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Author Topic: Slip's Way  (Read 780 times)


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2008, 07:55:50 pm »
ps i also met the walking mountain called EKKE OR EKKA. it was an interesting name. i liked watching him swing his hammer. i should talk to him about learning his style of fighting and weapons use.

that is if i can understand him...


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2008, 08:49:20 pm »
*slip reads the post*
interesting. maybe i can find these people. if they are gathering, they could mentor me.

Call for people to show up
* a bald man walks up to board and places a poster *

Young fighter seeking people to form a group and explore the lands !!!!

// The fighter is lvl 7 , meet at the Hemp statue if interested .
//time : 3 pm GMT Forum clock , Sunday 16th .
Barion Firesteed
Nicolas Winger


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2008, 01:48:28 am »
these are the best of days and these are the worst of days.

i had some fun collecting sand. i actually killed a skunk with my sword. that was fun. but it really got to my head. i had to ly down after.

i meet DURGEN STORMBOW?. he is a nice dwarf. he taught me how to say hello and bye in dwarvian. i think i must learn this language because i have the most difficult time understanding their mottled speech.

then we talked about crafting. he might teach me the next time we are together.

then i did not take his advice and i went the wrong way to hemp. lets just say, i died. and my ox died. and everything on my ox died. *holding back tears*

well*slip wipes her eyes*i found my way to FERRIT AND OMAR. they helped me out. omar led me back to my stuff. but all of it was gone. blown away in the dust.

so much for paying people back. now i just owe them more.

*slip curls in the corner of the inn and cries her self to sleep*


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2008, 05:02:00 am »
after all this, i'm tired. my arms hurt and my legs hurt. wielding all these odd weapons really bits the hide of a dead ox. and they are so expensive. yicks.

i just got this amazing longsword, that i owe a lot of money for, and its heavy. its slow. yes, it hits harder but i can't seem to get it around fast enough to hit the dang thing before it hits me.

you know...after sitting her crying to myself in the dark - i feel pretty good her. i might actually like the dark more than i think. i tried so hard to get away from the underbelly that i forgot why i like it - there is an odd warmth here, like a mother's womb. the steam, the dampness, the cool refreshing dark all around me like a blanket.

i don't like getting hit. i watch them, listen to them - especially dwarfs - screaming like they do into battle. that's not me. that will never be me. i like it back in the rear - looking out for everyone. protecting everyone's back with my bow. don't get me wrong, i'm keeping the sword - a sword, and maybe a mace of some kind for the undead creeps that i bump into while collecting dirt, but Ben is correct - stick to the shadow. i like him a lot. he's more inspiring than he will ever permit me to say. he always gets mad at me when i point it out.

the only thing is i'll be disappointing skully. i owe him big. i need to pay him back some how big time. i'll find away.

until then, watch out the old slip is sliding in again. hum...i do wish i had a blanket thou. can't wait to get my room rented. burrrr. finally, a place to call my own.

night night oh warm mother of darkness.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2008, 05:16:26 am »
well what an interesting day. i met so many people today i dont think i can name them all.

the main person is LANCE STARGAZER. we had a fun time running around, being injured and assisting a deranged friend - skully.

the first thing i did was actaully meet up with T. he offered to be my mentor for crafting. he gave me a bunch of rules, mostly be good and do onto others as i wish done on to me. but before we good get working he ran off to a meeting.

then i met lance and he helped me gather aloe. and then we meet a guy who needed help getting into the crypt in krandor. now that was a lot of fun.

we assembled a lot of people. about 5 i think. TADASHI, LANCE, ELI, and others. we took REMIN? back to the crypt. we found his body and they we continues to get the little girls' ashes. unforntuantely, we got ashed!!!!

so we all got separated. on the way back to the crypt we all separately bumped into people. we assembed everyone in the world //we got everyone that was logged on the servers//. it was at least 11 to 15 people and for some odd reason i was the leader. who would guess.

so  a team we all went in and raised some hell. that was fun. and then i think it was BERAK - bear - gave me what i needed! that was so nice of him.

in the crypt, i did my job. i stayed in the shadows and shot my arrows. when they got close i used my sword. all i wish is i could hide better. they kept coming after me. and i wish i had a mace.ineed to get a mace.

that was a lot of fun.

then i watched LANCE AND ELI have a little tiff while i snuck around in the shadows, alone, collecting mushies.

then we went to get some silk. that was a lot of fun. then we where going to be done, but skully went mad. he ran into cave. he tired to die. i sucked at persuading him to stop. lance did everything from trying to knock him out to grappling him, but no matter what we did skully would not stop running around in the silkwoods. i think eli got bored and moved on.

so lance and i said our good byes. i hope he and i get to move into the same house together. that will be fun.

now i'm gonna go find my ox again.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2008, 07:25:55 pm »
correction for journal,

i was talking with some friends about that time in the crypt, which was so amazing. the dark felt so good again. and i was reminded that

 Lex'or Gravedigger gave me the ashes, LEX has such nice deep blue eyes and deep blue hair.

i did not get much chance to talk with him, thou. i look forward to meeting him again to thank him - to make sure he knows that i know that he was very kind in giving them to me.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2008, 11:15:40 pm »
well i had a good run with some friends.

once again i tried to collect sand and got distracted.

i was called to aid by GLITCH'NICH. i joined LANCE MERRIC, BEN, TALIA in the battlehelm moors. we went to deal with some unruly trolls.

i had the job of collecting the true and drops. that was fun. i got to hide in the shadows. snipe the trolls from behind. stay safe, while they did all the heavy work. i know that if i could hide better, that i would be even more of a benefit, because i could get into better positions to snipe the trolls from. i will continue to play with the shadows.

after sacking the trolls, glitch took me to some more crypts where i got to play in the shadows more. jumping out at the zombies with my blade. i used my sword since undead are generally resistant to them.

and then i was blown up by a huge fire bomb. amazing. glitch helped put me back together and got me out of the crypt. we went to the tavern, had some brews. then like a good man, took this little girl shopping. that was fun. we talked with ferrit and her my kyth?

then i had to go. on the way out, i bumped into riven. i look forward to possibly rooming with riven. he has mentored me in so many ways.

now the next time i get on, i need to gather gather gather.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2008, 03:44:58 pm »
well, its been a while since i had time to write in my journel. so much venturing has happened. mostly in caves.

i learned about special feathers that help against undead - arrows against undead.

i went to a cave in battle helm moores. now i went to an other cave.

fun. i am learning how to stay back in the shadow.  supporting the group.

i finally made a large deposit on my debt. that felt good. now i need to go back and get more. more and more.

i did some venturing with fianon. we ambushed some nasty elvan rangers.

life is good. then i took a restpit in the wild surge.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2008, 09:17:44 pm »
i know, i know that i need to pay off my debts but collecting is much dirtier, harder and lonelier than i ever anticipated. and while im collecting i have to be rejecting wonderful invitations from my friends to venture and explore. i feel that if i stick with my friends ill learn more and gain more true. this way i can actually pay off my debts even faster. see, i've missed some good times with too many friends. there are people passing me by and send'm note to me that i have to reject inorder to collect sand. sand of all things. its hard work. back breaking. now i do enjoy oxie. she is so nice. she's a good friend, but she smells after a while and she doesn't talk. there is no fashion sense to an ox. not a very good accompaniment to the new look. so i do intend to stay true to my word. its just ill do it an other way.

now riven, who's still trying to get me a house, has a wonderful idea. if his idea works out, there'll be no more dirt in my future. yes.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2008, 08:55:52 pm »
enough is enough.  ive been cataloging and orgazing for all i can handle. my body aches and i yearn to see the day light.

i know know more about goods than i have ever wanted. before i went to fences to sell stuff. now i am a fence. how interesting. riven is doing a great job. connections. talking to people. amazing. but he has kept me in the dark for to long. now its my turn to go out and sell stuff instead of cataloging stuff all the time.

i yearn for the day when i be a travel guide. a tour guide of the place. i wish to assist other as they have assisted me.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2008, 09:02:38 pm »
after playing with all of this gear. wow, i think i want to learn to fight with it again. i am getting stronger every day from lifting heavy boxes and stuff. i can feel my muscles bulging.

riven has show me some two weapon stuff. he tells me that sheilds are brilliant.

i've traveled a lot with lance. he uses a shield and sword.

i really want to use that because when i am traveling with people, i need to protect them. my sneaking around is good for myself or for a group on a hunt. but if i am a leader. a leader of a group of people. its my job. my job to protect them. if the beasty gets up close i need a shield and sword. i need to defend them.

to be a travel guide i need to learn how to fight with a shield and sword.

so once again, i begin practice. now that i have access to stuff. i can practice all day.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2008, 09:09:08 pm »
a bear ambushed me while i was foraging. snuck up on me. creap. got me. if only i had a shield with my sword i could have kept him off. that style of fighting would helpful. normally i can kill bears but with my bow. when they get me. when they get up close - i need the shield and sword. yeah baby. got to talk with lance and my other shielder friends.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #32 on: April 20, 2008, 03:18:46 pm »
always running. running away. i am hide well enough. i need to hide in plain site. i need to hide right when something sees me. and animals. i need to get better at hiding. i need to mask my smell - my scent. those pesky bears have such a good sent. i enjoy practicing my hiding and sneaking - my hunting skills on those bears and boars. but when they sniff me out - when i have not changed my scent by rubbing leaves on me - they attack me. and then i wish i had a shield to keep one off while i fought the other one. i need a shield for one and a sword for the other. they attack me while i try to shoot htem. i am soooo slow with a bow once the animal gets close. i need to go back to the storage area and keep playing with my swords and shields. i hope lance and others train me in sword and shielding. training by myself gets so boring.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #33 on: April 20, 2008, 04:20:36 pm »
//slip returns to the storage area and practices. she takes out a shield and sword to play with. she shadow boxes with the weapons.//


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2008, 12:43:34 am »
working with riven in the store is good. we take time to spare with each other. we are teaching each our skills and ways. he is a good mentor.

I am training you with sword and shield. We can work out with all the weapons in the Twin Dragon Trade Goods. So, we sort and organize, and sell. then work out during breaks from selling/buying. we have access to most weapons in bronze or iron, so we can try them all out, and I can teach you the fundamentals of all. says riven.

he is such a good guy.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #35 on: April 21, 2008, 12:30:22 pm »
tour guide.

i got my first client for touring. pay back is wonderful. i showed BAYAND around the world. that was a lot of fun. and ELGON came along for the ride too. and i am glad he did. i might know where i am going, some of the times, but i am not yet strong enough to protect them. elgon did that. elgon was amazing. he showed me some of the tricks that he can do.

what i did notice is that everyone, and i mean everyone uses a sword and shield - SS. i want to use one. we all went into battle. i ragged with my single sword. i assisted elgon. the thrill of the fight. the spray of the blood. was amazing. i like it. i like softening them up with the bow and then taking it to them with the blade. elgon softened them up by taking them all out with lightening. amazing. the weaving moves through him. yes.

also i finally dropped off that stupid package i was carrying for months. almost a year. i hope it did not rot while i had it?


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #36 on: April 21, 2008, 12:33:50 pm »
explorer badge.

i got it. i got it all by my self. after talking with a lot of nice people, i found directions to the place i needed to go.

i snuck all the way there. i did it. i hide and moved silently through all of those nasty beasties. no one saw me. i am on my way to being a stealthy little girl.

so much fun. no one will be seeing me around now?

elgon might be able to turn invisible. but i am invisible.. hehaha.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2008, 12:44:34 pm »
explorer badge.

now its time to really explore the world. i am learning S&S to protect myself and others better. i can sneak successfully around almost anything. i am learning. and doing.

time to take some boats around the world. lets see the world. now i will see who wants to come along for the ride.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #38 on: April 21, 2008, 12:48:37 pm »

i need to start using traps. i think the fun way to use them is with the bow. i can lay down some traps around me. around my ambush site. then i can shoot the beasties wit my bow. that will draw the beastie to me. then i switch to my blade for the close combat. get ready for the excitement of blood and spray. then boom the traps of off. weakening my foe. and then i have at them just like i have seen others do it. just like i am learning to enjoy it. now i under stand those barbarians and their spasms into battle.  i get it.


Re: Slip's Way
« Reply #39 on: April 21, 2008, 01:45:14 pm »
breck mt.

dwarf are not the most talkative bunch. unless of course you pull out a sword and ask them to look at it. then you spare with them. yes, then they buy ya a pint and chat till the days go by. i had to crawl myself to a inn to get away from all of the bragging. i can only take so many days of it before even i get bored. but they did show me a lot about weapons and different styles of fighting. i never know the axe was so effective. good lads.

