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Author Topic: Slip's Way  (Read 779 times)


Slip's Way
« on: January 20, 2008, 03:52:02 am »
hello hello mistress journal.

well, its time to get moving. my friend did something really bad last night and now i have to leave. i need to go on my own way. its been decades since i have wondered on my own - alone in the woods.

but this time i go with knowledge - street smarts as they say.

i am ready for the world.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2008, 05:19:40 am »
well, i'd say i was getting my feet wet - with my own blood - learn'n a new trade out side of port.

i am use to the night. pockets. the underworld. darkness. my eyes are getten use to this new world of day and travel.

i spend my time staying a live while:

grave dirt
(still need to get some friends together to find that urn)

rasberries - same (look out for the weeds)

then i get cotton and other stuff by port.

then i have gotten some:
suger cane - (where did i get this?)

hawthorn flower

this is tuff biz. wish i could hide in the shadows a little better. maybe i'll be finding a mentor for this?


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2008, 05:47:24 am »
while hunting gnolls and hawks in the golbin waist, i found storgen? crypte in what i think is the red light caverns!


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2008, 11:56:38 am »
met up with a lot of nice and powerful allies.

they took me under there wing.

i was able to be a full rogue - hiding in the back. being ranged att. going for flanks and sneak att. they let me do my job. i was able to assist while staying safe and watching the pros do there job. i am on my way to becoming a proficient rogue - which to me means "sneaking" around:

gathering supplies for people on my own.
and being ranged support for other when in a group.

i get to hit them first and i get to assist/flank while fighting.

due to SA - rogues are the best allies. they require teamwork to us all of there powers.

very good day.

now i need to fill up all my boxes and find buyers for salt.

people ask me why i am greenish? i really don't know. i have always been a sickly child. spent a lot of time in the sewers of Port H. working at night and sleeping during the day. i seldom saw the sun until know.

have to leave port h is the best thing that has happened to me in a while.



Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2008, 08:26:08 pm »
scenic area - explorer badge

i found a cool flag outside K. i discovered if i find more of these places i can get an actual badge. maybe i can get a job as a tour guide or adventure leader taking younglings around to woods.

i will really have to perfect my fighting skills - swordplay and sneaking around  - in order to see all of these wonderful sights.

i want to get my badge.

i should see who might know about other wonderful scenic areas. also what a great excuse to travel and not have to kill anything while there.



Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2008, 08:30:11 pm »
Thanks to all my mentors.

(* you see slip put up a thank you letter on a post (where ever this could happen) in port h (as she likes to refer to it)

I must keep a better journal of all the wonderful and helpful people that I have bumped into. There has been so many over the last few months I forget most of their names.

This is a goes out to all those that have assisted new adventures get acquainted to the tasks at hand and for making sure they survive their lessons.

Well met, all of you.

SLIP  sa’way


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2008, 08:32:13 pm »
i have traveled with so many good people i need to take better notes about who i travel with.

they all like hanging with me. they are so nice.

i actually traveled with an entire troupe of ladies. we took out the red goblins.

so much fun.

some of them even showed me some tricks with the bow and blade.

i still have yet to meet a fell fingersmith. they don't seem to make good venturers.

i like the pretty glowing blades.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2008, 08:35:53 pm »
my new word - brilliant.

i meet up with sam and skully. they took me around. showed me the sites. she actually assisted me on my adventures.

after sam left, skully showed me a thing or too about swordplay. she is a wonderful fighter.

he suggested that i learn how to defend myself better. i cant hide all the time. expecially when critters come up close - close combat. a sword is so much better. i cant get SA when alone and pinned. so i need to learn how to fight.

skully told me that i need to stand my ground or others might not want to travel with me. that would be sad.

he also showed me shields and armor.

he gave me some metal ore that i can sell to purchase my future armor and shield with. he is such a nice person.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2008, 08:41:46 pm »
i got beat up by rats. rats. after all that i've done.

crizzan took me into the rat filled sewers. i found the rats. i shot the rats and they bit me. they got close.

then they are that close, i cant shoot them fast enough. they bit me while i draw my bow.

this is horrible. skully is correct - i need a new career. a new way of thinking.

its time to shift from fingersmith and shadows to close combat adventuring.

i need to stand my ground against rats so my friends can trust me to really get there back.

crizzen was so brave. he almost died to help me. i should be better with a blade so we can work together better.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2008, 08:42:29 pm »
Today I traveled with MARCUS AND FLINN.

They told me about bards and singing. What a wonderful power.

Marcus talked to me about lady Azatte. She is the lady of forgiveness and redemption. Maybe now I will be saved from the magic that hunts thieves – fingersmiths. That is what crizzan told me. Thieves get hunted down and killed by some kingof magic. Must be hell hounds of yor. Crizzan had his ox killed and his stuff stone. That sucks. Now I know how my marks felt when I was  a good little finger smith.

I will pray to lady A about redemption.

This is why I want to become an adventure and supplier – to pay back the world for what I did to survive after my parents disappearance.

I still wonder – are they dead? Missing? Or taken?

If I become a powerful enough  VENTURER I might  be able to find them myself – or discover what happened to them.

May be the lady will guide me to them or the answers to this mystery.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2008, 08:45:11 pm »
redemption -
i need to give back to people.

how can i become an explorer guide if i cant protect my clients?

how can i become a successful resource gatherer if i cant get in and get out without dying.

i need to find skully again to keep my sword skills up.

i will talk to people about becoming a collector of goods.

i do need more storage for my goods. i need to look into a house and stuff.

the ox skully helped my purchase is nice but its not good enough. i need more if i am going to pay him back for his help.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2008, 10:26:25 pm »
slip takes some time in the barn with her ox to perfect working with a shield - a shield that skully gave her. she wants to impress him. he told slip that she can repay him - by helping others and by assisting him on future quests. slip wants to impress skully and do what he suggested. it is only correct. her new path is about making quality friends like skully, samantha and crizzan - unlike the friends that she did have. her old troupe killed, stole and more on a whim. this is no longer slip. she is a fighter for good and redemption.

so she trains. practicing alone in the barn with her new armor and shield. she tumbles and jumps to see how that works.

she attacks the walls, beams, and hey. she tries using her chisel as a dagger. she practices with two weapons at once.

she visualizes her old fights and new one. seeing her self along side her new friends  in close combat - fighting hard.

she goes back to the sewers - her old place of residence to - practice sword use on more rats. she runs away when too injured.

she knows with proper practice - that some day she can repay skully.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2008, 01:16:02 am »
i almost got killed by a skunk. a stinky skunk. wow.

then i was ambushed by three bandits.

if only my swordplay was better i could have actually defended myself. but i ran. ran away.

lucky for me TIMULTY KEEL and CAT WITCH LADY  where there to save me.

that sahala is odd. she needs some manners beat into her. i would have done it myself but.....and then there was a skunk.

then i bumped into BERAK - the bear. he suggested i follow him back to hemp and he would teach me how to TINKER AND CRAFT. what a nice man.

he also healed me.

now i am heading home for sup.



Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2008, 01:29:38 am »
resourcer - supplier.

i am running around  collecting stuff:


gosh, i hope i can find a buyer for all of this stuff. its getting heavy.

and i need to learn how to turn it into stuff. i read all the books. but now i have to actually do it. such a labor. ah, why can't true grow on trees.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2008, 04:13:29 am »
well this craft thing is very difficult. the tools i need, i can't even carry. its going to be impossible to make arrows or other things if i can't use a pick to  mine or an axe to cut down trees.

i'll have to see about getting some assistance with my crafting.

i did catch some fish today.

now i need to cook them up.

still looking for corn for the chickens. i hear their eggs are really good.

so i just went on a crafts adventure to see what i could do in a week. and then i got knocked out by a nasty tree ent - didn't like me harvesting in his forest. oopsies.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2008, 07:48:34 pm »
well, i must be doing something correctly.

i actually taught someone else how to fish today. that was so fun. brilliant.

i have caught atleast 5 fish now. and lost at least 30 fishing arrows. i actually tried fishing using normal arrows - lost them to.

i talked to some people about how to make arrows. being a fletcher and a bowyer could come in handy since i use them so often. i wonder if i can make fishing arrows, too.

i found some trees, but could not chop them down. i will need an axe to do that. i will have to practice using axes along with my sword/shield to get better at fighting and chop'en.

i was told i will need copper ore too. and that takes a pick. just imagine, after this i will be able to use all kinds of weapons do craft and defend. watch out world - here i come - slip slip'en away down the rode of redemption.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2008, 07:54:27 pm »
the most wonderful thing happened today. i made my first sale ever of stuff. i sold some aloe and salt to a guy that liked the dark. he was nice to me - kind of. but i don't think he wants anyone else knowing just how nice he really is. he must be shy or something. or maybe he's running from the law. ohhhh, so exciting.

but this nice gent traded me a brilliant jet-panther cloak for my wears. this is even better than true. i much prefer pretty things like gems and clothing over heavy and ugle true. people will kill for true - and it reminds me of port. rarely to people bother over clothing and stuff.

however, i have misplaced my ox. either someone stole it. if so, that must be the "magic" that crizzan told me about. i bess be getten down the slippery road of redemption quicker*slip laughts to herself as she writes in her trade/crafting journel that she now carries*.

i now have to hunt down my ox or the person who stole it. maybe i can use my new skills on him - hit him with a pick or an axe. wouldn't that be funny.

hum, i just hope little oxie was not eaten or killed while hanging out in the hemp barn. i so did like him.

//benjamin poetr//


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2008, 07:55:45 pm »
//reminder to self CAPS - ITEMS, PLACES, and NAMES for quick reference and reminders//


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2008, 01:25:23 pm »
after a grueling day of gathering, i return to the site of my missing ox. taking a break, i find a letter nailed to a post. opening the letter i see a reply to my earilier request for information on a room. the post is good. its a bit costly, but it will be a good inspiriation to train harder and to collect more stuff.

i need to find good sources of wood to cut and copper to mine.

so an okay day.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2008, 07:42:13 pm »
a funny thing happened to me before i died.

i did not realize that i was fishing for ensorcelled birds.

i readied, i aimed, i fired, i hit, and it bounced off the bird like a stone on a rock. and then i looked at my hand that held a fishing arrow. by then it was too late the bird was upon me. and i fell.

i was then saved by a brave ranger who's name i recall as FIANON//Fianon Brittlebow//

then i meet up with benjamen again. he is a wonderful fellow, even though he does not like me stating that allowed. BEN tought me a lot today.

with ben and fianon's assistance, i know have a reason to collect bags of sand. and they showed me how.

now that i have my ox back, collecting is so much easier.

i also meet OSKAR HAAKONSEN. unfortunately we always meet at the end of my day. i hope to spend more time with him next time.

i also finally met SALA. i need to talk to her more about potions and rooms.

my back is getting stronger everyday whilst i shovel. i will be even better with my blades onced i payed off my debts.