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Author Topic: Milo Honeydew's Will  (Read 235 times)

Lord Dark

Milo Honeydew's Will
« on: December 17, 2010, 02:39:28 am »
*Milo lays snuggled up against Kylie under the stars one evening when his face distorts as he breaks down into silent tears. They roll from his eyes, down his cheek and down Kylie's stomach from where he was resting his head. It was a good thing she was asleep, Milo thought she's never seen him cry. He slips carefully out from underneath her arm and pulls out a roll of parchment and a quill with ink.*
Kylie and those who read this,

I left home to discover my reason for existing and what my ancestors guided me to do. I have done my best to walk in the way of the Great Oak and have found it difficult. To the point where I don't have many friends, but many enemies. I've discovered I don't get along very well with some people, and may they soon rot in the soil of the woods. [/SIZE]

[/SIZE] [SIZE=16]But I have found some friends whom I have grown fond of: Hayley Copperstone, Griff Silversand and Zigruum Frostbeard, then one who was my first friend in the beginning: Shrowd Umbra. There are some others who I get along well with just fine like Annwyl, it was refreshing to hear the Halfling language from someone other than a cousin, even if it's just a greeting or farewell. As I begin to try to make a list of who I get along with, it gets longer and longer, so I won't attempt it. [/SIZE]
The last thing, scratch that, something that has never crossed my mind before was the idea of a lover or partner in life. The role is fulfilled by the most beautiful being I have ever laid my eyes on. I won't get into full detail of everything that attracts me to her, but I will say she is an amazing woman and she's my whole life. I love Kylie Copperstone with all my heart and with all of my soul. I would lay my life down for her any day, and hibernate with her any day. We may never have been married, but that is the city's way, the government's official piece of paper of proof that two people are in love. We don't need that piece of paper to tell us that we love each other, we just know it. I consider her a Honeydew and I think my parents would have been proud, of course after the shock, that I found someone who makes me as happy as Kylie does. “It's not the size of the boat that matters, but the motion of the ocean.”[/SIZE]

[/SIZE] [SIZE=16]But I am done with being fruity and time to be serious. I sense my days running thin, I am still young in years but the Soul Mother has snatched numerous pieces of my soul. Sooner or later, possibly sooner, will I pass on. My earthly materials will be left behind, no matter how few they may be, but I know that I will not be needing them.  I will leave some of my things, including my staffs, in Kylie's and Hayley's chest that they can keep, sell or whatever else they would like to do with them. Lola will need a new friend, she has grown older and older, grayer and whiter, but she will still need love to replace the companionship I have with her. So, I will leave Lola with Kylie Copperstone, the she-wolf has understood to watch over the household that Kylie and I have always wanted. I do not have much coin, nor possessions, and I was once called greedy but I'm opposite of that. But I leave my coins in ownership of Kylie and Hayley Copperstone to use to their  liking.[/SIZE]
[/SIZE] [SIZE=16]My final desire is to be cremated by the fires of my Tigress, Kylie Copperstone, with her yell of “Fire!” to accompany it, like she's yelled so many times before. I would like Kylie to spread them wherever she thinks is best. I wish the best that Mother Nature and the  Great Oak can offer to you all, and that you all live your lives to the fullest without me.

Milo Honeydew[/SIZE]

*Milo rolls his parchment up and ties it with twine. He writes his name and Kylie's name to let her know that it's from him addressed to her. He digs into her bag and places it carefully into a side pocket. Milo sets the bag to the side and slips back under Kylie's arm to return to his slumber.*

