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Author Topic: A Lost Soldier's Journal - Brenden Raign  (Read 64 times)


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    A Lost Soldier's Journal - Brenden Raign
    « on: February 17, 2006, 03:47:25 pm »
    I don't know how long it has been since the dragon healed me and brought me to Hlint. I am lucky that I retained the iron sword that my father crafted for me before I departed for the militia when I was a teenager. I've been able to acquire new armor and customize it to my liking as well as adorned myself with fitting clothes.

    Besides those trifle matters I am afraid. The fact that I have seen no search party on any of my trips into the moors shows that they are not looking for me or they have dubbed me a traitor. Even  now lost so far from home I dare not write down the names of my enemies for fear that someone may find this. I know now that the ambush in the moors must have been a set up, but how could an official from Leilon have contacted the lizardmen and even worse conscribe just to get rid of me?

    Forty-nine good men lay beneath the murky swamp waters now because of those evils and they will have their revenge! I will not rest my sword until it has seen the blood of those that sought innocent lives for their own gains, until my father's name is honored again and I sit in position in Leilon's army!

    They will be mine.


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      RE: A Soldier's Journal - Brenden Raign
      « Reply #1 on: February 18, 2006, 07:17:57 am »
      *He sits down by a small fire a small ways from the east gates of Hlint to cook a patch of deermeat. Brenden reachs into his knapsack to write in his journal.*

      The end of another long journey for me. I find myself thinking of nothing but revenge, so much so that I have named my blade "Father's Vengence". I am beginning to become afraid of my bloodlust. While adventuring in the mines beneath the Haven outskirts I slayed the ogres there with such relish and joy that I lost myself. I felt as though my blade was an extension of my arm and every connection to the ogre flesh made it sing.

      But I must put those thoughts aside and plan for further things. I attended the Leilon arms inn auction a few days ago, I had to slip by the gate guards and through the streets with the ranger Renji to attend though. It felt so unusual to have to creep through the very place where I was raised, I longed to see my father but I knew it would have been a bad idea.

      Alas there was nothing profitable for me there just a good time which I have long needed.


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        The War Under the Mountains, a short account ((ECDQ))
        « Reply #2 on: February 19, 2006, 03:29:37 pm »
        *leans against the wall of his room inside the wild surge inn, his hands shake slightly as he picks up the quill and journal from his pack*

        I have seen horrors this day that would make a man scream in fear, and yet I have seen the valiency of warriors that would make the gods weep with joy. I will record it in this journal incase it is never heard elsewhere.

        I was wandering back to hlint from near the Broken Forest when I passed through Llast and noticed a gathering of fighters outside the temple. Dwarven priest Gloin and Vigg seemed to be heading up the meeting, I watched from the darkness until I recognized my weaponsmith Axodeth Stonecutter among it's attendees. I approached and was welcomed with little notice.

        They spoke of war, they planned to march on the undertunnels of the Grey Peak Mountains a short ways from Llast. I signed up to be under Vorax priest Vigg's unit with master Axodeth, and a companion of mine - Alymli Gnald, the dwarf ranger. I found myself next underneath the mountains among the strongest dwarven military I have ever seen. I have fought along side many dwarves in the Leilon militia, but these were of a caliber I could only dream of.

        The warriors listed among these heros were: Jacchri, Gotak, Axodeth, Gloin, Vigg, and many many others. I didn't understand much of the dwarf king's message, but it seemed to inspire the army which is enough for me.

        I won't bore whoever reads this journal with the blank details, but I will make sure to say that the drow are evil, not all, but those that we encountered fought with a demonic possession I could only think was given by Blood himself. The beasts that bore them to the front were just as vicious...spiders, creatures of nightmares is all I can say. My sword shook with fear at first, but seeing the strength of my companions pushed me further.

        We reached through the mountain tunnels with careful speed as we made sure to vanquish any that we came across and burn their camps to the ground. Though I was too inexperienced to be of use on the front, I did my best with my beloved crossbow, until I was knocked back by an assassin that flanked us.

        It threw my crossbow easily from my hands with lightening speed, I saved myself only by drawing my shield as it brought around it's scimitar to my armored chest. My companions quickly acosted the devil and slayed it as I picked myself up from the ground and began to fire my bow once more into the darkness.

        I felt my mind become jaded to the horrors as blood from the monsters was sprayed over the swords and shields of our assault teams, all the bloodshed I watched during my service in Leilon was NOTHING compared to the combat I saw before and I felt deep honored to have been present, I truly wished I could convey this journal to my father.

        I almost forgot the smallest and bravest of us all, the mapmaker Mille Moonstone! She journeyed with us to map and study the drow fighting and survived, though her doubts prompted her to write a will incase of her demise.

        **inserts the will inside the journal as he flips to write on the next page**

        Alymli found a secret passage along the mountain wall that took us inside a shortcut to the evil snake-queen Shara's hideout which was heavily guarded with what could only be described as her best guard and just when we felt things looked dire, a Baalor Prince lay in our path.

        I will take time now to describe a Baalor Prince as I pray many will never seen such a sight in their lives.

        The baalor prince stands over 8 feet tall and his head is aflamed with a the fire of a thousand suns. His blade is heavy and to look upon his frame would numb your spirit to the near the point of death. He was destruction and carnage in it's purest most primal form and he laid waste to the drow and us alike in the fight. I hate to admit, but I blacked out ((Crashed)). I am ashamed that I could not stand up to the beasts, but when I awoke it lay smoldering on the cold ground, it's life extinquished.

        It was at this point I felt my sword at my side begin to shake, I lifted it slightly from my back to see the shining jewel becrested in it's center glowing with the flames of the baalor. I don't know what that meant, but I was almost hypnotically drawn to it until I was snapped back to reality by Alym. With no other thought of it until now, I shoved it away and ran to catch back up to the group.

        The next battle was with Shara herself, we battled her guards first. Then we assualted her with all our gathered strength. It was a long battle and I lost sight of her, she looked as though a medusa who's mere gaze would turn a man's flesh to stone.

        Soon she laid dead at our feet and her head was collected. The evil slain, Shara's lifeforce extinquished. I don't know what this journey held for all the warriors present, but for me I felt fear further leave my heart and my battle spirit become stronger, my sword become more a part of who I am, as though battle joined with my soul.

        **As he closes the notebook, he looks down on the back of his left hand at a permenent mark seared into his flesh by the dark flames of the drow blade... a slash which blackened the skin around it. Near his pack away from Brenden's sight, his blade lightly glowed a crimson red for a brief moment. Brenden stuffed the journal back into his pack and laid his head down to sleep.**


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          RE: A Lost Soldier's Journal - Brenden Raign
          « Reply #3 on: February 22, 2006, 02:13:15 pm »
          I walk through Broken Forest in my dreams, the sounds of metal and battle ring throughout the trees but I see noone. My mind begins to empty as I hear a small voice echoing inside me, it sounds like a woman's voice but softer as if she is seducing me...I turn and see darkness, the trees are gone, the sounds are gone, my sight is clear.

          There before me is my longsword, Vengence, but it is not my glows from within the jewel set in it's center, it speaks to speaks it's name: Animus, her name means revenge.

          [Entry ends here, a second entry on the same page is dated for days later.]

          Animus loves me, she is loyal to me. She protects me and speaks to me within my waking mind, I no longer have the dreams of the forest, only her glowing in the darkness touching me, encouraging me.

          She shows me my enemies, she shows me my father, she realizes my wishes and it gives me joy to have her at my side.

          [Entry ends here.]


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            RE: A Lost Soldier's Journal - Brenden Raign
            « Reply #4 on: March 03, 2006, 03:37:41 pm »
            [Lessons by Moonlight] Birth of the Jade-Wolf

            **Brenden falls backwards to the ground, his body exhausted from training. His sword glows a slow dark green next to him. The pulsating vibes from it's center radiates through the darkness of the Ranger's Vale.**

            Animus and I have found a teacher. Her name is Moonlight. We watch her move, imitate her steps. We grow strong in her presence. Noone knows about Animus except this journal, I don't talk of her. Renji has become one of my closest companions and even he doesn't know about her. She is my love and my strength.

            I have thought about my father lately. I grow more eager every day to realize my vengence against those that have cast me out. I still haven't returned to Leilon and it has been weeks, maybe even months. I find myself training against more and more difficult opponents every day. I regularly transverse the ghouls and ghost of the Dire Woods.

            I travel with Moonlight more and more, Animus tells me to watch her, take in her prowess. Moonlight is a powerful master of blades and I wish to become like her, but I sense a radiation of bloodlust that frightens me and entrigues me. I've learned not to fear death while in her tutoliage and I feel able to conquer death itself should it present it's face.

            [Entry ends]

            **Brenden picks up his sword, wiping the sweat from his face with his free hand and takes back to his training with renewed fervor.**