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Author Topic: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher  (Read 809 times)


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2007, 04:43:43 am »
I am so happy! My Dalan is alive and well!

The bloody stupid dwarf. Make me get all worked up, nad der he was...enjoying time with his niece nad nary a word to me.

And top it off...I find him baking pies in da scamp! Feh!

So I knocked him around a bit..then gave him a big rockbasher hug..nearly took the wind out of him!

I am just happy he is alive and well.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2007, 02:40:56 am »
I have been travelling more and more with me rascal Dalan. It sbeen perilous and fun at da same time.

I find me heart beats da faster when hes around and i find da rage in me gets more focused. I am learnin dat da rage doesnt need ta control me, btu dat oi can control it.

THough...when oi still see me hated enemies oi let da rage fill me  nad control me and oi bathe in da fury and da blood of me enemies. I doubt oi will ever let dat part of me go. Not until oi gets me revenge upon them, and even den.

Da hunt continues....


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2007, 05:03:43 pm »
The giants in teh mountains are learningto fear.

I set my traps and lure the weak away before me axe fells them. Their screams sendin fear inta de hearts of their comrades. They know death is upon dem.

Once I am ready fer da rest I focus meself and then teh my eyes turn red and the thirst for revenge and blood takes me. Da fury fuels me and de giants fall afore me axe. I hear der pitiful screams and I laughs and exults in der pain nad suffering. ut I am not without mercy, so I gives tehm da quick death. More than they gave da elders adn children of me clan as dey ate dem.

I return afterwards, nad I see me rascal Dalan. I am glad hes der to calm me heart. He knows da needs what drive me butis always der ta lend a helpin hand.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2007, 06:18:20 pm »
Seems I have got me a new charge fer da moment.

Dalans niece seems to have wandered off on her own. seems der was trouble at home wit her and her kin.

She says she is trying ta figure out stuff fer herself. That her minds not right right now. She says she been travelling fer a few weeks now and still seems she cant figger out what she needs ta figger out.

We stopped by da family she and her fadder helped out some time ago. Later dat ntie some ogres attacked a neighbor. I saw dem getting ready ta pound a helpsless momma and her babe. Dat done drove e mad. I memeber da rage and killin da filth. Den me mind cleared an I saw more coming. I was mad and I was gonna see to it dis band ne'er hurt anyone anymore. I found me rage focused on dem and dey fell hard!

After da foight, da youngin tended me wounds abit. I told her we shoudl head to da den where I stay. From der we can make our way where we need ta.

I can gita message ta dalan too. He might be interested ta know im carin fer his niece.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2007, 06:31:50 am »
So I talked ta Jin after da lass went ta bed.

Jin seems ta know abit about her family, as he was friends wit her mother afore she perished.

He seems ta think she needs ta visti her old haunts where she grew up. Seems something happened der dats was important. Oi have no idear where da place is at, but he said he could take us der as he was last der when it was a destroyed village. Dat or he could at least tell me where its at and how ta foind it.

I think oi will see if da pack would loike ta guide us. Its been awhile since I last was able to tavel any great distance wit da pack an oi tink it would do da  poor girl some gud ta travel wit folk who have a bigger piucture of da world.

He told me da story of his trip der. Poor lass, seems her family has had some trouble in past.

Well...Jin is pretty wise and a trusted friend. Plsu littel abbi has met him afore and she seems ta like im. Specially when he shows her how da kick da dummy! I be glad not to be on recievin end of it.

I best be gettin Dalan dis letter. Oi know da poor dear was right upset dat sumthin bad was hapenin wit her family.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2007, 04:12:14 pm »
Well..dis is a soight.

I have passed dis way many toimes and never had oi thought der wasa hiddne vale near hear.

Its pretty large too! Oi was amazed truth ta tell. Jin described what he had seen when ast he was der, but oi had no idear.

After we arroived littel abbis old nany greeted us. She was so surprised ta see us dats fer certain. It warmed her heart ta see her little girl agin dats fer certain. We left dem alone fer a bit and da pack wandered around a bit. Oi guess dey ahd been busy in here for da last few years. Da farms looked healthy nad da population seemed healthy enough.

We learned Barion brought a bunch of dem as refugeess from hurm back when da plague hit. He left his daughter der to be raised sfe and sound. Though, shes was never quite so safe since she got a round a bit hear tell.

Da next day da pack an oi left ta check on some ruins nearby. Jin told us da story of em. Dat dis is where da demon what was eatin her momma dwelt. It was pretty collapsed though der was signs of soe excavation. OI dun think that is gonna bode well. Jin wasnt to happy bout dat.

Later we went furder inta da woods around about s da village nad we founda  pack of wolfs. Or radder...dey found us. Jin enedded up speakin wit a large old wolf at length. He was kinda far away so we could na make out what was being said. Seemed important tho.

A few days later after seein she was gonna be safe here fer a bit da pack decided to take our leave. We said we woudl be back in a week or two to take her back if she was ready.

Later after we dun left and we was nearin da iron moines we met up wit abbis da. He seemed ta know Jin and tings seemed ta git heated atween da two of em fer a second. Seems barion been searchin high and low fer his daughter since he found out she was gone. In da end we told em we left her at her old vollage an he said he was a headin der as it was. Figgered she migh try ta foind her way der. He seemed ta park up a bit once he knew she was safe an sound.

I best git a letter ta dalan and let him know whats what.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2007, 01:53:13 am »
Hannas reception was quite noice. Oim sad dat Dalan was not der, as he was really lookin forward ta it.

In fact, da old fool missed his boat from da hold nad could na make da weddin. Dun know waht he was up der fer but it musta been important.

Oi happened ta be on me way back to da den when oi saw him at da docks. He was all dresed in his foinest fer da weddin nad trowin rocks in da water.

Cold as ice he was,been sittin der fer hours oi be guessin. Oi gave im some whiskey ta warm his bones, and he drained da whole ting in a gulp! Seems he had na eatin fer awhile as he got drunk as a skunk in hurry.

It took me awhoile buty oi got him to da den ta warm hisself, an we had a long talk. He keeps sayin he wants ta hoide from hanna cuase he broke da promise of makin da weddin, when it wasnt een his fault. Bloody boat sailed early. Now he wants ta be a hermit radder den face his sis. Oi never taught he coudl be such a nob. OI kept tellin him he needs ta see her ta make it roight. Dat runnin wasnt gonna make it better.

Den oi told him oi was leavin ta fetch his niece in da next day er two and she was spectin him also. He said she was better off witout an othbreaker er an uncle. Dat she be better off witout him. Oi told him he was beein follish fer such thoughts. Jsut cause she be havin problems roight now, dun mean she dun need or wanna see him ever agin.

He talks of dem both as kin, an now he wants ta abandon both. Dat got me hot! So oi yelled at him roight proper and said he best be gettin his head on straight. He gots family and kin dat needs him and he best be tinkin of dem afore he goes off inta da wild leavin it all behind.

Oi told him oi be leavin in da morning at first loiht fer is niece an oi be spectin him. Oi could strangle him fer his foolish words.

Well see ifn he makes it er not. He best be der or oi will be really hot.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #27 on: July 03, 2007, 01:33:44 pm »
Der he was..sittin in da bloody snow all noight long.

Oi swear dat man aint go no sense to im sometoimes. Still, oi am glad he be smart enuff ta make da trip fer is niece.

O course, fool dwarf be drunk asa skunk again. Sayin he be all sober den belchin dat foul whickey out da next minute. He best be soberin hisself up on dis trip. Tis a long trip ta fetch his neice an oi dun tink she be too happy ta see him loike dis.

Still...oi know missin dat weddin be tearin im up inside. Twas all he could talk about afore it happened. Still, he best be talkin ta hanna ta make it roight. He be beatin hisself up roight hard. But his oidear of runnin awasy ain da way fer it.  

Fool dwarf he be, but maybe oi was a bit hard on im dis mornin. He did make da boat after all.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2007, 01:49:32 pm »
Dat fool dwarf be gettin into da spirits of da captain on de entire trip ta Hurm. It makes me so riled ta see dat once level headed dwarf decide da bottle is da way ta solve his problems. Still, it tears me heart up inside ta see him so.

OI need ta figure out someway ta snap em out of his funk. Maybe a good brawl woudl do it. Nufin loike da foight fer life an deth ta wake one up. If dat dun do it, den oi might need ta have  achat wit his niece. Shes a wild one, but she has some smarts to her, an she knows her uncle better an anyone methinks.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2007, 02:08:36 pm »
Ha, dat got is blood boilin a bit! Its gud ta see me old dwarf back in da foightin spirit!

We happened on some da port. Seems dey had a few slaves wit em dat were bound fer who knows where. We heard em afore we saw em, so we started movin silently tru da wood. As we looked oer da hilltop we saw dem.

Bloody slavers was beatin on a few of der prey. Got me blood boilin fer certain to. Den der was a small girl who was dragged out an we could see she was gonna be hurt bad. But she stood her ground, she could na hav been much older den abbie, but she had da same spirit.

Dalan dun lost it at dat point. He moved loike a dwarf possessed. Oi did me best ta keep up wit him, next think oi now his axe be out an he be carvin up slavers left an roight. OIm jsut glad oi got me fair share!

After da foight, we released dem an bandaged em up best we could. Der were a few dat fell, as dey tried to foight back when dey saw us attackin da pirates. Poor dalan, da girl we saw was struck down afore we got to her. Killed by havin her throat afore we could git to her.

We buried dem in a nice cairn at da top of a hill. OI can see it hurt Dalan to de bone. He it was who carried her body an buried it.

From der we took da refugees ta da nearest town and gave em enough coin fer food an travel to where dey moight be goin.

Oi can see dat last incident be hurtun me dalan roight bad. Shook im up oi tink. His step was laggin a bit, but an oi can see his beard was wet. But oi be not sayin anyting. I jsut walked in silence next to him. Its a foight he must be foightin hisself. A tough one dat can break da stone of any dwarf. I meself had ta foight it along toime ago after watchin me family be slaughtered by dem ahated darkies. It took me along whoile ta git back on me fett after dat aN oi know it can only be fought be oneself. Though IO be der when  hes ready.

We stoppin at da lake where we usd to fish togedder alot. A small island dats an easy swim ta, but its sheltered an lets us make our last camp afore we make dat last push fer da village.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2007, 02:30:01 pm »
We be at Hlaft lake now. took us a couple of weeks as we took da round about path.

Seems abbi na her fadder left der village an came upon us as we was bickerin over who was gonna cook da fishes, an who was ta cut da bread. A silly argument, but it was noice an fun. None to serious which we both be needin of late.

Abbi dun spotted us nad ran up a gave her Dalan a big ol hug! Oi dun tink he was ready fer dat, as he nearly crushed da poor lass in return! Oi can see ti meant alot more to him dan oi tink he will admit as oi saw is eyes be waterin an he seemed choked up.

We prepared a bit more fish an we all camped outr togedder dat noite. Seems abbi n her fadder have reach an unnerstandin. She looks ta be in gud healt an she seems ta be in abetter spot den when oi last saw her.

She was all cozied up to her da, by da foire. An oi cozied up to me dalan, been awhile since oi last did dat an it was noice. We agreed ta travel wit dem to der home outside prantz. An from der would decide our furder plans.

Da trip was uneventful as we tried ta pick our way around anyting dat moight pose a porblem. Dalan an abbi took da point ta guide us an me an her fadder chatted abit about various tings. Oi told im bout her toime in da den an our meetin at wayfare. OI told him she gots some spmarts to her, and dat she e'en showed da pack a few tricks er two she lernt from hr uncle. She is quite da scout an he should be proud of her.

We made it ta haflt lake after a fortnight of travel. WE was in no hurry an spent toime wandering far afield.

Next ting, me an dalan was preparin da dinner for us all an den all of a sudden abbi done burst back into da hall all in  rowe. Seems she found a birdy on da stoop wit a letter from her friend.

Dalan knows da girl, an oi guess she be abbis best friend an da daughter of rain an sonya. I know dem at least. Seems she s in aright bit of trouble an far away from home. Dalan an abbi be havin better luck talkin to da bird. OI neer was gud at listenin to dem. Seems shes on a boat headed ta mariners hold. An she aint alone.

DIs got dalan in a right fit. SPecially after what happened a few weeks ago. Though we was a bit skeptical since abbis friend oi guess be known fer her pranks an such. But we figger it be best ta check it out. An it aitn too far outt ada way. Abbi done put her foot down to. Said she was a goin wedder anyone loiked it er not, an dat we knew she could do it ta. Oit think dalan an her da were pretty impressed at her fer dat.

So we is now on our way ta da hold. Oi tink we are all hopin it aint nothin to be worried about. But oi knows we all be frettin da worst to.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2007, 03:57:51 pm »
I fergot all about dis ting...been so long since oi looked at ye here at da bottom of me chest in da den.

May as well try ta write sumthin down here...

Seems dalan wants me ta take da name of stoneaxe ifn we gets married soon. I tink he be wantin dat..da marriage thing...soon.

He aint so so old dat he has ta worry about gittin to old fer heirs at dis point. Even miss ferrit got in on da makin babies part and hinting at me an dalan startin a clan of our own. Specially ta help in da takin revenge aginst me families clan home destroyers.

It sounded appealin actually...we dwarves are a patient lot when it comes to revenge...slwo ta build like da thunderstorm..but fast as lightning an strong as da thunderclap when we moves.

I dun tink oi can do that though...jsut dun seem right at dis point in me life. Though blood debts is carried on by da kin, oi feel loike i must do dis meself. Afterwards da blood debt aginst all dark elfs and der goiant slaves can be passed on to me heirs. May dey cleanse da world of the filth.

Oi know dalans been tinkin of watning ta open a inn one day. Me brewing da eer and him bakin da pies. Sounds right noice ifn I think on it.

Oh well.,.oi be blathering on with no coherence to me git ta sharpenin me axe.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2007, 09:26:43 pm »
Oi called da warparty and many came.

Not as many dwarfs as oi would loiked, but guf folk jsut da same. Many fr om me pack came as well nad OI be glad fer dat.

We had met some dwrf who sid he was carryigna missive to uglrids...seems we twerent da only ones be goin fer dem troll!

Well..we dun made it ter ulgrids nad got da word from da magistrates nad dey sent fer hulkah. He be da toughest foighter in ulgrids pparently. He was a mad we got along grand...tho poor dalan be gettin da jealousy bug bitin him oi tink.

SI we foinally entered da swaop an it be crawlin wit nasties. We kilt em all, an helped repel an attck ginst da command center. Der da general told us what be goin os we headin in.

More troll den you could shake a stick dat be alot of em! We was coverd in troll gore by da toime we gots down...We found a few of da kin still aloive an so we armed em..and we headed back out. Dem poor fellers fough harder en oi coulda magined fer being as scraggly lookin as dey was. But dey had da dwarf spirit what could abn be broke...adn dey took many heads..

We een found some darkies..and dat dun set me off roight proper..loike i wasnt already. Turned em ta pulp oi did...da leader tried ta make an escape an oi tackled his cowardly oi lived to da name..OI dropped me ax an used a rock to mash im ta pulp...Me rage got da beetter o me nad oi used uit well.

We left dat dark hole and made it out. Da tunnels be filled it green gore an dead bodies. Dey will tink twice afore ever trying ta enslave da kin agin.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2007, 01:47:00 am »
Dalan an me be travellin lots tegedder. An we be enjoyin da sights and some fishin.

We dun talked of openin an inn in stone. A noice place ta be and meeb raise a family. De fish be aplenty, and da stone has a gud heart ta it.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2007, 05:44:50 pm »
Well....seems tings are changing.

Met grohin today at da bar in leringard. We was both waitn fer job from some strange fella. Tuns out he wanted to have us hunt some werewolfs and dey was having a gathering round someplace.

Well...we found em. Turns out it was some lilt ekid what was holiding a sermon and trying to get the common folk to 'cept teh love of da prime. He dun btsme feller on da neck ta! Well...turns out da commoners was being turned into weres, but had not yet been changed. But dat kid, wht a nmougf on him. AN hard as a rockta! Eventually tried t oknock him out nad urn near broke me fist! Den oi tried ta pick em up an carry im off ta da toris casue miss clariisa moight be interested in dis. Kid weighd a ton! OI could barely git his legs to lift a inch or so off da ground!

Kid call hisself a prophet or some such, and was convertin da masses. One go our party also mentioned seeigna littel lass doign da same ting awhoile back.

I gos a piece of da pelt fer abi nad some of dat judsoms fellas clothing. figgered she coul duse em. SHe gots a nose like a bloodhound.

Grohin also told me dat da meeting with varka at da gate went grand. He todl me in briedf dat der be information mebbe about me kin wat was slaughtered. Hopefully oi be findin more info soon..Oi needs ta talk ta varka bout dis.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2008, 08:59:54 am »
Varka is gone ferever.

He sacrificed himself and now stands watch over da Gate and its people.

Oi needs a drinks...


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2008, 07:57:33 pm »
*going thru her chest in the den grenna comes across her journal. COvered in dust and buried at the bottom.

Ha, it as been awhoile since oi last wrote in ye. E'er since Varka fell oi guess oi didna ave de eart ta look in ye.

Mebbe it be oironic den dat oi see de last pages written ere as oi felt da tug of de soulmother upon me an feel me toime is comn soon.

Tings wit Dalan an me be goin oi knowin he wants ta settle down soon an open a inn. Ter tell de truth, it be soundin loike a gran oidear. Though oi ave no fear of de soulmudder an will continue as oi always ave.

Mebbe its toime ter begin tinkin of lettn de rockbashers continue. Der only be a few of us left affer all. Oi knows dalan be tlakin of me about startin a family an all. Praps avin a few rugrats rollin round on der floor be a gud ting.

Since de deth of abi, it be weighin on me moind alot. Poor lass neer could ave her own childrens since dat foul god aeridin dun took her cubs from er. in me eart oi be tinkin it be gud toime ter tink of avin me own. Ter onor me friendship wit der lass, an fer me dalan. HE be quite appy wit de oidear oim tinkin. HE be agud fadder to dem dats fer sure.

Oi ave kilt many darkies nad many of der goiants slaves. De feel of der skulls bein cleaved in ta by me axe always gives me a warm feelin o accomplishment an oi will continue ter hunt dem till oi die.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2008, 08:09:58 pm »
* note sent to Grohin Silveraxe

Oi der Grohin. Oi figgered oi woudl send ye dis letter as oi feel it important dat tings be set aroight in case of de worse.

In case oi fall ter de mudder, an me body be recovered. De great gift of Varka CLeaveson must be passed on ter one who be worthy of it.

Oi be lettin ye decoide dis as ye is woise in all matters an were great frinds wit moighty Varka.

Ice Thorn, de great axe of de ragers. Varkas gift ter me oi leaves in yer care when de toime comes dat me arm nay able ter heft it agin.

May ye choose a kuldjargh worthy of carrying dis foine weapon. Dat dey knows oos it was an de honor of carryin it.

Dis be de only ting oi be carin ter make sure is taken care of. Dat, an be sure Dalan is alroight an ye watch affer him an de farstriders as dey be me family as much as Dalan be me husband.

Grenna Rockbasher


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #38 on: November 11, 2008, 02:37:46 pm »
Bloody Ells!!!

Dese 2 kids be growin fast adn poor dalans beard be getting grey jsut as fast...a might handful dey is...gittin inter everting and liken ter breaks everting ta..prolly jus likin de sounds of me cussin cause all dey do is laugh when i be grumblin at de cleanup..

Oi guess me mum an pa mus be laughin in der mugs at me goin tru all dis fuss.

Ah well..Toime ter get de kids a new play toy. Dey dun mashed de last ogre head oi gots em to roll around wit. Dey sure loike poundin it! Next toime oim tinkin i will make sure all dey goo is eider dried up or cleaned out afore i let em bring it in de house..A frightful mess it made! Dalan was sure plenty upset wit em after dat!


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2008, 05:51:39 pm »
Ha! Oi canna tink oivehada better laugh in dese last few days!

Oi decoided ter take de yungins out fer a some fun an ter git em a new ball ter play wit.

After aving mefun wit dem ogres by de lake oi lets de kiddies play in de water an avea bitof fun. We was aving a gran toime of it, den a small family comin from de north of us stopped by.

Dey had cubs bout de same age as me own, well..dey was about de same soize at any rate an gitten around foine by demselfs.

De kids was gitten on foine an oi was avin a noice chat with dese folks...til one of der kids dun ran up with the kickball dey been playin wit!

Ha, Oi hada good laugh from dat! Tho oi spose de udder family did nae loike seeing der yungins playin kickball wita ogre head! Teach em young oi says!

