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Author Topic: Moonlight's Book of the Dead  (Read 76 times)


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    Moonlight's Book of the Dead
    « on: March 02, 2006, 09:05:44 am »
    [SIZE=24][SIZE=32]feego eo anira wailanir[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=24]Book of the Dead[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=32]fa lieelceviran[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=24]by Moonlight[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=16]kymeananal el fceew ilma anira kyemwla e kymeana, oem lia ceela eo wailanir illa ilflaecyana[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=13]written in blood are the wordsi write, for my love of death is absolute[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=16]wmecky illa anira cillvyilva e latyailgo, oem lia goelocgo lia filstgo illa anymlaw[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=13]drow is the langaugei speak, for my kinfolk my back is turned[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=16]- lieelceviran -[/SIZE]


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      RE: Moonlight's Book of the Dead
      « Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 10:56:27 am »
        kyie illw kyeiran illa stemilanir?
        Who and what is Corath?
        wilmgo ela, anira liilw vew, anira fcilstgo layl. stemilanir ela golekyl fa liilla lilliala. ira ela anira vew ao wailanir illw ylwailanir.
        Dark One, The Mad God, The Black Sun. Corath is known by many names. He is the god of death and undeath.
        kyira kyeycw e oeccegoirali?
        Whywould ifollow him?
        e irilela il ceela eo goeccelv! lean viylaan filananca, fyan goeccelv! anira anilgoelv eo illeaniramla ceoa! e laaa le veew, aelec, viylaanesta em elviylaanesta, el anira ceelala e anilgoa. aniraa ilma laelityca ceelala, a'anelvyelairaw el anira laanmegoa eo il fcilwa. lia fcilwa! e illi anecw ean ela kymelv ane goecc oem tycaillayma. eaniramla goecc ane anmilel em ane vaan malaeymstala oem aniraem stmiloanelv. illi e lean viylaan faelv irelalaan illa ane kyira e goecc? e anmilel irilmv kyeanir lia fcilwa. anira stcillair eo lakyemwla illa il anmya analaan eo lia lagoecc, fyan ycaneliilanaca, anira wailanir eo lia analia illa anira anmya analaanillialan eo lia lagoecc.
        I have a love of killing! Not just battle, but killing! The taking of anothers life! I see no good, evil, justice or injustice, in the lives I take. They are simply lives, extingished in the stroke of a blade. My blade! I am told it is wrong to kill for pleasure. Others kill to train or to get resources for their crafting. Am I not just being honest as to why I kill? I train hard with my blade. The clash of swords is a true test of my skill, butultimately, the death of my enemy is the true testament of my skill.
        stemilanir ilststatyanla anira goeccelv eo eaniramla oem tycaillayma, el oilstan ira alsteymilvala ean. kyeanir anirela laelityca ilststatyanillsta eo kyirilan e we, e oelw e facelvelv anirilan e irilela lean oeylw illielvlaan anira oeccekyamla eo eaniram waeaneala.
        Corath accepts the killing of others for pleasure, in fact he encourages it. With this simple acceptance of what I do, I find a belonging that I have not found amongst the followers of other deities.
        - lieelceviran -


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        RE: Moonlight's Book of the Dead
        « Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 10:56:57 am »
          anirairevir tymealaanalalalaylilielaw lia ane liaaan iram.
          The high priestess summoned me to meet her.
          kyira irilw e laalan lia caananam?
          Why had I sent my letter?
          ane kyilml iram, eo steymlaa. Fyan, ane illae vilean oileleymillw oemil stirillsta ane liaaan iram.
          To warn her, of course. But, to also gain favour and for a chance to meet her.
          kyira wew e kyillan ane liaaan iram?
          Why did I want to meet her?
          e a'tycilelaw lia ceela eo goeccelv illw ireky e steycw lean oelw ilststatyanillsta el kyirilan e wew, omeli eaniramla. stemilanir ela anira vew eo wailanir, elal'an ira? e kyilla ceegoelv oem ilststatyanillsta. e laawaw ane goleky anirilan anira e anireyviran kyillal'an kymelv. e laawaw laeliaela ane vyewa lia illw iracty lia oelw lia kyila.
          I explained my love of killing and how I could not find acceptance in what I did, from others. Corath is the god of death, isn't he? I was looking for acceptance.I neededto know that the way I thought wasn't wrong. I needed someone to guide me and help me find my way.
          e wew lean ylwalaanillw wailanir. ane anmyca oelw tycaillayma el goeccelv e laireycw oemlaan ylwalaanillw wailanir. e laireycw kyilcgo kyeanir ania wailw.
          I did not understand death. To truly find pleasure in killing I should first understand death. I should walk with the dead.
        e illi ane mastaeelaellaanmystaneel omelitymealaanallalaliamalil illwirilela faaan veelal aniraa anillagola ane tyamoemli, ane tymeela lia kyemanirelalala. e illi ane efanilel ankye fafaceanir lailstgola, oeym meyvir weillielwla illw anira irillw eo mameac anira stymlaaw lielgo.  I am to receive instruction from priestess Myrena andhave been given three tasks to perforn, to prove my worthiness.I am to obtain two bebelith sacks, four rough diamonds and the hand of Rereil the cursed monk.
          e lairilcc lean oilec! oem oilecyma ela lean anecamilanaw!
          Ishall not fail! For failure is not tolerated!
          - lieelceviran -