyntyl's Little Black Book  (Read 211 times)


Shyntyl's Little Black Book
« on: February 22, 2011, 10:41:55 am »
Surface At Last

Oh curse this dreaded sun. It burns! I could not have phantomed how the sunlight burns my delicate skin. It was a quick lesson for me to learn and cover up. Alas I decided for us to make our travel at night time under the warmth of darkness.

It's been weeks since we have left the Deep. We have made our travel along the main road. We stayed off the road though for we did not want unsolicitated attention. Our travel through the woods have remained uneventful. Although I must say, the critters in the woods were quite tame. All the easier for us to hunted our game and had our fill!

We made it to this outpost called Center. While the sun was high, I made sure both of us stayed in the outskirt and hidden. Once nighttime came, we made our way into town with ourselves covered up. We stayed in the shadow as we traveled through the town. The streets were vacant with a few stragglers here and there. I could see the alleys were busy with cloaked figures. I had Xiomara go in to gauge their attention before I appear to converse with them.

Not surprisingly, they were lowlifes. A few persuasive words and the flash of Xiomara blade got what I wanted to know. They quickly told us about Center and the types of adventurers that pass through the town. I also learned where I could make a few trues, and a nearby cemetary where I can scavenged for precious commodity. Before leaving them be, I warned them not to mention our encounter. If they even whisper to a fly, those would be their last words. With that, Xiomara and myself disappeared into the darkness.

