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Author Topic: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer  (Read 2109 times)


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2008, 10:28:19 am »
*Written in Elvish*

Aerimor and Alatriel asked me to come on some sort of possy. Looking for Sun's missing husband Stone. We ventured into the gnoll mines and ran into a lot of trouble.

We made it to the bridge and the group, party as some call it. Why do they call it a party? Usually people bicker and drone on for hours. Not a party I enjoy... They started doubting. Why did they agree to come? Again I do not understand. I offered to scout and went deep into the mines. I came across a body and was not sure who it was. I returned and Elgon went deep to make sure as well. He knew Stone's scent and confirmed it was indeed him. Sun was devastated. My heart hurt for her...

After we returned to the surface, Elgon had some words about Sun privately with Aerimor and I. He watched her kill a few deers and leave them to rot. Hunting I have no problem with. This was hard to swallow. Aerimor got down right aggressive and wanted to break Sun's knuckles... His shifting is getting to him. The more time he spends in aggressive forms, they more he is so afterward. Aerimor didnt want to talk to her, Elgon was resistant, so I was the one to do it. I didn't want to, last thing I wanted is to be around another single women.

Dew Wine


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2008, 01:04:58 pm »
*written in Elvish*

I was wrong. It has been nice to have Sun around. Our talk went far better than I had hoped. She is just unschooled. Her parents died while she was young, she ventured out and then married Stone. He had the same fate. No real role models to teach the Elvin way. I believe she likes the traditions I speak on. Sent a bird to Elgon and will arrange a meeting.

Been spending more time on Dreger. Ran into this foul mouth little human girl. She wanted to become an adventurer. We met two halfings and something happened... Necromancy was used. I do not know if the child was something more or if one of the halflings did something. Mrs Dawnstar was there. She sensed something as well but could not dispel it. I did speak with her about Jaelle, she pointantly mentioned Jaelle wasn't forced to do anything. Her tone was just as my Father's. Mrs Dawnstar may hate the ways of our people but she acts exactly like one. "Ends justify the means". I bet Blood said that too in the beginning. I am harsh... I just see were that behavior leads you. What did any of this accomplish? In the end, the Dragon got Laura and the church got the relics. Was the world saved? Sounds to me the Dragon got the short end of the stick.

Met a charming bard named Flynn. So far only he and Jhald are worth their salt. I have been thinking about Sun. I arranged a chat. Flynn agreed and talked with her about the ways of the mists. Flynn suggest she go to Krashin and study. Sun immediately asked me to show her the way. Poor elf, she has no direction sense at all. Looks like I will be spending more time with her. Flynn did show me to a grove of Mahogany. The rangers there were not willing to talk at all. Leave or die. No sense of balance.

I continued exploring and found little else. Mineral rocks are hard to find for sure. I think I will just earn Towers and buy what I need. Been tending the blight. Have not found a farmer to sell me hay yet. Have to look a bit harder.



Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2008, 04:17:22 pm »
*written in Elvish*

Alatriel always gets mad when someone tries to tell her what to do. I accept this. When she comes to me and sticks her nose into my business, this I will not accept. Brother, good luck. What amazes me most, she thinks I am running around telling everyone my opinion of Jaelle. I privately talked to Jaelle about my concerns. I have not ran around telling everyone about her like I did with that verminous dwarf.

I am upset at myself, I allowed Alatriel to move me into doing something stupid. I offended Aeshir Stargaze by leaving his hunt group. What amazed me was Sun stood next to me. She was worried I might get into trouble and wanted to be next to me. I have snuck through a group of thirty giants, a few goblins and yeti's don't worry me. It is obvious she has bonded to me. I held back with Leshariel and she left me. It has been over six months for me, just a month for her since Stone...

New land masses that last thousands of years are formed by dramatic upheavals of earth. We both have broken hearts... Let us see if we will make this last. I am going to let nature take it's course and fight for this one.

I did happen upon Aeshir in Vehl. I apologized for leaving and explained what happened. He started taking notes. He did the same when the noble used magic upon Aerimor in Port Hemstead. He is investigating something. I asked him some subtle questions to find out what. His answers make me believe he thinks Elohanna and Jaelle are working for Laura. Elohanna played a gambit and thinks she won. Laura used Jaelle and Elohanna both! That dragon will only slow Laura down, I know she will be back. What ever happened, I know Laura got the better of it.

I grow tired of this. I am no ones keeper. I stumbled upon Laura, out of care for another and then found out things I did not want to know. The real question for me is this, Aeshir asked me if I would testify before some sort of Judge or King about what I know. Do I stand beside the law and tell of the wrongs I have seen? Or do I keep my mouth shut and not make enemies?



Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2008, 12:21:04 am »
*written in Elvish*

It has been long since I have written.

What my brother has done and his reaction to it, has taken the wind out of my sails. Everywere I look I see corruption and apathy. I spend most of my time in the frozen north. I leave tribute for the Great One. So far I am left alone to gather sapphires for heal draughts.

My brother has my towers still. He said he had a lead on a house outside of Port Hempstead. That was two years ago. Maybe I should just plant a grove and abide in it. I still slowly kill the blights near Fort Wayfare. In a decade or two perhaps it will clear up a bit and the vines will eat themselves out.

Sun is always able to find me it seams. She cant find her way out of a wooden barrel but she is a bee and I am her honey. I love her. I released Brook by the den of Panthers over on Mariner's hold. She deserves to wander and have a family of her own. I found a new kit and have begun to raise him. They grow so fast!

I am satisfied sticking to the wyld places. Sun and my crafting brings me into town from time to time. Else I read the stars and ponder when the next crisis will come. The calm I read is soon to end.

Perhaps I will find this wizard that has no respect. Get a Griffon, Panther and a Bear to send their reguards back.

We shall see.



Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2008, 06:06:19 pm »
*Written in Elvish*

Well. "A deep subject by Verideth."

Should we be offended by others folly?

I am angry at my brother. We took a vow togther. I would be accountable to help him with his burden. The revered one mentioned he would lose himself to his forms and looked to me to right it.

So it happens. He loses his mind. The druid counsel claim that is no excuse. Shifters do not experience the moods of the shapes the take. Ya. I also have a one size fits all responce. My foot and their #%%.

What hurts me most? He was also angry with the counsel. When I remind him of my vow, he shoves it back into my face... I do not care about a bunch of old guys sitting on padded pillows preaching to us. I care about my brother and his burden.

Well I will soldier on. My vow is not broken. If he chooses to find help in the hooded priests. I will follow. I talked with Krys about training a few years back. I discovered that if I left my path, I would lose my connection. He is ridged like Father. To me my love is more important.

I wonder about Leshariel. What happened? I blurted out about marriage the other day. Sun didnt walk away. I did love Leshariel. Sun is a riper fruit. I have no regrets.

I walk were I talk,
no matter pain I bare.
Alone in my thoughts,
I cry for I care.
Insanity is not bliss,
so many do stare.
Love does blind me,
in it, what can compare?

Which is better: To be understood? Or to be appreciated?

Dew Wine

PS oh yes, finally getting a house soon-DW


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2008, 03:32:09 pm »
*written in Elvish*

Someone noticed my efforts with the blight. Surprised someone cared. Everyone is all about slaying dragons. Few care or notice the simple things.

Well I have a home. Been so long since I had a bed to sleep in. The grass is nice, I heard the rumblings and slide off into sleep. The home I have now, allows me to do something I have pondered. Got a ring even, so nothing else to stand in my way. I will ask Sun to marry me.

I do not know if I will bring Sun to see my family. I can see the scowl on my Fathers face already. I wonder if my Mother would tell Sun to her face that she is not worthy of our bloodline. Sun is a Moon elf and she is enough for me. Our children will not be lessened.

Well I am pondering what to plant. Barley and tobacco do not suit me. The neighbors can keep their big field of Barley next door. I will plant pepper and replace the little patch of barley. Have yet to see it grow any were. Wonder what I can grow in place of the tobacco. Grapes? This continent doesnt have them. Aloe? Give the kobalds a rest. Ultimately the soil will decide. I will commune with the land see what it desires.

I have had no luck looking for this bard's treasure. The gnome I seek, is never to be found. No one has responded to my offer of true for more information. Perhaps I will go to Blackstone Castle. They must have records and a library I can pay to access.

I am saddened none have responded about helping home with the rebuilding. Just like the blight, I will soldier on alone.



Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2008, 04:36:21 pm »
*written in Elvish*

I have made some progress in two of my three endeavors.

The Bard's of Willow Weep was indeed known in Dalanthar. It is no wonder Arkolio has not returned my missives. He is my competitor! He is also looking for the stash. I have much to go on now.

I ponder if I should include others. This journey will touch on something that could effect the region. Mithril. I have heard the tales of greed and how the peaks are off limits. Perhaps this Giant King Essrantor I can appease. I will begin leaving him tribute, like what I do for the White in Krashin.

The white of the North is my second endeavor. I have yet to see her since she attacked Leringard. So many hate her. She has only showed herself to me twice but always taken my tribute. I wish to meet with her one day, face to face. The great spirits of old created the Dragons and they are all that is left of them in this world.

Alas my third endeavor has born fruit! The Bard of Blackmoor did not leave his book behind. I did find out another bard acquired his notes and took off with them. His name was Chortwerks. Rumor is he fell in the Blue Valley by Fort Wayfare. I believe the Blue Valley is awakened like the druid grove off River Zainge. I have not been able to get back to it since I went with Aerimor. I am glad of such places, even if they deny me. When the spirit of the land is so powerful that it tends itself, I am left to listen to the song and grow. As a leaf does in the sun.

I am very curious what the goblin tribe that resides there is like. I have heard perhaps they grow crops and have druids themselves.

Dew Wine


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2009, 04:15:37 pm »
*written in Elvish*

It has been a while since I have written.

I have small regret on how quickly I left but I knew I had too. My smile is much wider now and I have a wife. My connection to the land is much more balanced. I did miss my old card den and I am sure Sun would like a new dress or two.

I wonder if my key will work to my brother's house. It was good to lose everything, now back to work.

My biggest decision will be to leave the grove alone or help it along. I sense patience will build a stronger foundation but youth is a shoot in spring that buds quickly. I will let my heart decide. I wonder if Rockhead is still about and that little hin that followed him like a puppy.

Any old enemies, I have let go. Sleep with one eye open but don't swim with stones that were thrown at me. You will drown before you get to throw them back.

I still find I am fascinated with the arcane. I am curious if my brother became apart of an order or not. I assume the seasons changed and the counsel is no longer hot.

I will pay a visit to the White up North. It has been long since I paid it homage.

Voltrex was more than beautiful and I am much refreshed.



Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2009, 06:26:27 pm »
*written in elvish*

It has been funny coming back. People mistake me for Aermior, quite often. My brother took my marriage to Sun rather well. He has gotten rather wild in his time on this land. He is still with his love, though she slept with another elf... Is her child even his? Word that the scoundral Razerium was involved...

Razerium is as friendly as ever. Last I was on this land, I scolded him about flurting with Sun. He has a short memory. Things change and dont. The winds whisper about the spiders of the dark wood being destroyed by some of the more agressive druids. Enterprise is just that. They need silk, so they go get it. Just dont justify it. Please. Spiders are apart of the balance.

Work is going slowly. Went to the other land, was fun to swim in the ocean. Faught some dark elves and went to that troll cave that was a temple long ago. My brother has told me rumors of joining the Angels guild. Seams Sun's skills with making musical instraments is needed. He said they are nice enough. Mulkman has not been involved for several years.

I have not seen this "invading" army here on Mistone. We shall see what becomes of it.

Dew Wine


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2009, 03:55:25 pm »
*written in elvish*

Well the trip went better than I expected. But my instincts are all wrong for sure!

The Bard's hold was off the giant's trail, north west into the mountains. He devised a way to blend druid and arcane magics... Interesting. I have so much to read over. It details the three pillars the giants are using. Tells of how to destroy them. I have heard rumors two have been destroyed. The third is invincible to but one thing. If this hammer is lost, I have a thought on how to remake it.

And I believe his song, has a bit more use to it. The very least it summons a magical acorn to unlock the cavern. I may make it my home. That clever bard knew what was coming and detailed all this out. I wish I could have met him, now to unlock his riddle...

I gave a copy of his works to my brother. I suggested he take them to the Great Library. He has the desire to be noticed. Contributing lost songs to a bard community would due it. I have a hunch that our Elders would smile upon this as well. But my hunches have been off lately!

Something my brother said is really eating away at me. Why are the giants angry? I don't mean those common thugs that stomp around but the King himself. Maybe he would accept a gift from me and allow a meeting that doesn't involved the blunt side of his club. All I have heard is greedy adventures pillaged the mithril off the mount and a war ensued. Greed. I will gather a gift and find a way to send it.

So to see if these notes detail how he created his home. Did he blend the two magics? Did he just find it? Everything I have learned mage magic and that of the earth are water and oil. Gives me hope on pleasing Father. Becoming a mage and keeping my touch with nature.

I also am very interested more about the pillars. In learning how to destroy, there is a way to create. This could be a way to bring back lost lore of old.

I am hopeful

Dew Wine


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2009, 11:22:51 am »
*written in elvish*

I am still studying the texts, amazing stuff. I believe it details and references the runic magic the ancient dwarfs created. Now did this wonderful Bard unlock it secrets and learn to work it? Need more time and I may share this with a mage or two. Definitely will let the dwarfs know what I have found, if indeed it is tied to their lost ways.

On a side note, my Brother had a long talk with that Paladin of Magic. This "king" of the giants is evil. He killed all the dwarfs and elves of the mountains. Stole their runic magic. Then raised them as abominations to serve him. Yes not someone I will parley with. It is my most fevered of desires to free my cousins from his spells...

So only one of the pillars was destroyed. They used the hammer but it shattered. Now that cauldron Black Wind has, I believe it could restore the hammer. But we would need to use it two times at this rate. The song references only one pillar is indestructible. Maybe they did it wrong...

More studies, more reading... Ha! The life of a mage. My Father would be proud.

Oh on a side note, I will hunt down TrueAxe. This Kobal Bluntaxe is a bit gruff and apart of those ravens I love so much. So much power and so little care for how they use it. Children. I trust her and I will need to get the parts from him. I am excited for the dwarfs and hope my research proves some strong leads into their lost ways.

Dew Wine


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2009, 06:31:15 pm »
*written in elvish*

Ah... excitment abaided. These notes are beyond me. No mention of runic secrets or a blending of arcane and natural magics. Maybe I shall seek out Mrs Dawnstar and she will gather some useful knowledge.

My brother told me of how the trees spoke to him. Told him that the deep places are vexed with a disease. He even came across a deep stone eater that was starving. Seams it was driven to the surface in search of food. Curious.

The notes do mention how the hammer was made. What little I know of the Cauldren is that it takes a skilled user in magic and a master crafter of the trade used to make the item. So it is highly unlikely to find a weaponsmith of the caliber to make such a hammer, that is also a potent magic weilder. Again stumped...

The blight will be healed on it's own... The notes yeild next to nothing... Balance would say at some point my efforts would actually yeild something, after all this failure.

I am very dissappointed again.

Dew Wine


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2009, 07:23:55 pm »
*written in elvish*

I have not been making anymore head way on these notes. It is obvious I need someone with more expertise. By chance I was going to cut some gems and I ran into Argali. I told her what I have found out and gave her a copy of my notes. I hope her elders can decrypt something I have missed.

I have not seen Mrs Dawnstar about, to give her a copy. Let me see if I can hunt her down.

Met a human named Cassias. Rather decent fellow. Looked very intimidating but proved to be quite formidable with his blade and his manors. There was someone else we were with and come to think about it, he didn't show his face, course neither did Sun. Benjamin's talk about dark elves has got me remembering what this place is like. Next time I will be polite but ask to see faces.

Dew Wine


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2009, 03:32:02 pm »
*written in elvish*

I did something the other day that I was rather ashamed of, then my opinion of my mistake changed.

I went into the forrest of fog by myself, to test my spells against the giants. I approach one of their camps and cast my earth bind spell. They ran to me and got imprisoned. I began calling down lighting to smite them and start to hear muffled pleas of help and to stop. I looked a bit closer and discovered there was a group of adventures in the mist of the giants. Looks like they snuck up and were going to ambush them, just as I came and cast my spells. Some bad timing for sure!

You can imaging my shock and embarrassment. We finished off the giants trapped in my spell and I healed the adventurers. One of them grimaced at me and I backed away preparing for the worst. At the time I thought it was two halfings and a human. I apologized, one of the two smaller ones wanted to fight. Before this happened, one of them recognized my abilities and said he was a fellow shaman of the wolf pack. I then realized this was the goblin druid I had met at hlint, a long while back. He told the other small warrior to calm down and we didn't fight. I was still shocked and stayed with them a while, then took my leave.

Later that day, I ran into them near Prantz. The human was very friendly and asked to come with us. The goblin druid left and the smaller warrior stayed with us. I was uncertain this small warrior was also a goblin. There was something familiar about it. The human called it Mr Mangle. Sun was with us and the four of us we went into the desert to get coal.

We flowed well and nothing major happened. I was glad to see they accepted my mistake. The human began disecting everything we came upon. It was a rather odd and sickening behavior. Then the small warrior cut out the liver of a giant and ate it. Then it struck me. I knew this goblin! He was the one that killed me with that murdering dwarf skullcracker!

He did the same thing to me in Vhel after they killed me. I remained calm and did not betray that I recognized him. Funny that I almost killed him in error...

Needless to say I am no longer guilty about what happened.

Dew Wine


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2009, 07:56:17 am »
*written in elvish*

Finally, I am finished. I almost dont want to write now.. So much copying but I have a complete copy of Elphone's works and condensed a volume of the notes we found.

I took the works of Elphone to the great library. Something so elaborate and deep with our culture, should be given back to our people. My brother sure has done amazing things in the restoration.

Thanks again brother, for I may have another lead on fixing the hammer. He told me of an ancient anvil in the hands of the dwarves. A powerful and mystical forge in the mountains above Dalathar. Seams the elves and dwarves once worked togther there defending their keep. This is encouraging. They may listen to my entreaties, especially if Arglia Trueaxe and Gorm come with me.

It is hopeful at least.

Now to pass out these notes to everyone.


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2009, 03:54:30 pm »
*written in elvish*

My hopes have not been fulfilled. The three I had hoped where the weapons we needed, gathered by Elphonse. I looks like, all he got was the hammer. His notes on the Demi Lich's book, seam to point that he didn't know about the other two weapons.

If that is true, how did he find out about the hammer?

The grave in cave of minotaurs, proves the lich did indeed visit it and take the crown of five gems. Funny how I just wanted to search out lore that shows druid and arcane magics blending and I found out about Essrantor... Now I am searching after Essrantor and find out about the Demi Lich.

Speaking of undead... My house in now haunted by a pirate ghost. Least I do not have giants breaking in, to take all my pies.

I will focus my search in two areas. First, gather the remnants of the hammer and have a mage gather information on it. Find out how it was made and where. That will confirm or denie that it is the hammer from the demi lich's book. If it isn't, give me a lead on who made it and go get another made.

I will send Argila Trueaxe a message and get the name of the dwarf who holds the hammer's shards.


Re: Journal of Verideth Lightbringer
« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2009, 01:50:04 pm »
*written in elvish*

I have finally heard back from Spellgard. They will arrange for an appointment in two or three months.

Rose has gotten involved. She will check in detail with the Toranite's and any sensative libraries they have. I asked her about Quantum and she said he was recovering... But then Elohanna said he was lost to us and assumed dead. I hope Rose is well and I am now curious as to Quantum's fate.

Arkolio has sent a quick note. Well I think it was him. He mentioned he will be looking into things too.

Still waiting on Rhizome. Hope the sun is shining whereever he is.

I did go to the Misty village, I had hopes that was the village I was looking for. I didnt find any obvious wells but there was a large stone hand underground. What was that used for?

Perhaps I can get a company to explore the Crypt of the Sinaster Wood. That is were the Demi Lich went, I am sure of. More importantly to me is finding those remaining two weapons... Elohanna just about refused to cast powerful divinations to find out more. She said it was to risky.

I have time it seams. I am going to expand my enchanting skills to make the potions I need to master scribing. Lucinda's Touch is what they are called. My brother can make them, I will get some tips from him. I am also looking for a quiet gove to build a house.

Were will I start to dig about Quantum?

