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Author Topic: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)  (Read 373 times)


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2009, 09:12:36 am »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
Febra 16, 1456
 Dear Gwen, (Jimmy and Pa, Ma and Uncle Dareon too of course!),
 Just writing another letter to stay in touch.  Things here are going much the same as ever.  I'm advancing my skills with various crafts, and continuing to focus much of my time on my daily devotions to mastering the use of my bastard swords.  I've got four of them now.  Two are works of iron and two are made with adamantium, one of which I made myself.  I switch them out for training when I train, because they each have a little different feel and balance...  Actually, they're more different then I used to realize, but in training I've begun to notice the differences almost as clearly as the difference between night and day.
 I've had an idea I'd like to try for the forging of my 'ultimate' blade, but I'll have to develop my crystal making, and weapon forging skills a lot more before I'll be able to even think of trying it.  The idea though, is to superheat some mithral to the point of crystalization and then to induce it to form one large crystal that can be shaped into a blade.  It should, in theory, make a much stronger blade than conventional forging methods.  I may try contacting a Gnomish inventor or two to see if they can aid in designing a crystalization chamber that can create the kind of high-pressure that'll be needed to make the process possible.  Of course, first I'll probably also need a healthy supply of mithral ore to work with...  Anyhow, enough about my crazy idea.
 More about my training under Master Kyle.  Miss Huntemara and I had another joint session with Master Kyle at the Fort Vehl arena.  We did better, though it didnt' seem like it at first.  Both of us sparred with Master Kyle again, and still could land no blows.  It was rather frustrating to see the way he could turn our swords away so effortlessly still after all the work I've been putting into my training.  Though I guess I can't expect to master this in just a few months.  Still, at one point he tripped a wire he'd had rigged up to pop-up a couple dummies at us unexpectedly.  It felt good to see that my blade struck true on the surprise dummy, and I hadn't even had to think about it, I just reacted from reflex.  So all this effort is beginning to pay off at least.  I'm getting even better with those whirlwind attacks too.  Should be useful if I ever find myself surrounded, but I'd prefer not to ever put myself in that kind of situation.  Anyhow, after the sparring and the dummies practice, Master Kyle had us sit and meditate for a couple hours on our "ki".  I still think I'm more able to reach that state of mind while out digging sand than I am sitting on my rear.  My mind likes to wander too much unless I'm doing something active.
 Well, it looks like this letter's gotten longer than I'd originally intended.  Good thing I can afford the extra parchment easilly enough.  I hope you're all in good health and enjoying life.
 With love, from your big brother,


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2009, 10:10:18 am »
Faroth, Kingdom of Erylin in Alindor
 Apreal 19, 1459
 Dear Amgine,
 You're going to be an uncle soon!  That's right!  You didn't mis-read.  I've been feeling ill in the mornings for the last month or so, and kind of figgured what the cause was.  But it was yesterday when I went to see old Dixy Melonjuice, the most knowledgeable midwife here in Faroth these days, that she confirmed my suspicions.  Isn't it exciting?
 Jimmy and I couldn't be happier.  I'm sure Ma and Pa will be pretty thrilled that they'll be grandparents soon too.  They're in the area of Lan's Port in the Sun Kingdom with Uncle Dareon according to their last letter, so they'll probably get their leter about it before you get yours.
 You should maybe come home within the next year to see your niece or nephew.  I'm fairly certain the birth will take place around Seplar or Oclar.  Anyway, it's been far too long since we've seen you here at home.  What are you doing these days?  Still working to become a master of the bastard sword and chasing those cultists?  You need to start writing more again.  I miss hearing from you.
 Anyhow, Jimmy sends his best wishes for you, as do I.  Hope to hear from you soon.
 Your little sister,
 Gwen Ashenhue


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2010, 12:40:53 am »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
 Apreal 22, 1460
 Dear Gwen, and family,
 I'm so, so sorry it's been so long since I've written.  You may have even begun to think I were dead or something, I suppose.  Maybe in a way I have been.  Life weighs heavy upon me, with my personal quest against those cultists.  I heard from a Gnome I met that Protector Storold may have information about the cultists.  I haven't had the chance to talk with him and confirm that yet myself though.
 I hope the birth of your little one went well?  I haven't received any bad news about it, so I suppose it has.  But then, I haven't heard any other news about it yet either.  What have you named the little one?  As uncle, I should at least know that, shouldn't I?  Or are you holding out on telling me til I show my face there in Faroth?
 I suppose I really should take a trip out that way and bring along Amireana too.  It's been too long since we've had a family reunion.
 Anyhow, you asked what I've been up to, and guessed pretty much rightly.  Mostly I've been working on perfecting the katas and fighting forms Master Kyle has been teaching me.  I'm getting really close, I think, to performing them well enough to be called a master myself.  There's sometimes some difficulty in adapting the styles he uses for use with a bastard sword such as I use, because he wields a katana himself, and the styles were intended mainly for that kind of weapon.  So, in some instances I've been improvising my own versions of different moves, or replacing the moves he'd normally use with some of my own devising that seem to work just as well, at least in theory.
 I've also been digging around in various places, and trying to start dialogues with others who are advanced crafters of crystal, to see if they might have any ideas about forging crystaline-mithril into nigh indestructable weapons as I have dreamed may be possible.  Maybe I'm just full of fancy, and such a thing simply cannot be done... but then, if I don't try how will I know for sure?  I've even visited the Great Library through the portal at Blackford Castle once or twice, searching the archives there to see if anything like my idea has been tried before and the results recorded.  No luck from any avenue yet though.  But I'll keep researching.
 With all my love, your big brother,


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2010, 10:01:29 am »
The Ashenhue Home
 Faroth, Kingdom of Erylin in Alindor
 Junar 2, 1460
 Dearest brother,
 When are you coming for a visit?
 Love your sis',
 ~Gwen Ashenhue


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2010, 09:16:18 am »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
 Junar 16, 1460
 Dear Gwen and family,
 I'll be coming home for a visit soon.  I've made arrangements for my absence from the guild here and all that, so it won't be long.  I would say you could've just asked me to come visit, but I gues you had and it hadn't worked.  In any case I'll count myself blessed to get to see my new niece or nephew, and learn more about them.  See you soon.
 With love from your big brother,


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2010, 06:50:42 am »
*The date "Decilar 27, 1460" is written in red ink at the top of the letter in Amgine's own hand, denoting when this particular letter was received.*
 Decilar 27, 1460
 Amgine, Amireana;
 Here is your song, with the piano transcript. I regret I could not bring it in person but I'm bound to Port Hempstead to find one Edgar Whinessy, and to hopefully discover an entirely new way to sing, and possibly to hear. I look forward to meeting again so I can explain what that means.
 I added a chorus. The song isn't a baroque classic, but then, sometimes the simple things are best.
 *a piece of thick paper with scored for piano, with the words printed underneath in precise italic script - the melody roams the keys, not demanding, with an ethereal sparseness in the middle C range*
 She's the warmest snow you'll ever meet
Hair an avalanche of light
The weight of years carved in her heart
Yet graceful as a hawk in flight
 A simple thing
A quiet look
One moment's breath
Is all it took
 He's the counter to her pale
A weathered sword in banding
Bound to her by blood and years
He's her understanding
 Her voice, his smile
A planted seed
Time and joy
A growing need
 Each a chord in their life's song
Children of their fate
The Heartsong smiles on love like this
The gift of the soul mate
 Your friend,
Andrew Reid


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2010, 09:01:58 am »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
 Novlar 20, 1461
 Dear Gwen and family,
 Sorry I haven't written again for a while til now.  There's not been much to write about until just recently, and then there wasn't much time to write about it.  I haven't much been in the mood the last few weeks either.
 My good friend, Benjamin Poetr, whom you'll remember I told you stories about when I visited last, has passed away.  Or rather, the old fool went and got himself killed with purpose to do so.  He was supposed to just retire and help Lana raise the girls.  That's even why I stuck up for his decision to retire when he announced it to the guild.  Instead the old fool decided to go out quick, I guess, leaving them and the rest of us to mourn.  If he were still alive, I'd smack him good for it.  He was always sayin' he wasn't a hero, and I guess his last actions prove he was right at least.  Anyhow, I guess you can tell I'm a bit bitter about it.  I'm going to miss the old-timer sorely.  I was too upset about it all to even go to his funeral.  I went out diggin' sand instead.  Tried to find some sollace and some focus under the hot sun in the sands of the dunes.  It didn't help much.  I sat down and cried more often than I dug, and I screamed in rage a bit too, but don't share that with anyone.
 Anyhow, enough about that dreary subject.  How are Peter and Penelope doing?  I hope they're soon able to enjoy the toys I brought with me for them on my last visit.  I know they sure seemed to enjoy the sparkle of that crystal mobile I made and hung over their crib.  If I'd known you'd had twins, I would've brought a second one so they'd each have their own.  At least not knowin' whether you'd born a boy or girl worked out, since I brought that rag-doll for a girl, and that toy mounted-knight for a boy.  Maybe it's good they've got the mobile to share between them, and it'll keep a strong bond between 'em going on through life together.  Anyhow, let me know if they need anything.  I'd be happy to fund their education as they get older, if they aspire to higher learning.  Gods know Snowflake and I have enough True to meet our own needs and then some.
 I've given thought to adopting a child or two to raise, but with the life I live, I just don't think it'd be good for the child.  Maybe I'll take on a young apprentice though.  That could work, ya know?  Someone with a family of their own already, but who I can pass on my knowledge and experience too.
 I continue to learn a lot from Master Kyle too, regarding my sword-work and mastery.  I don't know when I might actually become a master myself, but it feels like it's close, right there on the edge of my reach and all I've got to do is figure out how to take it.  I feel too that there's still some obstacle of mind that's in the way.  Something I've got to grow beyond and overcome yet before I'll be ready.  I just can't place my finger on it.
 Anyhow, that's life here, in a nutshell.  Give all my love to the kids, Jimmy, Ma, Pa, and Uncle Dareon.  To yourself too, of course.
 Your big brother always,


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2010, 04:21:40 pm »
*many letters of mundane nature are passed back and forth between this letter and the one shown prior to it.  They cover day to day topics of life, like the weather where each writer lives, or some tidbits of gossip regarding various persons of the town of Faroth in Alindor, or Amgine's continued work toward mastery of his arts of both blade and crystal.*
 173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
 Decilar 23, 1464
 Dear Gwen, Jimmy, Peter, Penelope, Ma, Pa & Uncle Dareon,
 I realized today that time has gotten away from me once more in the routine of day by day.  As usual, not much is changed here, I'm still out in the deserts digging sand, or in caves mining coal most of the time.  I'm still practicing ultimate mastery of the bastard sword.  Getting closer to the day I'm pronounced Master, I think.  The sword almost feels like a true extension of my arm, and I scarce even realize I'm holding it in battle except that my movements cleave this or that foe apart in a way no hand could do on it's own.  I do think long and hard whether the fights I'm fighting are right or not, and whether I'm doing more harm to the world than good.  At least with glass-blowing and crystal forging I don't have to worry so much about moral dilemas.
 Anyhow, like time has gotten away from me, so did that first paragraph.  I meant to comment on my realization that I'm now in my mid forties.  Can you believe it?  Peter and Penelope must be about 5 years old now, I reckon?  I really should come visit again sometime soon, or my niece and nephew will not recognize their uncle in later years should I show up at their door, or they at mine.  Perhaps I'll talk Amireana into coming with me when I come to visit.  She's always professed enjoying the trip in the past.
 I still marvel at how it seems she reached middle age herself and then time seems to have stopped aging her.  Maybe it's my own eyes and heart that're decieving me and I simply don't see the years as they truly show themselves upon her?  Either way, I love her still and always.
 Some Formians attacked me while I was digging sand in the desert between North Fort and Audiria not so long ago.  I was surprised they did so, given the aid I and others gave their colony some years ago.  But, then I reasoned perhaps these were not of the same colony, or simply didn't recognize me, or remember so far back.  You know, from time to time I've toyed with the idea of becomming an ambassador to the Formian folk, to end hostilities and open up trade and culture between them and the desert settelments.  Perhaps it's time I pursued that idea?  I feel the Formian people are simply misunderstood, and likewise they misunderstand our kind.  Though I'm not sure how to start such an ambitious undertaking.
 Well, I've rambled enough for this letter.  I hope you're all doing splendidly there in Faroth.  I'm looking forward to a visit with you soon.
 With love from your big brother,
 Amgine Lanif


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2010, 10:46:42 am »
173 Blackford Castle West
Blackford, Kingdom of Trelania, Mistone
 Apreal 27, 1465
 Dear Gwen, and family,
 My soul grows troubled lately, and I struggle with a decision of whether to continue to associate with my other 'family', the Angel's guild.  It has seemed to me for some time now that the guild's focus has solely been upon profit, with little care for the morality of our operations in obtaining the materials used in the goods we create and sell.  I have reached a point in my own life when the struggle in my heart to do what I believe is right now screams so loudly that I cannot continue to ignore it.
 So, I wrote my thoughts down to plead with my guild-mates to take more consideration for the morality of our operations.  I suggested several ideas we might consider as a group to re-direct the guild back onto the moral road as I see it.  I will wait for a short time to see what all my brothers and sisters have to say about my call for higher standards before I make my final decision of whether to remain a part of the family, or to sever ties and follow my own path.
 The simple crux of my thinking is that the many tribes and nations of Giants, Ogres, Goblins, and other fairly intelligent species such as the Formians may not be so evil as we make them out to be, and that we should look for and attempt to establish peaceful relations with them that may even lead to profitable trade for both our sides.  It seems the right thing to do, though I confess it definitely is not an easy thing to do.  Truth be told, I have little idea of how to ressolve the damage done by generations of warfare and raiding perpetrated in the past, and present from all sides involved.  Perhaps the only way to start is with one individual or tribe at a time?
 Perhaps you're reading my words there yourselves and thinking I've gone mad?  I tell you I've seen and heard of things in my life that have lead me to believe a brighter future may be possible, no matter how slim the chances may be.  I even talked to a giant not far from Spellgard not so long ago, and he seemed a rather well-mannered fellow, as far as giants go.
 Well, I guess I've covered what's been on my mind enough in this letter.  You folks all take care and remember I love you all.  I'll be by to visit for a day or two in the coming months.  Got some new toys I made for Peter and Penelope I'd like to drop off.
 Love from your big brother,


Re: Dear Gwen, (letters to & from Amgine Lanif)
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2012, 11:01:19 pm »
The clash of metal on metal resounded all about him now.  The deck was covered with limbs, blood, and entrails, and among all that mess undead continued their undying onslaught against the living.  Amgine slung his blade too and fro, decimating one after another of the things that beset ship and crew.  He and his sword and shield functioned as if they were one entity, the gear being physical extensions of his own being, like Master Pandorn had taught him.
Yet the tide of undead unceasingly clambored aboard the ship from all directions.  Havoc filled the air with screams, battle cries, shouted orders and the clash of arms.  The din was near deafening and disorienting.  Until Amgine felt a sudden thump against his neck, and at that moment the world began to spin and grew silent except for a ringing tone that seemed to grow louder as the world grew dark around him.  His final thoughts were of the letter he'd penned in his cabin only hours ago, and then of Amireana and how the tears would be filling her eyes when she learned of his fate...  That was the worst pain his heart would ever feel.
On board the Artist's Blood, en route to destination unknown.
Mar 16, 1493
Dear Gwen,
It is good to be out adventuring with my fellows, my second family of the Angel's Guild, once again.  A wealthy fellow by name of Arthas Witherspoon has agreed to help us get our Arts Center built in Port Hempstead if we will help him acquire lost artifacts from a recently re-surfaced isle somewhere out at sea to the south of Port Hempstead.  He's supplied us a crewed ship to get us there, to where he believes the re-surfaced isle should be.  He said he's already lost one scout ship looking for the isle, and another rival had sabotaged other ships while they still were docked in port.
Anyhow, the salty sea-breeze brings back memories of my first trip over the oceans of our wondrous world, when I sailed from Mariner's Hold to Port Hempstead so many years ago looking for work on Mistone as a caravan guard.  I had no intention then of ever getting back into the glass & crystal business, but we both know how that ended up, eh?  Still, through that trip I started a path to my life that would take me all over this world, and bring me to my special love, my Snowflake, Amireana.  It brought me as well into the fold of the Angels.
But you don't want to hear about all that nostalgic nonsense, do you?  Naw, of course not.  It's alright.  Let all my nephews and nieces, Jimmy, and everyone else back home know that I'm thinking about you all.  Hopefully when I get back I'll have a new tale to tell of how we recovered lost treasures and restored them to the glory they deserve.  In the mean time, remember I love you.
Your adoring brother,


