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Author Topic: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher  (Read 808 times)


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #40 on: December 09, 2008, 03:12:23 pm »
Took some toimetergo visitmepack mates. ITs been too long since oi last was at de hall.

De kids dun hada lark of a toime gitten inter stuffan oi didsomecookin an brewin. Seems depack be missin me swill.

Jin was der an had a riotus toime palyin an ruffhousin wit me youngins, dat is till galen got too excited an dun bit poor jin on de leg! He smiled an shook it off, but he was a limpin fer aboutan hour!

Oi really needs ter find sumtin fer dat boy to teeth ta...leather straps aint quite doin it anymer and isteeth notstrong enuff fer rocks yet. Varka, she be appy jsutclimbin aroun an jumpin on de beds. She jumped on poor beri an nearly splattered her! Gottateach dat one ter not try an takeout dem poorhalflins...dey be atender lot.

Awwell, nuttin a bito beer wont fix! Though oi spose dalan is gonnahafsomewerds fer de kiddies on treatin de elders wit respectan all dat. Dey dun listen ter me when it comes to such tings. Least until oi gives em a gud wack on de behind...but dat only werks sumtoimes...udderwise deygitsall werkedup an den its a real bother. Ha....dey gonnabe mad ragersyet...jus loike der dear ol ma


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2009, 12:14:17 am »
Bloody dedders!! Annoyin is wat dey is!

Seems a few wandered outta der hidey hole in de crypt and were wanderin 'round tawn.. Figgers me kids be de ones trowing taters at em jsut ter git em riled up and have a laugh.

Oi will say galen did knock de hed offa one of em an oi had ter smash de udder one. Den oi turns aroun an de bones be dancin round witout a hed an me kids be trying to smash its shinbones witha few stout fagots fer de foires.

Ha, galan dun got isself a new teethin toy wit a shinbone seems...hes a ankle biter dats fer certain..Tho oi tink oim gonna ave is dear ol dad teach em ter do dat only to de livin. ITs darn distasteful ter be gnawing on dedder shinbones. Best ter smash em ter bits an be dun wit it.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #42 on: January 06, 2009, 11:43:46 am »
Finally! OI gets meself a breader....Dalan decoided ter take de wee ones fer a small trip inter de wilds somewheres ter give me a chance fer some peace.

Ha...e's in fer it dats fer certain. Dem twos is a handful when dey be behavin. Jus ope dey dun do too much damage ter is guild ifn he decoides to take em der.

Dey loikes de outdoors...moight be toime dalan dun gots em a small axe er ta ifn he plans ter take em out der more often. No sense lettin em tear apart dem ogres wit der ingers an teeth, dey alwasy fergets ter wash em afterwards, when a small axe moight be wiser fer em ter start learnin ta use.

Best go pack der bags an fill em up. Dat an gitten a bite o pie whoile oi still can!


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #43 on: January 10, 2009, 03:59:54 pm » beers kegs be full i dun put a tricky lock on de tap too. Dat der galen...he be sippin at it too much oi tink. Well, hell aft ter tink of a new way ter git abit sleepy from na on.

Ha...oi jus ope dalan kin figger it out. He can bea bit dense sometoimes ter! Udderwoise oi aint gonna ere de end o it.

Its noice ter avea chance ter sit down all noice an quiet loike wit a  cup o tea an a biscuit witout affin ter yell at dem kiddies. De ouse be cleaned up abit ter. Much noicer na...een got rid o dat ol nasty ogre head...Varka been keepin dat one roun a bit too long.. it went an started gitten foul smellin.

She wants anudder one, oill take er out an teach her ter fetch one erself! Its bout toime dey both be learnin ter use an axe roight proper loike anyways.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2009, 03:55:26 pm » arm be gettin outta shape oim tinkin...dat or dem thirce cursed bloody goiants be gettin tougher oides. Oi try an do sumtin noice fer de kiddies...gettin em a new kickball and dem goiants dun wana coperate roight proper!

Ah well.. got 2 roight bigguns fer de kiddies once dey gits back. Best go git some sum stufin fer de tings...Dese smell roight foul.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2009, 06:36:52 pm »
Seems sumtin is up wit da pack. Been awhoile since oi last saw em. Spose oi should git headin up der an make sure jin dun aint gone an got isself in oer is head. Least argali der te kep im outta trouble.

Oim sure dalan can handle de kiddies fer a bit whoile oim away. I dun splained de lock to im ter kep galen outta da beer. Oi jsut ope he dun ferget it...udderwoise im gonna ear about it when oi gits back..."land de begoshin an tarnation woman! ows oi sposed ter be quenchin me thirst when ye gots it locked up good an toight so nay een a halflin can git inter it!"

Ha..well...oi spose ifn he cant figger it out he can drink water an milk wit de kiddies.


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2009, 08:24:20 pm »
Hmmm...all dat travel an fer wat? Blody nuttin. A noigh impossible task dats fer certain! Well...oi guess we bes figger out hows we gonna perceed. Jin oim sure must be feelin purty disheartened. OI knows daln ell feel dat way fer certain ta when oi tells him de news.

Oi needs a drink


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2009, 08:32:33 pm »
War be de rumorts be flyin. Too bad it taint ter see to de stermination of dem nasty trice cursed darkies! Ah well, nuttin loike a gud foight dats fer sure.

Best ter be gettin on dalan ter help me make sure de kiddies can andle emselfs if de need aroises. Its gonna take more en a bit o ankle bitin ifn it comes down ter it! Dey be young but dey gots dat wild look in der eyes dat jus warms me eart. Kinda loike dalans smile an laugh, cept dis gleam scares de neighborhood kiddies an der parents ta when dey gits it!

Had ter bust up  a foight atween galan an sum young wipper snapper de udder day. Ha..he dun pounded dat youngster tera pulp..den drooled all oer him. Twas a soight ter ye laugh. He be gettin a touch o de rage. Dun know wat de foight was oer udder kiddie would nay say anyting an poor galan was just slobberin all oer everting so he could nay spek so well. Oim sure de boyo deserved it. If not, well..galan ell get wats cumin ter im when pa gits ome. Eider young fella taint gonna be make de same mistake agin dats fer certain!


Re: So my thoughts arent lost- Grena Rockbasher
« Reply #48 on: July 22, 2009, 01:59:58 pm »
Ha....dat fella got sum spunk...though he e aint got too much goin in is head der oim tinkin!

He dun tried startin a foight wit me in wayfare..had a gud ol fashion brawl. Course oi dun stomped imter da ground! boy gots spunk..specially foightin dem goiants. Still..he gots pertential.

Whats his name....agmunaggie..dat be it

Wait til dalan ears bout dis